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Re: ለምንድን ነው አቢይ አህመድ የጉራጌን ክልልነት የሚቃወመው?

Post by Horus » 25 Sep 2022, 15:16

sun የምትባ ዪልማ ሃሬ አንድ ነገር በርግጠኘት ልነግርህ እችላለሁ! የጉርጌ ሽማግሎችን በቅሻሻ የብልይስግና ሌባ ካድሬዎች አዋርደህ እንደ ወደቀው የውያኔ ሌቦች በተረኛነት እዘርፋለሁ፣ ፎሌ እዘፍናለሁ ብለህ ካሰብክ ያው ተመልሰህ ከብትነክን ታስመሰክራለህ !! መላ የኢትዮጵያን ሕዝብ እያሸማቀክክ የውጭ ጠላት ቅብጥሬ መጣብኝ የተበላ እቁብ መርካቶ አይሰራም ። የህዝቦችን መብትና ነጻነት እስከምታክብር ድረስ ተወጥረህ እምቢ ካልክ ትሰናበታለህ ። የታሪክን ህግ ታቃለህ አይደል! እናም የወያኔ ትግሬ እብሪትና ድንፋታ አስተንፍሷል የኢትዮጵያ ሕዝብ!!! ይህን ብልጽግና የሚባል (መልከ ጥፉ በስም ይደግፉ) የከብቶች እረኛን የኢትዮጵያ ሕዝብ ከጫንቃው ያሽቀነጥራል... ከትግሬ ሕዝብ እስከ አማራ..። ከጉራጌ ሕዝብ እስከ ኦሮሞ ... እስከ ጋሞ !!!! እናም ብዙ አትደንፋ!! አገር መምራት ያቃተው የኦሮሞ ተረኛ በየመንደሩ ኮማንድ ፖስት አቁማ ለስንት ግዜ እንደምትቆይ ይታያል!!

Posts: 9127
Joined: 30 Apr 2007, 17:38

Re: ለምንድን ነው አቢይ አህመድ የጉራጌን ክልልነት የሚቃወመው?

Post by ethiopianunity » 26 Sep 2022, 12:26

Selam/ wrote:
25 Sep 2022, 08:06
I am not fooling myself. I know many folks think trashing everything on the table would make them look tough & bold. They lambaste everyone as though they are like a Superman who can overturn everything in one night. That’s what I call fooling oneself. What’s the point of putting a large amount gravel on your wheelbarrow if you physically can’t handle it?

If you want to make a practical change in life, you must prioritize & delegate things efficiently. You can’t make everything a priority. We read in annals of wars & revolutions, how groups and nations allied with their adversaries to first destroy their big enemies. And then they later turn against each other. That’s not foolish. It’s smart.

So, I have my priorities set & as I have repeatedly said I have given Abiy a grace period. But that doesn’t mean I turn blind eyes to injustices committed by PP, OLF or Shene. I support Gurages quest to self-governance, which Mr Sun declined to answer. I strongly condemn the crimes committed against Amharas & demand that those responsible OLF & Shene thugs be punished & dismantled. Sun ignored that one too, The so-called Killil is killing Ethiopia & Ethiopians as we speak & it should be trashed once & for all. And I am confident that it will happen sooner or later because the status quo isn’t working as it stands & there is no other alternative than dismantling it. But do I expect that to happen today? Of course not. Sadly, we will continue to bleed until we get there.
ethiopianunity wrote:
25 Sep 2022, 06:14
sun wrote:
24 Sep 2022, 22:42
Who is the big bully here?
You and that vagabond whorear$$ who keep calling Oromos gallas, just to provoke as well as saying they were not here they were not there during those days and those years and spreading utterly baseless fake news.You are dancing with horeus hoping that he will organize his extremist gurage cults and join the "neftegna revolution" and bring back the bygone neftegna system to kill the identities and cultural values of the Ethiopian nations and nationalities.

Selam/ wrote:
24 Sep 2022, 22:26
This is not about first comer or late comer. It’s rather about historical facts. While we all have equal rights, protections & interests in today’s Ethiopia, we shouldn’t be afraid to talk about hour history as it happened without disrespecting each other or using our past as a tool to advance tribal interests or to subjugate others. There is no nation on Earth that evolved without involving population movement, be it migration, expansion, relocation, repatriation or whatever you call it.

The historic account that you described below is new to me & I would like to read the book if you post the source. Aside from that, resorting to insults & name-calling like a ዱርዬ will never validate your points. It rather tarnishes your credibility & makes you look like a big bully.

sun wrote:
24 Sep 2022, 21:46
Horus wrote:
24 Sep 2022, 20:56
ኢትዮጵያን ዩኒቲ፣
ስንት ሺ ገጽ ማስታወሻ እንዳለኝ ብነግርህ ስለማታምነኝ አላነሳውም ። እጅግ ትክክል ነገር ብለሃል፤ አመሰግናለሁ ! ዘብዙ ዘመን ለምሳሌ ስለ ጋላ ወረራ ብዙ ከማንሳት የምቆጠበው ሌላ የህዝቦች እርስበርስ ንትርክና የቶርነት ጥንስስ ላለመጣል እያልኩ ነው ። ምናልባት ዴሞክራሲና እድገት ይህን የታሪክ ቁስል ይደፍነው ይሆናል በሚል ማለት ነው ።

ግን እንደ ምታየው ተቀድሞ ጋሎች የዛሬ ኦሮሞች አሁንም ያንን የዘመነ ዘላን ወራሪነትና እዚም ጂራ እዛም ጂራ የማለት ሳይኮሎጂያቸውን ማጽዳት አልቻሉም። ያ ሲሆን ደሞ እውነተኛው ታሪክ መነገሩ የግድ ነው ። ኢትዮጵያዊያን ስለ ጣሊያን ወረራ ብዙ እናውቃለን፣ ስለ ሱማሌ ወይም ስለ ግራኝ ወረራ ብዙ ተብሏል ። ነገር ግን አሁን እራሳቸው የኦሮሞ ተረኞችና ገነን ልሁን ባዮች በመጡት መዘዝ የጋላ ወረራ የሚባል አንድ ትልቅ የታሪክ ምዕራፍ መከፈቱ የግዜ ጉዳይ ነው ።

ትክክል በዚህ ምድር ላይ ሩጫዬን ከመጨረሴ በፊት ብዙ ወረቀት ላይ የማሰፍራቸው ነገሮች አሉ ። የእግዚአብሄር ፈቃድ ይጨመርበት!!! ግን እንደ ምታውቀው አንድን ያልፈ ኩነት ወይም ታሪክ ለተራው ሕዝብ የሚጥመውና ሬልቨንት የሚሆነው አሁን ካለ ፖለቲካና ማህበራዊ ውዝግብ ጋር ሲያያዝ ነው ። ይህ ፈረንጆች ቲቺንግ ሞመንት ይሉታል ። ይህ የቀን ተቀን ቲቺኒግ ሞመንት እያታለለን ነው ቁጭ ብሎ ከመጻፍ የምንሰንፈው !!

በነገራችን ላይ እነዚያ sunንን የጠየካቸው ጥያቄዎች ትክክል ናቸው ። ኦሮሞች በፋክት የነበረ፣ የተደረገ ዳታ፣ ታሪክ ሳይሆን የቆሙበት መሰረት ምቶሎጂ (ተረትና) ኮንስትራክቲቭ ትርክት (ልብ ወለድ ታሪክ) ነው ። ልብ በል ለሺ ዘመናት የእርሻና የእደ ጥበብ አሰልጥኖ በእጁ ሳይሆን በማንኪያ የሚበላውን ጉራጌ ቀድመን ሸዋ ነበር ብሎ ከተረተ በኋላ እስከ ሰሜን ኬንያ ድረስ ተመልሰን ከብት እርቢና ዘላን ወደ መሆን ተመለስን ብሎ ነው የኦሮሞ አንቶፖሎጂ ኮንስትራክ እያደረገ ያለው መሳቂያ ነው ።

አይደለም ቋንቋና ሌላውን ነገር ኢሬቻ የሚለው ቃል የሴም ቃል ሲሆን ከመስቀል የተኮረጀ ባህል ነው ። ከሸዋ ውጪ ባሉ ኦሮሞች መከበር የተጀመረው አሁን ነው። ጥንታዊ የሚባሉት ህዝቦ ጌዴኦም ሲዳማ ፣ ወላይታ፣ ሃዲያ ሁሉም የራሳቸው አዲስ አመት አላቸው ። ቀኖቹማ ከመስቀልና ኦርቶዶክስ ከስልምናም የለያሉ ! የጋላ አዲስ አመት በታሪክ ጥቀስ በለው?! መቼ ነው? ይህ አዲስ አመት የሚቆጠረው እንዴት ነው በለው? ያኔ የጋላ ኦሪጂን እና አባት ማ እንደ ሆነ ይገኛል!

መልካም መስቀል !
Just keep whistling non stop through your dirty wet back hole and dirty front wide hole, twerking and stripteasing for the purpose of attention seeking. It is your democratic right! :lol:
Interesting, sun just outed its true Tplf era slagan, " nations and nationalities" proof we are or going to relive Tplf constructed, Old rule. There will be no change in Ethiopia. It will benefit and strengthen this control with another coming war from outside. the Olf and sun will be repeating history during Gragn Ahmed, this time the Ahmed is already in power but another coming war is from All Shabab, Gragn Ahmed style, it is then during this time Olf f and sun will seal control of Ethiopia including Amara land with help of Tplf #2 supported by Shabia. Not only that, sun also revealed his pro colonization agenda once again calling Arbegnas, Neftegnas our fore fathers from Arusi who died freeing themselves from the yolk of colonization, our sun Olf are always signatories of colonization calling those he died for their freedom and the country Ethiopia they gave them. There will be no change of democracy like Selam/ said. Selam/ is fooling herself. The fool think after Tplf there will be change, l doubt it.

So basically, sun never replied my argument just scribbled with emotion and calling names, which once again the tested and tried propaganda of liberation fronts calling Ethiopians who are indigenous and for wanting to preserve their true identity as extremists, neftegna, etc. had worked against Ethiopia, instead Ethiopians in numbers should push back as their true identity completely changing and being replaced by foreign entities created by liberation fronts.

Therefore, from suns writing, we will not be out of ethnic rule for centuries to come wecwill be indirectly colonization by accepting Olf. The Olf concern is only replacing its competitor Tplf to control Ethiopia. Gragn Ahmed the second is ruling now. Unfortunately, what there will be war against Ethiopia from outside to 2 enemies against Ethiopia.
I hear you and understand very well. Emotion is the most dangerous thing and those tools on ER know very well for instance, Abyssinialady comes on ER spreading negativity I know she is trying to drive emotion. I understand also emotion is driving generalizing and grazing every thing on the ground which will make many Ethiopians because it is emotion that increases more fight that leads to war. Ethiopoians more than anything need education and I don't see anyone utilizing the free media to warn and educate the society. Instead of as you said spreading rumors.

That being said, my comment on individuals such sun, Tadiyalehu, etc acting as Ethiopian waiting for the right moment to Tplf-like rule against Ethiopia it doesn't mean I am opposing our Oromo brothers. From their writing, you hear the echo of Tplf and Olf. Imagine how many of suns will be in the government, waiting for the right moment to jump against Ethiopia the moment when Tplf's life is near to end? That is why I am saying being able to recognize such elements and recognizing them and not generalization. It is true, war on Ethiopia is both domestic and foreign and prirotizing is must even if you see the Olfites sun, Tadiyalehu, ready to repeat Tplf rule.

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Re: ለምንድን ነው አቢይ አህመድ የጉራጌን ክልልነት የሚቃወመው?

Post by Selam/ » 26 Sep 2022, 13:26

I hear you & I understand what you’re trying to say. But acknowledging the correct opinions of extremists doesn’t mean you are endorsing their mission. Criticizing genuine Ethiopians doesnt mean either that you’re rejecting the big picture.

It’s sometimes better to focus on the writer’s intention than his or her identity & background. Otherwise, the standard prerequisite for qualifying ones opinions becomes identity, which is a never ending rabbit hole.

ethiopianunity wrote:
26 Sep 2022, 12:26
Selam/ wrote:
25 Sep 2022, 08:06
I am not fooling myself. I know many folks think trashing everything on the table would make them look tough & bold. They lambaste everyone as though they are like a Superman who can overturn everything in one night. That’s what I call fooling oneself. What’s the point of putting a large amount gravel on your wheelbarrow if you physically can’t handle it?

If you want to make a practical change in life, you must prioritize & delegate things efficiently. You can’t make everything a priority. We read in annals of wars & revolutions, how groups and nations allied with their adversaries to first destroy their big enemies. And then they later turn against each other. That’s not foolish. It’s smart.

So, I have my priorities set & as I have repeatedly said I have given Abiy a grace period. But that doesn’t mean I turn blind eyes to injustices committed by PP, OLF or Shene. I support Gurages quest to self-governance, which Mr Sun declined to answer. I strongly condemn the crimes committed against Amharas & demand that those responsible OLF & Shene thugs be punished & dismantled. Sun ignored that one too, The so-called Killil is killing Ethiopia & Ethiopians as we speak & it should be trashed once & for all. And I am confident that it will happen sooner or later because the status quo isn’t working as it stands & there is no other alternative than dismantling it. But do I expect that to happen today? Of course not. Sadly, we will continue to bleed until we get there.
ethiopianunity wrote:
25 Sep 2022, 06:14
sun wrote:
24 Sep 2022, 22:42
Who is the big bully here?
You and that vagabond whorear$$ who keep calling Oromos gallas, just to provoke as well as saying they were not here they were not there during those days and those years and spreading utterly baseless fake news.You are dancing with horeus hoping that he will organize his extremist gurage cults and join the "neftegna revolution" and bring back the bygone neftegna system to kill the identities and cultural values of the Ethiopian nations and nationalities.

Selam/ wrote:
24 Sep 2022, 22:26
This is not about first comer or late comer. It’s rather about historical facts. While we all have equal rights, protections & interests in today’s Ethiopia, we shouldn’t be afraid to talk about hour history as it happened without disrespecting each other or using our past as a tool to advance tribal interests or to subjugate others. There is no nation on Earth that evolved without involving population movement, be it migration, expansion, relocation, repatriation or whatever you call it.

The historic account that you described below is new to me & I would like to read the book if you post the source. Aside from that, resorting to insults & name-calling like a ዱርዬ will never validate your points. It rather tarnishes your credibility & makes you look like a big bully.

sun wrote:
24 Sep 2022, 21:46

Just keep whistling non stop through your dirty wet back hole and dirty front wide hole, twerking and stripteasing for the purpose of attention seeking. It is your democratic right! :lol:
Interesting, sun just outed its true Tplf era slagan, " nations and nationalities" proof we are or going to relive Tplf constructed, Old rule. There will be no change in Ethiopia. It will benefit and strengthen this control with another coming war from outside. the Olf and sun will be repeating history during Gragn Ahmed, this time the Ahmed is already in power but another coming war is from All Shabab, Gragn Ahmed style, it is then during this time Olf f and sun will seal control of Ethiopia including Amara land with help of Tplf #2 supported by Shabia. Not only that, sun also revealed his pro colonization agenda once again calling Arbegnas, Neftegnas our fore fathers from Arusi who died freeing themselves from the yolk of colonization, our sun Olf are always signatories of colonization calling those he died for their freedom and the country Ethiopia they gave them. There will be no change of democracy like Selam/ said. Selam/ is fooling herself. The fool think after Tplf there will be change, l doubt it.

So basically, sun never replied my argument just scribbled with emotion and calling names, which once again the tested and tried propaganda of liberation fronts calling Ethiopians who are indigenous and for wanting to preserve their true identity as extremists, neftegna, etc. had worked against Ethiopia, instead Ethiopians in numbers should push back as their true identity completely changing and being replaced by foreign entities created by liberation fronts.

Therefore, from suns writing, we will not be out of ethnic rule for centuries to come wecwill be indirectly colonization by accepting Olf. The Olf concern is only replacing its competitor Tplf to control Ethiopia. Gragn Ahmed the second is ruling now. Unfortunately, what there will be war against Ethiopia from outside to 2 enemies against Ethiopia.
I hear you and understand very well. Emotion is the most dangerous thing and those tools on ER know very well for instance, Abyssinialady comes on ER spreading negativity I know she is trying to drive emotion. I understand also emotion is driving generalizing and grazing every thing on the ground which will make many Ethiopians because it is emotion that increases more fight that leads to war. Ethiopoians more than anything need education and I don't see anyone utilizing the free media to warn and educate the society. Instead of as you said spreading rumors.

That being said, my comment on individuals such sun, Tadiyalehu, etc acting as Ethiopian waiting for the right moment to Tplf-like rule against Ethiopia it doesn't mean I am opposing our Oromo brothers. From their writing, you hear the echo of Tplf and Olf. Imagine how many of suns will be in the government, waiting for the right moment to jump against Ethiopia the moment when Tplf's life is near to end? That is why I am saying being able to recognize such elements and recognizing them and not generalization. It is true, war on Ethiopia is both domestic and foreign and prirotizing is must even if you see the Olfites sun, Tadiyalehu, ready to repeat Tplf rule.

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