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Don't miss this: Bushiteen dropped his gun and engaged with something else at Gerhu Senay???

Posted: 19 Sep 2022, 21:58
by Halafi Mengedi

Re: Don't miss this: Bushiteen dropped his gun and engaged with something else at Gerhu Senay???

Posted: 19 Sep 2022, 22:38
by Halafi Mengedi
Hammeddefenowoyane is very jealous and he picked up Bushiteen's gun and he shot the oxen.

Re: Don't miss this: Bushiteen dropped his gun and engaged with something else at Gerhu Senay???

Posted: 20 Sep 2022, 00:55
by Halafi Mengedi
After the Oxen was shot by Hammeddefenowoyane due to his jealous, roasted Sesame run to the oxen and took one of his leg to feed his starved families.

Re: Don't miss this: Bushiteen dropped his gun and engaged with something else at Gerhu Senay???

Posted: 21 Sep 2022, 00:58
by Halafi Mengedi
I just heard Bushiteen is transported from Gerhu Senay to Barantu Hospital to be treated his Azzzx wound, joined by roasted Sesame in the same Hospital for poisoned food he ate the oxen leg. The meat was contaminated by the bullet Hammeddefenowoyane shot at the oxen due to his jealous his wife Bushiteen was taken by Gerhu Senay oxen.

Re: Don't miss this: Bushiteen dropped his gun and engaged with something else at Gerhu Senay???

Posted: 22 Sep 2022, 12:55
by Halafi Mengedi
Some of the Ethio goers asked me how Bushiteen transported from Gerhu Senay to Barantu Hospital, the answer is they used donkey to transport him since Bushiteen loves donkey and the donkey exacerbated his azxzz wound on his way to the Hospital.

Re: Don't miss this: Bushiteen dropped his gun and engaged with something else at Gerhu Senay???

Posted: 24 Sep 2022, 02:07
by Halafi Mengedi
Breaking News: The Barantu medical operators announced that Bushiteen is pregnant and it is a twin sons. General Migbe Haile and General Dunkul asked to be his sons God father. Mean time Hammeddefenowoyane is in mental hospital after he heard his wife Bushiteen is pregnant from the Oxen from Gerhu Senay. Roasted Sesame is still in intensive care from the poisoned meet he had, that is the shot oxen by Hammeddefenowoyane out of jealous.

Re: Don't miss this: Bushiteen dropped his gun and engaged with something else at Gerhu Senay???

Posted: 24 Sep 2022, 21:03
by Halafi Mengedi
So many people have been asking me what happen to roasted Sesame families since all ate the poisoned meat, all are in Barantu hospital and they are in intensive care being treated by rats of Barantu inside the hospital.

Re: Don't miss this: Bushiteen dropped his gun and engaged with something else at Gerhu Senay???

Posted: 01 Oct 2022, 09:38
by Halafi Mengedi
Bushiteen is out from Barantu hospital and Hammeddefenowoyane is very happeny to see his wife Bushiteen. Meantime, roasted Sesame with his families are in the Hospital under very intensive care.