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አሳፋሪ ብርሃኑ ነጋ ታዋቂው የጎራጌ ህዝብ መብት ተሟጋች የሆነው እና የክልል ምክር ቤት አባላ የሆነው አቶ Tarekegn Degife ከኢዜማ አባረረ!!

Post by Wedi » 29 Mar 2023, 15:14

አሳፋሪ ብርሃኑ ነጋ ታዋቂው የጎራጌ ህዝብ መብት ተሟጋች የሆነው እና የክልል ምክር ቤት አባላ የሆነው አቶ Tarekegn Degife ከኢዜማ አባረረ!!
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Re: አሳፋሪ ብርሃኑ ነጋ ታዋቂው የጎራጌ ህዝብ መብት ተሟጋች የሆነው እና የክልል ምክር ቤት አባላ የሆነው አቶ Tarekegn Degife ከኢዜማ አባረረ!!

Post by Horus » 29 Mar 2023, 23:00

ቦቆሎ ጠፋ ቢሉ ፈስ ቀለለ ይባላል! ታረቀኝ ደግፌ ፍታኒን የሚፈልግ ኢዜማ እንጂ ኩሩው ጉራጌ ታረቀኝ አይደለም! የጉራጌ ትግል የብልጽግናን መርዝ ማስተፋት ብቻ አይደለም የኢዜማንም ቆሻሻ ጸሃይ ላይ እያሰጣው ነው ! ይህ ነው አዲሱ የሃይል አሰላልፍ ዳይናሚክስ የሚባለው!

ታረቀኝ ደግፌ ፍታኒ ጀግናችን ነው ! ከዜማ ግማት ጋር ምን አግማማው ? ይልቃስ አሁን በኢዜማ ውስጥ ያሉ ጉራጌዎች ሁሉ ሙልጭ ብለው ወጥተው ጎጎትም መቀላቀል አለባቸው!! ይህ ነው አዲሱ አሰላለፍ !!

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Re: አሳፋሪ ብርሃኑ ነጋ ታዋቂው የጎራጌ ህዝብ መብት ተሟጋች የሆነው እና የክልል ምክር ቤት አባላ የሆነው አቶ Tarekegn Degife ከኢዜማ አባረረ!!

Post by Genesis » 30 Mar 2023, 01:04

Dear Horus welcome back to your senses
I don’t have a habit saying I told you so. In early years you defended Birhanu the chrlatan many times. When I told you he was a hired agent from the get go, you opposed what I wrote without hesitation. You didn’t even read it properly. It was blood is thicker than water kind of thing per se. even some of the time you try to label me as racist and or regionalist. But I was telling you the truth, because I knew from the beginning he was hired by powerful handlers. I had proof from its beginning. You see Birhanu has a job to do, he was hired and signed, instructed to do it to the end. He cannot withdraw from it even if he wants. His handlers are very powerful. So he and his colleagues like abiy and redwan, Getachew reda and all the tplf gangs, etc including the current leader of the country are all in the payroll. Their goal is to disintegrate Ethiopia. That was why they are hired and that is why they are not going to stop from doing it. They all read the same order from their handlers. So now I say to you welcome to the fold. What I told you today, I can reveal it when the time comes. When people accuse Birhanu as if he is doing it for money. I do not support that argument. The truth is he jumped to it as an adventure and fame but there is no way he can get out it. As the old adage says once you sold your soul to the devil then………. So, even though I do not support kilil, I support what the gurages want as the people. If less than half million people got kilil, why not millions of gurages. I know they have full rights to have it. May I also say they are one of the top Ethiopians who defend Ethiopia unlike some who change their color when seasons change. Good day

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Re: አሳፋሪ ብርሃኑ ነጋ ታዋቂው የጎራጌ ህዝብ መብት ተሟጋች የሆነው እና የክልል ምክር ቤት አባላ የሆነው አቶ Tarekegn Degife ከኢዜማ አባረረ!!

Post by Horus » 30 Mar 2023, 01:23

Genesis wrote:
30 Mar 2023, 01:04
Dear Horus welcome back to your senses
I don’t have a habit saying I told you so. In early years you defended Birhanu the chrlatan many times. When I told you he was a hired agent from the get go, you opposed what I wrote without hesitation. You didn’t even read it properly. It was blood is thicker than water kind of thing per se. even some of the time you try to label me as racist and or regionalist. But I was telling you the truth, because I knew from the beginning he was hired by powerful handlers. I had proof from its beginning. You see Birhanu has a job to do, he was hired and signed, instructed to do it to the end. He cannot withdraw from it even if he wants. His handlers are very powerful. So he and his colleagues like abiy and redwan, Getachew reda and all the tplf gangs, etc including the current leader of the country are all in the payroll. Their goal is to disintegrate Ethiopia. That was why they are hired and that is why they are not going to stop from doing it. They all read the same order from their handlers. So now I say to you welcome to the fold. What I told you today, I can reveal it when the time comes. When people accuse Birhanu as if he is doing it for money. I do not support that argument. The truth is he jumped to it as an adventure and fame but there is no way he can get out it. As the old adage says once you sold your soul to the devil then………. So, even though I do not support kilil, I support what the gurages want as the people. If less than half million people got kilil, why not millions of gurages. I know they have full rights to have it. May I also say they are one of the top Ethiopians who defend Ethiopia unlike some who change their color when seasons change. Good day
እንደ ገና ሙሉ በሙሉ ተሳስተሃል! ብርሃኑ የማንም ሰላይ አይሰለም ! እሱ ልክ እንደ አቢይ ስልጣን የሚፈልግ ሰው ነው ! ስለሆነም ያንን አላዋውን የሚያበላሽበት ምንም ነገር አይደግፍም ! በእኔ እምነት ብርሃኑ ነጋ ከት/ሚ ያለፈ ስልጣን የሚያገኘው ለምሳሌ የውጭ ጉዳይ ሚኒስትር ነት በአቢይ አህመድ ፈቃድና ካቢኔ ብቻ ነው ! ስለዚህ ብርሃኑ ጉራጌን የሚቃወመው አድር ባይ ስልጣን ፈላጊ ስለሆነ እንጂ የማንም ቅጥረኛ ስለሆነ አይደለም ። ብርሃኑን አታውቀም ማለት ነው! ግን ትክክ ነው አቢይ ብርሃኑን ተጠቅሞበት ያባርረዋል !

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Re: አሳፋሪ ብርሃኑ ነጋ ታዋቂው የጎራጌ ህዝብ መብት ተሟጋች የሆነው እና የክልል ምክር ቤት አባላ የሆነው አቶ Tarekegn Degife ከኢዜማ አባረረ!!

Post by Tiago » 30 Mar 2023, 01:53

አቢይ ብርሃኑን ተጠቅሞበት ያባርረዋል !
ይሕንን የኢዜማ አባሎች አያውቁም ማለት ነው ??

ኢዜማ ብርሃኑ ነጋን ማግለል ይጠበቅበታል

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Re: አሳፋሪ ብርሃኑ ነጋ ታዋቂው የጎራጌ ህዝብ መብት ተሟጋች የሆነው እና የክልል ምክር ቤት አባላ የሆነው አቶ Tarekegn Degife ከኢዜማ አባረረ!!

Post by Right » 30 Mar 2023, 08:34

Birhanu Nega is a CIA agent. 100%.
Once again time will tell.
Birhanu is not that s&tup&id not to see what Abiye is doing and not to see where he is heading.
The US told him to stay put. It is their 3rd backup card.
And also nothing is new here: BERHANU is an opportunistic guy. Being a CIA agent is an opportunity to realize his dream of power.
Birhanu will be killed, by OLF.

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Joined: 29 Jul 2018, 15:13

Re: አሳፋሪ ብርሃኑ ነጋ ታዋቂው የጎራጌ ህዝብ መብት ተሟጋች የሆነው እና የክልል ምክር ቤት አባላ የሆነው አቶ Tarekegn Degife ከኢዜማ አባረረ!!

Post by Genesis » 30 Mar 2023, 21:28

I believe you are intelligent, but you still need more time to understand. I have patience I will wait until you get it. No matter how long I know you will face the truth about Birhanu Nega then we will talk.

To Mr right,
I think you hit it on the nail. But if you dig more you will find more. As I told Horus I have evidence about Birhanu that can not be refuted. Therefore, if you are on the right track you will get there.
Good day for both of you.

Sam Ebalalehu
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Re: አሳፋሪ ብርሃኑ ነጋ ታዋቂው የጎራጌ ህዝብ መብት ተሟጋች የሆነው እና የክልል ምክር ቤት አባላ የሆነው አቶ Tarekegn Degife ከኢዜማ አባረረ!!

Post by Sam Ebalalehu » 30 Mar 2023, 21:53

የ ህወሓት ካድሬዎችን የ ብርሀኑን ጥላቻ አውቀዋለሁ። ከማንኛውም የ ኢትዮጵያ ፓለቲከኛ በተለይ ይጠሉታል። ያ ጭፍን ጥላቻቸው መሰረታዊ የራሳቸውን አሳብ መጋጨት እንዳያዩ ያደርጋቸዋል። ብርሀኑ የ CIA ቅጥረኛ ነው እና ብርሀኑ የ ኢሳያስ " መሳሪያ" ነው የኢትዮጵያን ፓለቲካ ለማደፉረስ በአንድ ላይ ሊነገሩ የማይችሉ ሁለት ተቃራኒ አረፍተነገሮች ናቸው። ማለት የኢሳያስ እና የ CIA ወዳጅነት እንደሌለ ሁሉ የብርሀኑ እና የ CIA መተባበር በትራይባል ካድሬዎች ጭንቅላት ውስጥ ብቻ ሊንሸራሸር የሚችል ትርክት ነው።

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Re: አሳፋሪ ብርሃኑ ነጋ ታዋቂው የጎራጌ ህዝብ መብት ተሟጋች የሆነው እና የክልል ምክር ቤት አባላ የሆነው አቶ Tarekegn Degife ከኢዜማ አባረረ!!

Post by Right » 30 Mar 2023, 22:56

ብርሀኑ የ CIA ቅጥረኛ ነው እና ብርሀኑ የ ኢሳያስ " መሳሪያ" ነው የኢትዮጵያን ፓለቲካ ለማደፉረስ በአንድ ላይ ሊነገሩ የማይችሉ ሁለት ተቃራኒ አረፍተነገሮች ናቸው
Facts will remain facts. You can’t get rid of them by labelling people “Weyannie”.

Time proved us right that what we have said about BERHANU Nega is correct. His huge supporter, Horus, came out and said “he is an opportunist”.

Being a CIA agent did not and will not stop BERHANU Nega from going to or working with Eritrea. If you have followed the political game, Issias Afeworki never allowed him to be near him or do anything significant. While BERHANU was in the desert, Berkeley University was paying him a salary. Anybody who knows how the CIA operates recognizes this fact.

Time will tell. BERHANU and EZEMA are politically dead a 2 years ago.

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