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"Abiy may persevere as Robert Mugabe did, but Ethiopia will pay the price, just as Zimbabwe did."

Post by sarcasm » 01 Oct 2022, 10:41

How Ethiopia’s Abiy Ahmed Lost The World

Abiy may persevere as Robert Mugabe did, but Ethiopia will pay the price, just as Zimbabwe did. The simple reality is the United States, European Union, and many African countries no longer see Abiy as redeemable. For peace and prosperity in Ethiopia, the only course of action is Abiy’s exit. If, when, and how that happens will be a question for Ethiopians only. The lone certainty is that Abiy’s legacy will be shaped less by his Nobel Prize and more by the revelations of a future Truth and Reconciliation Committee.

It has now been almost three years since the Norwegian Nobel Committee announced Abiy Ahmed as the recipient of the 2019 Nobel Peace Prize “for his efforts to achieve peace and international cooperation.” Abiy received international plaudits. CNN called him a “modern day African leader.” Other African leaders congratulated him on twitter.

Terrence Lyons, a professor of conflict resolution at the Carter School, praised other aspects of Ethiopia’s tremendous progress under Abiy. He released political prisoners and opened political space. “Political prisoners were released, the repressive civil society law scrapped, and independent media rebounded. Exiled movements that had been labeled as terrorists – such as Ginbot 7, the Oromo Liberation Front, and the Ogaden National Liberation Front – agreed to end their armed struggles and returned to Ethiopia and registered as political parties,” Lyons explained. He continued to report that Abiy had strengthened civil society and laid the groundwork for a Truth and Reconciliation Commission to explore the abuses of previous regimes. As important, Ethiopia began to meet its economic potential as an African giant.

From Promise to Pariah

Today, that promise is gone. The Nobel Committee may not be able to revoke its prize, but it chastised Abiy in a way that exceeded admonishments of other recipients whose commitment to peace eventually waned.

Abiy and his partisans believe such criticism is unfair. He and his supporters grow frustrated that the international community largely discounts their narrative surrounding the start of the Tigray War and its conduct. Too often, this frustration manifests itself in either personal attacks or conspiracy theories, both of which exacerbate Abiy’s relationship with the broader international community. It may be satisfying to blame others, but it is immature. If Abiy wants to know how he lost the world, he need only consider his own actions.

Alas, he is unwilling to do this. Earlier this month, I had the opportunity to sit in on a conversation with an Ethiopian Cabinet-level official and ask him what lessons the Abiy government had learned from the past two years of civil war. After all, there are two major parties to the conflict, and to suggest the fault rests solely with Abiy’s enemies is not realistic. Even if Abiy believes truth is fully on his side, responsible political and military leadership should constantly assess and adjust tactics. Abiy’s does not, for the simple reason they do not acknowledge mistakes.

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Re: "Abiy may persevere as Robert Mugabe did, but Ethiopia will pay the price, just as Zimbabwe did."

Post by TGAA » 01 Oct 2022, 15:55

Abiy's mistake has been not understanding western politics, thinking that if he dances to their tune they will become his partners. At the pick of Ethiopia's victory he disappointingly caved in. The US achieved their goal.opening up mistrust between his administration and the public. They are calling now for his head on silver platter. No doubt the are doing clandestinely to overthrow him..despite his promise to die for America. He still can get back the support of Ethiopians if he dismantle weyannes ethnic apartheid system for once and for all. He can't toy with the same system and fight the brain father of that system that has served west as slave at the expence of the suffering of the Ethiopian people . Abiy need to strengthen Ethiopian nationalism, let the Ethiopian people be the defender of Ethiopia. Ethiopia is not Mozambique. Ethiopia only need a leader they trust. Don't attack west but never compromise on the sovereignty of Ethiopia no matter what. Strangth through the unity of Ethiopians is the antidote to the western bullying politics. Anything less is a call for disaster. The west respects strength not weakness.

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Re: "Abiy may persevere as Robert Mugabe did, but Ethiopia will pay the price, just as Zimbabwe did."

Post by Fiyameta » 01 Oct 2022, 16:22

Zimbabwe has the highest literacy rate in Africa, and Tigray has the lowest. :lol: :lol: :lol: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

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Re: "Abiy may persevere as Robert Mugabe did, but Ethiopia will pay the price, just as Zimbabwe did."

Post by Horus » 01 Oct 2022, 16:54

እኔ ሃሳቤን ባማርኛ ልጻፈው። ብዙ ትክክለኛ ሃሳቦች አንስተሃል። ከላይ የተለጠፈው አርቲክል በጥንቃቄ አነበብኩት፣ የጻፊው የማይክል ሩቢን ባክግራውንድ በትንሹ ተመልክቻለሁ ።

የል ይኒቨርሲቲ የታሪክ ምሁር ይሁዲ ነው። ከዚያም ለፔንታገን የሰራ የሴኩሪቲ ባለሙያ ነው ። የባህር ሃይል መርከብ ላይ አስተማሪ ነበር ። የሚድል ኢስትና አፍሪካ ከንድ ሴኩሪቲ ኤክስፐርት ነው ። አሁን አሜሪካን ኢተርፕራይዝ ኢንስቲቲዩት ሰራተኛ ነው ።

አርቲክሉ የጻፈበት መጽሄት 1945 ይባላል፣ ያሜሪካን ሃያልነት ሱፐር ፓወርነት ለማረጋገጥ የቆመ መጽሄት ነው ። ስለዚህ ይህ የዲፌንስ ተቋሙ አመለካከትና የሚሊታሪ ሴኩሪቲ አመለካከት ነው ። ግን የግል አስተያየት ስለሆነ ያሜሪካ ፖሊሲ ነው ለማለት አንችልም፣ ግን ዝም ብሎ ያንድ ፕሮፌሰር መቀባጥር አይደለም ።

ትልቁ ትልቁ ያለኝ ጥያቄ ይህ ሰው ትግሬዎች የቀጠሩት ፒ አር እና ሎቢስት ነው ወይስ ባሜርካ ፖሊሲ ላይ የሚያማክር ጡረታ የወጣ ሰላይ የሚለው ነው ። እስቴት ዲፓርሜንት ወይም ፔንታጎንን ኢንፍሉወንስ የሚያደር ሰው ከሆነ የሰጠው አስተያየት ላቢይ መልካም ዜና አይደለም ።

አቢይ ከስልጣን ካልተወገደ ካልወረደ ሰላም አይኖርም፣ ኢትዮጵያም ሰላም አትሆንም ይላል። እንዳልከው አቢይን ለማስወገድ ወስነዋል ማለት ነው።

ባልፈው ግዜ አቢይ የአሜሪካኖች ወጥመድ ውስጥ የወደቀበት ግዙፍ ስህተት ትክክል ነህ ። ብዙ ግዜ ብለነዋል።

አሁን አቢይ የኢትዮጵያን ህዝብ ልብ መልሶ ለመያዝ ማድረግ ስላለበት ነገር እግጅ ትክክል ነህ ። ትግሬዎች ያቆሙት ስርዓት ሳያፈርስ ሁለተኛ ሕዝብ አቢይን ሊያምን አይችልም፣ አንዴ የተከዳ ሕዝብ ስለሆነ ።

ይህ ማለት ደሞ፣ ቴዲ አፍሮ ጭምር እንዳለው አቢይ አንድ መንገድ ወስኖ ካልያዘ ወዳቂ ነው ። ለምሳሌ የኦሮሞ ብሄረተኝነትን እሽሩሩ እያለ በሌላ አፉ የኢትዮጵያ ብሄረተኝነትን ሊሰብክ ቢሞክር እንኳ ሰሚ የለውም ።

ስለዚህ ልክ እንዳልከው አሜሪካኖች እያዘጋጁለት ያለውን መፈንቅል ከማብቃቱ በፊት የነሱን ፕላን ሊያክሽፍ የሚችል አንድ እርምጃ የጎሳ ፌዴሬሽን አፍርሶ በኢትዮጵያ ብሄረተኘት አሜሪካንን መመከት ብቻ ነው ። ያ ካልሆነ አንድ የአሜሪካ ምልምል ይዘው ኢትዮጵያና አፍሪካ ቅንድን ለመቆጣጠር ሌት ተቀን እየሰሩ ነው ።

በተለይ ያቢይና ኢሳያስ ወዳጅነት እግጅ አናዷቸዋል ።

የኢትዮጵያ ሕዝብ ግን በፍጹም አቢይ የጎሳ ፖለቲካን ለማፍረስ እስካልፈቀደ እስካልሰራ ድረስ አቢይን ካሜሪካም ሆነ አውሮጳዎች ለመከላከል ማሰብም መነሳትም የለባቸውም ። ያ ካደረገኝ ኢትዮጵያን ለሌላ ጥጋበኛ ገነንና ለኦሮሞ ስለቃጮች አሳልፈን መስጥት ማለት ነው ። አቢይ አህመድ ኢትዮጵያዊ መሆኑን የምናረጋግጠው ይህን የጎሳ ቂጣ ለማስወገድና መላ ኢትዮጵያዊ አገሩን አገሬ ማለት ሲችል ብቻ ነው ።

ይህን የህዝብ ውሳኔ ደጋግሞ ደጋግሞ ለፒፒዎች ማሳወቅ ያስፈልጋል ። ልክ የዛሬ አመት እንዳልነው አሜሪካ አቢይን ከሕዝብ ከነጠሉት በኋላ አሁን ነጥለው እያሳደዱት ነው! የምንለውን ካልሰማ ደሞ በርግጠኝነት ይደርሱበታል !!!

ምርጫው ያቢይ አህመድ ነው! ወይ ኢትዮጵያዊ ሆኖ በኢትዮጵያዊያን መጠበቅ፣ ወይ የጎሳ ካርታ ተጫዋች ሆኖ ቁማሩን መበላት !!!
Last edited by Horus on 01 Oct 2022, 20:27, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: "Abiy may persevere as Robert Mugabe did, but Ethiopia will pay the price, just as Zimbabwe did."

Post by Abdisa » 01 Oct 2022, 20:00

I refuse to see Ethiopia through the eyes of white reporters that cannot possibly have Ethiopia's best interest at heart. But there are some gullible people who believe in the "White is Right" doctrine that they forfeit their own minds and accept such reports without judgement. A little critical thinking goes a long way.

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Re: "Abiy may persevere as Robert Mugabe did, but Ethiopia will pay the price, just as Zimbabwe did."

Post by Horus » 01 Oct 2022, 20:34

Abdisa wrote:
01 Oct 2022, 20:00
I refuse to see Ethiopia through the eyes of white reporters that cannot possibly have Ethiopia's best interest at heart. But there are some gullible people who believe in the "White is Right" doctrine that they forfeit their own minds and accept such reports without judgement. A little critical thinking goes a long way.
Nobody accepted or believed White man's story. The man wrote what the man is going to do. The problem Abiy has with the Ethiopian people is not the work of White man, it is his own making. You try to rule Ethiopia with a dictatorship one ethnic group, then you are making your own problem. Ethiopia went from a one man rule to party/man rule of Mengistu, then to one tribe/Meles rule, then to one tribe/one party/ Abiy rule. Ethiopians are sick and tired!! በቃ!

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Re: "Abiy may persevere as Robert Mugabe did, but Ethiopia will pay the price, just as Zimbabwe did."

Post by sarcasm » 01 Oct 2022, 20:50

TGAA wrote:
01 Oct 2022, 15:55
At the pick of Ethiopia's victory he disappointingly caved in.
When was this? He never reached peak. The only peak he reached was when he entered Mekelle, but he did not cave then. So when was the peak you are taking about?
TGAA wrote:
01 Oct 2022, 15:55
..despite his promise to die for America.
Did you really buy the "I would die fighting for America" sh**? Do you think America is a 14 year old girl?
TGAA wrote:
01 Oct 2022, 15:55
He still can get back the support of Ethiopians if he dismantle weyannes ethnic apartheid system for once and for all.
Why do you think he affirmed his commitment to the constitutional federalism when he established his PP party? OPDO is 1000000% committed to 'weyannes ethnic apartheid system' . The day he abandons the federalist system, he will be dead the next day. So if he wants OPDO on his side, he has to be committed to constitutional federalism. Is it hard to understand this after 4 years rule of OPDO??

TGAA wrote:
01 Oct 2022, 15:55
Abiy need to strengthen Ethiopian nationalism
That never exits. If you think Amhara nationalism is Ethiopian nationalism, you are in for a nasty surprise.
TGAA wrote:
01 Oct 2022, 15:55
Ethiopia only need a leader they trust
Nobody in Ethiopia trusts Abiy, not even OPDO. Do you think Amhara PP trust him? I don't think so. Do you think Isaias trusts Abiy? Who do you think trusts Abiy?
TGAA wrote:
01 Oct 2022, 15:55
never compromise on the sovereignty of Ethiopia no matter what
Have you been in comma for the past 2 years? Which sovereignty are you talking about? Do you really know what sovereignty means? Do you think becoming Isaias's Eritrea's satellite the ultimate form of sovereignty?

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Re: "Abiy may persevere as Robert Mugabe did, but Ethiopia will pay the price, just as Zimbabwe did."

Post by sun » 01 Oct 2022, 21:12

sarcasm wrote:
01 Oct 2022, 10:41
How Ethiopia’s Abiy Ahmed Lost The World

Abiy may persevere as Robert Mugabe did, but Ethiopia will pay the price, just as Zimbabwe did. The simple reality is the United States, European Union, and many African countries no longer see Abiy as redeemable. For peace and prosperity in Ethiopia, the only course of action is Abiy’s exit. If, when, and how that happens will be a question for Ethiopians only. The lone certainty is that Abiy’s legacy will be shaped less by his Nobel Prize and more by the revelations of a future Truth and Reconciliation Committee.

It has now been almost three years since the Norwegian Nobel Committee announced Abiy Ahmed as the recipient of the 2019 Nobel Peace Prize “for his efforts to achieve peace and international cooperation.” Abiy received international plaudits. CNN called him a “modern day African leader.” Other African leaders congratulated him on twitter.

Terrence Lyons, a professor of conflict resolution at the Carter School, praised other aspects of Ethiopia’s tremendous progress under Abiy. He released political prisoners and opened political space. “Political prisoners were released, the repressive civil society law scrapped, and independent media rebounded. Exiled movements that had been labeled as terrorists – such as Ginbot 7, the Oromo Liberation Front, and the Ogaden National Liberation Front – agreed to end their armed struggles and returned to Ethiopia and registered as political parties,” Lyons explained. He continued to report that Abiy had strengthened civil society and laid the groundwork for a Truth and Reconciliation Commission to explore the abuses of previous regimes. As important, Ethiopia began to meet its economic potential as an African giant.

From Promise to Pariah

Today, that promise is gone. The Nobel Committee may not be able to revoke its prize, but it chastised Abiy in a way that exceeded admonishments of other recipients whose commitment to peace eventually waned.

Abiy and his partisans believe such criticism is unfair. He and his supporters grow frustrated that the international community largely discounts their narrative surrounding the start of the Tigray War and its conduct. Too often, this frustration manifests itself in either personal attacks or conspiracy theories, both of which exacerbate Abiy’s relationship with the broader international community. It may be satisfying to blame others, but it is immature. If Abiy wants to know how he lost the world, he need only consider his own actions.

Alas, he is unwilling to do this. Earlier this month, I had the opportunity to sit in on a conversation with an Ethiopian Cabinet-level official and ask him what lessons the Abiy government had learned from the past two years of civil war. After all, there are two major parties to the conflict, and to suggest the fault rests solely with Abiy’s enemies is not realistic. Even if Abiy believes truth is fully on his side, responsible political and military leadership should constantly assess and adjust tactics. Abiy’s does not, for the simple reason they do not acknowledge mistakes.

Continue reading ... the-world/

All of those bombastic propagandists whether black or white are/were directly paid in cash by the tplf with the Ethiopian money which they have looted in the last some 28 long years. The rest of the bonus extra payments are being made by the known shadows playing their dirty games behind the scene.

The beginning of wisdom is to know yourself before you start claiming that you know about others. This means that tplf cadres should to know what the tplf have been and what the tplf is right now. This is because you always write and bark negative fake news about others while NOT mentioning tplf's colossal failures for the last some 50 long years, loosing itself and loosing the world and is still on the run like evening fast setting sun. But the envious and jealous mind set does not rest with out violence and wars the only single skill for which the tplf came to exist.

PM Abiy discovered peaceful democratic election, peace building with all Ethiopians and showing them that peaceful democratic elections are possible and achievable both in theory and practice. He made bold peace deals with neighboring countries and got awarded the prestigious Gold Medal For Peace and through that elevated Ethiopia to the higher noticeable level. Obbo saracsm and the tplf hired several homeboy lawyers to revers the medal award award but failed miserably incurring Big moral bankruptcy for which reason obbo saracasm and the tplf are still writing and negative fake stories as an after effect therapy if it may help.

The PM negotiated with various foreign governments and through that able to help desperate Ethiopians freed from from jails and sufferance of discrimination, in many cases the PM personally transporting them on his own official planes back to mamma Ethiopia while the tplf would have ignored these Ethiopians to rote in foreign countries and or even go there to kidnap them and put them in tplf concentration camps.

The PM planted green trees all over the places and played role model for Ethiopians to do the same and covert their beautiful country in to the possible proverbial Garden Of Eden while the tplf was and is busy promoting violence, planting violence everywhere and preventing planting green trees, etc. Despite all of these and more tplf debacles now obbo sarcasm sarcastically tries to criticize the PM in order to exchange his/tplf's gross failures with the PM's grand achievements, still going strong. What a cvnning small red fox, dressed in sheep skin and trying to stand guard for the Sheep communities.
:lol: :lol:

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Re: "Abiy may persevere as Robert Mugabe did, but Ethiopia will pay the price, just as Zimbabwe did."

Post by Educator » 02 Oct 2022, 02:21

The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom.

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Joined: 07 Apr 2019, 20:34

Re: "Abiy may persevere as Robert Mugabe did, but Ethiopia will pay the price, just as Zimbabwe did."

Post by TGAA » 03 Oct 2022, 01:41

sarcasm wrote:
01 Oct 2022, 20:50
TGAA wrote:
01 Oct 2022, 15:55
At the pick of Ethiopia's victory he disappointingly caved in.
When was this? He never reached peak. The only peak he reached was when he entered Mekelle, but he did not cave then. So when was the peak you are taking about?

The peak was when weyanes got beaten back to Mekelle from Debrebrhan. For all practical reasons, weyanes were neutered never to be a threat again. Their recent floundered weyane's jingoistic war proved that beyond the shadow of a doubt. However, I was talking about his political move at home and his willingness to bow unnecessarily to please the west without reciprocation.
TGAA wrote:
01 Oct 2022, 15:55
..despite his promise to die for America.
Did you really buy the "I would die fighting for America" sh**? Do you think America is a 14 year old girl?
That is supposed to be a sarcastic comment -- of all people you are the least suspect to miss that.
TGAA wrote:
01 Oct 2022, 15:55
He still can get back the support of Ethiopians if he dismantle weyannes ethnic apartheid system for once and for all.
Why do you think he affirmed his commitment to the constitutional federalism when he established his PP party? OPDO is 1000000% committed to 'weyannes ethnic apartheid system' . The day he abandons the federalist system, he will be dead the next day. So if he wants OPDO on his side, he has to be committed to constitutional federalism. Is it hard to understand this after 4 years rule of OPDO??
Had you familiarized yourself with constitutional federalism you wouldn't have made a blender of comparing wyenane's ethnic apartheid system with it.

TGAA wrote:
01 Oct 2022, 15:55
Abiy need to strengthen Ethiopian nationalism
That never exits. If you think Amhara nationalism is Ethiopian nationalism, you are in for a nasty surprise.
It is neither Tigrian (weyanes) nihilism nor Amharas nationalism. It is Ethiopian distinct nationalism. That is the silver bullet for what ills us all.
TGAA wrote:
01 Oct 2022, 15:55
Ethiopia only need a leader they trust
Nobody in Ethiopia trusts Abiy, not even OPDO. Do you think Amhara PP trust him? I don't think so. Do you think Isaias trusts Abiy? Who do you think trusts Abiy? Trust and Abiy is not something you can put in one sentence. The answer is NO.
TGAA wrote:
01 Oct 2022, 15:55
never compromise on the sovereignty of Ethiopia no matter what
Have you been in comma for the past 2 years? Which sovereignty are you talking about? Do you really know what sovereignty means? Do you think becoming Isaias's Eritrea's satellite the ultimate form of sovereignty?
of all people, weyanne and their supporters are the last people who suppose to give a lecture about sovereignty. You attack the Ethiopian defense forces, who were stationed to protect you supposedly from Eritrean attack. To every Ethiopian surprise, 70% of the high command echelons of the North command were weyanes (Tigrian). However, in order to expropriate all the mechanized weaponry in the hands of ENDF , weyanes conduct a "preemptive" attack on the Ethiopian army under Tigrian (weyane) command killing thousands in their sleep, but here with a straight face AND pseudo outrage, you are amused AND asking if we ever understood what sovereignty MEANS?. As for Eritrean involvement in this war you just need to remember the adage "ውሻ በቀደደው ጅብ ይገባባታል"

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Re: "Abiy may persevere as Robert Mugabe did, but Ethiopia will pay the price, just as Zimbabwe did."

Post by sarcasm » 04 Oct 2022, 19:07

How Robert Mugabe brought Zimbabwe’s economy to its knees

In the United States, a $100 trillion dollar note would be worth more than five-times the country’s GDP. But at one stage in Robert Mugabe’s Zimbabwe it would barely get you a loaf of bread.

Zimbabwe’s 100 trillion dollar note had the most zeros of any legal tender on the planet. That reads: $100,000,000,000,000.

It became emblematic of the economic crisis which dogged the country for 37 years under Mugabe, whose death was announced this morning.

Land reforms

At the turn of the century, Mugabe put in place a controversial land reform policy, which was central to his reelection campaigns in 2002 and 2008.

Most of the country’s 4,000 white farmers, a key part of its agricultural economy, were forced from their land – often violently – in favour of around 1m black Zimbabweans.

Critics accused him of bribing voters, but Mugabe billed the measures as an attempt to put right Zimbabwe’s colonial legacy that left vast swathes of land in the hands of a white minority.

The result? Real GDP fell 45 per cent in the ten years to 2009, while farm production collapsed.

Continue reading ... its-knees/

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