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TPLF leaders will soon face lethal actions from Dr, Abey and PIA

Post by Tazabi-1 » 06 Aug 2019, 03:18

TPLF leaders now summoned in Meqele become stumbling block in relationship between Dr. Abey and PIA. Dr. Abey openly told PIA that he is unable to convince hardliner TPLF leaders to handover Badme to Eritrea in accordance with border verdict passed in the Hague. Both leaders are now working in tandem to rid off TPLF from the political landscape. TPlf being fully cognizant that PIA will never forgive it, it is resorting to last ditch effort by waging expensive multi faceted propaganda dubbed as"Digital Weyane" . TPLF still with billions of dollars stolen from Ethiopian coffers during its 27 years reign is allocating on propaganda war directed at PIA regime. Recently it finaced the opening of new satellite TV known as Asena TV based in London and it has also launched TIgray Media House both in Tigray and Diaspora. The objective of these media outlets complemented with hundreds of digital worriers is to support Eritrean opposition groups in their campaign to get rid of PIA regime. TPLF leaders have convinced themselves that there could be no normalization of relations with Eritrea unless PFDJ regime led by PIA is eliminated. Aboy Sebhat- TPLF's Godfather has been heard on many occasions that PIA has already drawn a strategy named " Political catharsis" or in Tigrigna" Poleticawi Hetsebo" to eliminate TPLF leaders from Ethiopian and horn political landscape. TPLF is now faced with now or never scenario and spending all its resources in expensive digital war against Abey government and PIA of Eritrea. PIA is open about his desire to get rid of TPLF leaders who have caused him aches over the last 20 years. PIA is stratagy is to encircle TPLF and put undeclared economical blockade on TPLF led TIgray region. To this effect, he closed all border gates connecting Eritrea with Tigray. This will deny TIgray access to Eritrean market and also deny easily accessible port of Massawa. Dr, Abey frustrated by TPLF leaders efforts to undermine his regime is also coordinating his actions against Tigray with Eritrea. TPLF has been refusing to handover former TPLF chief of spy who is wanted by Ethiopian authorities for crimes committed during the last 28 years of TPLF's brutal governance of Ethiopia. Diplomatic sources saying that Getachew has fled Tigray via Sudan and he is in now in unidentified middle eastern country. This will even exacerbate the worsening relationship with Dr, Abey's government. Recently-Dr. Abey's chief of justice publicly threatened TPLF leaders that if the renegade TIgray region continues to disobey the federal government guidelines , it might face strenuous measures - even military action. It is very unlikely that Dr. Abey would resort to military option but he has many leverages in his arsenal to subdue TPLF leaders in Tigray and one of these measures that is being contemplated by Dr. Abey circles is that Abey might sanction the region by stopping fuel supply and also interrupt Ethiopian banks from working with Tigray region.
other measures at Dr. Abey's disposal to subdue the renegade region is to stop Ethiopian Airlines ( EAL) from flying to Tigray. EAL CEO Tewelde is probably spending his last year leading this prominent airlines as he will be offered ministerial position by Dr. Abey in order for Dr. Abey to get rid every available TPLF sphere of influence in Ethiopian economy.

These measures will send stern warning to TPLF leaders that their time is up and they have two options left i.e, either to be quite and enjoy their retirement in Mekele or risk being thrown in jail or forced to be exiled.
in the mean time, Eritrea will make Assab port availbale to Ethiopia in couple of months and Dr. Abey will flex his muscle on TPLF soon if it continues to sabotage Dr. Abeys relationship with the regions new king maker PIA.
The sad thing is Tigrayan people will be victims of TPLF's misguided actions to in order to save its corrupt rank and files. The sooner TPLF bites the dust the better for TIgrayns.

Digital Weyane
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Re: TPLF leaders will soon face lethal actions from Dr, Abey and PIA

Post by Digital Weyane » 06 Aug 2019, 03:41

My country Tigray is self reliant. We have everything we need in Tigray. We don't import anything. We are now manufacturing Anti-Diarrhea medicine using our own material and human resources. Problem solved!

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Re: TPLF leaders will soon face lethal actions from Dr, Abey and PIA

Post by Abdelaziz » 06 Aug 2019, 03:47

tazabiMitri Ha'masenay aka digital ar'tera aka humoracowgirl aka hawzen, you are suckin your pipe dream again.

Digital Weyane
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Re: TPLF leaders will soon face lethal actions from Dr, Abey and PIA

Post by Digital Weyane » 06 Aug 2019, 04:14

My Digital brother Awash told me, if Ethiopia and Eritrea launch a joint attack against our country Tigray, we will sell our laptops on eBay and buy one way tickets to Tigray to answer Tigray's calling.

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Re: TPLF leaders will soon face lethal actions from Dr, Abey and PIA

Post by Hawzen » 04 Aug 2020, 18:25

eden wrote:
Tazabi-1 wrote:
06 Aug 2019, 03:18
In the mean time, Eritrea will make Assab port availbale to Ethiopia in couple of months .....
Wey gud you said a 'couple of months' more than a year ago. Stay away from the business of prediction lol
Sister Eden gual Adwa,

The fact is that everything brother Tazabi-1 said about your TPLF bosses and your Tigray is spot on. When I read the information sentence by sentence, It is definitely fascinating "prediction". You are welcome to prove him wrong about your TPLF :lol: :lol: :oops: :oops: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Victory to Fenqil Movement!!!

Dedebit is always dedeb
R.I.P Abay Tigray and TPLF

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Re: TPLF leaders will soon face lethal actions from Dr, Abey and PIA

Post by Meleket » 06 Aug 2020, 10:08

ኤርትራዊ ነጣ ትዝብታችንን እንካችሁ!
Tazabi-1 wrote:
06 Aug 2019, 03:18
... Dr. Abey openly told PIA that he is unable to convince hardliner TPLF leaders to handover Badme to Eritrea in accordance with border verdict passed in the Hague...
አሄሄሄ አሁን ማ ይሙት ባሳለፍነው አንድ አመት ሆነ ሁለት አመታት ውስጥ የጦቢያው ወጣት ጠቅላይ፣ በቴሌቭዥን መስኮት ቀርበው፡ የጦቢያ ህዝብ እንዲሁም ሰፊው የኤርትራ ህዝብ በሚሰማው መልኩ በባርላማቸው ውስጥ በይፋና በገሀድያገራችን የጦቢያ የመከላከያ ሠራዊት ከኤርትራ ጋር አወዛጋቢ ከነበሩ ቦታዎች በሙሉ ተባድሜም ጭምር ጠቅልለው እንዲወጡ በዛሬው ዕለት ታዘዋል” ብለው ቀጭን ሆነ ወፍራም ትዛዛቸውን አስተላልፈዋልን? :mrgreen: እንዲህ ቢሉና ያሉትን ቢተገብሩስ፡ የትኛው 'ሃርድ ላይነር ወያኔ' ነው ተዋጊ ሚጎች በላይ እያንዣበቡበት ተመድፍና ተታንክ ፊት ቆሞ ወጣቱን ጠቅላይ የሚገታቸው። ዋሾው ስዩም መስፍን ነው ወይስ ቱልቱላውና ጉረኛው ጌታቸው ረዳ ወይስ ኢሰብአዊው ጌታቸው አሰፋ ነው ወይስ ጡረተኛውና የሥልጣንና የንዋይ ሙሰኛው ስብሃት ነጋ፡ ተታንክና ተመድፍ ፊት ቆሞ የታላቂቱን ሃገር የጦቢያን መከላከያ ሠራዊት የሚገታው ማን ነው?! እኮ ማነው፡ ዶ/ር ደብረጨን እንደሆኑ :mrgreen: !!! ታመት በፊትም ቢሆን ጥቂቶች ሳንሆን ብዙዎች “ምነው ዘገየህ አንተ ሰው ዘገየህ” ብለን ማዜም ነበረብን።

የዘንድሮውን የጦቢያ ሁኔታ በቅጡ ያጤነ ሰው፡ እንዳገሬ ሰው አባባል፡ “ሐሰኻ ደምበስ ናብ ዝለምለመሉ” ማለቱ ኣይቀሬ ነው፤ ትርጓሜው “ትል ሆየ ወደ ለሰለሰለት ቦታ ያደላል ወይ ያመራል” እንደማለት ነው። ያው ባጭሩ “አህያውን ፈርቶ ዳውላውን” ማለት ነው። ነገሩ ነው እንጂ እውነቱን እንነጋገር ተተባለ “የወያኔ ‘ሃርድላይነሮችን’ ሙሉበሙሉ መቆጣጥር መጋፈጥና ለህግ ልዕልና ማስገዛት ሳይቻል ሲቀር በሰላማዊ ትግል ላይ በተሰማሩ ዜጎች ላይ የተዘመተ አይመስልምን?” ሳያስብል ኣይቀርም የዘንድሮው የጦቢያ ሁኔታ። “ዘሕምቆ ኣሎኒ በትረይ ሃቡኒ” እንዲል ያገሬ ሰው “የማሸንፈው ሰው (ከኔ ደከም ያለ ሰው) ስላለ፣ በትሬን ወይ ዱላየን ስጡኝ(አቀብሉኝ) ልቀጥቅጠው፡ ልደብድበው” እንዲሉ "በዚያን ቀውጢ ሰዓት፡ ሰው ሁሉ ሲሰደድና ሲሸሽ፡ ተስደት ተመልሶ ወያኔን በልበ ሙሉነት በብዕሩ ያርበደበዳት እስክንድርና ወዘተዎች ላይ መዝመት ከምን ይቆጠራል?" ብሎ አለመጠየቅም ከኅሊና ፍርድ ነጻ ሊያደርግ አይቻልም። ወያኔን ፍርክስክሷን ያወጣኃት ጀግናው ኤርምያስ እንኳስ በዚህ አጋጣሚና ሰበብ ‘ማረሚያ ቤት’ ከመግባት ‘ስደተኛነትህ’ አተረፈህ! "ግዙፉቹን ነውረኞችና ወንጀለኞች ወያኔዎችን ችላ ብሎ ባልታጠቁ ጦቢያዉያን ላይ ጡንቻን ማሳየት እንዴት ተደርጎ የጤና ነው ሊባል ይቻላል?" አያስብልምን!? በርግጥ ኃይል ባለመደለባቸው ምክንያት ብቻ፡ ዛሬ አሸባሪዎች የሆኑትን ንጹሓንን ኣፈናቃዮችና የንጹሓን ዜጎችን ንብረት አውዳሚ ኃይሎችን በሙሉ፡ ማለትም ነገ ተነገ በስቲያ እንደወያኖች ዓይነት ስንኩል አመለካከትን ሊያደልቡና ሊያነግሡ የሚወራጩትን አካላት በሙሉ በቁጥጥር ስር የማድረጉ ሂደት ሊበረታታ ኣይገባውም አይልም ኤርትራዊው ነጣ እይታችንና ትዝብታችን ጭምር።።

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Re: TPLF leaders will soon face lethal actions from Dr, Abey and PIA

Post by Tazabi-1 » 10 Nov 2020, 22:36

Need i say more...
Hawzen wrote:
04 Aug 2020, 18:25
eden wrote:
Tazabi-1 wrote:
06 Aug 2019, 03:18
In the mean time, Eritrea will make Assab port availbale to Ethiopia in couple of months .....
Wey gud you said a 'couple of months' more than a year ago. Stay away from the business of prediction lol
Sister Eden gual Adwa,

The fact is that everything brother Tazabi-1 said about your TPLF bosses and your Tigray is spot on. When I read the information sentence by sentence, It is definitely fascinating "prediction". You are welcome to prove him wrong about your TPLF :lol: :lol: :oops: :oops: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Victory to Fenqil Movement!!!

Dedebit is always dedeb
R.I.P Abay Tigray and TPLF

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