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Will the sabotage of Orthodox Christianity end Abiy Ahmed's regime?

Posted: 01 Feb 2023, 16:10
by Abere
1) Yes, it will end his regime, but with blood bath.
2) No, he will tactically escape it by disbanding his anti-EOC bandits
3) His regime has already ended, alas just in 4 years.

Re: Will the sabotage of Orthodox Christianity end Abiy Ahmed's regime?

Posted: 01 Feb 2023, 16:24
by Wedi
Galla Abiy Ahmed's regime has already ended, alas just in 4 years.

he has morethan enough bloood in his hands to face justice at The Hague!!

Re: Will the sabotage of Orthodox Christianity end Abiy Ahmed's regime?

Posted: 01 Feb 2023, 16:37
by Abere
በጣም የሚገርመው ነገር በ4 አመት ውስጥ ያለ ዕድሜው ያረጀ ስርዐተ-መንግስት ኦሮሙማ ይመስለኛል።ወይስ አርጅቶ በስብሶ ነበር የተወለደው?
ለማንኛውም ግን ከታሪክ እንደ ተማርነው የባዕድ ሃይማኖት ለማስፋፋት ከፓርቹግል የካቶሊክ ቤተ እምነት እና መንግስት ጋር ተወዳጅቶ የነበረው ዐጼ ሱስንዮስ እንድሁ ከኢትዮጵያን ጋር አምባጓሮ እና አታካር ገብቶ ነበር። በመጨረሻ ግን እግዚአብሄር ከህዝብ ጎን ቆመና አጼ ሱስንዮስን ከዙፋናቸው አውርዶ የአልጋ ቁራኛ አደረጋቸው። አምላምክም መሀሪ ነው እና በቀናቸው ሃይማኖት አጥምቆ እርሳቸውን ወደ ዘለአለማዊ አለም ሲወስዳቸው በምትካቸውም የአባቶችን ሃይማኖት የሚያቀናውን አጼ ፋሲል ወደ ዙፋን አወጣቸው። ዛሬ አለም የሚጠመቅበትን የጎንደር አብያተ ክርስቲያናት ማደርያ ያፈራው ያ ነው። እግዜር በፈቃዱ አዲስ አበባ ፊንፊን ሆራ ተብሎ የተፈጠረው የቆሪጥ/አጋንንት/ መሰብሰቢያ ኩሬ ሊይደርቀው ይችላል በምትኩም የህይወት ውሃ መፍለቂያ እና መጠመቂያ ይቸረን ይሆናል።

Wedi wrote:
01 Feb 2023, 16:24
Galla Abiy Ahmed's regime has already ended, alas just in 4 years.

he has morethan enough bloood in his hands to face justice at The Hague!!

Re: Will the sabotage of Orthodox Christianity end Abiy Ahmed's regime?

Posted: 02 Feb 2023, 21:00
by Abere
It is official! The poll result indicated that Abiy Ahmed's attempt of sabotaging the Ethiopian Orthodox Christianity will end his regime, but with blood bath. Our prayers, May God send His Divine hand to intervene and free Ethiopia off from the evil kingdom of Orommuma and cannibal Abiy Ahmed. Abiy the cannibal already ate up millions lives untimely. May the laboring time be short.

Re: Will the sabotage of Orthodox Christianity end Abiy Ahmed's regime?

Posted: 06 Feb 2023, 20:29
by Abere
Updated poll result, as of today, indicated a tie: 39% responded that Abiy Ahmed's sabotaging of Orthodox Christianity will end his regime, but with a blood bath. Likewise, the other 39% responded he will tactically escape it by disbanding his anti-EOC bandits.

So far, the reality on the ground showed many followers of Orthodox Christianity has fallen as Martyrs in Shashemene - proving the blood bath has officially started. This implies Abiy Ahmed's regime is truly is in a coma status. His frantic and nervous speech to his cabinet sums it all - he would be soon joining Meles Zenawi's club or ,if he is lucky, joining Hailemariam Desalegn's or Mengistu's club.

Re: Will the sabotage of Orthodox Christianity end Abiy Ahmed's regime?

Posted: 09 Feb 2023, 11:24
by Abere
Interestingly the opinion poll result revealed citizens do not even regard Abiy Ahmed as valid leader of the country. The result concluded, as of today, Abiy Ahmed is an expired leader currently occupying the 4 killo palace, but in a total comatose state.

Re: Will the sabotage of Orthodox Christianity end Abiy Ahmed's regime?

Posted: 10 Feb 2023, 17:00
by Abere
Very ironic: the popular vote concluded Abiy Ahmed's regime was dead longtime ago, whereas the second popular vote suggests, Abiy Ahmed dodged the bulls eye of the hurricane by disbanding his own bandit Ormmuma Akele-wold synod. We will see more drama unfolding. In any case, stopping or minimizing the bloodshed is wise.