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Re: ቴዲ አፍሮ ለፕሬዚዳንት ሳህለወርቅ ዘፈን እንዲያወጣላት ያስፈልጋል! አንቺ ሴት አኮራሽን ! ክብርት ሳህለወርቅ ካፍሪካ መንጋ ጋር ባቶቢስ አትነዳም !

Post by Horus » 22 Sep 2022, 08:55

Selam/ wrote:
22 Sep 2022, 08:27 ... y-bus/amp/

Still no evidence that our President didn’t travel on Bus with other works leaders.

Horus wrote:
21 Sep 2022, 20:54
እንግሊዝ አንድ ከስራለች ለሴኩሪቲና ጥበቃ ብዙ ሚሊዮን ስለሚፈጅ። ደሞ የንግሊዝ ሮያል ፋሚሊ የራሱን ገንዘብ ነው ማጥፋት የሚችለው እንጂ የህዝብ በጀት የለውም ፤ ስለዚህ ወይ ለመሪዎቹ ሴኩሪቲ ፈርተው ወይም ለያዳንዱ መሪ ፕሮቶኮል ወጪ ስለሌላቸው! ይህም ሆነ ያ እነዚህ አገሮች ሁሉ ከመፈጠራቸው በፊት ኢትዮጵያ ነበረች! ይህ የኢትዮጵያ ልዩ አገር፣ ልዩ ህዝብ መሆን ምልክት ነው ። ለፕሮቶኮል $$$ ከሌላቸው መሪዎች እንዳይመጡ ማሳወቅ ነበረባቸው!!!

ኤቦ ለኢትዮጵያ ንግስት ስህለወርቅ (የወርቅ ስዕል) !!!
ሰውን ከሰው መለየት አለብህ! አንድ የብልጽግ ና ባለስልጣን እንደዚህ አይነት ውሸት የመፍጠር ህሊና አለው ። ሳህለወርቅ እንደዚ ያለ ቅሌት ውስጥ አትገባም። ባቶቢስ ሄዳ ቢሆን እንደ መላኩ ዪልማ ያሉ ለመንግስት ቅርብ የሆኑ ሚዲያ ላይ ሲወራ ዝም አትልም ነበር። እሷ ግን ነገሩን ማናፈስ የማትፈልገው አቶቢስ ውስጥ ከታጨቁት መሪዎች ጋር የዲፕሎማሲ አተካራ ስለምትፈልግ ነው ። ሳህለወርቅ ሪል ነች፣ አውተንቲክ ነች፣ ፌክ አይደለችም! ያላደረገችውን አታስወራም። ያን አድርጋ ከሆነ እራሷ ነች የምታፍረው ።

እርግጥ አቢይ በራሱ ድድብና ያጣውን የኢትዮጵያዊነት ድጋፍ በዚህ አሳቦነገሩን ሊያልበው እንደሚፈልግ መገመት ይቻላል። ያም ቢሆን ሳህለውርቅ የምትፈቅደው ነገር አይደለም። ሴቷ እጅግ እግጅ አዋቂ፣ብልህ ፣ ፖሊስሀድ ሰው ነች ።

እኔን ያስገረመኝ ነገር ግን የፕሪዚዳንት ሳህለወርቅ ባቶቢስ አልታጨቅም ማለትና የጉራጌ ብክለስተር አልታጨቅም ማለት መመሳሰሉ ነው ። ልብ በል እሷ አቶቢስ እምቢ ያለቸው ሌሎቹን ተሳፋሪዎች በመናቅ አይደለም፣ እራሷን በማክበር እንጂ!!! ያ በትክክል የጉራጌ ሎጂክ ነው ። ጉራጌ ከነሃዲያ ያም ከምባታ አልጨፈለቅም ያለው እነሱን በመናቅ አይደለም፣ እራሱን እንደ ጉራጌ በማክበርና ለህገመግሳትዊ መብቱ ብቁና ኩሩ ስለሆነ ነው ። ልክ ሳህለወርቅ ለኢትዮጵያ ል ዕልናና ክብር ብቁ ቀናኢ እንደሆነች ማለት ነው!!!!

Senior Member
Posts: 11828
Joined: 04 Aug 2018, 13:15

Re: ቴዲ አፍሮ ለፕሬዚዳንት ሳህለወርቅ ዘፈን እንዲያወጣላት ያስፈልጋል! አንቺ ሴት አኮራሽን ! ክብርት ሳህለወርቅ ካፍሪካ መንጋ ጋር ባቶቢስ አትነዳም !

Post by Selam/ » 22 Sep 2022, 08:58

It’s dishonest & self-deprecating to portray African leaders as the only one to have travelled on Bus. See here other leaders on the couch:

Selam/ wrote:
22 Sep 2022, 08:27 ... y-bus/amp/

Still no evidence that our President didn’t travel on Bus with other works leaders.

Horus wrote:
21 Sep 2022, 20:54
እንግሊዝ አንድ ከስራለች ለሴኩሪቲና ጥበቃ ብዙ ሚሊዮን ስለሚፈጅ። ደሞ የንግሊዝ ሮያል ፋሚሊ የራሱን ገንዘብ ነው ማጥፋት የሚችለው እንጂ የህዝብ በጀት የለውም ፤ ስለዚህ ወይ ለመሪዎቹ ሴኩሪቲ ፈርተው ወይም ለያዳንዱ መሪ ፕሮቶኮል ወጪ ስለሌላቸው! ይህም ሆነ ያ እነዚህ አገሮች ሁሉ ከመፈጠራቸው በፊት ኢትዮጵያ ነበረች! ይህ የኢትዮጵያ ልዩ አገር፣ ልዩ ህዝብ መሆን ምልክት ነው ። ለፕሮቶኮል $$$ ከሌላቸው መሪዎች እንዳይመጡ ማሳወቅ ነበረባቸው!!!

ኤቦ ለኢትዮጵያ ንግስት ስህለወርቅ (የወርቅ ስዕል) !!!

Senior Member
Posts: 11828
Joined: 04 Aug 2018, 13:15

Re: ቴዲ አፍሮ ለፕሬዚዳንት ሳህለወርቅ ዘፈን እንዲያወጣላት ያስፈልጋል! አንቺ ሴት አኮራሽን ! ክብርት ሳህለወርቅ ካፍሪካ መንጋ ጋር ባቶቢስ አትነዳም !

Post by Selam/ » 22 Sep 2022, 09:02

I just want to see evidence, so I don’t tell myself untruth. That’s all. And singling out African leaders as inferior for traveling on the bus is despicable.
Horus wrote:
22 Sep 2022, 08:55
Selam/ wrote:
22 Sep 2022, 08:27 ... y-bus/amp/

Still no evidence that our President didn’t travel on Bus with other works leaders.

Horus wrote:
21 Sep 2022, 20:54
እንግሊዝ አንድ ከስራለች ለሴኩሪቲና ጥበቃ ብዙ ሚሊዮን ስለሚፈጅ። ደሞ የንግሊዝ ሮያል ፋሚሊ የራሱን ገንዘብ ነው ማጥፋት የሚችለው እንጂ የህዝብ በጀት የለውም ፤ ስለዚህ ወይ ለመሪዎቹ ሴኩሪቲ ፈርተው ወይም ለያዳንዱ መሪ ፕሮቶኮል ወጪ ስለሌላቸው! ይህም ሆነ ያ እነዚህ አገሮች ሁሉ ከመፈጠራቸው በፊት ኢትዮጵያ ነበረች! ይህ የኢትዮጵያ ልዩ አገር፣ ልዩ ህዝብ መሆን ምልክት ነው ። ለፕሮቶኮል $$$ ከሌላቸው መሪዎች እንዳይመጡ ማሳወቅ ነበረባቸው!!!

ኤቦ ለኢትዮጵያ ንግስት ስህለወርቅ (የወርቅ ስዕል) !!!
ሰውን ከሰው መለየት አለብህ! አንድ የብልጽግ ና ባለስልጣን እንደዚህ አይነት ውሸት የመፍጠር ህሊና አለው ። ሳህለወርቅ እንደዚ ያለ ቅሌት ውስጥ አትገባም። ባቶቢስ ሄዳ ቢሆን እንደ መላኩ ዪልማ ያሉ ለመንግስት ቅርብ የሆኑ ሚዲያ ላይ ሲወራ ዝም አትልም ነበር። እሷ ግን ነገሩን ማናፈስ የማትፈልገው አቶቢስ ውስጥ ከታጨቁት መሪዎች ጋር የዲፕሎማሲ አተካራ ስለምትፈልግ ነው ። ሳህለወርቅ ሪል ነች፣ አውተንቲክ ነች፣ ፌክ አይደለችም! ያላደረገችውን አታስወራም። ያን አድርጋ ከሆነ እራሷ ነች የምታፍረው ።

እርግጥ አቢይ በራሱ ድድብና ያጣውን የኢትዮጵያዊነት ድጋፍ በዚህ አሳቦነገሩን ሊያልበው እንደሚፈልግ መገመት ይቻላል። ያም ቢሆን ሳህለውርቅ የምትፈቅደው ነገር አይደለም። ሴቷ እጅግ እግጅ አዋቂ፣ብልህ ፣ ፖሊስሀድ ሰው ነች ።

እኔን ያስገረመኝ ነገር ግን የፕሪዚዳንት ሳህለወርቅ ባቶቢስ አልታጨቅም ማለትና የጉራጌ ብክለስተር አልታጨቅም ማለት መመሳሰሉ ነው ። ልብ በል እሷ አቶቢስ እምቢ ያለቸው ሌሎቹን ተሳፋሪዎች በመናቅ አይደለም፣ እራሷን በማክበር እንጂ!!! ያ በትክክል የጉራጌ ሎጂክ ነው ። ጉራጌ ከነሃዲያ ያም ከምባታ አልጨፈለቅም ያለው እነሱን በመናቅ አይደለም፣ እራሱን እንደ ጉራጌ በማክበርና ለህገመግሳትዊ መብቱ ብቁና ኩሩ ስለሆነ ነው ። ልክ ሳህለወርቅ ለኢትዮጵያ ል ዕልናና ክብር ብቁ ቀናኢ እንደሆነች ማለት ነው!!!!

Senior Member+
Posts: 30903
Joined: 19 Oct 2013, 19:34

Re: ቴዲ አፍሮ ለፕሬዚዳንት ሳህለወርቅ ዘፈን እንዲያወጣላት ያስፈልጋል! አንቺ ሴት አኮራሽን ! ክብርት ሳህለወርቅ ካፍሪካ መንጋ ጋር ባቶቢስ አትነዳም !

Post by Horus » 22 Sep 2022, 09:11

አሁን አዲስ ክርክር እየከፈትክ ነው! እኔ አፍሪካዊ ስለሆንኩ፣ አፍሪካ የንግሊዝ ንግስት የግል ሃብት ስለሆነች፣ ኢትዮጵያ አያቶቼ ደሞ ያን እምቢ ያሉ ሕዝብ ስለሆኑ ዛሬ የኔን መሪ ካፍሪካ ጋር እንጂ ሌሎች የራሳቸው የክብርና ወርደት መለኪያ ሊኖራቸው ይችላል ። ምንም ላትፈጥር ነገሩን አትለጥጠው፣ መልሱን ቅድሜ ነግሬካለሁ ። እነዚያ ምትላቸው አገሮች ሁሉ ከመፈጠራቸው በፊት ኢትዮጵያ አገር ነበረች! የክርክርህ ሞቲቨ እየተልለወጠ ነው!!! ምንድን ነው ለማለት የምትፈልገው? ለምን?

አብነት አጎናፍር ኩሩ ጉራጌ ምን ይላል?

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Re: ቴዲ አፍሮ ለፕሬዚዳንት ሳህለወርቅ ዘፈን እንዲያወጣላት ያስፈልጋል! አንቺ ሴት አኮራሽን ! ክብርት ሳህለወርቅ ካፍሪካ መንጋ ጋር ባቶቢስ አትነዳም !

Post by Selam/ » 22 Sep 2022, 09:28

Here you go again, taking my remarks personal. I am referring to the social media hype in general, deprecating African leaders as inferior when in fact other leaders were also traveling just like them. And we reverberate their half-truth by portraying ourselves distinct from them.

Unfortunately, I was also mislead by your post, which read “የንግሊዝ ቅኝ ገዥ አሁንም ኢትዮጵያን አያውቋትም ምለት ነው። እዚህ ቪዲዮ ወደ መጨረሻው 15 ደቂቃ ላይ ስሙት”

I now learned that the “bussing & school uniform” crap has nothing to do with colonialism. As a matter of fact, Biden was even seating in the 4th raw behind our President & other African leaders. I hate falsehood & sensationalization. And I am not afraid to face the truth & the facts. I don’t understand why you are so defensive.

Horus wrote:
22 Sep 2022, 09:11
አሁን አዲስ ክርክር እየከፈትክ ነው! እኔ አፍሪካዊ ስለሆንኩ፣ አፍሪካ የንግሊዝ ንግስት የግል ሃብት ስለሆነች፣ ኢትዮጵያ አያቶቼ ደሞ ያን እምቢ ያሉ ሕዝብ ስለሆኑ ዛሬ የኔን መሪ ካፍሪካ ጋር እንጂ ሌሎች የራሳቸው የክብርና ወርደት መለኪያ ሊኖራቸው ይችላል ። ምንም ላትፈጥር ነገሩን አትለጥጠው፣ መልሱን ቅድሜ ነግሬካለሁ ። እነዚያ ምትላቸው አገሮች ሁሉ ከመፈጠራቸው በፊት ኢትዮጵያ አገር ነበረች! የክርክርህ ሞቲቨ እየተልለወጠ ነው!!! ምንድን ነው ለማለት የምትፈልገው? ለምን?

አብነት አጎናፍር ኩሩ ጉራጌ ምን ይላል?

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Re: ቴዲ አፍሮ ለፕሬዚዳንት ሳህለወርቅ ዘፈን እንዲያወጣላት ያስፈልጋል! አንቺ ሴት አኮራሽን ! ክብርት ሳህለወርቅ ካፍሪካ መንጋ ጋር ባቶቢስ አትነዳም !

Post by Horus » 22 Sep 2022, 14:08

እኔ ጨርሻለሁ። ያፍሪካ መሪዎችን የኤሲያ መሪዎች ባደረጉት አልለካቸውም፣ በራሳቸው ቢሄቪየር ነው የምለካቸው፤ ኬር!

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Re: ቴዲ አፍሮ ለፕሬዚዳንት ሳህለወርቅ ዘፈን እንዲያወጣላት ያስፈልጋል! አንቺ ሴት አኮራሽን ! ክብርት ሳህለወርቅ ካፍሪካ መንጋ ጋር ባቶቢስ አትነዳም !

Post by ethiopianunity » 22 Sep 2022, 14:15

The shame of African leaders who are bought and paid for, shows they are ready for their enslavement. SahleWork Zewde is like Rosa Parks, who refused to sit in the back during the 60s every since is well known. The stupid Ethiopians must make this viral around the world, the diaspora as well asap what Sahle Werk Zewde did. She could be equated like Rosa Parks in the 60s.

Reading from Selam/ above,

It is true, I second with Selam/ why report falsehood if other European leaders too went by bus. I say infact it is disrespecting the Queen as leaders to go by bus rather than as respect to go by individual cars. However it is possible they used bus to save gas? due to climate change? Horus or someone said the Queen doesn't have money? Really? They are filthy reach and can affor for each visiting leaders cars.
Last edited by ethiopianunity on 22 Sep 2022, 16:32, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: ቴዲ አፍሮ ለፕሬዚዳንት ሳህለወርቅ ዘፈን እንዲያወጣላት ያስፈልጋል! አንቺ ሴት አኮራሽን ! ክብርት ሳህለወርቅ ካፍሪካ መንጋ ጋር ባቶቢስ አትነዳም !

Post by ethiopianunity » 22 Sep 2022, 14:28

Tadiyalehu wrote:
21 Sep 2022, 04:10
ይኼን ፈሣም የነፍጠኛ አዝማሪ እንዴት ለክብርት ርዕሰ ብሄራችን ይዝፈን ትላለህ!?
ክብርት ርዕሰ ብሄር ሣህለ-ወርቅ ... የጀግናው ኮሎኔል ዘውዴ ልጅ ናት!

ጀግናው ኮሎኔል ዘውዴ የመጀመርያው የሆሎታ ገነት ጦር አካዳሚ ግራጅዌት ፥ የጄነራል መንግሥቱ ንዋይ ኮርስሜት እና ጓደኛ እንዲሁም የዓላማ ተጋሪ የነበረ ነው።

ክብርት ርዕሰብሔራችን ነፍጠኛነት አይነካካትም። የጀግና ልጅ ናት።

YOu are too busy dividng Ethiopians from Neftegna vs Jegna. Really? Neftegna is general that kept his country for generations like your types who are sell outs that you probably had President SahleWerk to betray who she is too. You are typical aspiring African leader who will be in the bus too. Thank god for Neftegna and former generals who fought against colony. Not like you who are self serving traitor

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Joined: 30 Apr 2007, 17:38

Re: ቴዲ አፍሮ ለፕሬዚዳንት ሳህለወርቅ ዘፈን እንዲያወጣላት ያስፈልጋል! አንቺ ሴት አኮራሽን ! ክብርት ሳህለወርቅ ካፍሪካ መንጋ ጋር ባቶቢስ አትነዳም !

Post by ethiopianunity » 22 Sep 2022, 14:38

Tadiyalehu wrote:
21 Sep 2022, 14:43
አበረ የምትባል ጉሬላ ነፍጠኛ እና ሠላም የምትባይ ኮማሪት፤

በዓለም ፊት ያስከበራችሁ ኩሩው ኦሮሞ ነው።
እናንተማ የምትታወቁት በባንዳነትና በአጎብዳጅነት ነው።

ምዕራባውያንን ወግዱ ያለ መሪ አብይና ኮሎኔል መንግሥቱ ብቻ ናቸው።

አሮጊቷ ርዕሰ ብሔር የኛ ናት። ለኛ ናት። በኛ ናት።

ይኸው ነው። በተረፈ የድንቁርናና አህያነት ልጋጋችሁን አትዝሩ።
አህያ የአህያ ዘር!

የ ዘመነ ፈሴን ጉድ እንዴት አያችሁት???
ረስታችሁት ካልሆነ ... ዘመነ ፈሴን ከተደበቀበት የሴቶች ገዳም ጎትተን እናወጣዋለን ብያችሁ ነበር። እንዴት አያችሁን? ቃላችን ቃል ነው አይደል ??!

ተረቱ... "አህያ ነፍጠኛ/አማራ ቢሸፍት ከጓሮ አያልፍም" ነበር።
አሁን .... "አማራ ቢሸፍት ከገዳም አያልፍም" ብለን አሻሽለነዋል።
:lol: :lol: :lol:
ቅዘናም! ዘረ ቅዘናም!


Be Oromo, the jegna Oromo, or should I say Neftegna we know is pre Tplf, not the alien Oromo brainwashed like you and you are tying to claim heroism from previous ones whom you killed and maimed with the Tplf and Shabia. Stop stealing Ethiopian heroes who were Gala now changing their name Oromo. For starters, you are probably another Shabia and Tplf pausing as Oromo. We know you stole the true identity of Oromo and gave it to Protestant, Wahabi and Egypt

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Joined: 30 Apr 2007, 17:38

Re: ቴዲ አፍሮ ለፕሬዚዳንት ሳህለወርቅ ዘፈን እንዲያወጣላት ያስፈልጋል! አንቺ ሴት አኮራሽን ! ክብርት ሳህለወርቅ ካፍሪካ መንጋ ጋር ባቶቢስ አትነዳም !

Post by ethiopianunity » 22 Sep 2022, 16:19

Selam/ wrote:
21 Sep 2022, 16:05
I am now reading that all world leaders, including Irish PM Micheál Martin, Canadian PM Justin Trudeau, Australian PM Anthony Albanese, New Zealand PM Jacinda Ardern, Jordan King Abdullah, Singaporean President Halimah Yacob, Japanese Emperor Naruhito, Polish President Andrzej Duda, and German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier, were all on the bus. The only exception was Biden. I wonder where our folks got the news that President Sahle Work rode on embassy limousine.
Abere wrote:
21 Sep 2022, 14:55
You are right! I have Zero doubt if it were Negasso Gida, he would take the front seat of the bus. He would never question why. He might even think being among all these African leader is a privilege. ሞግዚቱ እኮ ጀርመናዊ ሚስቱ ነበረች። ከዚህ ጋር ተቀመጥ እሽ! ከዚህ ተነስ እሽ! እንድል ነው ያሰለጠነችው። Like KG kids in Western elementary schools trained to follow strict rule of following their teachers. Besides, add the influence of the ጴንጤ principle of If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also. ምንም ብቀጥን ጠጅ እኮ ነኝ - ኑ! ቅመሱኝ ብላቸው አረፈች የሞዓዋ እንስት አንበሳ።
Selam/ wrote:
21 Sep 2022, 14:10
Thank God ችስታው Negasso isn’t the president. They would have put him in the bus with Samia Suluhu.
Abere wrote:
21 Sep 2022, 10:05
ሞዓ አንበሳ ዘእምነገደ ይሁዳ እኮ ነኝ ብላቸው አረፈች። የሞዓ አንበሳ ውርስ ባህርይ በደሜ ውስጥ ይመላለሳል ነው ያለችው - ንግስተ-ንግስት ነኝ አለቻቸው። ቀን እስኪያልፍ የአባትህ ገበሬ ይግዛህ ሁኖ ነው እንጅ ነገሩ - የውርስ ባህርይ አለበት - ያነው የገነነባት። ዳሩ ግን የአገር ልጅ የቂጥ እከክ ይሉ ዘንድ ከድንጋይ ዘመን ኦሮሙማ ጋር ከንቱ እየተሞላፈጠች ነው። የወርቅ ዘውድ በእራሱ ላይ የሚሸከም ይህ መሞላፈጥ አይመጥነውም። የኦሮሙማ ዘውድ የሚደፋው የደረቀ ወሸላ ግንባሩ ላይ በመቸከል ነው እንደ በርሃ በሬ ቀንድ ተሸክሞ በግመል መሃል መንገባረር። :lol: :lol: :lol:

Tadiyalehu wrote:
21 Sep 2022, 04:10
ይኼን ፈሣም የነፍጠኛ አዝማሪ እንዴት ለክብርት ርዕሰ ብሄራችን ይዝፈን ትላለህ!?
ክብርት ርዕሰ ብሄር ሣህለ-ወርቅ ... የጀግናው ኮሎኔል ዘውዴ ልጅ ናት!

ጀግናው ኮሎኔል ዘውዴ የመጀመርያው የሆሎታ ገነት ጦር አካዳሚ ግራጅዌት ፥ የጄነራል መንግሥቱ ንዋይ ኮርስሜት እና ጓደኛ እንዲሁም የዓላማ ተጋሪ የነበረ ነው።

ክብርት ርዕሰብሔራችን ነፍጠኛነት አይነካካትም። የጀግና ልጅ ናት።

I am weary of what I read on line or news these days. It may or may not be true that European leaders were also on the bus. By the way photoshopping is sophisticated these days. What they are doing is damage contol that not to make it look like only African leaders were on the bus packed them like tuna in a bus, they might be lying European leaders were also packed like tuna for climate change instead of driving in separate cars, let us ride on the bus. the idea may not be bad at all but if only African leaders were told to pack themselves on the bus then that is once again, racism

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Posts: 11828
Joined: 04 Aug 2018, 13:15

Re: ቴዲ አፍሮ ለፕሬዚዳንት ሳህለወርቅ ዘፈን እንዲያወጣላት ያስፈልጋል! አንቺ ሴት አኮራሽን ! ክብርት ሳህለወርቅ ካፍሪካ መንጋ ጋር ባቶቢስ አትነዳም !

Post by Selam/ » 22 Sep 2022, 17:10

That’s a possibility and if that’s the case I will stand corrected. But since there is no evidence to prove or disprove the claims, I don’t want to endorse any of the social media hypes. Hopefully, we will eventually hear from the horse’s mouth.
ethiopianunity wrote:
22 Sep 2022, 16:19
Selam/ wrote:
21 Sep 2022, 16:05
I am now reading that all world leaders, including Irish PM Micheál Martin, Canadian PM Justin Trudeau, Australian PM Anthony Albanese, New Zealand PM Jacinda Ardern, Jordan King Abdullah, Singaporean President Halimah Yacob, Japanese Emperor Naruhito, Polish President Andrzej Duda, and German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier, were all on the bus. The only exception was Biden. I wonder where our folks got the news that President Sahle Work rode on embassy limousine.
Abere wrote:
21 Sep 2022, 14:55
You are right! I have Zero doubt if it were Negasso Gida, he would take the front seat of the bus. He would never question why. He might even think being among all these African leader is a privilege. ሞግዚቱ እኮ ጀርመናዊ ሚስቱ ነበረች። ከዚህ ጋር ተቀመጥ እሽ! ከዚህ ተነስ እሽ! እንድል ነው ያሰለጠነችው። Like KG kids in Western elementary schools trained to follow strict rule of following their teachers. Besides, add the influence of the ጴንጤ principle of If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also. ምንም ብቀጥን ጠጅ እኮ ነኝ - ኑ! ቅመሱኝ ብላቸው አረፈች የሞዓዋ እንስት አንበሳ።
Selam/ wrote:
21 Sep 2022, 14:10
Thank God ችስታው Negasso isn’t the president. They would have put him in the bus with Samia Suluhu.
Abere wrote:
21 Sep 2022, 10:05
ሞዓ አንበሳ ዘእምነገደ ይሁዳ እኮ ነኝ ብላቸው አረፈች። የሞዓ አንበሳ ውርስ ባህርይ በደሜ ውስጥ ይመላለሳል ነው ያለችው - ንግስተ-ንግስት ነኝ አለቻቸው። ቀን እስኪያልፍ የአባትህ ገበሬ ይግዛህ ሁኖ ነው እንጅ ነገሩ - የውርስ ባህርይ አለበት - ያነው የገነነባት። ዳሩ ግን የአገር ልጅ የቂጥ እከክ ይሉ ዘንድ ከድንጋይ ዘመን ኦሮሙማ ጋር ከንቱ እየተሞላፈጠች ነው። የወርቅ ዘውድ በእራሱ ላይ የሚሸከም ይህ መሞላፈጥ አይመጥነውም። የኦሮሙማ ዘውድ የሚደፋው የደረቀ ወሸላ ግንባሩ ላይ በመቸከል ነው እንደ በርሃ በሬ ቀንድ ተሸክሞ በግመል መሃል መንገባረር። :lol: :lol: :lol:

Tadiyalehu wrote:
21 Sep 2022, 04:10
ይኼን ፈሣም የነፍጠኛ አዝማሪ እንዴት ለክብርት ርዕሰ ብሄራችን ይዝፈን ትላለህ!?
ክብርት ርዕሰ ብሄር ሣህለ-ወርቅ ... የጀግናው ኮሎኔል ዘውዴ ልጅ ናት!

ጀግናው ኮሎኔል ዘውዴ የመጀመርያው የሆሎታ ገነት ጦር አካዳሚ ግራጅዌት ፥ የጄነራል መንግሥቱ ንዋይ ኮርስሜት እና ጓደኛ እንዲሁም የዓላማ ተጋሪ የነበረ ነው።

ክብርት ርዕሰብሔራችን ነፍጠኛነት አይነካካትም። የጀግና ልጅ ናት።

I am weary of what I read on line or news these days. It may or may not be true that European leaders were also on the bus. By the way photoshopping is sophisticated these days. What they are doing is damage contol that not to make it look like only African leaders were on the bus packed them like tuna in a bus, they might be lying European leaders were also packed like tuna for climate change instead of driving in separate cars, let us ride on the bus. the idea may not be bad at all but if only African leaders were told to pack themselves on the bus then that is once again, racism

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Joined: 18 Jul 2019, 20:52

Re: ቴዲ አፍሮ ለፕሬዚዳንት ሳህለወርቅ ዘፈን እንዲያወጣላት ያስፈልጋል! አንቺ ሴት አኮራሽን ! ክብርት ሳህለወርቅ ካፍሪካ መንጋ ጋር ባቶቢስ አትነዳም !

Post by Abere » 22 Sep 2022, 17:16

The idea of packing all leaders in a bus is just a reckless. It is like flying all world leaders in one Airplane.
Selam/ wrote:
22 Sep 2022, 17:10
That’s a possibility and if that’s the case I will stand corrected. But since there is no evidence to prove or disprove the claims, I don’t want to endorse any of the social media hypes. Hopefully, we will eventually hear from the horse’s mouth.
ethiopianunity wrote:
22 Sep 2022, 16:19
Selam/ wrote:
21 Sep 2022, 16:05
I am now reading that all world leaders, including Irish PM Micheál Martin, Canadian PM Justin Trudeau, Australian PM Anthony Albanese, New Zealand PM Jacinda Ardern, Jordan King Abdullah, Singaporean President Halimah Yacob, Japanese Emperor Naruhito, Polish President Andrzej Duda, and German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier, were all on the bus. The only exception was Biden. I wonder where our folks got the news that President Sahle Work rode on embassy limousine.
Abere wrote:
21 Sep 2022, 14:55
You are right! I have Zero doubt if it were Negasso Gida, he would take the front seat of the bus. He would never question why. He might even think being among all these African leader is a privilege. ሞግዚቱ እኮ ጀርመናዊ ሚስቱ ነበረች። ከዚህ ጋር ተቀመጥ እሽ! ከዚህ ተነስ እሽ! እንድል ነው ያሰለጠነችው። Like KG kids in Western elementary schools trained to follow strict rule of following their teachers. Besides, add the influence of the ጴንጤ principle of If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also. ምንም ብቀጥን ጠጅ እኮ ነኝ - ኑ! ቅመሱኝ ብላቸው አረፈች የሞዓዋ እንስት አንበሳ።
Selam/ wrote:
21 Sep 2022, 14:10
Thank God ችስታው Negasso isn’t the president. They would have put him in the bus with Samia Suluhu.
Abere wrote:
21 Sep 2022, 10:05
ሞዓ አንበሳ ዘእምነገደ ይሁዳ እኮ ነኝ ብላቸው አረፈች። የሞዓ አንበሳ ውርስ ባህርይ በደሜ ውስጥ ይመላለሳል ነው ያለችው - ንግስተ-ንግስት ነኝ አለቻቸው። ቀን እስኪያልፍ የአባትህ ገበሬ ይግዛህ ሁኖ ነው እንጅ ነገሩ - የውርስ ባህርይ አለበት - ያነው የገነነባት። ዳሩ ግን የአገር ልጅ የቂጥ እከክ ይሉ ዘንድ ከድንጋይ ዘመን ኦሮሙማ ጋር ከንቱ እየተሞላፈጠች ነው። የወርቅ ዘውድ በእራሱ ላይ የሚሸከም ይህ መሞላፈጥ አይመጥነውም። የኦሮሙማ ዘውድ የሚደፋው የደረቀ ወሸላ ግንባሩ ላይ በመቸከል ነው እንደ በርሃ በሬ ቀንድ ተሸክሞ በግመል መሃል መንገባረር። :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Posts: 11828
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Re: ቴዲ አፍሮ ለፕሬዚዳንት ሳህለወርቅ ዘፈን እንዲያወጣላት ያስፈልጋል! አንቺ ሴት አኮራሽን ! ክብርት ሳህለወርቅ ካፍሪካ መንጋ ጋር ባቶቢስ አትነዳም !

Post by Selam/ » 22 Sep 2022, 20:36

That’s what they do during campaign seasons.
The leaders didn’t seem to be concerned about it anyways. We are the one trying to make a big deal out of it.
Abere wrote:
22 Sep 2022, 17:16
The idea of packing all leaders in a bus is just a reckless. It is like flying all world leaders in one Airplane.
Selam/ wrote:
22 Sep 2022, 17:10
That’s a possibility and if that’s the case I will stand corrected. But since there is no evidence to prove or disprove the claims, I don’t want to endorse any of the social media hypes. Hopefully, we will eventually hear from the horse’s mouth.
ethiopianunity wrote:
22 Sep 2022, 16:19
Selam/ wrote:
21 Sep 2022, 16:05
I am now reading that all world leaders, including Irish PM Micheál Martin, Canadian PM Justin Trudeau, Australian PM Anthony Albanese, New Zealand PM Jacinda Ardern, Jordan King Abdullah, Singaporean President Halimah Yacob, Japanese Emperor Naruhito, Polish President Andrzej Duda, and German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier, were all on the bus. The only exception was Biden. I wonder where our folks got the news that President Sahle Work rode on embassy limousine.
Abere wrote:
21 Sep 2022, 14:55
You are right! I have Zero doubt if it were Negasso Gida, he would take the front seat of the bus. He would never question why. He might even think being among all these African leader is a privilege. ሞግዚቱ እኮ ጀርመናዊ ሚስቱ ነበረች። ከዚህ ጋር ተቀመጥ እሽ! ከዚህ ተነስ እሽ! እንድል ነው ያሰለጠነችው። Like KG kids in Western elementary schools trained to follow strict rule of following their teachers. Besides, add the influence of the ጴንጤ principle of If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also. ምንም ብቀጥን ጠጅ እኮ ነኝ - ኑ! ቅመሱኝ ብላቸው አረፈች የሞዓዋ እንስት አንበሳ።
Selam/ wrote:
21 Sep 2022, 14:10
Thank God ችስታው Negasso isn’t the president. They would have put him in the bus with Samia Suluhu.

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Posts: 11828
Joined: 04 Aug 2018, 13:15

Re: ቴዲ አፍሮ ለፕሬዚዳንት ሳህለወርቅ ዘፈን እንዲያወጣላት ያስፈልጋል! አንቺ ሴት አኮራሽን ! ክብርት ሳህለወርቅ ካፍሪካ መንጋ ጋር ባቶቢስ አትነዳም !

Post by Selam/ » 23 Sep 2022, 20:34

I wish this is not true.

Abere wrote:
22 Sep 2022, 17:16
The idea of packing all leaders in a bus is just a reckless. It is like flying all world leaders in one Airplane.
Selam/ wrote:
22 Sep 2022, 17:10
That’s a possibility and if that’s the case I will stand corrected. But since there is no evidence to prove or disprove the claims, I don’t want to endorse any of the social media hypes. Hopefully, we will eventually hear from the horse’s mouth.
ethiopianunity wrote:
22 Sep 2022, 16:19
Selam/ wrote:
21 Sep 2022, 16:05
I am now reading that all world leaders, including Irish PM Micheál Martin, Canadian PM Justin Trudeau, Australian PM Anthony Albanese, New Zealand PM Jacinda Ardern, Jordan King Abdullah, Singaporean President Halimah Yacob, Japanese Emperor Naruhito, Polish President Andrzej Duda, and German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier, were all on the bus. The only exception was Biden. I wonder where our folks got the news that President Sahle Work rode on embassy limousine.
Abere wrote:
21 Sep 2022, 14:55
You are right! I have Zero doubt if it were Negasso Gida, he would take the front seat of the bus. He would never question why. He might even think being among all these African leader is a privilege. ሞግዚቱ እኮ ጀርመናዊ ሚስቱ ነበረች። ከዚህ ጋር ተቀመጥ እሽ! ከዚህ ተነስ እሽ! እንድል ነው ያሰለጠነችው። Like KG kids in Western elementary schools trained to follow strict rule of following their teachers. Besides, add the influence of the ጴንጤ principle of If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also. ምንም ብቀጥን ጠጅ እኮ ነኝ - ኑ! ቅመሱኝ ብላቸው አረፈች የሞዓዋ እንስት አንበሳ።
Selam/ wrote:
21 Sep 2022, 14:10
Thank God ችስታው Negasso isn’t the president. They would have put him in the bus with Samia Suluhu.

Posts: 2008
Joined: 03 Jun 2021, 00:14

Re: ቴዲ አፍሮ ለፕሬዚዳንት ሳህለወርቅ ዘፈን እንዲያወጣላት ያስፈልጋል! አንቺ ሴት አኮራሽን ! ክብርት ሳህለወርቅ ካፍሪካ መንጋ ጋር ባቶቢስ አትነዳም !

Post by Educator » 23 Sep 2022, 23:47

Difit(wushete), liar liar liar liar :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Horus wrote:
21 Sep 2022, 03:24
የንግሊዝ ቅኝ ገዥ አሁንም ኢትዮጵያን አያውቋትም ምለት ነው። እዚህ ቪዲዮ ወደ መጨረሻው 15 ደቂቃ ላይ ስሙት

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Posts: 11828
Joined: 04 Aug 2018, 13:15

Re: ቴዲ አፍሮ ለፕሬዚዳንት ሳህለወርቅ ዘፈን እንዲያወጣላት ያስፈልጋል! አንቺ ሴት አኮራሽን ! ክብርት ሳህለወርቅ ካፍሪካ መንጋ ጋር ባቶቢስ አትነዳም !

Post by Selam/ » 24 Sep 2022, 08:03

Horus - You are such a hypocrite.

I did ask you for evidence of the limousine that our president rode in because I am a kind of person who can’t settle on individual opinions without getting to the bottom of the matter. But you cut me off & accused me of unnecessarily extending the discussion as though I was doing that for some personal or political reason. Now you jumped back in when I simply posted an image that I found on Twitter. I was not the one that recorded the video & I don’t really know whether she got into the bus or got a limousine out of nowhere.

Listen, I am not a closed-minded person & I really don’t care that much about this kind of stuff although I would be happy for her had she declined the bus ride offer as you reported. It doesn’t add to my pride anything or reduce a bit from it. My proud Ethiopiawinet is inscribed in my DNA eternally & no breaking news, rumors, name calling can change that a bit. But I don’t like a fake pride built on lies & superficial embellishments.
Horus wrote:
24 Sep 2022, 00:21
Show me her picture inside the bus. This location doesn't even look like the palace.

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Re: ቴዲ አፍሮ ለፕሬዚዳንት ሳህለወርቅ ዘፈን እንዲያወጣላት ያስፈልጋል! አንቺ ሴት አኮራሽን ! ክብርት ሳህለወርቅ ካፍሪካ መንጋ ጋር ባቶቢስ አትነዳም !

Post by Abere » 24 Sep 2022, 10:05

---- This makes the claim somehow disputable. The fact she stood next to lined up buses may not necessarily confirm she shared the ride or bused with them, unless another video, perhaps captured by the bus security camera proved to us taking her seat. It is like someone go with and farewell somebody at a bus stop or at airport does not mean that person will share the ticket to take the ride or flight. On the other hand,ሰው ያለ አንድ ነገር አያጎነብስም፤ ወይ ዕቃ ሊያነሳ ወይ ፈሱን ሊፈሳ እንድሉ, if she is around the bus she must have been bound to be bused. :mrgreen:

---- The only credible source at this time is, either the President herself get interviewed about this or the Ethiopian Embassy at UK asked about this. This should not be a big deal for any of them to give the information to the public. If this were in another country it would not be secrete. Until it confirmed it is not worthy to accept the accuracy of the video posted at its face value, there could be motivations behind the post ( may be like it is not my leader alone, yours too is bused sort of thing).

Selam/ wrote:
23 Sep 2022, 20:34
I wish this is not true.

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Re: ቴዲ አፍሮ ለፕሬዚዳንት ሳህለወርቅ ዘፈን እንዲያወጣላት ያስፈልጋል! አንቺ ሴት አኮራሽን ! ክብርት ሳህለወርቅ ካፍሪካ መንጋ ጋር ባቶቢስ አትነዳም !

Post by Selam/ » 24 Sep 2022, 10:50

Well, it is us, Ethiopians, that tried to make a big deal out of this by copying & pasting every BS that appears to sync with our psyche. We first portrayed our president as though she would never ride a bus with other African & world leaders. Now we are struggling to prove that she indeed did what we assumed she did.

The president probably didn’t even care as all other world leaders didn’t care either. But for a reason that I don’t really know, some folks are fond of making up & reverberating stories that relates to Ethiopia’s rich past when in fact we are economically at the bottom of the ladder. We should be proud of our history & ourselves indefinitely but it doesn’t mean we should portray ourselves as superior to others. We have yet to go a long way & it’s better to shut up till then.
Abere wrote:
24 Sep 2022, 10:05
---- This makes the claim somehow disputable. The fact she stood next to lined up buses may not necessarily confirm she shared the ride or bused with them, unless another video, perhaps captured by the bus security camera proved to us taking her seat. It is like someone go with and farewell somebody at a bus stop or at airport does not mean that person will share the ticket to take the ride or flight. On the other hand,ሰው ያለ አንድ ነገር አያጎነብስም፤ ወይ ዕቃ ሊያነሳ ወይ ፈሱን ሊፈሳ እንድሉ, if she is around the bus she must have been bound to be bused. :mrgreen:

---- The only credible source at this time is, either the President herself get interviewed about this or the Ethiopian Embassy at UK asked about this. This should not be a big deal for any of them to give the information to the public. If this were in another country it would not be secrete. Until it confirmed it is not worthy to accept the accuracy of the video posted at its face value, there could be motivations behind the post ( may be like it is not my leader alone, yours too is bused sort of thing).

Selam/ wrote:
23 Sep 2022, 20:34
I wish this is not true.

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