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Oromo’s Future Goal of high Confidence is Oropia (Oromumma Led Ethiopia) with Geo-federation!

Post by OPFist » 29 Mar 2024, 08:55

Oromo’s Future Goal of high Confidence is Oropia (Oromumma Led Ethiopia) with Geo-federation!

How interesting to observe the process of role exchange between Amara’s and Oromo’s politics. Amara elites, who used to be unitarists are slowly moving from geo-federation through ethnic federation towards entertaining liberation of Amara land in the form of an independence. Oromo elites, who started the struggle about 50 years ago wanted an indeprndent Oromia as we had low confidence. This idea was highly advocated by Ob. Galasa Dilbo and the OLF. Now, we developed an intermefiate confidence so that we are entertaining ethnic federation, the objective mostly propagated by Dr. Leenco Lata and the OFC. Surely, in the near future, we shall have high confidence even to opt for a unitary Oropia (Oromumma led Ethiopia), of course with Afaan Oromo as a primary working language of the country, i.e the first vision of Dr. Haile Fida now seem to be entertained by some Oromo elites. This can be in a form of geo-federation, where the big regions like Amara, Oromia, Somali and South will be divided in to smaller regions. I personally would like to recommend democratic Oropia using primarily Afaan Oromo with the following federal regions:

1. Afar with capital Semera (using Qarfar Af)

2. Tigrai Maqalle (Tigrigna, Erob and Kunama)

3. Bejamidir Gondar (Amharigna and Qemantiye)

4. Gojjam B/Dar (Amharigna and Agawigna)

5. Wallo Desse (Amharigna, Oromiffa, Argobigna and Agawigna)

6. North Shoa D/Berihan (Amharigna and Oromiffa)

7. Benishangul Metekel (Berta, Gumuz, Shinasha, Mao, Oromiffa…)

8. Gambella (Agnuak, Nuer, Oromiffa…)

9. Wollaga Naqamte (Oromiffa)

10. Illu & Jimma (Oromiffa)

11. Shagar/Shoa of Oromo (Oromiffa)

12. Hararge Diredawa (Oromiffa, Aderigna)

13. Arsi & Bale (Oromiffa)

14. Borana & Guji (Oromiffa)

15. Sidama (Af Sidamu und Gedeogna)

16. Wollaita (Wollaitigna)

17. Omo (Gamogna, Goffigna, …..)

16. South-West (Keffigna, Dawarigna, Shekiso…)

17. South Shoa (Guragigna, Siltihna, Hadiyigna, Kambatigna, Yemigna, Halabigna…)

18. Isa Jigjiga (Af Somaal)

19. Ogaden Gode (Af Somaal)

20. Garre Liban (Af Somaal and Oromiffa)

21 Finfinne (Oromiffa)
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Re: Oromo’s Future Goal of high Confidence is Oropia (Oromumma Led Ethiopia) with Geo-federation!

Post by OPFist » 29 Mar 2024, 10:20

To materalize this vision, the OLF needs to be flexible. It was good that an independent Oromia was OLF’s vision in the past struggle for liberation. It is nice to emphasize the importance of federal union at the present phase of transition. But it will be mandatory to stress an integrative Oropia in the future, if the OLF wants to take over the political leadership in Ethiopia in particular and in the Horn of Africa in general. To be successful in such leadership, it can be necessary to instrumentalize the following concepts used by Abyssinian elites up to now: Andinet (Ethiopian unity), Ethiopiawinet ideology, the flag of green-yellow-red, Orthodox christianity, proud histroy like Adwa, Zeginet politics (citzenship right), Amharinya second to Afaan Oromo … etc. Usurping these concepts from Abyssinian elites and using them in Ormo terms is very important in order to silence these pro Amaranet [ deleted ] and vocal elites as well as to get support of other neighbouring nations.

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Re: Oromo’s Future Goal of high Confidence is Oropia (Oromumma Led Ethiopia) with Geo-federation!

Post by OPFist » 29 Mar 2024, 10:51

Till now, Oromo elites had the following three approaches and visions based on situations and the timing of here and now:

– achieving an independent Oromia as planned by Ob. Galaasa Dilbo et al. This was our goal used to fight against Derg at that time of Oromo’s politics of low confidence.

– realization of true multi-national federation of language based states of the existing federal structure, which is program of Dr. Lencoo Lata (self-rule of Oromia within shared-rule of democratic Oropia). This position was used during the struggle against Woyane rule and now we can use it during this time of transition to democracy; we, of course, having Oromo politics of intermediate confidence.

– fostering an integrative Oropia with an alternative 21 federal states in a form of multi-regional federation as envisioned by Dr. Haile Fida. Here, we can have the following federal states of Oropia: 6 traditional Oromo regional states (Maccaa, Tuulama, Wallo, Baarentu, Arsi and Boorana ); 4 known Amhara states (Shoa, Lasta, Gojjam and Gondar); 4 region-states of the present SNNP (Central state of Gurage, Hadiya, Kambata…, South state, Sidama state and Southwest state); 3 Somali states (Isa, Garre and Ogaden); and 4 other single states (Tigray, Afar, Benishangul-Gumuz and Gambella). We surely will opt for this version as we develop Oromo’s politics of high confidence under the already started Oromo leadership of the country.

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Re: Oromo’s Future Goal of high Confidence is Oropia (Oromumma Led Ethiopia) with Geo-federation!

Post by OPFist » 29 Mar 2024, 13:56

The three parts of our national liberation movement (e.g the OLF, OFC and OPP) are results of the following three approaches we do have towards our history. It seems that we are treating our history in three dimensions: (1) as only common proud history of Oromia and Abyssinia, such as the Adwa battle; (2) as only the conflicting parallel history of Oromia and Abyssinia, such as Minilik invasion and the so-called Oromo expansion; (3) as both common proud history and conflicting parallel history of Oromia and Abyssinia. Now, we do see that the consequences of these three approaches are three possible destinies regarding the future Oromian sovereignty. If we want to consolidate our freedom efficiently, despite these different views, we have to firstly try to fight together for our common agenda of freedom from Abyssinian elites’ system of domination, and then settle to choose one of the following types of sovereignty based on the version of Oromo history we respectively do have in mind. It is clear that:

– those, who do perceive only the conflicting parallel history, prefer liberation in Russian style. Russian elites dismantled the Soviet union and established Russian federation, which uses Russian national language, the federation which still does have an influence on its neighboring nations, because of its economic and military strength. Does this way of dismantling Oropia and fostering the highly wished independent Oromia to have a further influence over the other liberated neighboring countries more advantageous than the other two types of sovereignty? Is OLF of Galasa Dilbo still following this approach?

– those, who tend to accept both the common proud and the conflicting parallel parts of our history, opt for liberation in English model. English people liberated themselves from the long time rule of Roman empire, forged England as an autonomous region and united it with neighboring others to form British United Kingdom; they promoted English to working language of the Kingdom. Can’t Oromia, being autonomous and free from alien forces, be united with the neighboring autonomous regions to forge federal union, similar to that of British United Kingdom and promote Afan Oromo to working language of the union? Is OFC yet persuing this approach of Leenco Lata to the end?

– those, who do believe in only the common proud history, tend to choose liberation of integrative Oropia of Indian type. Hindi people liberated all nations and nationalities in their region, and named the whole country as India, made Hindi working language of Indian federation and, of course, they divided national area of Hindi into multiple federal regions. Why not Oromo people liberate the whole nations and nationalities in Ethiopia, call the whole country ‘Oropia’ and promote Afan Oromo to working language of the federation, with the historical local Odaa’s of Oromia (Odaa-Bisil, -Bultum, -Gaarres, -Makodi, -Nabee and -Roobaa) being future separate federal regions of the country? Is there any Oromo organization to realize this vision of Haile Fida?

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Re: Oromo’s Future Goal of high Confidence is Oropia (Oromumma Led Ethiopia) with Geo-federation!

Post by OPFist » 29 Mar 2024, 14:09

In general, common denominator of the three parts was a struggle for freedom from tyranny of Abyssinian regimes and then fostering democracy, so that the Oromo and other peoples will decide per referendum, which model of sovereignty to be materalized: Galaasa Dilbo’s independent Oromia or Lencoo Lata’s federal Union or Haile Fida’s integrative Oropia? As far as the Oromo are concerned, the first aim (kaayyoo ganamaa) was dominating in the first revoluion as we started liberation struggle in the past, at our political level of low confidence. The second goal (kaayyoo guyyaa) was the pragmatic politics of our intermediate confidence during the second revolution and the third objective (kaayyoo galgalaa) will be our future politics of high confidence level in process of the ongoing third revoluion. I think, Oromo revolution for freedom is under the process of evolution: from low confidence politics of seeking a secured independent Oromia, through intermediate confidence position of choosing to live in union with other nations (federal Union) to high confidence of owning the whole country in a form of integrative de facto Oropia. It seems that the future politics of the Oromo having high confidence will be to realize democratic Oropia with geo-federation as described here. May Waaqa help us grow our confidence level slowly to this last version!

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