Posted: 31 Jan 2024, 00:49
The Most Basic National Mission of Ethiopia
Here is one way to begin the dialogue on the national purpose of Ethiopians. I will not go into the explanation behind my basic points. In my view, the very basic national mission of Ethiopia is to achieve immortality and eternity of our nation. Ethiopia must continue to achieve eternal national unity and enduring cultural integration as a nation of visionary prophets, wise sages, saintly healers, and heroic warriors. Her visionary prophets will lead her to greatest harmony among her religions and give her deepest spiritual integration. Her sagely teachers will lead her to be a nation of sacred beauty, intelligence, knowledge, and wisdom. Her righteous political officials and saintly social leaders will give her a culture of truth, blameless moral standards, justice, family-hood, and love. Her heroic warriors will lead her to be a nation of creativity, innovation, industry, free expression, energy, prosperity, and happiness. This is the very first national mission of Ethiopia. This is one way of saying our most universal national purpose.
The Ethiopian Spirit: The Great Ethiopian Family
The Ethiopian People are a single family of 130, 000,000 persons. Each person is cuddled inside the Ethiopian nuclear family. Each nuclear family is cuddled inside the Ethiopian extended family. In most communities, the extended family is nested inside the clan or the tribe group. The tribe is nested within the ethnic group. Ethiopia has about 100 of those ethnic communities. These 100 ethnic groups are warmly cuddled within the supreme family of The Ethiopian Super-Family - Our Nation. Other intentional and institutional collectives have similar types of holarchic structures. These include classes and interest groups, economic associations, professional and community organization, and governmental and nongovernmental institutions. All of these diverse and multiple arrangements integrate into the Great Ethiopian Nest – the People of Ethiopia - sharing national character, culture, history, society, economy, and the Ethiopian experience.
The Ethiopian Individual
Each of the 130,000,000 individuals has her/his personal life. She has her belief and spiritual life. She has her religion and prayers. She has her own dying and her own soul. She dies alone. He dies alone. The class, the nationality or the tribe has no soul. It does not die with the individual. Each individual has his own psychological life, his perception, sensation, memory, and attention. The tribe has no brain, has no mind, and has no memory. The ethnic entity is a fiction that exists in the minds of individuals - in thought alone. Some may claim that they receive psychological comfort from their ethnic exclusion and uniqueness. But one get this type of psychological ‘comfort’ at the cost of the trauma of separatism and at the cost of hating others, anger, rage, and violence. In the very deep sense, ethnicity is a form of psychological dysfunction or abnormality.
Each person has his own intelligence, wisdom, knowledge, and information. Ethnicity or nationality is not knowledge or culture. It is the creation of bad culture. Nationality is not culture. Each person has her own friends, family, school or work group, game or gender group, her own skills, education, or his own illiteracy. Persons live their own lives, and surly none live ethnic life. There is no mode of life known as ethnicity. We live as farmers, carpenters, student, house wives and so on. Finally each person has her own experience – her own feelings, thoughts, actions, and cognition. When individuals fail in their lives, they resort to the illusion of nationality, ethnicity, and tribalism, and clanism to displace their failure and suffering as inidividuals. The tribe is an escape mechanism for a life that has become too overwhelming to manage in a complex world. Contemplate on this issue. In Ethiopia, there are communities a lot of communities who waste little of their time on the illusion of ethnicity and they never had famine, profound poverty, war, or destruction in their recent history. So, if we want to lift Ethiopia out of her present ethnic mud, we need to focus on the Ethiopian individual person and on a nonethnic organization of our lives.
Do Ethiopians Need Ethnicity?
First, the 130,000,000 Ethiopian individuals are divided into two biological identities – Female and male. If our nation were allowed to focus on real issues, the problems surrounding the gender issues alone would have consumed most of our energies. The problems facing the Ethiopian male such as violence, war, stress, education, unemployment and issues facing women are too numerous to list. There are two great roles - gender and role based identities – motherhood and fatherhood that we need to focus on and enhance. Immediately following gender identity and family roles, we Ethiopians need to spend our time on personal character, individual rights, political freedom, economic, social, and developmental roles rather than be preoccupied with retarding tribal and ethnic identities. In this day and age, none-ethnic and non- tribal affiliations such as being a craftsman, intellectual, worker, teacher, merchant, and mechanic are by far more useful and life enhancing rather than going to war to be a particular tribe.
Much has been said about tribalism and ethnicity as tools of identity, I will not waste any more time on them. The question then is what other use does ethnicity have? Does ethnicity add value to those who believe in it? Does ethnicity provide knowledge about food sufficiency, innovation, creativity, intelligence, and craftsmanship? The answers are no. Ethnicity is not a usable value creating knowledge. Ethnicity is not a set of skills or human resources, which can be applied toward the solution of life’s problems. Ethnicity is not about craft, technical skill, or artistic development. Ethnicity is not competence. It is not a management or leadership competence. Ethnicity has no professional development value. Hence, the fact that an Ethiopian is a Tigre or an Orromo will add nothing to the person’s, education, cognitive development, academic or professional ability. In fact, the evidence leads in the opposite direction. Most Ethiopians who are fixated on tribalism and ethnicity lag far behind on these key categories of personal and social development.
The Ethiopian Identity
Do Ethiopians need Ethnicity as a tool of identity? The answer is no. The Ethiopian family, extended family, small clans may have genetic basis for their existence. Individual may be biologically related as one race. The story ends there. There is no evidence to show the genetic, biological or racial bases to explain why a given group of persons belong to the same ethnic group. The origin of most ethnic affiliations is preliterate and unconscious myths and habits that are out of steps with the march of times. The terms Eritrea, Hamasien, Agame, Tigre, Amara Gurage, Oromo, Kaffa are now mere labels with no inherent meaning beyond the mindless habit of identification. There is no rational or educated explanation why a person in Awassa should be a Gojamie rather than an Adere. It is like calling a dog ‘[deleted]’ in Amharic and a ‘dog’ in English- mere label. Hence, ethnicity has no identificational purpose. The concept of ‘ETHIOPIAN’ is entirely sufficient identity at all levels of individual and collective life of the Ethiopian person.
What is The Ethiopian Agenda?
ይህን ክፍል ሁሉም እንዲያነበው በአማርኛ ጽፌዋለሁ ።
የኢትዮጵያ አጀንዳዎች 4 ናቸው።
ኢትዮጵያ በእውነተኛ ኢትዮጵያዊያን ከተደራጀችና ከተመራች ያላት ብሄራዊ አጀንዳ፣ ያላት ብሄራዊ ፋይዳና ፐርፐዝ በጣም ቀላልና ግልጽ ነው ። ልብ በል ይህ የማንም ጎሳ፣ ቡድን ኃያል ሆነ ደካማ፣ ትንሽ ሆነ ትልቅ ዘውግ ፍላጎትና ህልም አይደለም ፤ የኢትዮጵያ ብሄራዊ ሚሽን ማለት ነው ።
ኢትዮጵያ የምትባለው ሕዝብና አገር ብሄራዊ አንድነቷ የጸና፣ ጠንካራና የተረጋጋች (እስቴብል) አገር መሆን አለባት፣ መሆን ነው አላማዋ ። ይህ የኢትዮጵያ ብሄራዊ አጀንዳ ቁጥር አንድ ነው ። ከዚህ አጀንዳ ውጭ የሚያስብ ሁሉ ኢትዮጵያዊ አይደለም፣ እራሱን በፈለገው ስምና ቅጽል ቢጠራ ።
ኢትዮጵያዊ የተባለው ሕዝብ እንደ አንድ የፖለቲካ ማህበረሰብ (Political Community) ፍትህ (እኩልነት)፣ ነጻነት እና ዴሞክራሲ መፈለግ ብቻ አይደለም፤ ያለ ፍትህ፣ ነጻነትና ዴሞክራሲ መኖር አይችልም። ሰላም የሚባል ነገር እስከ አለም ፍጻሜ አያገኝም። ስልጣኔም ሆነ እድገት የሚባል ነገር አይኖሩትም ። ስለዚህ 2ኛው የኢትዮጵያ ፋይዳ፣ የኢትዮጵያ አላማ፣ የኢትዮጵያ ፐርፐዝ ዴሞክራሲ፣ ፍትህና ነጻነትን መወለድና ማሳደግ፣ ማለትም ነጻና ፍትሃዊ ሕዝብ መሆን ነው ። ይህን የኢትዮጵያ ብሄራዊ አጀንዳ ያልገባቸው ወይም የማይቀበሉ ጸረ ኢትዮጵያ ስብስቦች ናቸው የዚህ ሁሉ መከራና ድቀትት ምክንያቶች ።
3ኛው የኢትዮጵያ አጀንዳ ኢትዮጵያዊያን የሚባሉት ሕዝብን፣ ዜጋዎችን የበለጸጉ፣ ያደጉ፣ የለሙ፣ የተማሩ እና ጤንነታቸው የተጠበቀ ሕዝብ፣ ዚጋ ማድረግ ነው 3ኛው የኢትዮጵያ ብሄራዊ አጀንዳና ፋይዳ ። ኢትዮጵያ እንደ አንድ አገር፣ እንደ አንድ ሕዝብ፣ እንደ አንድ ማህበር፣ እንደ አንድ ሲስተም አላማ፣ ፋይዳ አላት ። ይህን ፋይዳ ለመተግበር ነው ህያው ሆነ ምትቀጥለው ። የኢትዮጵያ አጀንዳን አንድ ሁለት ብለው መቁጠር የማይችሉ መሃይም የጎሳ ጥርቃሞዎች ናቸው የዚህ ሁሉ ሰቆቃ ምክንያቶች ።
በመጨረሻም 4ኛው የኢትዮጵያ ብሄራዊ አጀንዳ የሚፈጥር፣ ችግር የሚፈታ፣ የሚራመድ፣ ከከባቢውና ኢኮሎጂው ጋር የታረቀ፣ አፈሩን። ዉሃውን፣ እንሳሳውን፣ እጸዋቱን፣ አየሩን በሃላፊነት የሚንከባከብ ፣ መንፈሳዊ ፣ በፈጣሪ ኃይል የሚያምን በሞራልና ስነ ምግባር ምርሆዎች የተለጎመ ካልቸር መፍጠር፣ መገንባት እና መጠበቅ ነው የመጨረሻው የኢትዮጵያ ብሄራዊ አጀንዳ ። የኢትዮጵያ ብሄራዊ ካልቸር ምንድን ነው? ምን መሆን አለበት ብለው መጠየቅ የማይችሉ ቀድሞ ነገር እራሳቸው ካልቸር አልባ የሆኑ ከብቶች ናችው በዚህ ታላቅ ሕዝብና ታላቅ አገር ጫንቃ ላይ ተቀምጠው ያለም ማፈሪያ የሆኑት ። የኢትዮጵያ መፍትሄ ይህ ብቻ ነው ።
ከዚህ ውጭ ያሉት በሙሉ ተፈራራቂ የኢትዮጵያ ጠላቶች ናቸው ። እነዚህ 4 ቀላል ግቦች እንዳይሳኩ ሌት ተቀን የሚባክኑ መሃይሞች፣ እረኞች፣ አረመኔዎችና የውጭ ጥላት አሽከሮች ናቸው ኢትዮጵያን በዚህ መከራ ውስጥ ይዘዋት ያሉት ።
Here is one way to begin the dialogue on the national purpose of Ethiopians. I will not go into the explanation behind my basic points. In my view, the very basic national mission of Ethiopia is to achieve immortality and eternity of our nation. Ethiopia must continue to achieve eternal national unity and enduring cultural integration as a nation of visionary prophets, wise sages, saintly healers, and heroic warriors. Her visionary prophets will lead her to greatest harmony among her religions and give her deepest spiritual integration. Her sagely teachers will lead her to be a nation of sacred beauty, intelligence, knowledge, and wisdom. Her righteous political officials and saintly social leaders will give her a culture of truth, blameless moral standards, justice, family-hood, and love. Her heroic warriors will lead her to be a nation of creativity, innovation, industry, free expression, energy, prosperity, and happiness. This is the very first national mission of Ethiopia. This is one way of saying our most universal national purpose.
The Ethiopian Spirit: The Great Ethiopian Family
The Ethiopian People are a single family of 130, 000,000 persons. Each person is cuddled inside the Ethiopian nuclear family. Each nuclear family is cuddled inside the Ethiopian extended family. In most communities, the extended family is nested inside the clan or the tribe group. The tribe is nested within the ethnic group. Ethiopia has about 100 of those ethnic communities. These 100 ethnic groups are warmly cuddled within the supreme family of The Ethiopian Super-Family - Our Nation. Other intentional and institutional collectives have similar types of holarchic structures. These include classes and interest groups, economic associations, professional and community organization, and governmental and nongovernmental institutions. All of these diverse and multiple arrangements integrate into the Great Ethiopian Nest – the People of Ethiopia - sharing national character, culture, history, society, economy, and the Ethiopian experience.
The Ethiopian Individual
Each of the 130,000,000 individuals has her/his personal life. She has her belief and spiritual life. She has her religion and prayers. She has her own dying and her own soul. She dies alone. He dies alone. The class, the nationality or the tribe has no soul. It does not die with the individual. Each individual has his own psychological life, his perception, sensation, memory, and attention. The tribe has no brain, has no mind, and has no memory. The ethnic entity is a fiction that exists in the minds of individuals - in thought alone. Some may claim that they receive psychological comfort from their ethnic exclusion and uniqueness. But one get this type of psychological ‘comfort’ at the cost of the trauma of separatism and at the cost of hating others, anger, rage, and violence. In the very deep sense, ethnicity is a form of psychological dysfunction or abnormality.
Each person has his own intelligence, wisdom, knowledge, and information. Ethnicity or nationality is not knowledge or culture. It is the creation of bad culture. Nationality is not culture. Each person has her own friends, family, school or work group, game or gender group, her own skills, education, or his own illiteracy. Persons live their own lives, and surly none live ethnic life. There is no mode of life known as ethnicity. We live as farmers, carpenters, student, house wives and so on. Finally each person has her own experience – her own feelings, thoughts, actions, and cognition. When individuals fail in their lives, they resort to the illusion of nationality, ethnicity, and tribalism, and clanism to displace their failure and suffering as inidividuals. The tribe is an escape mechanism for a life that has become too overwhelming to manage in a complex world. Contemplate on this issue. In Ethiopia, there are communities a lot of communities who waste little of their time on the illusion of ethnicity and they never had famine, profound poverty, war, or destruction in their recent history. So, if we want to lift Ethiopia out of her present ethnic mud, we need to focus on the Ethiopian individual person and on a nonethnic organization of our lives.
Do Ethiopians Need Ethnicity?
First, the 130,000,000 Ethiopian individuals are divided into two biological identities – Female and male. If our nation were allowed to focus on real issues, the problems surrounding the gender issues alone would have consumed most of our energies. The problems facing the Ethiopian male such as violence, war, stress, education, unemployment and issues facing women are too numerous to list. There are two great roles - gender and role based identities – motherhood and fatherhood that we need to focus on and enhance. Immediately following gender identity and family roles, we Ethiopians need to spend our time on personal character, individual rights, political freedom, economic, social, and developmental roles rather than be preoccupied with retarding tribal and ethnic identities. In this day and age, none-ethnic and non- tribal affiliations such as being a craftsman, intellectual, worker, teacher, merchant, and mechanic are by far more useful and life enhancing rather than going to war to be a particular tribe.
Much has been said about tribalism and ethnicity as tools of identity, I will not waste any more time on them. The question then is what other use does ethnicity have? Does ethnicity add value to those who believe in it? Does ethnicity provide knowledge about food sufficiency, innovation, creativity, intelligence, and craftsmanship? The answers are no. Ethnicity is not a usable value creating knowledge. Ethnicity is not a set of skills or human resources, which can be applied toward the solution of life’s problems. Ethnicity is not about craft, technical skill, or artistic development. Ethnicity is not competence. It is not a management or leadership competence. Ethnicity has no professional development value. Hence, the fact that an Ethiopian is a Tigre or an Orromo will add nothing to the person’s, education, cognitive development, academic or professional ability. In fact, the evidence leads in the opposite direction. Most Ethiopians who are fixated on tribalism and ethnicity lag far behind on these key categories of personal and social development.
The Ethiopian Identity
Do Ethiopians need Ethnicity as a tool of identity? The answer is no. The Ethiopian family, extended family, small clans may have genetic basis for their existence. Individual may be biologically related as one race. The story ends there. There is no evidence to show the genetic, biological or racial bases to explain why a given group of persons belong to the same ethnic group. The origin of most ethnic affiliations is preliterate and unconscious myths and habits that are out of steps with the march of times. The terms Eritrea, Hamasien, Agame, Tigre, Amara Gurage, Oromo, Kaffa are now mere labels with no inherent meaning beyond the mindless habit of identification. There is no rational or educated explanation why a person in Awassa should be a Gojamie rather than an Adere. It is like calling a dog ‘[deleted]’ in Amharic and a ‘dog’ in English- mere label. Hence, ethnicity has no identificational purpose. The concept of ‘ETHIOPIAN’ is entirely sufficient identity at all levels of individual and collective life of the Ethiopian person.
What is The Ethiopian Agenda?
ይህን ክፍል ሁሉም እንዲያነበው በአማርኛ ጽፌዋለሁ ።
የኢትዮጵያ አጀንዳዎች 4 ናቸው።
ኢትዮጵያ በእውነተኛ ኢትዮጵያዊያን ከተደራጀችና ከተመራች ያላት ብሄራዊ አጀንዳ፣ ያላት ብሄራዊ ፋይዳና ፐርፐዝ በጣም ቀላልና ግልጽ ነው ። ልብ በል ይህ የማንም ጎሳ፣ ቡድን ኃያል ሆነ ደካማ፣ ትንሽ ሆነ ትልቅ ዘውግ ፍላጎትና ህልም አይደለም ፤ የኢትዮጵያ ብሄራዊ ሚሽን ማለት ነው ።
ኢትዮጵያ የምትባለው ሕዝብና አገር ብሄራዊ አንድነቷ የጸና፣ ጠንካራና የተረጋጋች (እስቴብል) አገር መሆን አለባት፣ መሆን ነው አላማዋ ። ይህ የኢትዮጵያ ብሄራዊ አጀንዳ ቁጥር አንድ ነው ። ከዚህ አጀንዳ ውጭ የሚያስብ ሁሉ ኢትዮጵያዊ አይደለም፣ እራሱን በፈለገው ስምና ቅጽል ቢጠራ ።
ኢትዮጵያዊ የተባለው ሕዝብ እንደ አንድ የፖለቲካ ማህበረሰብ (Political Community) ፍትህ (እኩልነት)፣ ነጻነት እና ዴሞክራሲ መፈለግ ብቻ አይደለም፤ ያለ ፍትህ፣ ነጻነትና ዴሞክራሲ መኖር አይችልም። ሰላም የሚባል ነገር እስከ አለም ፍጻሜ አያገኝም። ስልጣኔም ሆነ እድገት የሚባል ነገር አይኖሩትም ። ስለዚህ 2ኛው የኢትዮጵያ ፋይዳ፣ የኢትዮጵያ አላማ፣ የኢትዮጵያ ፐርፐዝ ዴሞክራሲ፣ ፍትህና ነጻነትን መወለድና ማሳደግ፣ ማለትም ነጻና ፍትሃዊ ሕዝብ መሆን ነው ። ይህን የኢትዮጵያ ብሄራዊ አጀንዳ ያልገባቸው ወይም የማይቀበሉ ጸረ ኢትዮጵያ ስብስቦች ናቸው የዚህ ሁሉ መከራና ድቀትት ምክንያቶች ።
3ኛው የኢትዮጵያ አጀንዳ ኢትዮጵያዊያን የሚባሉት ሕዝብን፣ ዜጋዎችን የበለጸጉ፣ ያደጉ፣ የለሙ፣ የተማሩ እና ጤንነታቸው የተጠበቀ ሕዝብ፣ ዚጋ ማድረግ ነው 3ኛው የኢትዮጵያ ብሄራዊ አጀንዳና ፋይዳ ። ኢትዮጵያ እንደ አንድ አገር፣ እንደ አንድ ሕዝብ፣ እንደ አንድ ማህበር፣ እንደ አንድ ሲስተም አላማ፣ ፋይዳ አላት ። ይህን ፋይዳ ለመተግበር ነው ህያው ሆነ ምትቀጥለው ። የኢትዮጵያ አጀንዳን አንድ ሁለት ብለው መቁጠር የማይችሉ መሃይም የጎሳ ጥርቃሞዎች ናቸው የዚህ ሁሉ ሰቆቃ ምክንያቶች ።
በመጨረሻም 4ኛው የኢትዮጵያ ብሄራዊ አጀንዳ የሚፈጥር፣ ችግር የሚፈታ፣ የሚራመድ፣ ከከባቢውና ኢኮሎጂው ጋር የታረቀ፣ አፈሩን። ዉሃውን፣ እንሳሳውን፣ እጸዋቱን፣ አየሩን በሃላፊነት የሚንከባከብ ፣ መንፈሳዊ ፣ በፈጣሪ ኃይል የሚያምን በሞራልና ስነ ምግባር ምርሆዎች የተለጎመ ካልቸር መፍጠር፣ መገንባት እና መጠበቅ ነው የመጨረሻው የኢትዮጵያ ብሄራዊ አጀንዳ ። የኢትዮጵያ ብሄራዊ ካልቸር ምንድን ነው? ምን መሆን አለበት ብለው መጠየቅ የማይችሉ ቀድሞ ነገር እራሳቸው ካልቸር አልባ የሆኑ ከብቶች ናችው በዚህ ታላቅ ሕዝብና ታላቅ አገር ጫንቃ ላይ ተቀምጠው ያለም ማፈሪያ የሆኑት ። የኢትዮጵያ መፍትሄ ይህ ብቻ ነው ።
ከዚህ ውጭ ያሉት በሙሉ ተፈራራቂ የኢትዮጵያ ጠላቶች ናቸው ። እነዚህ 4 ቀላል ግቦች እንዳይሳኩ ሌት ተቀን የሚባክኑ መሃይሞች፣ እረኞች፣ አረመኔዎችና የውጭ ጥላት አሽከሮች ናቸው ኢትዮጵያን በዚህ መከራ ውስጥ ይዘዋት ያሉት ።