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ነገ አቢይ ከጉራጌ ጋር ይሰበሰባል? ለምን? ክስታኔ (ሶዶ) ጉራጌን ለመገንጠል ልክ መለስ ስልጤን እንደገነጠለው?

Post by Horus » 23 Mar 2023, 02:55

ክስቶ ስልጤ እንዳልሆነ ተምሮ ይመለሳል ! ጉራጌ አንድ ሕዝብ ነው! ነጻ ሕዝብ ነው !! ብልጽግና ኦሮሙማ እጅህን ከጉራጌ ላይ አንሳ !!!

Posts: 7984
Joined: 29 Jan 2020, 21:44

Re: ነገ አቢይ ከጉራጌ ጋር ይሰበሰባል? ለምን? ክስታኔ (ሶዶ) ጉራጌን ለመገንጠል ልክ መለስ ስልጤን እንደገነጠለው?

Post by Wedi » 23 Mar 2023, 05:56

Horus wrote:
23 Mar 2023, 02:55
ክስቶ ስልጤ እንዳልሆነ ተምሮ ይመለሳል ! ጉራጌ አንድ ሕዝብ ነው! ነጻ ሕዝብ ነው !! ብልጽግና ኦሮሙማ እጅህን ከጉራጌ ላይ አንሳ !!!
Horus ይህችን ነገር አንብባት!! ጫቅላው አብይ አህመድ ምን እንደሚያስደስተው ተመልከትልኛማ!!
:lol: :lol:
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Posts: 7984
Joined: 29 Jan 2020, 21:44

Re: ነገ አቢይ ከጉራጌ ጋር ይሰበሰባል? ለምን? ክስታኔ (ሶዶ) ጉራጌን ለመገንጠል ልክ መለስ ስልጤን እንደገነጠለው?

Post by Wedi » 23 Mar 2023, 06:02

የጉራጌ ህዝብ የፍትህና የእኩልነት እንዲሁን የክልልነት ጥያቄ የዛሬ አይደለም! ይሄ የሁለት ደቂቃ ቪድዮ ያድምጡት!
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Joined: 09 Jan 2022, 13:05

Re: ነገ አቢይ ከጉራጌ ጋር ይሰበሰባል? ለምን? ክስታኔ (ሶዶ) ጉራጌን ለመገንጠል ልክ መለስ ስልጤን እንደገነጠለው?

Post by Right » 23 Mar 2023, 07:40

The beauty of the resistance is that they know what he is up to before he even try it.
What an Amateur. Look this guy doesn’t know politics. The Guraghies have been his allies. A shrewd politician would have handled the Guarage demand easily without any political cost. He had an easy way out but screwed it.

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Joined: 30 Apr 2007, 17:38

Re: ነገ አቢይ ከጉራጌ ጋር ይሰበሰባል? ለምን? ክስታኔ (ሶዶ) ጉራጌን ለመገንጠል ልክ መለስ ስልጤን እንደገነጠለው?

Post by ethiopianunity » 23 Mar 2023, 11:51

The lame so called opression in every ethnics, it does not exist!! under H/Selassie and before!!! Go every region at the time, people were living in poverty not because the government was at the time opressing them, but because Ethiopia at the time still the result of target from colonialism and still is plus the rule of Liberation Fronts had decalred directly opression and povery against other ethnics! How dare you compare opression based on what? Is it because people talk a language that unified us to free our selves from colony? Is that why Amara is being target when at the time of H/Selassie this region was also in poverty including Tigray. The king did what he could should be grateful for establishing of Insituations that you are proud of today. It is amazing Oromos were living better at the time H/Selassie than any other ethnics they were farmers feeding while Tigray and Amara were begging at the time. Again this does not mean H/Selassie was at fault but it requires more mobilizing to develop Ethiopia especially Amara has been target by colonialists even under H/Selassie at the time. As one leadership, he had to focus on diplomacy that. So not every leaders prior to Derg are wrong, but they couldn't. The only thing I blame them not forecasting is to establish the continuing development of Ethiopia and they will be targeted by bought and paid for inside enemies working for foreigners and not making strength in the Eritrea region. However it is most likely it would have weakend because the used to be allies turned against him, the other used to be ally was defeated this proved the world system was changing. Still any leader must be prepared 10 years ahead by forecaseting so that he doesn't leave trumoil in future. Today we are still under turmoil.

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Joined: 19 Oct 2013, 19:34

Re: ነገ አቢይ ከጉራጌ ጋር ይሰበሰባል? ለምን? ክስታኔ (ሶዶ) ጉራጌን ለመገንጠል ልክ መለስ ስልጤን እንደገነጠለው?

Post by Horus » 23 Mar 2023, 13:08

Wedi wrote:
23 Mar 2023, 05:56
Horus wrote:
23 Mar 2023, 02:55
ክስቶ ስልጤ እንዳልሆነ ተምሮ ይመለሳል ! ጉራጌ አንድ ሕዝብ ነው! ነጻ ሕዝብ ነው !! ብልጽግና ኦሮሙማ እጅህን ከጉራጌ ላይ አንሳ !!!
Horus ይህችን ነገር አንብባት!! ጫቅላው አብይ አህመድ ምን እንደሚያስደስተው ተመልከትልኛማ!!
:lol: :lol:
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በትክክል! እርስቱ ይርዳው የተባለ ፍጡር በውነት ነው ከሰዎች መሃል የተፈጠረ እንሰሳ አይደለም ! አንድ አሽከር እንኳ በጌታው ፊት ከዚህ የላቀ የራስ ክብር አለው ! ዞሮ ዞሮ ትግሉ እያደገ እንጂ እንደ ሚመኙት እየታፈነ አይመጣም ። ጉራጌ እንደ አማራ፣ አፋርና ትግሬ የራሱ ጦር የለውም፤ ስለዚህ ትግላችን በብልሃትና በጥንቃቄ ነው !! የሕዝቡ ልብ የት እንደ ሆነ አይደለም እርስቱ አቢይም ገብቶታል!

Posts: 9127
Joined: 30 Apr 2007, 17:38

Re: ነገ አቢይ ከጉራጌ ጋር ይሰበሰባል? ለምን? ክስታኔ (ሶዶ) ጉራጌን ለመገንጠል ልክ መለስ ስልጤን እንደገነጠለው?

Post by ethiopianunity » 23 Mar 2023, 13:11

The lame so called opression in every ethnics, it does not exist!! under H/Selassie and before!!! They have been fighting colonialism! Yes, it was because of H/Selassie Ethiopia was freed after his diplomacy in UN which mobilized allies to support and vote to free Ethiopoia from control of Italy.

Go every region at the time, people were living in poverty not because the government was at the time opressing them, but because Ethiopia at the time still the result of target from colonialism and still is plus the rule of Liberation Fronts had decalred directly opression and povery against other ethnics! How dare you compare opression based on what? Is it because people talk a language that unified us to free our selves from colony? Is that why Amara is being target when at the time of H/Selassie this region was also in poverty including Tigray. The king did what he could should be grateful for establishing of Insituations that you are proud of today. It is amazing Oromos were living better at the time H/Selassie than any other ethnics they were farmers feeding while Tigray and Amara were begging at the time. Again this does not mean H/Selassie was at fault but it requires more mobilizing to develop Ethiopia especially Amara has been target by colonialists even under H/Selassie at the time. As one leadership, he had to focus on diplomacy that. So not every leaders prior to Derg are wrong, but they couldn't. The only thing I blame them not forecasting is to establish the continuing development of Ethiopia and they will be targeted by bought and paid for inside enemies working for foreigners and not making strength in the Eritrea region. However it is most likely it would have weakend because the used to be allies turned against him, the other used to be ally was defeated this proved the world system was changing. Still any leader must be prepared 10 years ahead by forecaseting so that he doesn't leave trumoil in future. Today we are still under turmoil.

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