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ደመቀ መኮንን ማቅ ለበሰ!

Post by Horus » 08 Feb 2023, 00:06

ልብ በሉ ጠ/ሚኒስትሩና አዳነች ማቅ ከል የለበሰውን ዜጋ ከስራ ያባርራሉ! ም/ጠ/ሚኒስትሩ ግን ማቅ ይለብሳል!!! ይህ ነው የአቢይ አህመድ አሊ የፈራረሰው መንግስት! የእራሱ አገር ከዳር እስከ ዳር ማቅ ለብሶ ሲያለቅስ አቢይ አህመድ አሊ አንዲት ቃል አልተነፈሰም ! ግና ለቱርክ ሕዝብ የሃዘን መግለጫ ላከ! ከዚህ የላቀ ባንዳ የራሱን ሕዝብና አገር የከዳ መሪ ማን አለ?

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Re: ደመቀ መኮንን ማቅ ለበሰ!

Post by sun » 08 Feb 2023, 00:31

Horus wrote:
08 Feb 2023, 00:06
The guy is saying that it is only a person himself who freely must decide what color of cloth he or she chooses to put on. He is right here, but then why do church clergies command the people to dress in full black because that is very bad imposing the clergy's will on innocent people and exposing them to danger, say by the opposing faction and the general population. So, the governments role is correct in demanding that they better not wear the black uniform as church/clergy warriors.

How do we know what they have under their black guerilla uniform because it was ordered for them by angry and belligerent clenched fist clergies in fighting mood. They can wear it in the church but not outside of the church and even that not in Oromiyya and the southern regions churches. NO!

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Re: ደመቀ መኮንን ማቅ ለበሰ!

Post by TGAA » 08 Feb 2023, 00:45

The Buffoon and the Countryman - Children's Bedtime Story For Mr Sun " who knows what they have under their black Guerilla uniform " who knew ?
Last edited by TGAA on 08 Feb 2023, 01:01, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: ደመቀ መኮንን ማቅ ለበሰ!

Post by Horus » 08 Feb 2023, 01:00

ፈረንጅ ሲተርት The fruit does not fall far from the tree ይላል! አቢይ አህመድ አሊ ማለትኮ የባንዳ ከዳተኛ ወያኔዎች ጡትና ጡጦ ጠብቶ እዚህ የደረሰ ሰው ነው! ከወያኔ ዛፍ የሚወድቀው ፍሬ ምን እንደ ሚሆን ለመገመት አያዳግትም ! አበቅቴ ወቅቱን አይስትም እንዲሉ !!

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Re: ደመቀ መኮንን ማቅ ለበሰ!

Post by ethiopianunity » 08 Feb 2023, 01:02

Demeke must know that things are not good for Orthodox or Amara. Tplf is resurrecting. Trust me, Tplf will soon attack Amara and eventually Tplf will eat up Abiy but for now it will remain ally with Abiy. Also, tplf is allied with Dawd Ibsa and Lemma Megersa and Jawar Mohammed the terrorists killing Ethiopians and chiristians, Abiy will soon be minority against these and Tplf will not forget the attack on Tigray with Shabia so, for now it will ally but eventually with alliance with olf, will over throw Aby government which will lead to the disintegration of Ethiopia. Tplf will go back to tking back Welkait while Olf controls the central government.

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Re: ደመቀ መኮንን ማቅ ለበሰ!

Post by ethiopianunity » 08 Feb 2023, 01:11

Ebakachehu, just because they talk about Orthdox lik Patriarch Mathias and Zemedkun, they are instigating this Orthdox war, Wake up! They should be unitary not divisive they are set up as pro Orthodox but they are not, they are foreign agents. Ethiopians must take Orthdox from Tplf and foreign agents! these agents are designed to separate Ethiopians. For instance, the lunatic Zemedkun because he is trained how to persuade others, he will take you to the pit eventually if you follow this individual just because he knows how to talk about Orthdox ways. He insulted our icon Derartu Tulu because he is attacking Ethiopia's icon to divide our society as Oromo vs others so Zemedkun is evil! wake up!

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