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Re: Just In - Leaked audio of gen. Tsadkan speaking to the Heritage Foundation Think Thank

Post by temari » 04 Oct 2022, 03:34

For those who are puzzled by the constant insistence of the TPLF in involving and magnifying Eritrea in everything in this war, you will get your answer.

Tsadkan, I would say cleverly, makes the involvement of the Eritrean President in this war so huge and out of proportion that sometimes you come to think there is no Ethiopian government involvement in this war. After magnifying the Eritrean involvement so much, he then goes on to the real scare tactics. If TPLF is defeated, he says, then Ethiopia and the whole region will be under the control of Eritrea and become like Eritrea. He goes further and says that Ethiopians will not accept the domination of Eritrea and will fight back dragging the region in a chaos and huge wars.

Tsadkan and the TPLF know how the west hates the Eritrean system in general and the Eritrean President in particular. They are using this as a scare tactic to scare the the sh.t out of the west by portraying a blick picture of the region without „the guardian“ TPLF.

In my view this strategy may help convince someone think thanks but currently I really don’t think this will work for those like the US who have significant intelligence resources and can see the absurdity of TPLF‘s wild scenario. But as a strategy, it’s a clever one.

One other thing I observed from his interview is that TPLF is still stuck in it’s unrealistic demands after all what has happened. This is ridiculous and won’t happen at least in the near future. As long as TPLF is stuck with this kind of unrealistic demands such as „give us wolkait“ etc. I see no way for a peaceful resolution except if TPLF is disarmed. Demanding money and basic services after you just used the humanitarian supplies and fuel to launch a war is insanity. It seems TPLF is offering zero realistic option to resolve this conflict peacefully.

Finally, the slightest hint of TPLF winning this war is completely absent from Tsadkan’s talk. On the contrary, Tsadkan talks about the possibility of TPLF losing this war but never winning it.

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Re: Just In - Leaked audio of gen. Tsadkan speaking to the Heritage Foundation Think Thank

Post by Abdisa » 04 Oct 2022, 04:00

The wizard of the human-wave military tactic, Tsadkan sounds like the agame eden/Sarcasm.... his entire presentation was filled with "Eritrea! Eritrea! Eritrea!" :lol:

Their inferiority complex towards Eritreans is so intense that their thinking process is severely impaired, making them blubbering incoherently in the process. :lol: :lol: :mrgreen:

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Re: Just In - Leaked audio of gen. Tsadkan speaking to the Heritage Foundation Think Thank

Post by Educator » 04 Oct 2022, 08:19

My take from this discussion is that the general does not see a way out of this situation militarily and he seems to give up on the international community to get a similar level of help Woyanes were given in the past. He is now longing for a ceasefire to have his breath or he knows it that he is completely done militarily.
Speaking of Eritrea, I don't think he was exaggerating about Eritrea's involvement in the war. Eritrea is the only capable party in this war militarily. It is known the ENDF is a master of surrender led by the field marshal surrender. It is only Eritreans who are battle hardened and experienced fighters with brutal command structures. They also have a formed aim, to exterminate Woyanes and if possible all Tigrians to avenge for all their miseries inflicted on them by Meles and his woyane institutions for the last 20+ years.

Digital Weyane
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Re: Just In - Leaked audio of gen. Tsadkan speaking to the Heritage Foundation Think Thank

Post by Digital Weyane » 05 Oct 2022, 01:35

ጌታቸው ረዳ በድሮን ስለተገደለ ነው ፃድቃን ለቃለ መጠይቁ የቀረበው የሚል አባባል በብዙዎች ተጋሩ ዎገኖቼ ዘንድ ሲነገር ይደመጣል። :roll: :roll:

Digital Weyane
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Re: Just In - Leaked audio of gen. Tsadkan speaking to the Heritage Foundation Think Thank

Post by Digital Weyane » 05 Oct 2022, 02:06

አገሬ ኢትዮጵያ በHeritage Foundation እግር ስር ወድቃ ከማያት፤ ይሻለኛል ሞቴ፤ ሳይፈስ መራራ ሀሞቴ፤ በልቤ ላኑራት አንጀቴን ቀድጄ። :roll: :roll:

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Re: Just In - Leaked audio of gen. Tsadkan speaking to the Heritage Foundation Think Thank

Post by Asmara » 05 Oct 2022, 08:25

When asked by Ambassador Tibor if Tsadkan thinks that Tigrean forces would come out victories from this war, his reply was so telling. He was so pessimistic about TPLF's situation. I give him credit for that. He is under no illusion about the final outcome of the war. It is just a matter of weeks or months before it eventually collapses. The whole point of his briefing and the interview that followed was to ask the West to intervene before they lose their best ever servant permanently.
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Re: Just In - Leaked audio of gen. Tsadkan speaking to the Heritage Foundation Think Thank

Post by » 06 Oct 2022, 19:46 Tsadkan is starting to smell the coffee. The end is nigh for tplf. Tplf will be thrown in the dustbin of history.
temari wrote:
06 Oct 2022, 17:38

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