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Awate was a trigger happy ordinary outlaw (shifta): A hero of Fascist Benito Mussolini

Post by Roha » 31 Aug 2024, 17:35

Awate was a trigger happy ordinary outlaw (shifta)

Awate was a trigger happy ordinary outlaw (shifta): A hero of Fascist Benito Mussolini !!!

In defense of the Kunama version of the history of Awate and free speech

In the month of September, 2012 following a statement made by Mr. Kernelious Osman of the Kunama regarding Hamid Idris Awate, a lot of uproar has ensued. In the ensuing uproar many organizations and individuals like the Gulf Centre for Media Services, the Eritrean Solidarity Front,, and other numerous individuals and news outlets have come up with articles condemning and demonizing Mr. Kernelious.

Some have tried to tell Mr. Kernelious and by extension the Kunama people not to cross a red line which they have put. Some of them even have gone to the extent of demanding the expulsion of his organization from the so called “umbrella organization” Eritrean National Alliance (ENA). Furthermore, ENA has taken the unprecedented and undemocratic decision of suspending the organization led by Mr. Kernelious Osman, because he exercised his God given right of freedom of expression.

These organizations and media outlets, in their attempt to create “an Awate which is beyond reproach and criticism”, they deliberately have alienated the Kunamas of Eritrea and simply told them that the pain and suffering imparted on them in the hands of Awate and his outlaw (shifta) group is not worth mentioning.

They are simply telling these indigenous Eritrean people that they and their painful history do not matter. The Kunamas which have been the victim of an aggressive persecution by the Asmara regime through its ethnic cleansing policy have been conveniently forgotten by the mainstream Eritrean opposition groups.

The persecution and suffering of this Ethnic group and the stories and sufferings of the tens of thousands of Kunama refugees have not been reported by any of the so called “Eritrean human right organizations” who have flourished these days in every conceivable corner of the globe where the Eritrean Diaspora lives. These Human right organizations that go by fancy names like “concern”, “organization”, “Gezana” etc. would rather deafen us day in and day out with their copy and paste reports about the G-15, and the burial rights of one of the most notorious Gestapo of Eritrea Naizghi Kiflu. None of them came forward to defend Kernelious’ right to hold opinions without interference and freedom of speech.

Again for these Eritrean Opposition and so called Human right organizations, the sufferings of the Kunama people is not worth reporting and sadly enough the Kunamas are “subhuman species” who do not deserve a mention. No wonder then that the Kunamas and other minority people feel alienated not only by the Asmara regime but also by the main stream Eritrean opposition groups and human right organizations. No wonder that they have incorporated in their programs “the right for self determination up to and including secession”. .

.... ... -mussolini

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Re: Awate was a trigger happy ordinary outlaw (shifta): A hero of Fascist Benito Mussolini

Post by Roha » 01 Sep 2024, 15:37

Awate was a trigger happy ordinary outlaw (shifta): A hero of Fascist Benito Mussolini

Hamid Idris Awate was born in 1910 in Gerset village located between Omhajer and Tessenei in Gash Setit region of South Western Eritrea, from a Nara father and Beni Amer mother. In 1935, he was conscripted by the Italians to serve in the colonial army of the Eritrean Ascaris. The Italians, impressed by Awate’s military performance and loyalty sent him to the Italian African Police training school in Tivoli about 30 km north-east of Rome, for a course in Military Intelligence. The Italian African Police force (Polizia dell'Africa Italiana or PAI) was a racially mixed organization, made up of Italian agents and native Ascaris. It was located in police headquarters of major cities like Tripoli, Benghazi, Asmara, Addis Ababa, Mogadishu, Gondar, or in small commissariats elsewhere.

During the fascist era of Benito Mussolini (1922–1943), the Italian African Police (Polizia dell'Africa Italiana or PAI) along with the Carabinieri were one of the police forces entrusted with suppressing opposition in Italian East Africa (Africa Orientale Italiana, or AOI), mainly in Eritrea, Somalia and Ethiopia.

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Re: Awate was a trigger happy ordinary outlaw (shifta): A hero of Fascist Benito Mussolini

Post by Mesob » 01 Sep 2024, 19:43

Everyone knows, the ignorant camel raider Shifta Awate was an innocent man, hired to do the dirty job for the Arab Abid slaves, such as Idris Galawdious and Abdela Idris
Roha wrote:
01 Sep 2024, 15:37
Awate was a trigger happy ordinary outlaw (shifta): A hero of Fascist Benito Mussolini

Hamid Idris Awate was born in 1910 in Gerset village located between Omhajer and Tessenei in Gash Setit region of South Western Eritrea, from a Nara father and Beni Amer mother. In 1935, he was conscripted by the Italians to serve in the colonial army of the Eritrean Ascaris. The Italians, impressed by Awate’s military performance and loyalty sent him to the Italian African Police training school in Tivoli about 30 km north-east of Rome, for a course in Military Intelligence. The Italian African Police force (Polizia dell'Africa Italiana or PAI) was a racially mixed organization, made up of Italian agents and native Ascaris. It was located in police headquarters of major cities like Tripoli, Benghazi, Asmara, Addis Ababa, Mogadishu, Gondar, or in small commissariats elsewhere.

During the fascist era of Benito Mussolini (1922–1943), the Italian African Police (Polizia dell'Africa Italiana or PAI) along with the Carabinieri were one of the police forces entrusted with suppressing opposition in Italian East Africa (Africa Orientale Italiana, or AOI), mainly in Eritrea, Somalia and Ethiopia.

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Re: Awate was a trigger happy ordinary outlaw (shifta): A hero of Fascist Benito Mussolini

Post by Cigar » 01 Sep 2024, 20:07

We love our Eritrean 🇪🇷 shifta Awate and all the Eritrean 🇪🇷’shiftas’ who fought 30 years to free Eritrea and all the Eritrean 🇪🇷 ‘shiftas’ who defended Eritrea 🇪🇷 then after.

Posts: 1665
Joined: 23 Dec 2013, 21:03

Re: Awate was a trigger happy ordinary outlaw (shifta): A hero of Fascist Benito Mussolini

Post by Mesob » 01 Sep 2024, 20:25

Cigar wrote:
01 Sep 2024, 20:07
We love our Eritrean 🇪🇷 shifta Awate and all the Eritrean 🇪🇷’shiftas’ who fought 30 years to free Eritrea and all the Eritrean 🇪🇷 ‘shiftas’ who defended Eritrea 🇪🇷 then after.
Yes, you should love the Arab concubine Shifta slaves for the reasons below. As the Arab concubines and slaves of Eritrea point fingers at each other worried how fast they speak Arabic, Eritreans are suffering everywhere at home and in the savage Arab world How do the Arabs treat Eritreans who burned their own Tigre Tigrinya languages to borrow a second hand identity and Arabic language?
Here is how my Eritreans suffer in the Islamic Arabic world.

My Eritrean brothers and sisters in Arab chains

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