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Ethiopian population Reached 130 Million

Posted: 10 Oct 2024, 16:41
by union
VIVA Ethiopians

Re: Ethiopian population Reached 130 Million

Posted: 10 Oct 2024, 16:45
by Odie
union wrote:
10 Oct 2024, 16:41
VIVA Ethiopians
In a decade or two አስኮናኝ shabeans will migrate and assimilate with Ethiopia crying “squeak …squeak….” :lol:

Re: Ethiopian population Reached 130 Million

Posted: 10 Oct 2024, 16:51
by DefendTheTruth
union wrote:
10 Oct 2024, 16:41
VIVA Ethiopians
አንተ ኢትዮጵያ በሻቢያ ልትወረር እያለች፣ እነ ዳማን መገዝ ትተህ እዚህ ሕዝብ ትቆጥራለህ እንዴ?

ሂድ ና ዳማን አግዘዉ፣ ከአቅም በላይ ከሆነባችዉ እኔንም ጥሩኝ!

Re: Ethiopian population Reached 130 Million

Posted: 10 Oct 2024, 16:57
by Cigar
Oh sh’it now I have to update your description to 130 million rats 🐀 instead of my usual 120 million rats 🐀?
Thank you for the update.
I think I need to change it to FLHO in tigrigna. I don’t even know what FLHO is in English. If you know it, kindly update me on that too.
Now it is to be from one meal a day to one meal every other day.
Natural disasters come in different ways.
Oh forget about FLHO in English. I just remembered it. You all are TERMITES.
130 termites eating the cancerous country Ethiopia from with in.

Re: Ethiopian population Reached 130 Million

Posted: 10 Oct 2024, 17:46
by Odie
Cigar wrote:
10 Oct 2024, 16:57
Oh sh’it now I have to update your description to 130 million rats 🐀 instead of my usual 120 million rats 🐀?
Thank you for the update.
I think I need to change it to FLHO in tigrigna. I don’t even know what FLHO is in English. If you know it, kindly update me on that too.
Now it is to be from one meal a day to one meal every other day.
Natural disasters come in different ways.
Oh forget about FLHO in English. I just remembered it. You all are TERMITES.
130 termites eating the cancerous country Ethiopia from with in.
One day the “sh@it” will flow and swallow cursed shbea barren land!
Remember we have a million of your Eri seedlings at our hand, in Ethiopia, let them multiply and flow north :lol:
Voilà !

Re: Ethiopian population Reached 130 Million

Posted: 10 Oct 2024, 22:35
by Cigar
Oldie, do you Remeber your funfun agame brother Axumenzra saying the same thing like you been saying-day in day-out. SOON SOON SOON we will come to adi Halo, we will make Eritrea 🇪🇷 ungovernable and install a puppet regime and finally understood the mission impossible task and disappeared (I mean died) from this site?
How soon is your soon now? Is it one week, one month, one year, ten years or hundred years?
Because your filth agame brother Axumenzra ‘died’ eight years saying SOON, SOON, SOON…………..
In your case you will crock by next year before you figure out how long is SOON.

Re: Ethiopian population Reached 130 Million

Posted: 10 Oct 2024, 23:07
by Odie
Cigar wrote:
10 Oct 2024, 22:35
Oldie, do you Remeber your funfun agame brother Axumenzra saying the same thing like you been saying-day in day-out. SOON SOON SOON we will come to adi Halo, we will make Eritrea 🇪🇷 ungovernable and install a puppet regime and finally understood the mission impossible task and disappeared (I mean died) from this site?
How soon is your soon now? Is it one week, one month, one year, ten years or hundred years?
Because your filth agame brother Axumenzra ‘died’ eight years saying SOON, SOON, SOON…………..
In your case you will crock by next year before you figure out how long is SOON.
As an eritrean what are you worth? DIA ( his majesty’s Dictator Afeqorki’s) imbecile :lol: )

ለቆማጣ አንድ ጣት ብርቅ ነው አሉ:: ባንድራ ብለሽ ጨርቅ ስፍተሽ ነፃነት ወጣሁ እያልሽ በያመቱ ደርብ ትያለሽ ግን የኤትራ ህዝብ ከግማሽ በላዩ ስደተኛ እስረኛና ወታደር ነው :lol:

የኢትዮጵያ ፍቅር ሲያንጨረጭርህ እየመጣህ ስጦታ እንዳጣ ለማኝ ተሳደብ!

Ex-eritrean deporteee from Ethiopia :lol: