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Awdal Militia vows to Destroy Abiy and Horus Port in Zeyla

Posted: 18 Sep 2024, 14:20
by Noble Amhara
Newton's third law simply states that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.

Awdal resistance is a good sign for the Axis of Resistance that Awdal can now seperate itself from Somaliland... This turns the table and will be great punishment for Isaaqs alliance with Oromunna who thought they can take a break from the war in Amhara region in Zeyla. Both Sanaag and Sool regions have fought off the Somaliland Government. Now the International bodies cannot recognize Somaliland as a country as its borders are undefined :lol:

Dhulbante tribe, Warsangali tribe and Issa tribe all oppose the Somaliland Isaaq Government. Just like how Somalia is divided by clans so is SL... SL thought they can form a Isaaq dominated Somaliland that can gain independence from Somalia.

Re: Awdal Militia vows to Destroy Abiy and Horus Port in Zeyla

Posted: 18 Sep 2024, 14:58
by Somaliman
In addition, one clan that has only two sub regions, cannot form a country of its own. They've divided one of the two into two regions to make the Isaaqland look bigger, the third one is a fake. In Somalia, there only 18 recognised regions.

There are five main clans in Somaliland, and four out of the five are against any secession. Since the Sool region has seceded by war from the rest of Somaliland, and that the ragtag troops of Hargeisa have committed unprovoked atrocities in Sool region, the little sympathy the West had for their recognition daydream has disappeared.

Re: Awdal Militia vows to Destroy Abiy and Horus Port in Zeyla

Posted: 18 Sep 2024, 17:01
by Zack
Somaliman wrote:
18 Sep 2024, 14:58
In addition, one clan that has only two sub regions, cannot form a country of its own. They've divided one of the two into two regions to make the Isaaqland look bigger, the third one is a fake. In Somalia, there only 18 recognised regions.

There are five main clans in Somaliland, and four out of the five are against any secession. Since the Sool region has seceded by war from the rest of Somaliland, and that the ragtag troops of Hargeisa have committed unprovoked atrocities in Sool region, the little sympathy the West had for their recognition daydream has disappeared.

Close but wrong there are only 3 clans in former British protectorate the darood isaaq and dir . The isaaq are the one that want secession the darood oppose this.And the dir tolerate the Somaliland administration but there not on 100 percent onboard with the secession, us the issa oppose it or are mostly indifferent and lean towards opposing it . Because a secessionist Somaliland doesn’t fit our agenda in the whole region because our interest is more then just the north it includes Ethiopia . For example we wish to protect our main interest in Djibouti . And it’s not good for us . But the gadabuursi which is a subclan of dir are on board not whole heartily but they work for the secessionist entity we How ever do not believe in their sort of grievances. They play a sort of double game opposing it abroad but working with the secessionist they are the one that keep this entity alive . For 30 years they sat their arses in borama and never lift a finger against the secessionist. Where as the harti darood kicked them out of all the darood territories in the north last year . Basically somaliland is just isaaq with their side kick gadabuursi.
It’s similar to Ethiopia the only one that believe in Ethiopia fake country are Amhara and their side kick gurage

Dr Zackovich

Re: Awdal Militia vows to Destroy Abiy and Horus Port in Zeyla

Posted: 18 Sep 2024, 18:04
by Somaliman
Zack wrote:
18 Sep 2024, 17:01
Somaliman wrote:
18 Sep 2024, 14:58
In addition, one clan that has only two sub regions, cannot form a country of its own. They've divided one of the two into two regions to make the Isaaqland look bigger, the third one is a fake. In Somalia, there only 18 recognised regions.

There are five main clans in Somaliland, and four out of the five are against any secession. Since the Sool region has seceded by war from the rest of Somaliland, and that the ragtag troops of Hargeisa have committed unprovoked atrocities in Sool region, the little sympathy the West had for their recognition daydream has disappeared.

Close but wrong there are only 3 clans in former British protectorate the darood isaaq and dir . The isaaq are the one that want secession the darood oppose this.And the dir tolerate the Somaliland administration but there not on 100 percent onboard with the secession, us the issa oppose it or are mostly indifferent and lean towards opposing it . Because a secessionist Somaliland doesn’t fit our agenda in the whole region because our interest is more then just the north it includes Ethiopia . For example we wish to protect our main interest in Djibouti . And it’s not good for us . But the gadabuursi which is a subclan of dir are on board not whole heartily but they work for the secessionist entity we How ever do not believe in their sort of grievances. They play a sort of double game opposing it abroad but working with the secessionist they are the one that keep this entity alive . For 30 years they sat their arses in borama and never lift a finger against the secessionist. Where as the harti darood kicked them out of all the darood territories in the north last year . Basically somaliland is just isaaq with their side kick gadabuursi.
It’s similar to Ethiopia the only one that believe in Ethiopia fake country are Amhara and their side kick gurage

Dr Zackovich

When I said five, I was just reflecting them upon the regions.

But following your line of thought, you're dead wrong. Isaaq is part of Dir, and thus, there are only two clans and not three: Daarood and Dir.

Re: Awdal Militia vows to Destroy Abiy and Horus Port in Zeyla

Posted: 18 Sep 2024, 18:21
by Zack
Yea ur right to some extend many occasions the isaaq were grouped under dir though they themselves oppose this but for the record let’s just say then ,there are only two tribes dir and darood in Somaliland. I have solution though for the whole Somaliland vs Somalia issue ,why not just give the isaaq their secession but under 3 conditions,Sool and sanaag territories to be fully part of puntland and Somalia . And give the awdal region to Djibouti since the gadabuursi and issa would fully be integrated into Djibouti . And togdheer and woqoyi galbeed can be their country what u say Jikaar . But only under one condition no mou no Ethiopian naval base and no sea out let for the Ethiopians I think it’s a fair deal what you think Somaliman. Can we sign a deal .

Dr Zackovich

Re: Awdal Militia vows to Destroy Abiy and Horus Port in Zeyla

Posted: 18 Sep 2024, 18:30
by Somaliman
Zack wrote:
18 Sep 2024, 18:21
Yea ur right to some extend many occasions the isaaq were grouped under dir though they themselves oppose this but for the record let’s just say then ,there are only two tribes dir and darood in Somaliland. I have solution though for the whole Somaliland vs Somalia issue ,why not just give the isaaq their secession but under 3 conditions,Sool and sanaag territories to be fully part of puntland and Somalia . And give the awdal region to Djibouti since the gadabuursi and issa would fully be integrated into Djibouti . And togdheer and woqoyi galbeed can be their country what u say Jikaar . But only under one condition no mou no Ethiopian naval base and no sea out let for the Ethiopians I think it’s a fair deal what you think Somaliman. Can we sign a deal .

Dr Zackovich

No, I don't agree with your proposal, as this would open a pandora box. If isaaq as a clan with two regions is allowed to secede, what is going to stop other clans with even bigger areas from following these fuc'kers, which finally would dismantle and annihilate the very fabric of Somalia? Nothing.

Re: Awdal Militia vows to Destroy Abiy and Horus Port in Zeyla

Posted: 18 Sep 2024, 18:36
by Zack
I don’t think any other qabil in Somalia is interested in leaving though not one qabil out side isaaq is interested in leaving . Puntland comes the closest but they would never entertain this since they know the most fertile land in Somalia is in the south , I just can’t think of another qabil . I just want to neutralise this threat these secessionist will always side with Somalia enemies we are lucky that Ethiopia under the brink of collapse . But they won’t hesitate to side with our enemies be it Ethiopians the UAE or Kenyans even though the Kenyans are far away from them and we have the edge there. How ever Ethiopia remains a threat but luckly we have fano and the gallas and the agames .

Dr Zackovich

Re: Awdal Militia vows to Destroy Abiy and Horus Port in Zeyla

Posted: 18 Sep 2024, 18:48
by Somaliman
Zack wrote:
18 Sep 2024, 18:36
I don’t think any other qabil in Somalia is interested in leaving though not one qabil out side isaaq is interested in leaving . Puntland comes the closest but they would never entertain this since they know the most fertile land in Somalia is in the south , I just can’t think of another qabil . I just want to neutralise this threat these secessionist will always side with Somalia enemies we are lucky that Ethiopia under the brink of collapse . But they won’t hesitate to side with our enemies be it Ethiopians the UAE or Kenyans even though the Kenyans are far away from them and we have the edge there. How ever Ethiopia remains a threat but luckly we have fano and the gallas and the agames .

Dr Zackovich

We've to differentiate between clans and the so-called presidents of the federal states. Trust me, if these so-called presidents were given the opportunity, they wouldn't hesitate for a second to secede from the rest of the country, and Puntland would be the first to do so. These are sick people who don't care about their clan or country.

Re: Awdal Militia vows to Destroy Abiy and Horus Port in Zeyla

Posted: 18 Sep 2024, 19:28
by Zack
Well inshallah Kheyr well u know this better then me since u follow closely what is happening in Somalia so i trust you on this and ur judgement on this , lets hope for better leaders then, so far though no qabil fully behind to dismember Somalia. How ever u might be right we dont know the true motives of these federal clan Presidents.

Dr Zackovich

Re: Awdal Militia vows to Destroy Abiy and Horus Port in Zeyla

Posted: 18 Sep 2024, 19:42
by Somaliman
Zack wrote:
18 Sep 2024, 19:28
Well inshallah Kheyr well u know this better then me since u follow closely what is happening in Somalia so i trust you on this and ur judgement on this , lets hope for better leaders then, so far though no qabil fully behind to dismember Somalia. How ever u might be right we dont know the true motives of these federal clan Presidents.

Dr Zackovich

You're absolutely right, no clan is willing to dismember Somalia. War dadkani damiir iyo dadnimo, iyo wadaninimo toona ma laha, waxa kaliya ee ay arkaan waa xukun iyo jago. Waa adiga la socda ninkii Cagjar ahaa wuxuu isku bedelay, xil gun ah heyntiisa ayuu ku doorsaday inuu u nacamleeyo Itoobiyaan qurmay. La mood balse noqon waa.

Soomaaliya ma toosayso ilaa afti dadweyne (referendum) la galiyo federal system-ka, ama iyadoon laba galin la saxo, ileyn Soomaaliya waxay maanta haysataa ma aha federal system, cid taqaannaa wuxuu yahayna ma jirto, ileyn wax adduunka kale ka jira ma ahee.

Re: Awdal Militia vows to Destroy Abiy and Horus Port in Zeyla

Posted: 18 Sep 2024, 19:58
by Zack
horta Federaalku ma xuma oo wa mamuul dedjin ,, xaga hoose ila heer degmo , Balse waxa xun Mamuulka Federaalka eeh habka qabiilka ku salaysan sida kale waxa weye federaalku maha in dawlada dhexe daciiftu. Waxa weye oo kaliya in Dowlada federaalka xuduudaha oo dhan ka talisa amaan gudde meelaha muhiimka mamuuladuna boolis yeeshan Xita la sameyo local boolis iyo Federal boolis sida maraykanka, waxa la yidha Autonomous state weye hada waxa jira taasa qaladah sababto ah Puntland hada waxay u dhaqanta qaab Dawlad dastuurkooda waxa ku taal in dastuurka Fedraalka lugu saxo Dastuurka Puntland. In Dastuurka Puntland sareyo taasina federal maha wa confederalism, marka dawlad goboleed ma yeelaan karto Wasiiir arima dibadeed xidhiidhka calaamka kama sheekeyn karto wa qalad taasi. Amaanka guud eeh qaranka cirka iyo dhulka Monatary lacagaha siyaasda arimahada dibbada intaas ba Waxa mamuulaysa federaalka.,, Federaalka waxa weye oo kaliya local wax walba oo local basaboor ka qaadatiid boosaaso licen ka qaadatid bosaaso ama hargeysa. ka qaadatiid cisbaatalada localka dawlad goboleedka mamuusho , waxaas oo dhan wa caadi. mide dhibaatada kale ah waxa weye, waxa la yidha qabiil federalism taasa qalad ah , imika anigu waxan odhan laha Puntland Galguduud halugu so daro, marka Puntland wuxu noqonaya mamuuul daarood dir iyo hawiye ba iska dhex arkaan. Hiraan ila xadka keniyana mamuul laga dhigo kaasina u noqdo digil mirifle darood iyo hawiye dir oo hal mamuul ah, Somaliland na sideeda loo daayo Hab federaal lugu so dabaalo darood dir ku midoobaan. Marka waxad haysata sadex mamuul federaal oo aan qabil ka dhisnayn sidaasa fiicnaan lahayd xamarna Banadir zone , laga dhigo federal zone , Somalisdaasay ku badbaddaayaan inshalla

Dr Zackovich

Re: Awdal Militia vows to Destroy Abiy and Horus Port in Zeyla

Posted: 18 Sep 2024, 20:31
by Somaliman
Ma xuma soo jeedintaada. Mana xumaan lahayn federal qabiil ku dhisan haddii la wada go'aansado. Laakiin waxa Soomaaliya maanta ka jira federal system-ba ma aha. Halkee lagu arkey federal states mid walba uu leeyahay in ka badan 60 wasiir, iyo ciidankiisa, oo xittaa Puntland ay leedahay central bank inkastoo uu bug yahay oo IMF aanay aqoonsanyan. Deni markuu soo magacaabay wasiiradiisa ayaan tiriyey, waxay ahaayeen 63 wasiir. bal arag fowdadan.

Ma la socottaaa, ta kale, in federal system ku sheeggani aanu dastuur ku dhisnayn oo aan xittaa la marsiin baarlamaanka! Cid dooratay lama arko. Kuwii Kenya ku soo saxiixay waxay leeyihiin Zenawi iyo gaalaa wadatay. Kulla fidna cinda federal ku sheegan. Waa in la saxaa ama afti dadweyne la galiyaa, oo dadku qaataan ama diidaan. Si tan loo sameeyana waxaa loo baahan yahay qof adag oo awood leh, oo musuq iyo qabyaalad ka nadiif ah.

Tuugta ay tubada ugu mudan tahay oo kaliya ayaa dani ay ugu jirtaa system-kani.

Re: Awdal Militia vows to Destroy Abiy and Horus Port in Zeyla

Posted: 18 Sep 2024, 20:39
by sun
Somaliman wrote:
18 Sep 2024, 18:30
Zack wrote:
18 Sep 2024, 18:21
Yea ur right to some extend many occasions the isaaq were grouped under dir though they themselves oppose this but for the record let’s just say then ,there are only two tribes dir and darood in Somaliland. I have solution though for the whole Somaliland vs Somalia issue ,why not just give the isaaq their secession but under 3 conditions,Sool and sanaag territories to be fully part of puntland and Somalia . And give the awdal region to Djibouti since the gadabuursi and issa would fully be integrated into Djibouti . And togdheer and woqoyi galbeed can be their country what u say Jikaar . But only under one condition no mou no Ethiopian naval base and no sea out let for the Ethiopians I think it’s a fair deal what you think Somaliman. Can we sign a deal .

Dr Zackovich

No, I don't agree with your proposal, as this would open a pandora box. If isaaq as a clan with two regions is allowed to secede, what is going to stop other clans with even bigger areas from following these fuc'kers, which finally would dismantle and annihilate the very fabric of Somalia? Nothing.
Obbo Somaliman,

That exactly is what this BlinkingblackNorthKorean serpent pretender baboon wants. He is only shy to be himself and say his true opinion.

Re: Awdal Militia vows to Destroy Abiy and Horus Port in Zeyla

Posted: 18 Sep 2024, 20:43
by Zack
sax eeg federaalku sideeda ba ma xuma wa mamuul dedjin uun sababta aan qabil federalism aan u diidayo waxa weye waxa dhismaya nithaam reereeysan dhibaatadu wa taas waxa la samenaya marka bantustans dadki ba dhulki laga sheeganaya wana qaladaaadka jira federal wax aad u litta maha mararka badan way dhaanta federalism soomalidu se federal waxay u haystan mamuul goboleeed dhiso deedna isku dereri dawladi dhexe waxaas federal maha wa conferal ama pararlell goverment dhibtu wa taas waan ogahay federaal sharci maha xita dastuurka hada jira wa qabyo qoraal maha dastuur lo codeeyey dhibaataduna waxa weye afti laga ma qaadi karo ila arinta Somaliland xal waarta laga keenayo. sabato hada afti dastuurka lo qaado wa in From zeila ila raaskaambooni laga codeeya oo la hirgeliya haday taasi dhici weyday qiil waxad u samaynaysa kooxda gooni goosaadka eeh Hargeisa by default hadaad dasuurka laga codeeyo uun inta kale eeh somalia aysan somaliland ku jirin aragtiidooda gooni goosaadka ayaad xoojisanaysa, any way taasina wa dood kale maha inaynu galno, se waan kugu raacsnahay in waxani hada federaal ahayn oo ay tahay wax iska fawda ah federaalka na maha erey xun hasayeeshe somalidu ba abuse ku wadda hal dawlad ba jirta wadanka iyo hal calan iyo hal qaran , dawladnimadu wa sidaas ka waran hadii texas ama california heshiisyo gaar ah la gasho ruuska iyo cuba oo ay dawlada dhexe waxba ka ogayn ama haday gudoomiye gobol iyo biden is qabsadaan deetana governorka california mexico heshiis difaac ah la seexeedo waxaasay waddan marka si arinta qabiilka loo yareyo wa in mamuulada hab qabiil laga dhigin wa argitidayda run ahaanti,,

Dr Zackovich

Re: Awdal Militia vows to Destroy Abiy and Horus Port in Zeyla

Posted: 18 Sep 2024, 20:47
by Zack
sun wrote:
18 Sep 2024, 20:39
Somaliman wrote:
18 Sep 2024, 18:30
Zack wrote:
18 Sep 2024, 18:21
Yea ur right to some extend many occasions the isaaq were grouped under dir though they themselves oppose this but for the record let’s just say then ,there are only two tribes dir and darood in Somaliland. I have solution though for the whole Somaliland vs Somalia issue ,why not just give the isaaq their secession but under 3 conditions,Sool and sanaag territories to be fully part of puntland and Somalia . And give the awdal region to Djibouti since the gadabuursi and issa would fully be integrated into Djibouti . And togdheer and woqoyi galbeed can be their country what u say Jikaar . But only under one condition no mou no Ethiopian naval base and no sea out let for the Ethiopians I think it’s a fair deal what you think Somaliman. Can we sign a deal .

Dr Zackovich

No, I don't agree with your proposal, as this would open a pandora box. If isaaq as a clan with two regions is allowed to secede, what is going to stop other clans with even bigger areas from following these fuc'kers, which finally would dismantle and annihilate the very fabric of Somalia? Nothing.
Obbo Somaliman,

That exactly is what this BlinkingblackNorthKorean serpent pretender baboon wants. He is only shy to be himself and say his true opinion.

and mr Galla why would i want to dismantle my own country Somalia
the only country i want to see divided into 5 or 6 countries is Ethiopia.

Dr Zackovich

Re: Awdal Militia vows to Destroy Abiy and Horus Port in Zeyla

Posted: 18 Sep 2024, 20:48
by sun
Somaliman wrote:
18 Sep 2024, 20:31
Ma xuma soo jeedintaada. Mana xumaan lahayn federal qabiil ku dhisan haddii la wada go'aansado. Laakiin waxa Soomaaliya maanta ka jira federal system-ba ma aha. Halkee lagu arkey federal states mid walba uu leeyahay in ka badan 60 wasiir, iyo ciidankiisa, oo xittaa Puntland ay leedahay central bank inkastoo uu bug yahay oo IMF aanay aqoonsanyan. Deni markuu soo magacaabay wasiiradiisa ayaan tiriyey, waxay ahaayeen 63 wasiir. bal arag fowdadan.

Ma la socottaaa, ta kale, in federal system ku sheeggani aanu dastuur ku dhisnayn oo aan xittaa la marsiin baarlamaanka! Cid dooratay lama arko. Kuwii Kenya ku soo saxiixay waxay leeyihiin Zenawi iyo gaalaa wadatay. Kulla fidna cinda federal ku sheegan. Waa in la saxaa ama afti dadweyne la galiyaa, oo dadku qaataan ama diidaan. Si tan loo sameeyana waxaa loo baahan yahay qof adag oo awood leh, oo musuq iyo qabyaalad ka nadiif ah.

Tuugta ay tubada ugu mudan tahay oo kaliya ayaa dani ay ugu jirtaa system-kani.

You are right, a strong and powerful person is needed, free from corruption and tribalism, as you put it.

Re: Awdal Militia vows to Destroy Abiy and Horus Port in Zeyla

Posted: 18 Sep 2024, 21:00
by sun
Zack wrote:
18 Sep 2024, 20:47
sun wrote:
18 Sep 2024, 20:39
Somaliman wrote:
18 Sep 2024, 18:30
Zack wrote:
18 Sep 2024, 18:21
Yea ur right to some extend many occasions the isaaq were grouped under dir though they themselves oppose this but for the record let’s just say then ,there are only two tribes dir and darood in Somaliland. I have solution though for the whole Somaliland vs Somalia issue ,why not just give the isaaq their secession but under 3 conditions,Sool and sanaag territories to be fully part of puntland and Somalia . And give the awdal region to Djibouti since the gadabuursi and issa would fully be integrated into Djibouti . And togdheer and woqoyi galbeed can be their country what u say Jikaar . But only under one condition no mou no Ethiopian naval base and no sea out let for the Ethiopians I think it’s a fair deal what you think Somaliman. Can we sign a deal .

Dr Zackovich

No, I don't agree with your proposal, as this would open a pandora box. If isaaq as a clan with two regions is allowed to secede, what is going to stop other clans with even bigger areas from following these fuc'kers, which finally would dismantle and annihilate the very fabric of Somalia? Nothing.
Obbo Somaliman,

That exactly is what this BlinkingblackNorthKorean serpent pretender baboon wants. He is only shy to be himself and say his true opinion.

and mr Galla why would i want to dismantle my own country Somalia
the only country i want to see divided into 5 or 6 countries is Ethiopia.

Dr Zackovich
mr BlinkinBlackNorthKorea bum,

You would like to dismantle it because it is not your country as you publicly claim so that your back hole enablers who are keenly drilling your back hole to soften you may have unquestionable power over the country and its coastal strategic areas and resources like always down the historical line. Hope that the drilling you may receive can help you to get used to the screaming and non stop whining.

Re: Awdal Militia vows to Destroy Abiy and Horus Port in Zeyla

Posted: 18 Sep 2024, 21:46
by Zack
how is somalia not my country are you crazy

Dr Zackovich