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Biography of Emperor Menelik II

Post by Masud » 22 Feb 2020, 12:31

Biography of Emperor Menelik

Date of Birth: August 18, 1844
Date of Death: December 12, 1913
Place of Birth: Angolela, Ankober, North Shewa
Father’s Name: Hailemelokot Sahilesellasie (የምኒልክ አባቶቻቸው ዲቃላ ናቸው።)
Father’s Occupation: Governor of Northern Shewa
Mother’s Name: Ejigayehu Lema Andiyamo
Mother’s Occupation: Domestic Servant እናታቸው ገረድ ናት። ምናልባትም በጦርነት ተማርካ ካንዱ የደቡብ ብሔረ-ሰብ በባርነት የመጣች ነበረች። May be she was the aunt of H/M Larebo.
Other Name: Minyilih Shewa: ፣ አያታቸው የመልካቸውን አለማማር፣ ዐይነ ፈጣጣ፣ ጥርሰ ገጣጣ መሆናቸውን በመገንዘብ፣ “ምን ይልህ ሸዋ፣ ምን ይልህ ሸዋ!” ሲሉ በመገረም ያወጡት ነው ፣ የኋላ ኋላ ትንቢትና ሕልም የሰፈነበት የኢትዮጵያ ዓለም፣ በትንግርት በማሳበብ አሳምሮት፣ ከመጀመርያው የኢትዮጵያ ንጉሥ ጋር ካያያዘው ከቀዳማዊ “ምኒልክ” ጋር ግንኙነት የለውም።
Religion: Sometimes Catholic Christianity and sometimes Orthodox Christianity;

1. Atilash Tewodros- married when he was under Emperor Tewodro’s prison. He left her in Maqadalla and returned to Shewa;
2. Bafana- Resident of Merabet and mother of 8 children born from another husbands. When Menelik Married bafana her age was twice his age. May be Bafa was the aunt of Sineshaw Tegegn.
3. Walatesellassie Toro- Prisoner of War who was captured at the battle of Arba Cululle;
4. Dasila- Menelik’s maid whose main responsibility was to serve tej drink and who was fired after she got pregnant. She is the mother of Shewarega Menelik. Shewarega later married to Ras Ali and gave birth to Lij Iyasu;
5. Gete Waqjira- Prisoner of war who was captured at the battle of Abebe (Ambo).
6. Abichu- The mother of Zewditu Menelik;
7. Tayitu- His last wife from Yeju Oromo who disagreed on most of his decisions and who poisoned him to get rid of him out of which he was finally died.


He got military training from Oromos. በአፄ ቴዎድሮስ ተማርከው እስከተወሰዱበት ጊዜ ድረስ፣ ያደጉት ከቤተ-መንግሥት ተባርረው ርቀው በመኖር፣ በናታቸው ሞግዚትነት በሌላ ሀገር ከኦሮሞኛ ተናጋሪ ልጆች ጋር እየተጯጯሁ ነበር እንጂ፣ በድሎትና በቅንጦት በቤተ-መንግሥት ውስጥ አልነበረም። አባታቸውም ቢሆን ያገቡት ሌላ ሚስት ናት። የምኒልክን አባትነት የተቀበሉትም፣ ወደው ሳይሆን፣ በናታቸው በተጠራው ስብሰባ ላይ ተገድደው ነው ይባላል።


Womanizing domestic servants and female prisoners of war;
Cutting females’ breast, Men’s right arms and genitals;
Intriguing and cheating;

Menelik had 48 years of killing, looting, cheating , intriguing and betrayal. He held power as a King of Shewa for 24 years (1865-1889) and as King of Kings for 24 years (1889-1913).

1. Killed millions of innocent civilians; destroyed their country, culture and history;
2. Gave Eritrea to Italians as a concession to remain in power;
3. Betrayed Emperor Yohannes several times;
4. Cheated many local and community chiefs and leaders to submit to him;
5. Looted enormous resources to feed and enrich his followers.

Visiting hot springs to get relief from his chronic skin disease and syphilis, the HIV/AIDS of that day.

1. Debtera ኃይለማርያም ላሬቦ , Tel XXXXXXX
2.Debtera ከስንሻው ተገኝ, Tel XXXXXXX
3. Memihir Gebrekidan Desta Tel. XXXXXXX

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Joined: 05 Dec 2014, 11:35

Re: Biography of Emperor Menelik II

Post by @@ » 22 Feb 2020, 12:51

agame masud, menilik is ወንድ! he make you cry even 130 years after his death. respect!

Masud wrote:
22 Feb 2020, 12:31
Biography of Emperor Menelik

Date of Birth: August 18, 1844
Date of Death: December 12, 1913
Place of Birth: Angolela, Ankober, North Shewa
Father’s Name: Hailemelokot Sahilesellasie (የምኒልክ አባቶቻቸው ዲቃላ ናቸው።)
Father’s Occupation: Governor of Northern Shewa
Mother’s Name: Ejigayehu Lema Andiyamo
Mother’s Occupation: Domestic Servant እናታቸው ገረድ ናት። ምናልባትም በጦርነት ተማርካ ካንዱ የደቡብ ብሔረ-ሰብ በባርነት የመጣች ነበረች። May be she was the aunt of H/M Larebo.
Other Name: Minyilih Shewa: ፣ አያታቸው የመልካቸውን አለማማር፣ ዐይነ ፈጣጣ፣ ጥርሰ ገጣጣ መሆናቸውን በመገንዘብ፣ “ምን ይልህ ሸዋ፣ ምን ይልህ ሸዋ!” ሲሉ በመገረም ያወጡት ነው ፣ የኋላ ኋላ ትንቢትና ሕልም የሰፈነበት የኢትዮጵያ ዓለም፣ በትንግርት በማሳበብ አሳምሮት፣ ከመጀመርያው የኢትዮጵያ ንጉሥ ጋር ካያያዘው ከቀዳማዊ “ምኒልክ” ጋር ግንኙነት የለውም።
Religion: Sometimes Catholic Christianity and sometimes Orthodox Christianity;

1. Atilash Tewodros- married when he was under Emperor Tewodro’s prison. He left her in Maqadalla and returned to Shewa;
2. Bafana- Resident of Merabet and mother of 8 children born from another husbands. When Menelik Married bafana her age was twice his age. May be Bafa was the aunt of Sineshaw Tegegn.
3. Walatesellassie Toro- Prisoner of War who was captured at the battle of Arba Cululle;
4. Dasila- Menelik’s maid whose main responsibility was to serve tej drink and who was fired after she got pregnant. She is the mother of Shewarega Menelik. Shewarega later married to Ras Ali and gave birth to Lij Iyasu;
5. Gete Waqjira- Prisoner of war who was captured at the battle of Abebe (Ambo).
6. Abichu- The mother of Zewditu Menelik;
7. Tayitu- His last wife from Yeju Oromo who disagreed on most of his decisions and who poisoned him to get rid of him out of which he was finally died.


He got military training from Oromos. በአፄ ቴዎድሮስ ተማርከው እስከተወሰዱበት ጊዜ ድረስ፣ ያደጉት ከቤተ-መንግሥት ተባርረው ርቀው በመኖር፣ በናታቸው ሞግዚትነት በሌላ ሀገር ከኦሮሞኛ ተናጋሪ ልጆች ጋር እየተጯጯሁ ነበር እንጂ፣ በድሎትና በቅንጦት በቤተ-መንግሥት ውስጥ አልነበረም። አባታቸውም ቢሆን ያገቡት ሌላ ሚስት ናት። የምኒልክን አባትነት የተቀበሉትም፣ ወደው ሳይሆን፣ በናታቸው በተጠራው ስብሰባ ላይ ተገድደው ነው ይባላል።


Womanizing domestic servants and female prisoners of war;
Cutting females’ breast, Men’s right arms and genitals;
Intriguing and cheating;

Menelik had 48 years of killing, looting, cheating , intriguing and betrayal. He held power as a King of Shewa for 24 years (1865-1889) and as King of Kings for 24 years (1889-1913).

1. Killed millions of innocent civilians; destroyed their country, culture and history;
2. Gave Eritrea to Italians as a concession to remain in power;
3. Betrayed Emperor Yohannes several times;
4. Cheated many local and community chiefs and leaders to submit to him;
5. Looted enormous resources to feed and enrich his followers.

Visiting hot springs to get relief from his chronic skin disease and syphilis, the HIV/AIDS of that day.

1. Debtera ኃይለማርያም ላሬቦ , Tel XXXXXXX
2.Debtera ከስንሻው ተገኝ, Tel XXXXXXX
3. Memihir Gebrekidan Desta Tel. XXXXXXX

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Re: Biography of Emperor Menelik II

Post by Degnet » 22 Feb 2020, 13:59

It is really a shame to talk negatively about this man after 130 years yekrta alemadreg wede base tornet megbat new.Ante maneh emnet enkuan saynoreh sewn yemtekesew yehe lehulachen new.

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Joined: 18 Jun 2013, 09:06

Re: Biography of Emperor Menelik II

Post by Masud » 23 Feb 2020, 14:07

Degnet wrote:
22 Feb 2020, 13:59
It is really a shame to talk negatively about this man after 130 years yekrta alemadreg wede base tornet megbat new.Ante maneh emnet enkuan saynoreh sewn yemtekesew yehe lehulachen new.
If forgetting the past is necessary, what is the importance of celebrating the victory of Adawa?

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Joined: 28 Dec 2019, 14:24

Re: Biography of Emperor Menelik II

Post by tlel » 23 Feb 2020, 14:58

You can't have it both ways, when your kind does crime, you say he/she is from other tribe. Isn't she from North? If she is Oromo, how can you then identify who is who today in that region? I have heard that Taitu refused medical treatment from his own doctor. If this is the case, this is huge betrayal against Minilik. As I have always say, there are black widows in Ethiopia mostly used to be bar ladies, noble men marry them and at the end when their service is satisfied for this bar women marrying these noble men, they may have ... on them. Even I have suspicion still goes on today but of course it is said it is natural cause of death.

But we know who Masud is given mission from his Egyptian masters that is why he hates Minilik

Thomas H
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Re: Biography of Emperor Menelik II

Post by Thomas H » 23 Feb 2020, 15:39

Masud please make correction:
Date of Birth: August 18, 1844
Date of Death: December 12, 1913
Place of Birth: Mbarara, Uganda
Birth Name: Natukunda Okello

Posts: 8502
Joined: 18 Jun 2013, 09:06

Re: Biography of Emperor Menelik II

Post by Masud » 24 Feb 2020, 03:53

Thomas Hagos,
The correction you proposed is based on the record of Yeqen Jiboch?

Thomas H wrote:
23 Feb 2020, 15:39
Masud please make correction:
Date of Birth: August 18, 1844
Date of Death: December 12, 1913
Place of Birth: Mbarara, Uganda
Birth Name: Natukunda Okello

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