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Abiy -The Mad man. አብይ እብዱ

Post by Abaymado » 19 Apr 2021, 22:19

ለምን ይሄ ሰውዬ ወደ ሆስፒታል አይወሰድም? እረ ይህ መዓት አይቆምም: አንድ ይባል?

አብይ እየሞከረ ያለው ነገር አለ:

አንድ- ቤተክርስትያኑን ነው:: አምላክ ምን እንደሚያረግ ናሙና እየወሰደ ይመስለኛል:: "ታቦቱን ተሸክመን እየተሰደድን ነው" ሲሉ የሰማሁ መሰለኝ::

ሁለት- ወደ ሰሜን ሸዋ መስፋፋት ነው:: ይህ ግን ጋላን እንዲጨፈጨፍ ነው የሚያረገው::

አብይ ይህን የሚያረገው ለምንድነው? እብድ ነው እንዴ? ሳስበው በባዶ ቤት ግድግዳ የሚደበድብ ይመስለኛል::

አማራ አብይን ይመርጣል?? ለምን?? በቃ አብይ አማራ ክልል እንደማይታዘዝለት አውቆታል: ምን ሊያረግ ይችላል? አብንን ማገድ? እናያለን::

ለዚህ ሁሉ ቀውስ ተጠያቂው:

አንድ : ሙሾ አውራጆች:

ችግር ተፈጥሮ ማልቀስ የሚወዱ በተፈጥሯቸው የተረገሙ ሰዎች አሉ::
ሆን ብለው ችግር ተፈጥሮ ማላዘን የሚወዱ ጉዶች አሉ::

ሁለት : ራሱ አማራ ነው:: አምላክ ያድነኛል ብሎ ሲጃጃል ቤተክርስትያን አይኑ እያየ ሲቃጠል አረጋግጧል:: "ታጠቅ ተዘጋጅ" ሲባል አልሰማም ማለቱ ምን ማለት መሆኑን አሁን ገብቶታል::

ሶስት: የአማራ አክትቪስቶች

አማራን ከሌላው ክልል ወደ ክልላችን እንዲመጣ ሲገፉ ይሄው ችግሩ ቤታችን መጣ:: ምን ሊያረጉ ነው?
ፌስ ቡክ ላይ ተጥደው ነገር ከሚጎነጉኑ ከፌስ ቡክ ቢወጡ እና እውነተኛ ሥራ ቢሰሩ ለእነሱም ይጠቅማል::

አራት የአማራ መንግስት:

ጋላን እሹሩሩ ማለቱ ነው::

"ተዘጋጅ ለሚቀጥለው መዓት" ተባለ : ግን አልተዘጋጀም::

አሁንም እንላለን: ለሚቀጥለው መዓት ተዘጋጅ!!

መፍትሄ :
አንድ: የአማራ ክልል ጠንካራ ርምጃ መውሰድ አለበት::
  • ከብልፅግና መውጣት
  • ጋላ ላይ የማያወላዳ ርምጃ መውሰድ
  • ለሚቀጥለው መዓት መዘጋጀት

አማራ ያለማመንታት መታጠቅ እና ጠላትን መደምሰስ ነው:: እንደድሮው ለሃይማኖት ብሎ መሰደድ መቆም አለበት :: ጠላትን አይቀጡ ቅጣት መቅጣት ::

Sam Ebalalehu
Posts: 3639
Joined: 23 Jun 2018, 21:29

Re: Abiy -The Mad man. አብይ እብዱ

Post by Sam Ebalalehu » 19 Apr 2021, 22:41

Tekezemado, with all his fault, Ethiopians, that includes Amharas , choose Abiy over the TPLF politicians anytime. Time to invent another lie that at least buy you a day. This one does not convince even a little literate TPLF cadre.

Posts: 4207
Joined: 27 Sep 2017, 21:56

Re: Abiy -The Mad man. አብይ እብዱ

Post by Abaymado » 19 Apr 2021, 23:02

Sam Ebalalehu wrote:
19 Apr 2021, 22:41
Tekezemado, with all his fault, Ethiopians, that includes Amharas , choose Abiy over the TPLF politicians anytime. Time to invent another lie that at least buy you a day. This one does not convince even a little literate TPLF cadre.
Who the fk are you? If you are not Amhara, what is your business? Shut the fk up!

Posts: 4207
Joined: 27 Sep 2017, 21:56

Re: Abiy -The Mad man. አብይ እብዱ

Post by Abaymado » 20 Apr 2021, 07:07

ጉድ ፈላ!!

Posts: 2627
Joined: 24 Jul 2018, 09:32

Re: Abiy -The Mad man. አብይ እብዱ

Post by Lakeshore » 20 Apr 2021, 11:04

የውሸት ዶችተርነኝ ባዩ ኣበይ የብቃት ችግር አንዳለበት በተግባር አየታየ ነው። ዝም ብሎ ተረት ተረት አያወሩ አና አያደናገሩ መቆየት ከዚህ በላይ ኣልተቻለም። የራሱ ተባባሪዎች ጋሎች አንኳን ትግስት ኣጥተው ኣይጥ ለሞትዋ የድመት ኣፍንጫ ታሸታለች አንዲሉ የተኛውን ኣምሃራ ነካክተው ነካክተው ሊይስነሱት ነው።

ዘገምተኛው ኣብይ ግን ራእይ የሌለው ሰው መሳይ በሽንጎ የሆነ መሃይም ምሆኑ በደንብ ታወቀ። በኣጠቃላይ አንዚህ ጋሎች በሆዳቸው ነው የሚያስቡት።
የማቤት ጠፍቶ የማን ሊበጅ የኣወሬ ምውለጃ ይሆናል አንጂ የላል ኣምሃራ። ከኣማራ ተጣልቶ በሰላም መኖር የለም አንኳን ኢንዚህ ምንጋዎችን ይቅረና ሰላሳ ኣመት የተዘጋጀውን የትግሬ ላባ በሁለት ሳምንት ጠራርጎ ነው ያወጣው አንዲሁም በጋላ የተሞላውን መከላከያ ለሆዱ ኣድሮ የታረደውንም ክልቂት ኣደኖ ሞራሉን ገንብቶ ወታደር አንዲመስል ያደርገው ኣምሃራ ነው።

ዘገምተኛው ኣብይማ ኣንዴ በደሮን አያየናቸው ነው ኣንዴ ኣንድም ሰው ኣልሞተም አንድዚህ ያለ ጀግነነት ታይቶ ኣይታወቅም አያለ ኡአ ሚሊታርይ ለብሱን ልብሶ ከኣምራ ጀግኖች ጋር ፎቶ ሲነሳ ቆየቶ የተረፉትን አንኳን ለማጥራት ኣማራ ልዩ ሃየል ከወጣ በህዋል ስንት አና ስንት የመከለኣከያ ሰራዊት አንዳስጨረሰ አግዚያብሄር የወቀው።

ዘገምተኛው ኣብይ ማስተዳደር ኣልቻለም ብቃቱም አንደሌለው ተረጋግጦዋል ስለዚህ የኣምራው ህዝብ በደንብ ታጥቆ ጋሎቸን በሃይል ከስልጣን ማውረድ አና በረታቸው ውስጥ ማስገባት ኣለበት። ምርጫም ቢባል ኣንድም ጋላ አና ብልጺገና አንዳይመረጥ በሃይልም ሆነ በሰላማዊ መንገድ መታገል ያስፈለጋል።

የሰው ደም የማይከበደው የእሬቻ የደም ግብር የለመድ ጋላ አና ኣባ ገዳዮች የሚመሩት የኣጉል ኣምልኮ ተገዢ የሆኑት የጋላ መሪዎች የውደሙ።

Sam Ebalalehu
Posts: 3639
Joined: 23 Jun 2018, 21:29

Re: Abiy -The Mad man. አብይ እብዱ

Post by Sam Ebalalehu » 20 Apr 2021, 11:57

The TPLF cadres are in panic. With their assumed tribal identity — forget Tigrenet — they keep telling us Abiy is going down. I am telling them he will be fine, but he should bring the Ethiopian armed forces power to wipe out the OLF armed wing. Everything will be fine. Yes, it is trying time, but Ethiopia will prevail.

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Joined: 27 Sep 2017, 21:56

Re: Abiy -The Mad man. አብይ እብዱ

Post by Abaymado » 20 Apr 2021, 13:01

ታዬ ደንዳ ዓብን ኣስፈርቶታል:: ለምን አይፈራም?

ይህ ሰው እስር ቤት ካልገባ ሰላም የለንም!!

ይህ ጉደኛው ተቃውሞ ደብረ ማርቆስ ነው::

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Re: Abiy -The Mad man. አብይ እብዱ

Post by gagi » 20 Apr 2021, 13:57

Certainly, Abiy will be fine. This is just a tipping point for him to stop appeasing the radical Oromo politicians.

If PM Abiy cannot, then no one can transition Ethiopia to a better place. It will be a mutual destruction.

It should not be surprising at least for me what is happening in Ethiopia now. The traitor and hateful TPLF set up the destruction of Ethiopia 30 years ago.

The zones created in the Amhara - Oromo, Kimant, Agee - were all time bombs.

There is a need to steer this troubled country carefully. Thanks to God, the real malignant, TPLF is just ዱቄት!

Ethiopia ain’t Jericho; we shall overcome!

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Joined: 16 Jun 2013, 16:34

Re: Abiy -The Mad man. አብይ እብዱ

Post by gagi » 20 Apr 2021, 15:11

Posts: 2627
Joined: 24 Jul 2018, 09:32

Re: Abiy -The Mad man. አብይ እብዱ

Post by Lakeshore » 20 Apr 2021, 16:19

Let this ignorant gall go!

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Joined: 15 Jun 2018, 17:40

Re: Abiy -The Mad man. አብይ እብዱ

Post by Za-Ilmaknun » 20 Apr 2021, 18:55

gagi wrote:
20 Apr 2021, 13:57
Certainly, Abiy will be fine. This is just a tipping point for him to stop appeasing the radical Oromo politicians.

If PM Abiy cannot, then no one can transition Ethiopia to a better place. It will be a mutual destruction.

It should not be surprising at least for me what is happening in Ethiopia now. The traitor and hateful TPLF set up the destruction of Ethiopia 30 years ago.

The zones created in the Amhara - Oromo, Kimant, Agee - were all time bombs.

There is a need to steer this troubled country carefully. Thanks to God, the real malignant, TPLF is just ዱቄት!

Ethiopia ain’t Jericho; we shall overcome!
We didn't even know this man existed until way later when the regime change was almost on its final phase. We waited patiently for the last 3 years and defended this man against any and all sorts of ills including those sourced from those who he now is trying to crown on our already burdened backs.
The mantra that "We will tell them what they want to hear but we will do what we want to" is precisely what is being implemented.

If we think that we should wait until OLF takes over Addis for us to start protesting, then it won't be too long for that to happen. I am not so sure why we think that this man is the perfect leader for a country that has fast turned to becoming a murdering filed for its citizens.

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Joined: 16 Jun 2013, 16:34

Re: Abiy -The Mad man. አብይ እብዱ

Post by gagi » 20 Apr 2021, 19:54

I understand. I hear you. What is happening is beyond reprehensible.

But what is the alternative? The ethnonationalist groups are the strongest on the ground. They are the ones who have armed groups. If Abiy is pushed aside, who could come forward to the leadership, Unless the ENDF takes over the Federal Government, any leadership change at the moment will lead to more bloodshed.

We should learn from our past mistakes. In 1974 everyone, especially thd young and the educated demanded for change. No one had a clue who was going to succeed the monarchy. The monarchy collapsed, then we know what happened. The same thing in 1991, majority Ethiopians contributed, directly or indirectly, to the removal of the Derg. The Dergue fell and the TPLF ethnocracy took over. We know what happened and still happening. Therefore, unless there is a strong political party that can rally the population, change of leadership at this stage would be disastrous.

It is a matter of choosing the better evil at this stage.

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