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Noble Amhara
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Abiy represents the Jimman Clan

Post by Noble Amhara » 02 Feb 2023, 22:23

Abiy is a jimman clan nationalist. He don't represent anyone else... everyone else (abysinnians) is a foreigner a Seventh class citizen in their own land as such the errors committed during the making of shegar city to expel shewan farmers from addis zurya is one sign of a clanist operating a nation hiding behind the banner of oromunna.

In fact oromunna is non existent entity it is clanumma gosaumma that is operating in Ethiopia... Jealous folks like to take benefit of Meles linguistic regions. Rather each clan is vowing for power and dominance in The city of Aa. The ambo elites joined the jimman clan against shewan clan to take the farmers lands the same thing meles did. So i have no trust with ambo... The worst of all clans are the welegans. They have no sense of humanity or tolerance or democracy... The jimmans are more open minded progressive and less sick

So what are the eastern clans up to?

Arusi Bale Hararghe were supporting Jawar to be their president which did not come to pass. They enjoyed peace and were left alone?

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Re: Abiy represents the Jimman Clan

Post by sun » 02 Feb 2023, 23:24

Noble Amhara wrote:
02 Feb 2023, 22:23
Abiy is a jimman clan nationalist. He don't represent anyone else... everyone else (abysinnians) is a foreigner a Seventh class citizen in their own land as such the errors committed during the making of shegar city to expel shewan farmers from addis zurya is one sign of a clanist operating a nation hiding behind the banner of oromunna.

In fact oromunna is non existent entity it is clanumma gosaumma that is operating in Ethiopia... Jealous folks like to take benefit of Meles linguistic regions. Rather each clan is vowing for power and dominance in The city of Aa. The ambo elites joined the jimman clan against shewan clan to take the farmers lands the same thing meles did. So i have no trust with ambo... The worst of all clans are the welegans. They have no sense of humanity or tolerance or democracy... The jimmans are more open minded progressive and less sick

So what are the eastern clans up to?

Arusi Bale Hararghe were supporting Jawar to be their president which did not come to pass. They enjoyed peace and were left alone?
The eastern clan will soon rise up and overthrow their elected good democratic government never seen, never heard in Ethiopian history for the last some 3000 years and then bring to power the hateful savage "galla geday" extremist Neftegnumma Ammaharrumaa power mongering, substance sniffing and grass smoking useless hallucinated cults. Stay tuned with your fingers crossed! . :lol: :lol:

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Re: Abiy represents the Jimman Clan

Post by Horus » 03 Feb 2023, 00:50

Noble Amara,
The science of politics states all political behaviors are motivated and driven by the desire (need) for power (authority), money (resources/wealth), fame (recognition) and the need for honor (respect/dignity). These are all scarce resources; that is, every person or group of persons can't access or accumulate equal and unlimited amounts of these four drivers of political behavior.

Ergo, every Oromo will not have these benefits of power; every Oromo clan, group, party, or region will not have these benefits of ተረኛ Oromo politics. In particular, with the size of the Oromo resource seekers, the available power, money, fame and honor cannot go around equally among the competing hoards. ለዚህ ነው የኦሮሙማ ስግብግብነት መሬት የለቀቀው! በላተኛው ሲበዛ ምግብ ያጥራል እንዲሉ

ስለሆነም አሁን አውራ አውራዎቹ የጂማና ያምቦ (የጊቤ) ኦሮሞ ናቸው ሲስተሙ እየጋጡት ያለው ። የጂማ ኦሮሞ በትንሹ ለስለስ የሚሉት በመሰረቱ የዳሞት ኪንግደም አካልና ለብዙ ዘመን ክርስቲያን የነበሩ ናቸው ። ወለጋ የዳሞት አካላ ነበር ይባላል ግን ስፋቱ የት ይደርስ እንደ ነበር ግልጽ አይደለም ።

አቢይ፣ ሺመልስ፣ ጃዋር ወዘተ ለኦሮሞ ህዝብ ብለው ነው ይህን ሁሉ የሚባክኑት፣ የሚታመሱት የሚለው ድንቁርና ነው ። እነዚህ የፖለቲካ ነጋዴዎች ፣ የፖልቲካ ኢንተርፕሬነሮች የሚላላጡት ለራሳቸው ስልጣን፣ ሃብጥ ዝና እና ክብር ነው ። በዚህ ንግድ ውስጥ የበላይ አለ፣ የበታች አለ፣ አለቃ አለ፣ አሽከር አለ! በቃ ይህ ነው ሳይንሱ !

Noble Amhara
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Re: Abiy represents the Jimman Clan

Post by Noble Amhara » 03 Feb 2023, 05:29

Sun the communist you are true shabia! Meaning you destroy africa for a living u destroy sudan ethiopia somalia for decades! U promote hate politics!!! Good thing 80-90% eritrea are not like you


Exactly politic is all about money!

As such the jimman and welegans are the biggest rival for money

Jimma old name is Enarya and it was apart of Kaffa (ye Buna hager).. Not Damot. Damot is Welega it was Welaytan in culture..(Omotic). Bizamo is Gafat habesha in horugudru Welega now assimilated

Arsi bale hararge (east)
Borana guji (south)

Will be left underdeveloped

To much addis ababa kegna politics not good

Every town should be like Addis

But because africans lack intelligence they don't think... How caN we turn nekemt or jimma into Addis?

When borana was under huge drought the welegans were silent and did not care instead they were to busy hating amhara peopls

God will soon pay the criminals back with hellfire

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