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( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Posts: 2312
Joined: 11 Jan 2020, 21:22

Re: "የጎንደር ወንዶችን መርጠው አኮላሽተዋል" ጋዜጠኛ ውብእሸት ታዬ

Post by ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) » 21 Mar 2020, 18:27

:shock: :shock: :shock:
The evil agame castrated up to 90% of Amhara political prisoners in order to prevent them from having children who may one day seek vengeance for the crimes committed against their fathers.

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Re: "የጎንደር ወንዶችን መርጠው አኮላሽተዋል" ጋዜጠኛ ውብእሸት ታዬ

Post by sun » 21 Mar 2020, 20:02

Ejersa wrote:
21 Mar 2020, 13:36

Hmm... :P

I think that this is FAKE NEWS in order to make FAKE propaganda. Otherwise what we have been hearing for a long time now is that women up there were systematically sterilized as not have children. But in reality and in practice children are always being born and spreading even more than before. So where is this bulsh!t talks of sterilizations and castration talks unless it is in the minds of Shisha smoking and hallucinated powder sniffing Apes feeding on wild grapes.

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Posts: 2312
Joined: 11 Jan 2020, 21:22

Re: "የጎንደር ወንዶችን መርጠው አኮላሽተዋል" ጋዜጠኛ ውብእሸት ታዬ

Post by ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) » 21 Mar 2020, 21:59

sun wrote:
21 Mar 2020, 20:02
Ejersa wrote:
21 Mar 2020, 13:36

Hmm... :P

I think that this is FAKE NEWS in order to make FAKE propaganda. Otherwise what we have been hearing for a long time now is that women up there were systematically sterilized as not have children. But in reality and in practice children are always being born and spreading even more than before. So where is this bulsh!t talks of sterilizations and castration talks unless it is in the minds of Shisha smoking and hallucinated powder sniffing Apes feeding on wild grapes.
If you're trying to defend the indefensible in the face of mounting evidence and victims' testimony, you're going to need to do a lot better than that. Otherwise, your bizarre comments is a typical character traits of a guilty man's instinct to hide the crimes he had committed thinking a denial to the facts would absolve him. It is for such people that laws exist, to hold them accountable for their criminal deeds without a statue of limitation.

ያኮላሸ አጋሜ ቢረሳ የተኮላሸ አማራ ወይም ኦሮሞ አይረሳም።

Noble Amhara
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Re: "የጎንደር ወንዶችን መርጠው አኮላሽተዋል" ጋዜጠኛ ውብእሸት ታዬ

Post by Noble Amhara » 21 Mar 2020, 22:02

Shame on Ethiopians it’s better that my Amhara people just abandon this anti Amhara schithole concentration camp for good including our beast Tigre and galla savage ruthless 666 neighbours

Noble Amhara
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Re: "የጎንደር ወንዶችን መርጠው አኮላሽተዋል" ጋዜጠኛ ውብእሸት ታዬ

Post by Noble Amhara » 21 Mar 2020, 22:25


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Posts: 2312
Joined: 11 Jan 2020, 21:22

Re: "የጎንደር ወንዶችን መርጠው አኮላሽተዋል" ጋዜጠኛ ውብእሸት ታዬ

Post by ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) » 22 Mar 2020, 02:51

The crimes committed by agame Mercha Kassa aka emperor Yohannes IV against the Amhara people that resulted in a curse upon the Tigray people, making them destitute beggars for 100 years, pales in comparison to the crimes committed by the evil terrorist Weyane. We're looking at a 1000 years curse that just started nipping at their dark souls.

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Posts: 2312
Joined: 11 Jan 2020, 21:22

Re: "የጎንደር ወንዶችን መርጠው አኮላሽተዋል" ጋዜጠኛ ውብእሸት ታዬ

Post by ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) » 22 Mar 2020, 13:02

በአፄ ዮሃንስ ዘመን የጐጃም ሰዎች ብሶት ሮሮ ደረጃ ላይ ደርሶ ነበር። አፄ ዮሃንስ አክራሪ የኦርቶዶክስ ተዋህዶ እምነት ተከታይ ተብለው ይታወቃሉ። በ1880 ከንጉስ ተክለሃይማኖት ጋር ለመዋጋት ጐጃም በገቡ ጊዜ ግን ልክ ግራኝ አህመድ ይፈፅም እንደነበረው ጉዛምን እና ማቻከል ላይ አብያተ ክርስትያናትን አቃጥለው ታቦት ሰባብረዋል። ጳጳሱ አቡነ ሉቃስ፥ በዚህ ድርጊት ክፉኛ በማዘናቸው፣ "ደርቡሽን አጠፋለሁ" ብዬ መጣሁ ያልከው፣ ለጐጃም አንተ ደርቡሽ ሆንክበት!" ሲሉ ቅሬታቸውን ለንጉሱ ገልፀው ነበር።

የጐጃም ህዝብ ታቦቱ ከመቅደስ ወጥቶ እየተሰባበረ ሜዳ ላይ ሲወረወር ባይኑ በማየቱ ሮሮ ደረጃ ላይ ደርሶ ነበር። አፄ ዮሃንስ በደርቡሽ ሲገደሉም የጐጃም ህዝብ እልልታ ወሰን አልነበረውም። ደርቡሽ ጐንደር ከተማን ያቃጠለ፥ ካህናትንና መነኮሳትን ያረደ ሃይል ነበር። የጐጃም አዝማሪዎች ግን ደርቡሽ አፄ ዮሃንስን ስለገደለ ብቻ ተደስተው እንዲህ ሲሉ አዚመውለታል፥

በእጃችን ሳይጠጣ - በእጃችን ሳይበላ፣
ደም መላሽ ሆነን - መሃመድ አብደላ፣
ዘሩን ይባርክለት - የሚያምንበት አላ፣

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Posts: 2312
Joined: 11 Jan 2020, 21:22

Re: "የጎንደር ወንዶችን መርጠው አኮላሽተዋል" ጋዜጠኛ ውብእሸት ታዬ

Post by ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) » 22 Mar 2020, 13:09

አንዳርጋቸው ፅጌ ሚነሶታ ላይ ባደረገው ንግግር እንዲህ ብሎ ገልፆ ነበር።

በ2005 ሰኔ ወር ላይ ትግርኛ ተናጋሪዎች ብቻ ያሉበት የወያኔ አፋኝ ቡድን አጥር ዘሎ ወደ ግቢያችን ገባ። ግቢው ዉስጥ በሚኖሩ ሰዎችና በአባቴ ፊትም አንዱ በዱላ ጀርባየን መታኝ። ተዳባዳቢው ወጣት፥ "ለምን ትመታኛለህ? የጠየቃችሁኝን አላደርግም አላልኩም" ስል ጠየቅሁት። ወጣቱ 15 ሰዎች እየሰሙት፥ "ደብድቡት! የሚል ትእዛዝ ተሰጥቶናል" ሲል መለሰ።

ዱላው በዚህ አላበቃም። አራተኛ ፖሊስ ጣቢያ ወስደው በትግርኛ እየተነጋገሩ ቀጠቀጡኝ። የራሳቸው ዘር እየቀጠቀጠ የመግዛት መብት እንዳለው፥ ለዚያ መብት ያበቃቸው የተለየ ጀግንነት የተላበሱ መሆናቸው በድንፋታ እየተናገሩ ነበር ዱላው የሚያዘንቡብኝ። በደህና ቀን የተማርኳት ትግርኛ ባለጌ ስድባቸውን ለመስማት አስቻለቺኝ። የሰማሁትን ከሰማሁ በሁዋላ ትግርኛ የማልሰማ ቢሆን ደስ ባለኝ ነበር።

አማራ ብለው የሚጠሩት ዘር በተለይ፣ እጅግ አስፀያፊ፣ እዚህ ለመድገም የሚቀፍ ስድብ እየተሳደቡ ዱላና ርግጫ አወረዱብኝ። ግማሽ ፊቴን በሰደፍ አፍርሰው ኮማ ውስጥ ጨምረውኝ፥ ጭቃ መሬት ላይ ጥለዉኝ ሄዱ። በዘር ጥላቻ የተመሰረተ ብልግና የሞላው ድርጊታቸውን የፈጸሙት ከ 700 አስከ 800 የሚሆን እስረኛ ፊት ነው።

የደበደቡኝ የቅንጅት ደጋፊ በመሆኔና የኔን ቅስምም ለመስበር ነበር። በድብደባው የተነሳ ስንት ሰኣት ወይም ደቂቃ ኮማ ዉስጥ እንደቆየሁ አላውቅም። ከኮማ እንደወጣሁ ያገኘሁት ማንነቴ ግን በፊት ከነበረኝ ማንነቴ የተለየ ነበር። ከደብዳቢዎቹ ዘር ጋር ለተገናኘ ማንኛዉም ሰው ከፍተኛ ጥላቻና ምሬት ልቤን ሞልቶ አገኘሁት። ከሚደበድቡኝ ስድስት የመለስ ዜናዊ አሽከሮች በላይ የሚሻገር ከሰዎቹ ትግሬነት ጋር የተሳሰረ፣ ለዘራቸው በሙሉ መጥፎ ስሜት እንዲሰማኝ ያደረገ፣ ጥላቻ ስብእናዬን እንደ አሲድ ሲበላው አገኘሁት። በጣም የሚያስደነግጥ ስሜት ነበር።

..... ሌላው የኔ አይነት የህሊና ወቃሽ የሌለው ተመሳሳይ በደል ሲደርስበት ምን ሊያስብ እንደሚችል ገምቱት። በመለስ ዜናዊ ወታደሮች ቤቱ የተቃጠለው፣ ሚስቱንና ወጣት ልጁን የተደፈረው፣ የተዘረፈው፣ የተዋረደው፣ በጥቅሉ የዘር ማጥፋት እርምጃ የተወሰደበት መላው የሃገሪቱ ህዝብ ምን ይሰማዋል?

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Posts: 2312
Joined: 11 Jan 2020, 21:22

Re: "የጎንደር ወንዶችን መርጠው አኮላሽተዋል" ጋዜጠኛ ውብእሸት ታዬ

Post by ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) » 22 Mar 2020, 13:21

በኮሎኔል ብራ ግርፍያ ከተፈጸመባቸው ከፍተኛ ኦሮሞ መኮንኖች አንዱ በድብደባ የዘርፍሬው የተኮላሸ ሲሆን፤ ሌላው ፓራላይዝድ ሆኖአል። መኮንኖቹ በህይወት ያሉ ሲሆን፤ የወያኔ ስርአት ለሚፈጽመው አሰቃቂ የመብት ጥሰት ህያው ምስክር ሆነው የተፈጸመውን ሁሉ ህግ ፊት የሚገልጹበት እለት ይመጣ ይሆናል ብዬ ተስፋ አደርጋለሁ።

የእስር ቤቱ ኃላፊ፣ ኮሎኔል ብራ

ጄኔራል ከማል ገልቹ ከ150 በላይ የታጠቁ የሠራዊት አባላትን አስከትሎ የኤርትራን ድንበር ሲያቋርጥ ”የወያኔ ሠራዊት ፍፃሜ ተቃረበ!” ተብሎ ነበር። የጄኔራሉን መኮብለል ተከትሎ በረከት ሰምዖን በሰጠው ቃለምልልስ ”ተገላገልን!” ሲል ነበር የገለፀው። ወያኔ ራሱን የሚያጠናክርበት በር ተከፈተለት። ከ20 ሺህ ያላነሱ ኦሮሞ ወታደሮች ከየጦር ክፍሉ ተመንጥረው ትግራይ ውስጥ ታሰሩ። በመቶዎች የሚገመቱ ኦሮሞ መኮንኖች ደግሞ ደሴ አካባቢ ወደሚገኝ ወታደራዊ እስር ቤት ተላኩ። መኮንኖቹን የተረከበቻቸው የእስር ቤቱ ኃላፊ፣ ኮሎኔል ብራ የተባለች ነባር የህወሓት አባል ስትሆን፣ የአሉላ ክፍለ ጦር ኮሚሳር ከነበረችበት ጊዜ አንስቶ በጨካኝነቷ ትታወቃለች። ኮሎኔል ብራ የሀገር መከላከያ ከፍተኛ መኮንኖችን እርቃናቸውን አስቁማ ታስገርፋለች። እንደ ወይራ በጠነከረ የጎማ ዱላ ተደብድበው፣ ፓራላይዝድ ሆነው ማገገሚያ ጣቢያ የተቆለፈባቸው መኮንኖችን አውቃለሁ።

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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Re: "የጎንደር ወንዶችን መርጠው አኮላሽተዋል" ጋዜጠኛ ውብእሸት ታዬ

Post by ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) » 22 Mar 2020, 13:34

“……የኢትዮ ኤርትራ ጦርነት ለጦርነቱ መሪዎች የሐብት ምንጭ ሆኖ ማገልገሉን ማየት ችያለሁ፡፡ በጦርነቱ ሰበብ በተዘረፈ ሐብት የሕወሃት ጄነራሎች ሚሊየነር ሆነዋል፡፡ ፃድቃን፣ ጀቤ፣ ብርሃነ ነጋሽ፣ ገዛኢ አበራ፣ አበባው ታደሰ፣ ባጫ ደበሌ፣ ታደሰ ወረደ፣ ሰዓረ መኮንን፣ እና ሌሎችም ጄነራሎች በአዲስ አበባ በባህርዳርና በመቀሌ ያስገነቡት ቪላና ፎቅ ውበቱ አይንን ያፈዛል፡፡ የቤት እቃዎቻቸው፣ ምንጣፎቹ፣ መብራቶቻቸውና ኮርኒሶቻቸው በውድ ዋጋ ከአውሮፓ እየተጫኑ የመጡ ናቸው፡፡ የመጨረሻውን ቴክኖሎጂ እየተጠቀሙ ለቪላዎቻቸው ማሞቂያና ማቀዝቀዣ ተክለውላቸዋል፡፡ ከዚያ ሁሉ እልቂት በኋላ ጄነራሎቹ በቀጥታ ወደ ሃብት ፉክክር ነው የገቡት፡፡ የሚፈሰው ገንዘብ በጦርነቱ ወቅት የተዘረፈ ነው፡፡ …..”

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Re: "የጎንደር ወንዶችን መርጠው አኮላሽተዋል" ጋዜጠኛ ውብእሸት ታዬ

Post by Ejersa » 22 Mar 2020, 14:05

:oops: :oops: :oops: :oops:
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) wrote:
22 Mar 2020, 13:34
“……የኢትዮ ኤርትራ ጦርነት ለጦርነቱ መሪዎች የሐብት ምንጭ ሆኖ ማገልገሉን ማየት ችያለሁ፡፡ በጦርነቱ ሰበብ በተዘረፈ ሐብት የሕወሃት ጄነራሎች ሚሊየነር ሆነዋል፡፡ ፃድቃን፣ ጀቤ፣ ብርሃነ ነጋሽ፣ ገዛኢ አበራ፣ አበባው ታደሰ፣ ባጫ ደበሌ፣ ታደሰ ወረደ፣ ሰዓረ መኮንን፣ እና ሌሎችም ጄነራሎች በአዲስ አበባ በባህርዳርና በመቀሌ ያስገነቡት ቪላና ፎቅ ውበቱ አይንን ያፈዛል፡፡ የቤት እቃዎቻቸው፣ ምንጣፎቹ፣ መብራቶቻቸውና ኮርኒሶቻቸው በውድ ዋጋ ከአውሮፓ እየተጫኑ የመጡ ናቸው፡፡ የመጨረሻውን ቴክኖሎጂ እየተጠቀሙ ለቪላዎቻቸው ማሞቂያና ማቀዝቀዣ ተክለውላቸዋል፡፡ ከዚያ ሁሉ እልቂት በኋላ ጄነራሎቹ በቀጥታ ወደ ሃብት ፉክክር ነው የገቡት፡፡ የሚፈሰው ገንዘብ በጦርነቱ ወቅት የተዘረፈ ነው፡፡ …..”

Digital Weyane
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Re: "የጎንደር ወንዶችን መርጠው አኮላሽተዋል" ጋዜጠኛ ውብእሸት ታዬ

Post by Digital Weyane » 22 Mar 2020, 15:55

ዳውን! ዳውን! ጋዜጠኛ ውብእሸት ታዬ!! :evil:
ዳውን! ዳውን! ጋዜጠኛ ውብእሸት ታዬ!! :evil:
ዳውን! ዳውን! ጋዜጠኛ ውብእሸት ታዬ!! :evil:

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Re: "የጎንደር ወንዶችን መርጠው አኮላሽተዋል" ጋዜጠኛ ውብእሸት ታዬ

Post by sun » 22 Mar 2020, 19:19

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) wrote:
21 Mar 2020, 21:59
sun wrote:
21 Mar 2020, 20:02
Ejersa wrote:
21 Mar 2020, 13:36

Hmm... :P

I think that this is FAKE NEWS in order to make FAKE propaganda. Otherwise what we have been hearing for a long time now is that women up there were systematically sterilized as not have children. But in reality and in practice children are always being born and spreading even more than before. So where is this bulsh!t talks of sterilizations and castration talks unless it is in the minds of Shisha smoking and hallucinated powder sniffing Apes feeding on wild grapes.
If you're trying to defend the indefensible in the face of mounting evidence and victims' testimony, you're going to need to do a lot better than that. Otherwise, your bizarre comments is a typical character traits of a guilty man's instinct to hide the crimes he had committed thinking a denial to the facts would absolve him. It is for such people that laws exist, to hold them accountable for their criminal deeds without a statue of limitation.

ያኮላሸ [deleted] ቢረሳ የተኮላሸ አማራ ወይም ኦሮሞ አይረሳም።
hmm... :P

Talking about tplf excesses is right, but it is now over because we can not keep talking non stop about past gross excesses while forgetting pushing forwards positively and through that bring about an open, just and democratic equal society where tplf style brutal excesses may not return again. To get deeply stigmatized and paralyzed as to start living in mental prison, mainly hurts the stigmatized but not the stigmatizer.

The danger in such behavior is the idea that we might be feeling the stigma and the paralysis so as to be planning revenge attacks in an atmosphere of constant internal division while our country's enemies are getting smart, united, strong and may jump in to grab our human and material resource there by changing even the country's name and the country's map. Mind you that we are living in a world where everything is possible, since mainly the knowledgeable and the wise may be able to swim to the next shore in order for his/her ship to anchor. 8)

It is often said that some one who have got bitten by a poisoning snake during the day happens to be frightened at night from the rope hanging on the wall.

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Posts: 2312
Joined: 11 Jan 2020, 21:22

Re: "የጎንደር ወንዶችን መርጠው አኮላሽተዋል" ጋዜጠኛ ውብእሸት ታዬ

Post by ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) » 23 Mar 2020, 00:46

sun wrote:
22 Mar 2020, 19:19
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) wrote:
21 Mar 2020, 21:59
sun wrote:
21 Mar 2020, 20:02
Ejersa wrote:
21 Mar 2020, 13:36

Hmm... :P

I think that this is FAKE NEWS in order to make FAKE propaganda. Otherwise what we have been hearing for a long time now is that women up there were systematically sterilized as not have children. But in reality and in practice children are always being born and spreading even more than before. So where is this bulsh!t talks of sterilizations and castration talks unless it is in the minds of Shisha smoking and hallucinated powder sniffing Apes feeding on wild grapes.
If you're trying to defend the indefensible in the face of mounting evidence and victims' testimony, you're going to need to do a lot better than that. Otherwise, your bizarre comments is a typical character traits of a guilty man's instinct to hide the crimes he had committed thinking a denial to the facts would absolve him. It is for such people that laws exist, to hold them accountable for their criminal deeds without a statue of limitation.

ያኮላሸ አጋሜ ቢረሳ የተኮላሸ አማራ ወይም ኦሮሞ አይረሳም።
hmm... :P

Talking about tplf excesses is right, but it is now over because we can not keep talking non stop about past gross excesses while forgetting pushing forwards positively and through that bring about an open, just and democratic equal society where tplf style brutal excesses may not return again. To get deeply stigmatized and paralyzed as to start living in mental prison, mainly hurts the stigmatized but not the stigmatizer.

The danger in such behavior is the idea that we might be feeling the stigma and the paralysis so as to be planning revenge attacks in an atmosphere of constant internal division while our country's enemies are getting smart, united, strong and may jump in to grab our human and material resource there by changing even the country's name and the country's map. Mind you that we are living in a world where everything is possible, since mainly the knowledgeable and the wise may be able to swim to the next shore in order for his/her ship to anchor. 8)

It is often said that some one who have got bitten by a poisoning snake during the day happens to be frightened at night from the rope hanging on the wall.
Ethiopia is no longer at war with any of its neighbors, so I don't know which "enemy" you're talking about that "wants to grab Ethiopia's human and material resources."

Why do you have a problem with people calling for justice for the Amhara victims whose reproductive organs deliberately mutilated by evil Agame to deprive them of their virility?

If you think that Ethiopia's disagreement with Egypt over the Nile water use has shifted the Ethiopian government's focus from going after the Agame perpetrators who are walking free, then you are not only wrong, but your rudimentary understanding of the law is a reflection of your false sense of entitlement.

Today, the State of Israel, in pursuit of justice for its Holocaust victims, is still hunting down former Nazis and their collaborators where ever they are, and however old they may have become. That should stand as a reminder that, Agame perpetrators can run but they can't hide. Like their now-deceased genocidal Agame leader Meles Zenawi, death is their only way to cheat justice.

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Re: "የጎንደር ወንዶችን መርጠው አኮላሽተዋል" ጋዜጠኛ ውብእሸት ታዬ

Post by Abdelaziz » 23 Mar 2020, 05:12

kkkkkkkk this must be the latest lullaby to pacify and fool gonderams after Meshrefet hit them very hard in the middle of Gonder... Meshrefet is trying to redirect Gonderamoch attention from him to their Tigrean masters. The werada boooshti who is talking on this video portrays his lie by his utter lack of emotion, girlie and fake smile, evident fa'ggism(we'ndagereednet) in his demeanor. There is nothing to castrate from ball-less y'eshermuta lij fa'g'ut like this. He just insulted Gonderes as castrates. He looks like a bi'tch becoz he was born as castrate. That is all.
Gondres must hunt down this booshti- who is most-likely a a hamasenay-bantugidifecha dikala like qebenit aka sebdeyley aka etc, who is faking as amara- and must kill him for defaming them as castrates. His evil intention is to save Meshrefet after the latter committed massive crime on Gonder.

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Re: "የጎንደር ወንዶችን መርጠው አኮላሽተዋል" ጋዜጠኛ ውብእሸት ታዬ

Post by Ejersa » 23 Mar 2020, 07:12

:evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:
Abdelaziz wrote:
23 Mar 2020, 05:12
kkkkkkkk this must be the latest lullaby to pacify and fool gonderams after Meshrefet hit them very hard in the middle of Gonder... Meshrefet is trying to redirect Gonderamoch attention from him to their Tigrean masters. The werada boooshti who is talking on this video portrays his lie by his utter lack of emotion, girlie and fake smile, evident fa'ggism(we'ndagereednet) in his demeanor. There is nothing to castrate from ball-less y'eshermuta lij fa'g'ut like this. He just insulted Gonderes as castrates. He looks like a bi'tch becoz he was born as castrate. That is all.
Gondres must hunt down this booshti- who is most-likely a a hamasenay-bantugidifecha dikala like qebenit aka sebdeyley aka etc, who is faking as amara- and must kill him for defaming them as castrates. His evil intention is to save Meshrefet after the latter committed massive crime on Gonder.

Digital Weyane
Posts: 8529
Joined: 19 Jun 2019, 21:45

Re: "የጎንደር ወንዶችን መርጠው አኮላሽተዋል" ጋዜጠኛ ውብእሸት ታዬ

Post by Digital Weyane » 23 Mar 2020, 17:12

የዓድዋው ወያኔ ዎንድሜ አዋሽ ወይም ጃስቲስ ሲከር ከታች እንደመሰከረው፣ ኡኛ የዓድዋ ወያኔ የጎንደር አማራ እስረኞችን አሜሪካ አገር ድረስ ሄደው በታላላቅ ኮሌጆች እንዲማሩ ከኪሳችን አውጥተን ትኬት ቆርጠን ላክናቸው ኡንጂ አላኮላሸናቸውም።
Awash wrote:
23 Jan 2012, 15:26
we weyane aren't so bad, are we? At least we're not gonna lock your people up in metal shipping containers or underground cells. You can also worship what ever religion you want to worship. And, when you come out of prison, you can still have your mental faculties intact to pursue higher education in Ivy league college in the U.S. Best of all, you will have your culture and customs respected and preserved for generations to come.

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Joined: 05 Nov 2019, 10:39

Re: "የጎንደር ወንዶችን መርጠው አኮላሽተዋል" ጋዜጠኛ ውብእሸት ታዬ

Post by Ejersa » 25 Mar 2020, 04:04

He was captive & has worked as a slave for many years :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) wrote:
24 Mar 2020, 22:59

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