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Interesting: Jesus is black, why Western denies this? Putin opened the vault to show the world

Post by Abaymado » 25 Mar 2024, 11:25

I am not a religious person but this topic raised my eyebrows. On this month the most debated topic is about Putin who opened the vault to show the real identity of Jesus.

this comment from white man is something:
1- " As a white Christian this is no shock to me inside i always felt that im being lied to about Jesus being white,the truth is the truth whether you like it or not. "

2- And the other Russian said this:" Being russian I always grew up seeing black skinned Jesus and still do in church on icons in orthodox church God bless "

3- " In my travels to Europe I’ve visited some churches! Well I must say I was pretty shocked to see a brown skin Jesus, Mary and Joseph in a nativity scene! So I ask the person that was showing us around! These churches have crosses,goblets and bowls with real jewels in them! So that part was lock. So we could look but not touch them! So we ask why are the nativity people brown or black! And the lady said and I Quote”You poor American you have been deceived! There is no way These ppl would have had light or white skin. In that region of the world”!!!! "
4- " A Russian woman told me that the paintings of the messiah in Russia were black,many years ago. "

Last edited by Abaymado on 25 Mar 2024, 12:11, edited 2 times in total.

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