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What warranted the current dispute between the Eritrean authority and the Ethiopian airlines

Post by Deqi-Arawit » 26 Jul 2024, 05:53

The Eritrean dictator never to cease to amaze me, it seems to ease people daily problem doesn't seem be in his radar screen. The latest Ethiopian airline debacle is one of them. some knuckle head supporters are trying to justify the policy of the dictator by claiming that the airline charges Eritrean customers high fee in comparison to other customers. What they forgot it though, The price of any commodity or service depends on supply and demand and the Ethiopian Airlines are just exploiting it. The demands exceeds the supply hence the higher prices. If Eritreans had other alternatives, the Ethiopian Airlines wouldn't even contemplate to charge such outrageous price. But they know Eritreans customers are desperate and they don't have any other options hence they could even charge 10 000 Dollar and still Eritreans would fly Ethiopian. The same knuckle head are also claiming that Ethiopian staff workers steal from passengers belonging, have these idiots flew Egypt air? Furthermore, it is up to the customers to write their complains to the company and write their frustration on the internet how they were treated badly by Ethiopian Airlines and become its worst commercial advertise.

People who are going to suffer most of the debacle are elderly people who travels to Ethiopia to meet their children whom come from Europe or America.

I said it before and I say it again, as long the visionless dictator is at the helmet of power, nothing positive is going to happen in Eritrea!

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Re: What warranted the current dispute between the Eritrean authority and the Ethiopian airlines

Post by Somaliman » 26 Jul 2024, 07:10

From my Google search, Asmara is also served by EgyptAir, flynas, Turkish Airlines, and Tarco Aviation. Therefore, you don't necessarily need to pass through Addis while on your way to Asmara. Use other airlines (Egypt Air and Turkish Airlines), which are even better, and avoid spending your hard-earned money in sustaining an airline that's abusing you and taking you for granted.

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Re: What warranted the current dispute between the Eritrean authority and the Ethiopian airlines

Post by Deqi-Arawit » 26 Jul 2024, 07:20

Somaliman wrote:
26 Jul 2024, 07:10
From my Google search, Asmara is also served by EgyptAir, flynas, Turkish Airlines, and Tarco Aviation. Therefore, you don't necessarily need to pass through Addis while on your way to Asmara. Use other airlines (Egypt Air and Turkish Airlines), which are even better, and avoid spending your hard-earned money in sustaining an airline that's abusing you and taking you for granted.
From principle point of view I have never flew with Ethiopian Airlines (Qatar, emirates and Turkish airlines are my favorite when I travel to Africa) but after the kiss-kiss relationship between the Eritrean dictator and the sub-human Galla, what is the purpose of preventing people to fly Ethiopia if they can afford it, it is always good for the customers if there is competition. Plus if people complain that Ethiopian Airlines is charging passengers expensive fees, what is their reaction to Egyptair. it is broad day robbery.

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Re: What warranted the current dispute between the Eritrean authority and the Ethiopian airlines

Post by kebena05 » 26 Jul 2024, 07:23

Do you ever wonder how Eritrean had survived for 20 plus years after the Ethiopian airlines stop flying to Eritrea b/n 1998-2018?
This is not supply and demand or economical issue, it abuses of monopoly that the Eritrean government willingly allowed the EAL to takeover this profitable route by this carrier only as good gesture during the peace deal. You knucklehead don't seem to understand that people are paying higher prices because those who are living from Europe and N. America don't want their mom and dads to take longer and cheaper routes to see them in Addis because, this airline is the only alternative direct flight that the Eritrean government allowed to fly to Ethiopia. By the way, there also could be other sinister motive also by the Eritrean government to shut down this route. We all know why the children of these elderly men and women are flying to Addis to meet their parents, not in Eritrea as millions do? Because they are mostly the so called "Brigede Nhamedu" gangs who have been terrorizing innocent Eritreans all over the world in the last few years cannot come home after committing these crimes.

Regardless, I can attest myself for the Sh*ty and low-grade service the EAL provides to Eritreans whether they are flying to Asmara via Addis from foreign countries. There seems to be an organized sabotage from the higher level that targets Eritrean passengers for extra scrutiny at the airport (even for a couple of hours layover time), missing items and the entire luggage, delays without explanation and limiting the number of luggage Eritrean passengers can bring with them. I have yet to find any airlines that limits its passengers for 2 luggage when the passenger is willingly to pay a much higher price for the extra luggage.

Now, Egypt air, Turkyie, Fly Dubai, Tarko, Saudi and others are happily will take over this profitable route from the lazy-[deleted] Ethiopians.

Deqi-Arawit wrote:
26 Jul 2024, 05:53
The Eritrean dictator never to cease to amaze me, it seems to ease people daily problem doesn't seem be in his radar screen. The latest Ethiopian airline debacle is one of them. some knuckle head supporters are trying to justify the policy of the dictator by claiming that the airline charges Eritrean customers high fee in comparison to other customers. What they forgot it though, The price of any commodity or service depends on supply and demand and the Ethiopian Airlines are just exploiting it. The demands exceeds the supply hence the higher prices. If Eritreans had other alternatives, the Ethiopian Airlines wouldn't even contemplate to charge such outrageous price. But they know Eritreans customers are desperate and they don't have any other options hence they could even charge 10 000 Dollar and still Eritreans would fly Ethiopian. The same knuckle head are also claiming that Ethiopian staff workers steal from passengers belonging, have these idiots flew Egypt air? Furthermore, it is up to the customers to write their complains to the company and write their frustration on the internet how they were treated badly by Ethiopian Airlines and become its worst commercial advertise.

People who are going to suffer most of the debacle are elderly people who travels to Ethiopia to meet their children whom come from Europe or America.

I said it before and I say it again, as long the visionless dictator is at the helmet of power, nothing positive is going to happen in Eritrea!

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Re: What warranted the current dispute between the Eritrean authority and the Ethiopian airlines

Post by Deqi-Arawit » 26 Jul 2024, 07:49

kebena05 wrote:
26 Jul 2024, 07:23
Do you ever wonder how Eritrean had survived for 20 plus years after the Ethiopian airlines stop flying to Eritrea b/n 1998-2018?
This is not supply and demand or economical issue, it abuses of monopoly that the Eritrean government willingly allowed the EAL to takeover this profitable route by this carrier only as good gesture during the peace deal. You knucklehead don't seem to understand that people are paying higher prices because those who are living from Europe and N. America don't want their mom and dads to take longer and cheaper routes to see them in Addis because, this airline is the only alternative direct flight that the Eritrean government allowed to fly to Ethiopia. By the way, there also could be other sinister motive also by the Eritrean government to shut down this route. We all know why the children of these elderly men and women are flying to Addis to meet their parents, not in Eritrea as millions do? Because they are mostly the so called "Brigede Nhamedu" gangs who have been terrorizing innocent Eritreans all over the world in the last few years cannot come home after committing these crimes.

Regardless, I can attest myself for the Sh*ty and low-grade service the EAL provides to Eritreans whether they are flying to Asmara via Addis from foreign countries. There seems to be an organized sabotage from the higher level that targets Eritrean passengers for extra scrutiny at the airport (even for a couple of hours layover time), missing items and the entire luggage, delays without explanation and limiting the number of luggage Eritrean passengers can bring with them. I have yet to find any airlines that limits its passengers for 2 luggage when the passenger is willingly to pay a much higher price for the extra luggage.

Now, Egypt air, Turkyie, Fly Dubai, Tarko, Saudi and others are happily will take over this profitable route from the lazy-[deleted] Ethiopians.
Aye. There is a Swedish proverb which goes by, the last idiot is not born yet and you my friend are not the last idiot to come with this kind of outlandish non sense.

No one put a gun to any passenger to fly Ethiopian airline? People have option to fly with any airlines they wish to fly, That is free market economy. Furthermore, I could have understood the justification of stoping the operation of Ethiopian airline to operate in Eritrea if the regime has his own air line but Eritreans are stuck between pest and cholera, they are stuck with Egyptair and Ethiopian Airlines who are just exploiting Eritreans to their maximum. Perhaps regime supporters are just pissed that Ethiopian Airlines is not offering Eritreans the same price fee to Ethiopians whose last destination is Gondere or Mekele. Addis to Mekele is 170 US dollars while Addis to Gonder is less than 170 US dollar, while Eritreans are paying a whopping 850 US dollar. :twisted:

In regard to your personal and other people experience, if you learned your lesson, you are not going to fly Ethiopian Airlines the next time you fly to Eritrea but desperate circumstances is going to coerce you to fly Ethiopian Airlines and the airlines is aware of it, that is is why monopoly position in any market is forbidden in the west and other free market economy. What the dictator have done is, he is just throwing your arse to the jaw of Egyptair and they are going to make sure to squeeze you every penny you have because with Ethiopian Airlines out of the picture, they know they dont have any competitor.

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Re: What warranted the current dispute between the Eritrean authority and the Ethiopian airlines

Post by Dark Energy » 26 Jul 2024, 09:34


Ethiopian airlines had been exploiting Eritrean sky’s to save millions of dollars every year since Abbiy Ahmed came to Asmara. Isayas makes decisions to prolong his grip on power, not necessarily to promote national interest. African dictators including the weasel from Addis aggrandize self interest over national interest. That is why, they stay in power for decades. The little twerp in Addis, is just doing that. Expect more Ethiopia needs to own its port.,…bla bla. From financial point of view, Ethiopian airlines needs to fly through the Eritrean skis to save millions of dollars. No sweat, some other airlines can serve the Eritrean people far more easily. It is not going to stop there though, Isayas and Abbiy will play all kind of games to promote their power over the respective countries, Ethiopia will have to deal with possible disintegration. Eritrea will be kept in darkness as long as it takes. Who knows, Isayas may live to be one hundred years old. :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Re: What warranted the current dispute between the Eritrean authority and the Ethiopian airlines

Post by Somaliman » 26 Jul 2024, 09:38

Guess what - EgyptAir charges $494 for Round trip, Economy, Cairo - Mogadishu, which is way longer than Addis - Asmara! ... CBoe3cCmq6

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Re: What warranted the current dispute between the Eritrean authority and the Ethiopian airlines

Post by Deqi-Arawit » 26 Jul 2024, 09:54

Somaliman wrote:
26 Jul 2024, 09:38
Guess what - EgyptAir charges $494 for Round trip, Economy, Cairo - Mogadishu, which is way longer than Addis - Asmara! ... CBoe3cCmq6
Despite the lawlessness of Somalia during the last 30 years, business thrived and many entrepreneurs grew to this environment. Hence mobil phone operation and aviation business thrived which gave consumers options to ditch one Operator for other Operator. Internet connection in Somaliland is much advanced than Djibouti

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Re: What warranted the current dispute between the Eritrean authority and the Ethiopian airlines

Post by Abere » 26 Jul 2024, 10:04

Deqi-Arawit -ወሉዴ አራዊት

Do not be surprise by the sudden concern of Shabia for Eritreans :mrgreen: As a dictator rebel leader, Shabia, will surprise you that deciding what food to eat or not to eat. Teff Injera will be forbidden whereas Fufu will be declared as official food. :lol:

የኢትዮጵያ አየር መንገድ መስተንግዶ አበሻዊ ስለሆነ እና የነጭ ጤፍ ማኛ ስለሚያስተናግድ ይህ ደግሞ ለፓስታ ገታች አስካሪ አይሆንም።
እናንተ አትብረሩበት እኛ እንበርበታለን - እኔ ዕድሜ ልክ ደንበኛ ነኝ - ያለኢትዮጵያ አየር መንገድ የሄድኩ አይመስለኝም፤ እንጀራ ካልበላሁ ምግብ የበላሁ አይመስለኝም። የአገሬን ባህል ልብስ በሰማይ ላይ አስተናጋጆች ለብሰው ሳይ ጨምሬ ጨምሬ ከፍየ መሄድ እፈልጋለሁ። አካሪ ቀረ ፈስ ቀረ ነው - ኳኳቲያም/ጩኸታም። :mrgreen:

I care about Ethiopian Airline, I love it.

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