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Eritrea loses opinion of a Saudi official on the Ethio-Eritrean reconciliation process! ኤርትራ አጣጣለች!

Post by MINILIK SALSAWI » 14 Jan 2020, 09:11

ኤርትራ አንድ የሳውዲ ባለስልጣን በኢትዮ-ኤርትራ የእርቅ ሂደት ላይ የሰጡትን አስተያየት አጣጣለች!

In a long interview with Asharq al-Awsat (Thursday, 9th January English and Arabic editions), on the strategic importance of the Council of Arab and African States bordering the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden, the Saudi Minister of State for Africa digresses from the central theme to speak about resolution of conflicts in Africa in a rather deprecating tone.

In this context, the official alludes to Saudi Arabia’s “efforts to resolve differences between brothers in Africa”. He then proceeds to assert: “the Kingdom has harnessed its pioneering Islamic role in this regard… the first result of those was the historic peace agreement between Ethiopia and Eritrea”.

This description is grossly at variance with the genesis and facts of the historic agreement. And while we recognize the goodwill of our international partners, a condescending narrative that belittles Africa and its achievements is not only improper but also fraught with blighting the image of the Kingdom.

Ministry of Information
13 January 2020 ... s-release/

የሳውዲ አረቢያ የአፍሪካ ጉዳዮች ሚኒስትር አህመድ ቢን አብዱል አዚዝ ካታን ከአሽራቅ አል-አስዋት ሚድያ ጋር በነበራቸው ቆይታ “ሳውዲ አረቢያ በአፍሪካ ቀንድ ያደረገችው ተሳትፎ ውጤት እያመጣ ነው። የመጀመርያው ውጤት ደግሞ በኢትዮጵያ እና ኤርትራ መሀል የተደረገው ታሪካዊ ስምምነት ነበር” ብለው ነበር።

የኤርትራ የማስታወቂያ ሚኒስቴር በሰጠው መልስ “ይህ አገላለፅ ታሪካዊው የሰላም ስምምነት ሂደትን እና እውነቶችን ያላገናዘበ ነው። የአለም አቀፍ ተባባሪዎቻችንን በጎነት ብናደንቅም እንዲህ አይነት የበላይነት አገላለፅ የአፍሪካን ገፅታ አሳንሶ የሚያሳይ ብቻ ሳይሆን የሳውዲንም ገፅታ የሚያበላሽ ነው” ብሏል።

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Re: Eritrea loses opinion of a Saudi official on the Ethio-Eritrean reconciliation process! ኤርትራ አጣጣለች!

Post by Deqi-Arawit » 14 Jan 2020, 09:36

14 Jan 2020, 09:11
ኤርትራ አንድ የሳውዲ ባለስልጣን በኢትዮ-ኤርትራ የእርቅ ሂደት ላይ የሰጡትን አስተያየት አጣጣለች!

In a long interview with Asharq al-Awsat (Thursday, 9th January English and Arabic editions), on the strategic importance of the Council of Arab and African States bordering the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden, the Saudi Minister of State for Africa digresses from the central theme to speak about resolution of conflicts in Africa in a rather deprecating tone.

In this context, the official alludes to Saudi Arabia’s “efforts to resolve differences between brothers in Africa”. He then proceeds to assert: “the Kingdom has harnessed its pioneering Islamic role in this regard… the first result of those was the historic peace agreement between Ethiopia and Eritrea”.

This description is grossly at variance with the genesis and facts of the historic agreement. And while we recognize the goodwill of our international partners, a condescending narrative that belittles Africa and its achievements is not only improper but also fraught with blighting the image of the Kingdom.

Ministry of Information
13 January 2020 ... s-release/

የሳውዲ አረቢያ የአፍሪካ ጉዳዮች ሚኒስትር አህመድ ቢን አብዱል አዚዝ ካታን ከአሽራቅ አል-አስዋት ሚድያ ጋር በነበራቸው ቆይታ “ሳውዲ አረቢያ በአፍሪካ ቀንድ ያደረገችው ተሳትፎ ውጤት እያመጣ ነው። የመጀመርያው ውጤት ደግሞ በኢትዮጵያ እና ኤርትራ መሀል የተደረገው ታሪካዊ ስምምነት ነበር” ብለው ነበር።

የኤርትራ የማስታወቂያ ሚኒስቴር በሰጠው መልስ “ይህ አገላለፅ ታሪካዊው የሰላም ስምምነት ሂደትን እና እውነቶችን ያላገናዘበ ነው። የአለም አቀፍ ተባባሪዎቻችንን በጎነት ብናደንቅም እንዲህ አይነት የበላይነት አገላለፅ የአፍሪካን ገፅታ አሳንሶ የሚያሳይ ብቻ ሳይሆን የሳውዲንም ገፅታ የሚያበላሽ ነው” ብሏል።
:lol: :lol: :lol: :mrgreen: :lol:

The alcoholic junk is trying to seek legitmacy by seeking external enemies. 3 weeks ago , it was Qatar and today it is One Saudi official.

There is no credible substance in what ever the alcoholic junk say or do.

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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Re: Eritrea loses opinion of a Saudi official on the Ethio-Eritrean reconciliation process! ኤርትራ አጣጣለች!

Post by ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) » 14 Jan 2020, 10:44

If it was the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia that provided the corrective feedback on its editorial page, the alcoholic agame hiding in Axum Hotel would be praising the Saudi while disparaging Eritrea. :lol: :lol: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Re: Eritrea loses opinion of a Saudi official on the Ethio-Eritrean reconciliation process! ኤርትራ አጣጣለች!

Post by Merhano » 14 Jan 2020, 11:03

I agree with Minister Yemane G.Meskel. Saudis Arabia is not right in helping the peace process that has become worse than the no war no peace situation our dear leader was enjoying.
So in my opinion, the peace process should be null and void since it was brokered by the Saudis and was made with a lame duck Prime Minister who can not deliver what he has agreed to.
And now what is worse is the insult to the injury, everybody is claiming the glory that came with the peace agreement except our moron-in chief, PIA.

And this is because nobody would believe him if he claims that he is working for peace.
They flagrantly passed him on the Nobel award. Now Saudi Arabia, USA, UAE and EU are all saying that they made him sign the agreement.
Guess what? All our fool could do is to come up with a communique, saying "please don't embarrass me ".
The Eritrean people got the leader it deserved! We have to congratulate each other!

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Re: Eritrea loses opinion of a Saudi official on the Ethio-Eritrean reconciliation process! ኤርትራ አጣጣለች!

Post by Aurorae » 14 Jan 2020, 11:24

Merhano wrote,
So in my opinion, the peace process should be null and void since it was brokered by the Saudis and was made with a lame duck Prime Minister who can not deliver what he has agreed to.
Yoy must be agame in disguise. :lol: :lol: The peace deal is signed in front of the UN. The weyanes are rebelling or challenging the power of the Ethiopian central government. They will not win. :lol: Isayas weakness is he likes too much power, and that hurt the Eritrean people. But, he had maintained the sovereignty of the country. If he is trying to justify his grip on power, may be he is on the right track. First, release all prisoners. Begin the healing process. Fifteen year old behind bars for many years is inhuman to say the least.

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