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Amarah city in Iraq: Is this coincidence or once the Kingdom of Amhara reached there?

Post by Abere » 12 Mar 2023, 11:05

Amarah city in Iraq: Is this coincidence or once the Kingdom of Amhara reached there?

Amarah also spelled Amara, is a city in south-eastern Iraq, located on a low ridge next to the Tigris River waterway south of Baghdad about 50 km (31 mi) from the border with Iran. It lies at the northern tip of the marshlands between the Tigris and Euphrates. [Needs further research]

First thanks to ሆረስ as always he dig up historical information to readers and shared us all. His post regarding the oldest written languages of humanity is insightful. I was so wondered how almost Amharic and Aramaic with so much distance in geography between but with almost an exact similarity in their words. That is very unbelievable. I once came across that the Aramaic alphabets are based on Amharic/Ethiopic/ alphabets. ሆረስ obviously translated Aramaic to Amharic, for sure he knew, Aramaic is a derivate of Amharic, and is by fallacy the YouTube failed to do so. It is like writing Ethiopia as an Abyssinia which for professional historians all means Ethiopia.

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Re: Amarah city in Iraq: Is this coincidence or once the Kingdom of Amhara reached there?

Post by Axumezana » 12 Mar 2023, 11:54

You are following the ኬኛ፥ ፖለቲካ፤
Only Axumites built empires across the Red Sea! The Amhara boat had never crossed the Red Sea!

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Re: Amarah city in Iraq: Is this coincidence or once the Kingdom of Amhara reached there?

Post by Abere » 12 Mar 2023, 12:30

This has nothing to do with ኬኛ. Wondering whether this is coincidence or not. For instance, why so much similarity between Aramaic and Amharic languages? There is very astonishing similarity in the words spoken between two languages.
Axumezana wrote:
12 Mar 2023, 11:54
You are following the ኬኛ፥ ፖለቲካ፤
Only Axumites built empires across the Red Sea! The Amhara boat had never crossed the Red Sea!

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Re: Amarah city in Iraq: Is this coincidence or once the Kingdom of Amhara reached there?

Post by Selam/ » 12 Mar 2023, 12:44

የአቶ ገ/ኪዳን ደስታን የቁራ ጩኸት ማስተጋባት አይሰለችህም?

አክሱማይቶች ማናቸው? አክሱማይቶች ወንዝ ተሻግረው ሰፊ ግዛት ይዘው እንደነበረ ይታወቃል ምክንያቱም እንደ አክሱም የገነነ ሌላ ሃያል መንግስት በአካባቢው ስላልነበረ። ሳባውያንም ቢሆኑ በአክሱም ስር የነበሩ ስልጣኔዎች እንጂ እነሱ አክሱምን አልገዙም። በአክሱም ስር ይተዳደሩ የነበሩትም የምዕራብ ዐረብያ ህዝቦች የኩሽ ነገዶች እንጂ፣ አሁን ያሉት የዐረብ ዝርያዎች አልነበሩም። በኋላም ከእነዚህ ከፊሎቹ ወደ እኛ ሃገር መጥተው ሰፍረዋል። እንግዲህ እንቁራሪት የሚመስለውን መለስ ዜናዊን ጠይቀው ለምን ሥረወ-ግንዴ የመን ነው እንዳለ።

Axumezana wrote:
12 Mar 2023, 11:54
You are following the ኬኛ፥ ፖለቲካ፤
Only Axumites built empires across the Red Sea! The Amhara boat had never crossed the Red Sea!

Noble Amhara
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Re: Amarah city in Iraq: Is this coincidence or once the Kingdom of Amhara reached there?

Post by Noble Amhara » 12 Mar 2023, 13:08

There is also a amara city in india and in Pakistan there is a Shewa city what does this mean ?

Most amhara names can be found in india like Minjar etc

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Re: Amarah city in Iraq: Is this coincidence or once the Kingdom of Amhara reached there?

Post by Abere » 12 Mar 2023, 13:16

Why such a striking exact similarity in naming of these place? Is it coincidence or Africa being source of human race, at some point, some groups migrated out of Africa? I once watched presentations from two distinguished professors, the origin of Arabic language is Africa, implying out migrations. This assumption might hold some truth, even in Ethiopia we find couple of places that share similar names, likely that some villagers moved out in mass and started new life calling it by their own village name, in nostalgia. This is just assumption. But why places share similar names?
Noble Amhara wrote:
12 Mar 2023, 13:08
There is also a amara city in india and in Pakistan there is a Shewa city what does this mean ?

Most amhara names can be found in india like Minjar etc

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Re: Amarah city in Iraq: Is this coincidence or once the Kingdom of Amhara reached there?

Post by Selam/ » 12 Mar 2023, 13:26

- ሲጀመር አርሜይክ አኬዲያንን የተካ የባቢሎናውያኖች ቋንቋ ነበረ። ብዙዎቹ የአማርኛ ቃላቶች ግንዳቸው በቀጥታ ከአኬዲያን ጋር ስለሚዛመድ፣ አማሪኛም አርሜይክም ከአባታቸው አኬዲያን በእኩል የተወለዱ ሊሆኑ ይችላሉ።
- በኋላ የኢትዮዽያው ጃንደረባ መጽሀፈ ኢሳያስን ማንበቡና ከፊሊፖስ ጋር መነጋገሩ የሚያሳየው፣ አርሜይክም እብራይስጥም በኢትዮዽያ ውስጥ በፅሁፍም በንግግርም ደረጃ እንደነበሩ ነው።

Abere wrote:
12 Mar 2023, 12:30
This has nothing to do with ኬኛ. Wondering whether this is coincidence or not. For instance, why so much similarity between Aramaic and Amharic languages? There is very astonishing similarity in the words spoken between two languages.
Axumezana wrote:
12 Mar 2023, 11:54
You are following the ኬኛ፥ ፖለቲካ፤
Only Axumites built empires across the Red Sea! The Amhara boat had never crossed the Red Sea!

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Re: Amarah city in Iraq: Is this coincidence or once the Kingdom of Amhara reached there?

Post by Abere » 12 Mar 2023, 13:45


Thanks for sharing the information. It is this kind of research we should be doing. Humanity is ONE but because of time and place, there are differences. And the curiosity for knowledge is rational. At some point in the distant past, there must have been some kind of connectedness, that is what Selam's post show. Further research might shed a better light on this. Does sharing this sound ኬኛ? Do you know that Amharic is the 2nd most spoken Semitic language ( next to Arabic) in the world? This just tells that Amharic is the oldest language of the world.

Selam/ wrote:
12 Mar 2023, 13:26
- ሲጀመር አርሜይክ አኬዲያንን የተካ የባቢሎናውያኖች ቋንቋ ነበረ። ብዙዎቹ የአማርኛ ቃላቶች ግንዳቸው በቀጥታ ከአኬዲያን ጋር ስለሚዛመድ፣ አማሪኛም አርሜይክም ከአባታቸው አኬዲያን በእኩል የተወለዱ ሊሆኑ ይችላሉ።
- በኋላ የኢትዮዽያው ጃንደረባ መጽሀፈ ኢሳያስን ማንበቡና ከፊሊፖስ ጋር መነጋገሩ የሚያሳየው፣ አርሜይክም እብራይስጥም በኢትዮዽያ ውስጥ በፅሁፍም በንግግርም ደረጃ እንደነበሩ ነው።

Abere wrote:
12 Mar 2023, 12:30
This has nothing to do with ኬኛ. Wondering whether this is coincidence or not. For instance, why so much similarity between Aramaic and Amharic languages? There is very astonishing similarity in the words spoken between two languages.
Axumezana wrote:
12 Mar 2023, 11:54
You are following the ኬኛ፥ ፖለቲካ፤
Only Axumites built empires across the Red Sea! The Amhara boat had never crossed the Red Sea!

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Re: Amarah city in Iraq: Is this coincidence or once the Kingdom of Amhara reached there?

Post by Selam/ » 12 Mar 2023, 14:07

እዚህ የተሰገሰጉት ጎጠኞች፣ የእነሱ ቋንቋ ብቻ ቀዳሚ እንዲሆን፣ መሰረት የሌለው ድርቅ ያለ የደመነፍስ ክርክር ከማድረግ ውጪ የመጸሃፍ ማገላበጥ ችሎታ የሌላቸው ወይንም የነፃ ተመራማሪዎችን አስተያየት መስማት የማይፈልጉ ጓጉንቸሮች ናቸው። ግን እውነተኛ ታሪክ ይዘገያል እንጂ ተደብቆ አይቀርም። አይደለም የእነዚህ ውርጋጦች ውሸት፣ የአውሮፕያኖችም የዘመናት ትርክት ሲፈርስ በአይናችን እያየን ነው።
Abere wrote:
12 Mar 2023, 13:45

Thanks for sharing the information. It is this kind of research we should be doing. Humanity is ONE but because of time and place, there are differences. And the curiosity for knowledge is rational. At some point in the distant past, there must have been some kind of connectedness, that is what Selam's post show. Further research might shed a better light on this. Does sharing this sound ኬኛ? Do you know that Amharic is the 2nd most spoken Semitic language ( next to Arabic) in the world? This just tells that Amharic is the oldest language of the world.

Selam/ wrote:
12 Mar 2023, 13:26
- ሲጀመር አርሜይክ አኬዲያንን የተካ የባቢሎናውያኖች ቋንቋ ነበረ። ብዙዎቹ የአማርኛ ቃላቶች ግንዳቸው በቀጥታ ከአኬዲያን ጋር ስለሚዛመድ፣ አማሪኛም አርሜይክም ከአባታቸው አኬዲያን በእኩል የተወለዱ ሊሆኑ ይችላሉ።
- በኋላ የኢትዮዽያው ጃንደረባ መጽሀፈ ኢሳያስን ማንበቡና ከፊሊፖስ ጋር መነጋገሩ የሚያሳየው፣ አርሜይክም እብራይስጥም በኢትዮዽያ ውስጥ በፅሁፍም በንግግርም ደረጃ እንደነበሩ ነው።

Abere wrote:
12 Mar 2023, 12:30
This has nothing to do with ኬኛ. Wondering whether this is coincidence or not. For instance, why so much similarity between Aramaic and Amharic languages? There is very astonishing similarity in the words spoken between two languages.
Axumezana wrote:
12 Mar 2023, 11:54
You are following the ኬኛ፥ ፖለቲካ፤
Only Axumites built empires across the Red Sea! The Amhara boat had never crossed the Red Sea!

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Re: Amarah city in Iraq: Is this coincidence or once the Kingdom of Amhara reached there?

Post by Axumezana » 12 Mar 2023, 16:52

ጥንቆላ፥መተት፥ ድግምትና፥ አስማት፥ ምንጩ፥ከወደ፥ አማራ፥ነው፥ ሌላ፥ ቅርስ፥ ግን ፥ በቅርቡ፥ ከተሰራው፥ ከፋሲል፥ግንብ፥ በስተቀር፥ የሚታወቅ፥ የለም፥ ሚካኤል፥ ስሁልም፥ የራሱ፥ ቤተመንግስት፥ ጎንደር፥ ላይ፥ መድሃኒአለም፥ ፊት፥ ለፊት፥ ያለውን፥ ግቢ፥ መስራቱ፥ የተወቀ፥ ነው።

ላሊበላ፥ የተሰራው፥ በዛጌዎች፥ ነው( የአክሱምና፥ የአገው፥ ቅይጦች፥ ናቸው) ፥ አማርኛ፥ አዛውንቶቻችን፥ እንደሚነግሩን፥ የተፈጠረው፥ አክሱም ነው።

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Re: Amarah city in Iraq: Is this coincidence or once the Kingdom of Amhara reached there?

Post by Selam/ » 12 Mar 2023, 17:34

አይቴ ቅዘናም - እንግዲህ ካመጣኸው በል ቻለው።

- የኮኮብ ቆጠራ፣ የአስማት እና ጥንቆላ ልምድ ከመንፈሳዊ እምነቶች ጋር የተቆራኙ ናቸው።
- ሁለቱም ጥንታዊ የአዋቂዎች ልማዶች ናቸው፣ ሲከበሩም እና ሲሳደዱም ኖረዋል። መሃይም ሰው ሽመልን ወደእባብነት ሊለውጥ አይችልም፣ የሱ ተፃራሪ የሆነ የእግዜር ሰውም ዕውቀት ከሌለው፣ መፅሀፈ ኢሳያስን ሊያነብ አይችልም።
- ስለዚህ በጥንቁልናም ውሰደው፣ በቤተ እግዚአብሄር፣ አማራዎች ቀለምን ከጥንት ጀምሮ ጠጥተውት ነበር ማለት ነው።

የዘር ግንድ የሌለውን ተንኮለኛ ራስ ሥሁል (ሹል) ሚካኤልን ሰው ብለህ መጥራትህ ገርሞኛል። አንገቱ ላይ ድንጋይ አስሮ ለአፄ ኢያሱ ገብሮ ጎንደር ላይ በግዞት የኖረ በኋላም ሊሞት ትንሽ ሲቀረው ደጃዝማች ወንድወሰን “አገርህ ግባ” ብሎ ፈቅዶለት ተለቅቆ ወደ አድዋ የተመለሰ ውዳቂ አይደለም እንዴ?
Axumezana wrote:
12 Mar 2023, 16:52
ጥንቆላ፥መተት፥ ድግምትና፥ አስማት፥ ምንጩ፥ከወደ፥ አማራ፥ነው፥ ሌላ፥ ቅርስ፥ ግን ፥ በቅርቡ፥ ከተሰራው፥ ከፋሲል፥ግንብ፥ በስተቀር፥ የሚታወቅ፥ የለም፥ ሚካኤል፥ ስሁልም፥ የራሱ፥ ቤተመንግስት፥ ጎንደር፥ ላይ፥ መድሃኒአለም፥ ፊት፥ ለፊት፥ ያለውን፥ ግቢ፥ መስራቱ፥ የተወቀ፥ ነው።

ላሊበላ፥ የተሰራው፥ በዛጌዎች፥ ነው( የአክሱምና፥ የአገው፥ ቅይጦች፥ ናቸው) ፥ አማርኛ፥ አዛውንቶቻችን፥ እንደሚነግሩን፥ የተፈጠረው፥ አክሱም ነው።

Posts: 9127
Joined: 30 Apr 2007, 17:38

Re: Amarah city in Iraq: Is this coincidence or once the Kingdom of Amhara reached there?

Post by ethiopianunity » 13 Mar 2023, 20:12


While we are talking about Geez and taking pride, Oromiya region is spreading like wild fire and imposing latin on South and other regions! we must say stop. Oromiya is under control of the Gudifechas Eritreans and Tigray who have been converting Oromo land to latin. We must stop this asap!

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