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Bill Gates and His $10 Billion Vaccine Scam, By Thomas C Mountain

Post by ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) » 08 Apr 2020, 01:02

Bill Gates and His $10 Billion Vaccine Scam

By Thomas C. Mountain |

A couple of years ago, Bill Gates, then still “the richest man in the world”, announced that he was “donating” $10 billion to fund “vaccine research” for some of the world’s worst diseases.

About $1 billion of Bill Gates’ donation/tax deduction was earmarked for research to find a vaccine to prevent malaria which is the number one killer in Africa.

I live in Eritrea in the Horn of Africa, and the government here has reduced malaria mortality by over 80% in the last decade. This is the biggest breakthrough in preventing malaria mortality in history, yet there has yet to be a single story on this in any of the major international media.

This historic breakthrough has been accomplished in Eritrea by the use of good old-fashioned public health methods, that tried and true science that is responsible for the major increase in longevity that took place in the 20th century. That’s right, public health, meaning first of all, clean drinking water, sanitation, and hygiene, has been the biggest breakthrough in human health in history; not antibiotics or vaccines or drugs of any sort. Yet Public Health is increasingly under attack in much of the western world.

Eritrea has developed a three-pronged approach to preventing malaria mortality. First, the Eritrean Ministry of Health provides free insecticide-treated mosquito nets to all of its population in the areas where malaria is endemic. Insecticide-treated mosquito nets repel mosquitos, keeping them from biting a person while they are sleeping and come in contact with the mosquito net, something almost inevitable. Insecticide-treated nets also prevent mosquitos from entering inside the nets via holes or gaps in the net’s coverage.

The problem with insecticide treatment is it only lasts 3 months, after which the net loses much of its effectiveness. The Eritrean Ministry of Health has instituted a mandatory retreatment program for all of its population, and if the people do not bring their nets in for re-treatment, the health teams go to the people’s homes and make them re-treat their nets.

The second part of the Health Ministry’s malaria program has been the establishment of community-based medical clinics where the population can go to get a free blood test to determine what variety of malaria they may have and to get the proper treatment for it. Almost every village in the Eritrea malaria belt is within a few hours’ walk or ride from a community medical clinic, and immediate treatment for those who have contracted malaria is now accessible for almost all of Eritrea’s malaria belt residents.

The third part of the program is mosquito habitat eradication by filling in breeding sites and/or spraying insecticide on these areas.

These 3 simple, basic public health practices have resulted in the biggest breakthrough in malaria mortality prevention in history; yet to this day there hasn’t been a single major story covering this in any of the major media internationally.

Why is it that worldwide headlines greet Bill Gates announcement of his “vaccine” program while the biggest breakthrough in one of the major threats to life in much of the world remains unknown?

Maybe, just maybe, this is because Eritrea’s public health approach to preventing malaria mortality is not going to put tens of billions of dollars in the pockets of the drug company cartels, one of the most profitable industries in the world.

Malaria is caused by a parasite, actually a family of parasites, and has a history of quickly developing resistance to medication. After over three decades of research, no one has been able to develop a “vaccine” for malaria or some form of permanent prevention. After so many have tried and failed in the past, there are more than a few in the field of malaria research who doubt that any form of conventional “vaccine” will be found. They believe that even if some form of “vaccine” is developed by the drug companies, malaria will most likely develop resistance to it and a new, patented “vaccine” will have to be bought by Africa’s poor every few years.

A “donation” of $1 billion or so to develop a malaria “vaccine” could turn into “a gift that keeps on giving” in the form of tens of billions of dollars in new, patented “vaccine” sales in Africa alone, and Bill Gates, through his investment portfolio of drug company stocks, will quietly pocket a continuous flow of African blood money. What Bill Gates’ “donation” amounts to a malaria drug addiction program for Africa’s people.

It is impossible to say just how many hundreds of thousands, maybe millions of lives could have been saved in the two years or so since Bill Gates announced his multibillion dollar “donation” to vaccine research if just a small percentage of his “gift” had been spent on implementing the Eritrean model of malaria mortality prevention.

Bill Gates didn’t get to be a multibillionaire by being a nice guy; far from it. He and his ilk are perfectly willing to sit back and wait for their “donation” to pay off while millions die in Africa, deaths that could almost be eliminated by implementing Eritrea’s historic breakthrough in malaria mortality prevention.

So don’t believe Bill Gates has anyone else’s best interests at heart when he donates $10 billion to “vaccine” research; far from it. And don’t forget that in this world, no good deed goes unpunished, as the UN inSecurity Council is once again considering how to implement new sanctions to try and cripple the Eritrean economy and hurt the Eritrean people. ... cine-scam/

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Re: Bill Gates and His $10 Billion Vaccine Scam, By Thomas C Mountain

Post by ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) » 08 Apr 2020, 01:51

The low IQ agame Tedros Adhanom was hand picked by billionaire Bill Gates to serve a certain agenda in Africa through WHO. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Some billionaires are satisfied with buying themselves an island. Bill Gates got a United Nations health agency in Geneva.

Last year, a French diplomat suggested that Gates also supports Tedros, having funded health programs in his country when he was health minister.

Gates’ influence over the WHO was called into question once again during the race to succeed Chan as its director general.

In January, 30 health advocacy groups penned an open letter to WHO’s executive board protesting against making the Gates Foundation an official partner of the agency because its revenue comes from investments in companies that are at odds with public health goals, such as Coca-Cola. ... ul-doctor/

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Re: Bill Gates and His $10 Billion Vaccine Scam, By Thomas C Mountain

Post by ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) » 08 Apr 2020, 03:05

Read what they're saying about the slave agame named Tedros :lol: :lol:
Tedros became Minister of Health from 2005 to 2012 under Prime Minister Meles Zenawi. There he met former President Bill Clinton and began a close collaboration with Clinton and the Clinton Foundation and its Clinton HIV/AIDS Initiative (CHAI). He also developed a close relation with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. As health minister, Tedros would also chair the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria that was co-founded by the Gates Foundation. The Global Fund has been riddled with fraud and corruption scandals.

Today the largest donors to the WHO are the Gates Foundation and its associated GAVI Alliance for vaccination. With backers like Gates and Clinton it was no surprise that Tedros went on, after a stint as Ethiopian Foreign Minister, to win the post of WHO Director-General, this despite being the first non-physician to hold the position. During Tedros’ three year campaign to win the WHO post he was charged with having covered up three major epidemics of cholera while health minister in Ethiopia, mislabeling the cases as “acute watery diarrhea” (AWD)—a symptom of cholera—in an attempt to play down the significance of the epidemics

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Re: Bill Gates and His $10 Billion Vaccine Scam, By Thomas C Mountain

Post by ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) » 08 Apr 2020, 03:17

Why The World Health Organization Treats Bill Gates Like A President

Because WHO is run by a low IQ agame slave. :lol: :lol: :lol:

King Bill Gates is treated as a head of state by the WHO

Why King Bill Gates is treated as a head of state by the WHO? With contributions from the Gates Foundation that are higher than those of any national government to the WHO except the United States, the WHO clearly no longer has any independence in the field of health.

The World Health Organization (WHO) is a very corrupt organization and amongst other crimes involved in stealing Ebola blood samples for profits and biowarfare purposes and sex abuse during the Ebola vaccine trial and error studies in the Democratic Republic Congo.

The WHO is the highest authority on health in the world. It should be an independent organization, but for a very large part, it is financed by one person: Bill Gates.

But Bill Gates is a businessman and knows that the “global vaccine market” is undergoing rapid growth, which, according to the WHO, will be translated into a turnover of no less than 100 billion dollars a year by 2025 if all goes well.

According to the Los Angeles Times, they reap fixed financial gains from investments that contravene its claims to good works. ... -gate.html

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Re: Bill Gates and His $10 Billion Vaccine Scam, By Thomas C Mountain

Post by Fed_Up » 08 Apr 2020, 03:42

What a source! Thank you for your time and sharing bro

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