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Noble Amhara
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የአማራ ጠላት የት ይደበቃል? Exposing the whereabouts of Amhara Main Enemy

Post by Noble Amhara » 27 Jan 2023, 10:08

TPLF withdrawal from Waghemra and you will no longer be classified as terrorist by the Amhara as such the smartEst tplf are ending war with Amhara!

Now amhaera main enemy is the one who touches senbete and burns the villages of Semien shouah frequently..hating peace and always attacking peace itself... As such I call this a 9/11 style attack against amhara. The amhara struggle for peace freedom justice liberty must move forwards!! never ever stop exposing or letting the enemy win!!!

God be with us! Against terrorists the dirtbags of Satan