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Re: ይቺ ነገር ከ Fake News-ነት ካመለጠች ምን ማለት ነች??

Post by TGAA » 19 Sep 2022, 19:01

Y3n3g3s3w wrote:
18 Sep 2022, 17:54
ፌክ ኒውስማ አደለቺም ...
ከአሜሪካን ዩኒቨርሲቲ የነባር መምህርነት ስራውን አሰፈቅዶ/ትቶ

"በኤርትራ በረሀ የሽምቅ ውጊያ ሲመራ የቆየን ሰው የት/ምርት ሚኒስተር ካደረከው የትም/ርት ደረጃው እንደሚወድቅ እኔ አቀው ነበር "

ይሄን አባባል እስቲ ስማርት የሆነ ሰው ያሰረዳኝ?

በኔ አረዳድ አባባሉ ከተተችው ይልቅ ተችውን ያስተቻል::

A man who is supposed to lead by logic lets logic slide by the wayside and makes a blunder of this proportion because of envy, nothing more or less. The man who compares Abiy's reappearance after a month of hiatus to the Moses's coming down from the mountain Sinai has a much deeper psychological problem than a pseudo concern about the Ethiopian educational system. He can't say anything about Brhanu's educational credentials because he used to teach at AA university where Danachew has been teaching for many years, in addition, Berhanu was a tenured Professor in one of the US universities. The only thing that disqualifies Berhanu from being the Education minister capable of reforming the educational system is that he led armed resistance to oust the neandertal tribal weyanes system. Even with the help of all stakeholders in Ethiopian society, reforming the Ethiopian ethnicized educational system is a daunting task, Danachew would have pointed out where the new proposed reform fails and suggeste ways how to improve it, instead, he opted out for ad hominem .

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Re: ይቺ ነገር ከ Fake News-ነት ካመለጠች ምን ማለት ነች??

Post by Horus » 19 Sep 2022, 21:27

እኔ ስለ ጃዋር የተፈጥሮ መክሊትም ሆነ በትምህርት ያዳበረው ምሁራዊ አብርሆት (ብልሃት) ምንም አላውቅም ። ቴዲ አፍሮ ናዝሬት ውስጥ ወደ ፍቅር ጉዞ ኮንሰርት አንዳያዘጋጅ መላ ኦሮሞን ቦይኮት የጠራ ቀን ነው ስለጃዋር ማወቅ ሳይሆን ስሙን እንኳ መስማት የማልፈልገው ። ቴዲ አፍሮ የምር የተፈጥሮ አዕምርው አብርሆት ነው ። ጃዋር ኮሎምቢያ ተማረ እንጂ ቴዲ አፍሮን በኢንተለጀንሰ መሞገት የሚችል ሰው አይደለም ። ስለዚህ ዛሬ ላይ ጃዋር ጠዋት ተነስቶ ምን እንደ ሚያነብ፣ ምን እንደ ሚጽፍ ሳንቲም የማውቀው ነገር የለም ። ቢጽፍ እናየው ነበር ።

እሱና ብርሃኑን ማወዳደር ተገቢ አይደለም ። ብርሃኑ ነጋ ምን አይነት መጻህፍት እንደ ሚያነብ አውቃለሁ ። የነአምርቲያ ሴን፣ የነዳመንድ ማለትም በሶሺያ ሂስትሪና ኢኮኖሚክ ቶውት ባለም አሉ የሚባሉትን አንብቦ ስለነሱ አስተምሯል። በተደጋጋሚ መጻህፍት ደርሶ የኢኮኖሚና ፖለቲካ ፍልስፍናው ጀስቲፋይ አድርጓል። ኢኮሚክስ በሚመለከት ሪሰርቸር ነው ማለትም ሰባኪ አንቂ ሳይሆን የሜዳ ምርምር አድራጊ ነው። ያ ማለትኮ የሰለጠነ ትሬይንድ የሆነ ሪሰርቸር ማለት ነው። የኢኮኖሚክስ ሳይቲስት የምትሆነው በዚያ ዲሲፕሊን በዚያ መልክ በመሰልጠን ነው።

ወደፊትም እኔ አለምንም ጥርጥር The political history of Ethiopia (1960s to 2050s) የሚል መጽሃፍ ቢጽፍ አልገረምም። ስለ እውቀት ያልከውን እስማማለሁ ። ነገር ግን ልብ ካሉት የእውቀት አይነቶች ሁሉ እጅግ ታላቁና ጠቃሚው አንድ ነገር እንዴት ነው የሚሰራ፣ የሚከወነው፣ የሚደረገው የሚለው ነው። ይህ ነው እውነተኛ ኢንተለጀንሰ ወይም አብርሆት ወይም ብልሃት የሚባለው!

ሌላው ሰው ከየት መጣ? ዛፍ ምንድን ነው? ዉሃ ምንድን ነው የሚባሉት የፍልስፍናም ሆነ የቲኦሪ እውቀቶች ከknow-how በታች ያሉ የእውቀት አይነቶች ናቸው ። ብርሃኑ የትምህርት ሚኒስቴርን ሲመራ ማኔጅ ሲያደርግ ሙሉ ቀን የሚያስበው አንድ ችግር እንዴት ነው የሚፈታው የሚለውን ነው ። ያ ነው የሰው ምስክሩ እንጂ አብስትራክ ኮንሴፕቶች ላይ ቃላት መፍተልና መፍለጥ ዝቅተኛ የውቀት ዝርያዎች ናቸው!!!

Posts: 2013
Joined: 03 Jun 2021, 00:14

Re: ይቺ ነገር ከ Fake News-ነት ካመለጠች ምን ማለት ነች??

Post by Educator » 19 Sep 2022, 23:58

I hate to dwell on personal matter, but I just want you to know the fact about Dr. Birr Amitu Sainega. He is not only a food fighter, but also an alcoholic. He finishes a bottle of whiskey in one seating. His abnormally enlarged liver is about to shoot itself out of his belly due to alchohol mainly not food.

I apologize for commenting on his body, but I couldn't stay silent when facts are being buried.

Aside his personal body deformation though, this individual is a big fat liar. He was graduating 300 fighters every two weeks in Eritrea and broadcasting the ceremony on ESAT for several years. However, the truth was that he never had more than 240 misled fighters who were just sitting and participating in his drama in Eritrea. He then abandoned them when he got to Addis Ababa cause he thought he could pocket the some million Euros EU promised him for the reintegration of his fighters. He is a selfish animal. You also know what he did to the only successful private opposition media, ESAT. He sold the organization to Mamo Killo without the knowledge of the founders and the journalists that made ESAT. Now you see them divided and fighting day and night amongst themselves.

And his wutaf nekais claiming he used to make 200k lecturing in a small private university in Pennsylvania was a complete lie. They don't know the university's salaries are published online. The top salary for a full professor in 2020 in that university was $127,672. I bet he never made even 80k per year. Especially economics professors? He hadn't even thought there for many years. He was a tutor before woyane. And he moved back home and thought at AA university. Then he just came to US after Kinijit and found a part time position at the public university here in Pennsylvania. His main source of income was fundraising for his fight against Woyanes. And he was good at it. He probably made over 10 million dollars in that front alone. So if one wants to respect him for his income generating abilities, then he/she should know his fundraising skill is based on lie . In short, he is a merchant of death. He is now misleading Mamo Killo into fighting Woyanes so that Birr Amtu Sainega and Andargachew Tsige can avenge their personal grievances with Woyanes.
Right wrote:
19 Sep 2022, 11:22
The tribal goons are making noises because the opportunist con man caught red handed.

A trained economist from America went to the Eritrean to fight the TPLF apartheid system.

Now he is serving at a cabinet level to promote the same system he went to the desert to fight.

Dr. D is an opportunist himself but on this one he has a point.

Nobody cares about his drinking habits as we don’t care about Dr Birr’s eating habits.

Both Drs are opportunistic garbages.

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Re: ይቺ ነገር ከ Fake News-ነት ካመለጠች ምን ማለት ነች??

Post by Y3n3g3s3w » 20 Sep 2022, 11:48

- [ ] ኢትዮጵያ ይሄንን ጦርነት በስኬት ካጠናቀቀች,፣ቢያንስ ወያኔና የወያኔ ሀገር የመበተን ሀሳብ አቀንቃኞችን ካሸነፈች በኔ ግምት የመዋለ-ንዋይ እድገቷ በጣም ፈጣን ነው የሚሆነው:: ነገር ግን እኛ ኢትዮጵያውያንም ፈጣን የአመለካከት ለውጥ ካላረግን ለመዋለ-ንዋይ (economic) እድገቱ ማነቆ የምንሆንባት ይመስለኛል ፤ በተለይ በተለይ ይሔ የጎሳ ፖለተቲካ ብዙ ሰው አውቆ ወይም ሳያውቅ በጎሳ ሆያሆዬ ተተብትቦ ምክንያታዊነት ፈፅሞ እየጠፋ የሀገር ህልውና ስጋት እየሆነ ነው:: አቶ Y የአማራ ተወላጅ ስለሆነና ዶር ዳኛቸው ምንም ይበሉ/ይስሩ ስማቸው ብቻ በክፉ ስለተነሳ ያዙኝ ልቀቁኝ የሚል ከሆነ፣ አቶ H የዘር ግንዱ ከጉራጌ የሚመዘዝ ስለሆነና ዶር ብርሀኑ ምንም ይበሉ/ይስሩ ስማቸው ብቻ በክፉ ስለተነሳ ያዙኝ ልቀቁኝ የሚል ከሆነ፣ አቶ D የኦሮሞ ተወላጅ ስለሆነና ዶር አብይ ምንም ይበሉ/ይስሩ ስማቸው ብቻ በክፉ ስለተነሳ ያዙኝ ልቀቁኝ የሚል ከሆነ ፤ በአንፃሩ ደግሞ እነዚህ ግለሰቦች ሰማቸው በጥሩ ሲነሳ በእጅና በእግሩ የሚያጨበጭብ ህብረተሰብ በቅርቡ የማንላቅ ከሆነ በመዋለ-ንዋይ እራሳችንን ለመቻል የምናረገውን መፍጨርጨር ያለምንም ጥርጥር ወደ ዜሮ ያወርደዋል:: ይሔን ለመገንዘብ ምንም አይነት ያዕምሮ ምጥቀት ወይም እውቀት አይጠይቅም፣ ኢትዮጵያ ባለፋት 4 አመታት እያወደመች ያለቺ ው ሀብትና ራስን ለመቻል የምታደርገው መፍጨርጨር ን ማየት እንደኔ ከበቂ በላይ ነው:: ይሄ ሁሉ ፈጣን እንቅስቃሴ ያለጦርነትና ሌሎች ተገዳሮቶች ቢሆን ብላቹ አስባቹ ታቃላቹ? ባጠቃላይ ምን ለማለት ነዉ ዶር ዳኛቸውንም ዶር ብርሀኑንም ሆነ ዶር አብይን ዘራቸውን ወደ ጎን ትተን በውቀታቸው ብቻም ሳይሆን ለህብረተሰባቸው በሚያበረክቱ የሚታይ የሚዳሰስ አስተዋፅዖ (በሚሰሩት ስራ ) ብቻ ሚዛን ላይ ማስቀመጥ የሚያሰችለ ፣ እንደ አንድ ሀገር ህዝቦች፣ የአስተሳሰብ ለውጥ ካላመጣን እውነት እውነት እላችኋለሁ ወሀ ቢወቅጡት እንቦጭ ህብረተሰብ ነው የምንሆነው-እስካሁን ነን ወደፊትም በዚሁ እንዳንቀጥል ነው ሀሳቡ::

ተው ተው ኢትዮጵያኖች እራሳችን ላይ ያስተሳሰብ ለውጥ እናድርግ:: ለምሳሌ ከላይ አንዳዶቻቹ 'apple and orange' ስታነፃፅሩ አያለሁ - That is not going to take us anywhere but disaster after disaster ....we've seen it!

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Joined: 19 Oct 2013, 19:34

Re: ይቺ ነገር ከ Fake News-ነት ካመለጠች ምን ማለት ነች??

Post by Horus » 20 Sep 2022, 13:00

አይን የራሱን ጉድፍ አያይም። አንተው ይህን ሃረግ ፈጥረህ አንተው ተቺ ሆንክ። ያ ሰካራም ሲናገር ሁሉ አይኑ በልዞ የዞረ ድምር ላይ እንደነበር በግልጽ ይታያል። እኔ የእንዳለጌታ ዋሊያ ፕሮግራም አንድም ሳልስት የምከታተል ሰው ነኝ ። የዛሬ ስንት ቀን ሰምቼው ያ ሰኬን ስለማውቀው ከጉዳይ ሳልቆጥር ረሳሁት ። አንተ ይህ ነገር ዋጋ ስለሰጠሀው እዚህ የፎረም አርስት አደረከው ። አሁን በነገሩ ላይ የሚደረገው ክርክር በደስታ መከታተል እንጂ ሌላ ገለተኛ ዳኛ መምሰል ያሳብቅብሃል! ለምድን ነው የለጠፍከው? ሞቲቪህ ምን ምንድን ነው? ለምን ጠቃሚ መሰለህ? እነዚህ ናቸው ያንተ ሃሳቦች! ስለነዚህ ያንተ ሃሳቦች ግልጽና ንቃታዊ ሳትሆን ስለሌሎች የአስተሳሰብ ለውጥ ሌክቸር ማድረግ አንዳች ነገር ያሳብቅብሃል!

እኔ እዚህ አሁን ሃሳብ እንዴት ነው የሚለወጠው? አስተሳሰብስ? እንዲያውም ሃሳብ ምንድን ነው? ወደሚለው መሰረታዊ ነገር አልሄድም። ግን አንድ ነገር ብቻ ጠይቄህ ላቁም?

ብርሃኑ ነጋ የት/ሚ ከሆነ አመቱ ነው። እናም ዛሬ ስለኢትዮጵያ ትምህርት ስራት መውደም መወቀስ ያለበት ብርሃኑ ነጋ ነው ወይስ ከነእንድሪያስ ዘመን ጀምሮ ያዲስ አበባ ይኑቨርስቲ አስተማሪ ሆኖ ስማቸውን መጻፍ የማይችሉ መሃይሞችን ባችለር ዲግሪ ሲሸልም የኖረው ያ ውዳቂ ሰካራም ያረቄ ቤት ለፍዳዳ?

እናስ ይህን መሰል ፍጹም መሰረተ ቢስ ክስ በብርሃኑ ላይ ሆነ በሌላ ሰው ሲቀርብ እንዴት አንተን አይቆረቁርህም? ሃሳብና ህሊና ካለህ? እናም እንደዚህ ያለ ስድ የዱርዬ ባህሪ በምሁራኖች በደራሲያን ፎረም የሚዘጥጥ ባለጌ እንዴት አንተን አላስቆጣህም?

እና አሁን አንተ ሌሎችን እንዴ የአስተሳሰብ ለውጥ ማምጣት እንዳለባቸው የመምከር ሞራል ብቃት አለኝ ብለህ ታስባለህ? ሰላም ዋል!

Posts: 531
Joined: 22 Dec 2017, 00:56

Re: ይቺ ነገር ከ Fake News-ነት ካመለጠች ምን ማለት ነች??

Post by Y3n3g3s3w » 20 Sep 2022, 13:45

የተረዳህኝ አልመሰለኝም : በዚህ ጉዳይ ላይ የኔ አቋምማ የማያወላዳ ነው :: በግሌ ፣ የማንንም ድጋፍ ሳልሻ ፣ አሁን ለደረስንበት ለውጥ (ወያኔን ከኢትዮጵያ ጫንቃ ላይ ለማውረድ በተደረገው ትግል ውስጥ ከፍተኛ አስተዋፅአዖ ካደረጉ ግለሰቦች መካከል ዶር ብረሀኑ ቀዳሚውን ቦታ ይይዛል. ማንም ምን ሊል ይችላል - facts speak for themselves!. ሲቀጥል እንደኔ እንደኔ በተረጋጋች ኢትዮጵያ እንደ ዶር ብርሀኑ አይነት ሙሁሮች ሀገሪቷን ሲመሯት ማየት የወደፊት ህልሜ ነው ነገር ግን አሁን ሀገሪቱ ባለችበት (highly intelligence based miltary operation ወስጥ ባለችበት ሁኔታ we need some one like Col/ዶር/PM አብይ)
ት/ህርተ ሚኒስትር ትክክለኛ ቦታው ላይ ነው ያለው ብዬ አምናለሁ::
ወደ ላኛው ሀሳቤ ስንመለስ ይመስለኛል ያስቆጣህ Y, H ና D ያልኳቸው አማራ, ኦሮሞ ና ጉራጌ ያልኩት አጠቃላይ ሀሳብ እንጂ ማንንም ለማለት አደለም፣ በርግጥ መጨረሻ ላይ apple and orange ያልኩት ዶር ብርሃኑንና ጃዋርን ማነፃፀር 'ፌር ' መስሎ ስላልታየኝ ነው

Horus wrote:
20 Sep 2022, 13:00
አይን የራሱን ጉድፍ አያይም። አንተው ይህን ሃረግ ፈጥረህ አንተው ተቺ ሆንክ። ያ ሰካራም ሲናገር ሁሉ አይኑ በልዞ የዞረ ድምር ላይ እንደነበር በግልጽ ይታያል። እኔ የእንዳለጌታ ዋሊያ ፕሮግራም አንድም ሳልስት የምከታተል ሰው ነኝ ። የዛሬ ስንት ቀን ሰምቼው ያ ሰኬን ስለማውቀው ከጉዳይ ሳልቆጥር ረሳሁት ። አንተ ይህ ነገር ዋጋ ስለሰጠሀው እዚህ የፎረም አርስት አደረከው ። አሁን በነገሩ ላይ የሚደረገው ክርክር በደስታ መከታተል እንጂ ሌላ ገለተኛ ዳኛ መምሰል ያሳብቅብሃል! ለምድን ነው የለጠፍከው? ሞቲቪህ ምን ምንድን ነው? ለምን ጠቃሚ መሰለህ? እነዚህ ናቸው ያንተ ሃሳቦች! ስለነዚህ ያንተ ሃሳቦች ግልጽና ንቃታዊ ሳትሆን ስለሌሎች የአስተሳሰብ ለውጥ ሌክቸር ማድረግ አንዳች ነገር ያሳብቅብሃል!

እኔ እዚህ አሁን ሃሳብ እንዴት ነው የሚለወጠው? አስተሳሰብስ? እንዲያውም ሃሳብ ምንድን ነው? ወደሚለው መሰረታዊ ነገር አልሄድም። ግን አንድ ነገር ብቻ ጠይቄህ ላቁም?

ብርሃኑ ነጋ የት/ሚ ከሆነ አመቱ ነው። እናም ዛሬ ስለኢትዮጵያ ትምህርት ስራት መውደም መወቀስ ያለበት ብርሃኑ ነጋ ነው ወይስ ከነእንድሪያስ ዘመን ጀምሮ ያዲስ አበባ ይኑቨርስቲ አስተማሪ ሆኖ ስማቸውን መጻፍ የማይችሉ መሃይሞችን ባችለር ዲግሪ ሲሸልም የኖረው ያ ውዳቂ ሰካራም ያረቄ ቤት ለፍዳዳ?

እናስ ይህን መሰል ፍጹም መሰረተ ቢስ ክስ በብርሃኑ ላይ ሆነ በሌላ ሰው ሲቀርብ እንዴት አንተን አይቆረቁርህም? ሃሳብና ህሊና ካለህ? እናም እንደዚህ ያለ ስድ የዱርዬ ባህሪ በምሁራኖች በደራሲያን ፎረም የሚዘጥጥ ባለጌ እንዴት አንተን አላስቆጣህም?

እና አሁን አንተ ሌሎችን እንዴ የአስተሳሰብ ለውጥ ማምጣት እንዳለባቸው የመምከር ሞራል ብቃት አለኝ ብለህ ታስባለህ? ሰላም ዋል!

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Re: ይቺ ነገር ከ Fake News-ነት ካመለጠች ምን ማለት ነች??

Post by Horus » 20 Sep 2022, 13:57

ይህው አዲሱ K-12 ካሪኩለም ። ይዘቱን ባናውቀውም የሚደረግ ጥረት አለ ። K-6 test & validation ጨርሰው መጻህፍት አትመዋል ።

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Re: ይቺ ነገር ከ Fake News-ነት ካመለጠች ምን ማለት ነች??

Post by DefendTheTruth » 20 Sep 2022, 15:39

Y3n3g3s3w wrote:
20 Sep 2022, 11:48
- [ ] ኢትዮጵያ ይሄንን ጦርነት በስኬት ካጠናቀቀች,፣ቢያንስ ወያኔና የወያኔ ሀገር የመበተን ሀሳብ አቀንቃኞችን ካሸነፈች በኔ ግምት የመዋለ-ንዋይ እድገቷ በጣም ፈጣን ነው የሚሆነው:: ነገር ግን እኛ ኢትዮጵያውያንም ፈጣን የአመለካከት ለውጥ ካላረግን ለመዋለ-ንዋይ (economic) እድገቱ ማነቆ የምንሆንባት ይመስለኛል ፤ በተለይ በተለይ ይሔ የጎሳ ፖለተቲካ ብዙ ሰው አውቆ ወይም ሳያውቅ በጎሳ ሆያሆዬ ተተብትቦ ምክንያታዊነት ፈፅሞ እየጠፋ የሀገር ህልውና ስጋት እየሆነ ነው:: አቶ Y የአማራ ተወላጅ ስለሆነና ዶር ዳኛቸው ምንም ይበሉ/ይስሩ ስማቸው ብቻ በክፉ ስለተነሳ ያዙኝ ልቀቁኝ የሚል ከሆነ፣ አቶ H የዘር ግንዱ ከጉራጌ የሚመዘዝ ስለሆነና ዶር ብርሀኑ ምንም ይበሉ/ይስሩ ስማቸው ብቻ በክፉ ስለተነሳ ያዙኝ ልቀቁኝ የሚል ከሆነ፣ አቶ D የኦሮሞ ተወላጅ ስለሆነና ዶር አብይ ምንም ይበሉ/ይስሩ ስማቸው ብቻ በክፉ ስለተነሳ ያዙኝ ልቀቁኝ የሚል ከሆነ ፤ በአንፃሩ ደግሞ እነዚህ ግለሰቦች ሰማቸው በጥሩ ሲነሳ በእጅና በእግሩ የሚያጨበጭብ ህብረተሰብ በቅርቡ የማንላቅ ከሆነ በመዋለ-ንዋይ እራሳችንን ለመቻል የምናረገውን መፍጨርጨር ያለምንም ጥርጥር ወደ ዜሮ ያወርደዋል:: ይሔን ለመገንዘብ ምንም አይነት ያዕምሮ ምጥቀት ወይም እውቀት አይጠይቅም፣ ኢትዮጵያ ባለፋት 4 አመታት እያወደመች ያለቺ ው ሀብትና ራስን ለመቻል የምታደርገው መፍጨርጨር ን ማየት እንደኔ ከበቂ በላይ ነው:: ይሄ ሁሉ ፈጣን እንቅስቃሴ ያለጦርነትና ሌሎች ተገዳሮቶች ቢሆን ብላቹ አስባቹ ታቃላቹ? ባጠቃላይ ምን ለማለት ነዉ ዶር ዳኛቸውንም ዶር ብርሀኑንም ሆነ ዶር አብይን ዘራቸውን ወደ ጎን ትተን በውቀታቸው ብቻም ሳይሆን ለህብረተሰባቸው በሚያበረክቱ የሚታይ የሚዳሰስ አስተዋፅዖ (በሚሰሩት ስራ ) ብቻ ሚዛን ላይ ማስቀመጥ የሚያሰችለ ፣ እንደ አንድ ሀገር ህዝቦች፣ የአስተሳሰብ ለውጥ ካላመጣን እውነት እውነት እላችኋለሁ ወሀ ቢወቅጡት እንቦጭ ህብረተሰብ ነው የምንሆነው-እስካሁን ነን ወደፊትም በዚሁ እንዳንቀጥል ነው ሀሳቡ::

ተው ተው ኢትዮጵያኖች እራሳችን ላይ ያስተሳሰብ ለውጥ እናድርግ:: ለምሳሌ ከላይ አንዳዶቻቹ 'apple and orange' ስታነፃፅሩ አያለሁ - That is not going to take us anywhere but disaster after disaster ....we've seen it!

what did አቶ D የኦሮሞ ተወላጅ ስለሆነ say about አቶ J, who is also የኦሮሞ ተወላጅ and as such share the same ethnicity with አቶ D?

A country is more than the count of how our genes are composed, in the views of አቶ D የኦሮሞ ተወላጅ.

አቶ D did call for reasoned allegation, on all sides. That will, in አቶ D የኦሮሞ ተወላጅ's view, fortify the wish of establishing a prospereous and peaceful country, which could promise a better tomorrow. Unreasoned support or criticism is not a way forward.

Posts: 531
Joined: 22 Dec 2017, 00:56

Re: ይቺ ነገር ከ Fake News-ነት ካመለጠች ምን ማለት ነች??

Post by Y3n3g3s3w » 20 Sep 2022, 17:13

DenfendTheTruth ,

I know what you are thinking, but that Y,H and D are not real characters , they are hypothetical ones. In that my messege was if i am an Amhara and observe Dr Dagnachew , which i believe is also an an Amhara, velifying and throwing undeserving critism at Dr Birhanu, which i heard is a Gurage, i should not sit and see or even worse support Dr Dagnachew's unwarranted criticism simply because he is from my Ethnic group and Dr Birhanu is not. We have to strive to reach that culture of thinking if we really want to co-exist as pepole of one country.

DefendTheTruth wrote:
20 Sep 2022, 15:39
Y3n3g3s3w wrote:
20 Sep 2022, 11:48
- [ ] ኢትዮጵያ ይሄንን ጦርነት በስኬት ካጠናቀቀች,፣ቢያንስ ወያኔና የወያኔ ሀገር የመበተን ሀሳብ አቀንቃኞችን ካሸነፈች በኔ ግምት የመዋለ-ንዋይ እድገቷ በጣም ፈጣን ነው የሚሆነው:: ነገር ግን እኛ ኢትዮጵያውያንም ፈጣን የአመለካከት ለውጥ ካላረግን ለመዋለ-ንዋይ (economic) እድገቱ ማነቆ የምንሆንባት ይመስለኛል ፤ በተለይ በተለይ ይሔ የጎሳ ፖለተቲካ ብዙ ሰው አውቆ ወይም ሳያውቅ በጎሳ ሆያሆዬ ተተብትቦ ምክንያታዊነት ፈፅሞ እየጠፋ የሀገር ህልውና ስጋት እየሆነ ነው:: አቶ Y የአማራ ተወላጅ ስለሆነና ዶር ዳኛቸው ምንም ይበሉ/ይስሩ ስማቸው ብቻ በክፉ ስለተነሳ ያዙኝ ልቀቁኝ የሚል ከሆነ፣ አቶ H የዘር ግንዱ ከጉራጌ የሚመዘዝ ስለሆነና ዶር ብርሀኑ ምንም ይበሉ/ይስሩ ስማቸው ብቻ በክፉ ስለተነሳ ያዙኝ ልቀቁኝ የሚል ከሆነ፣ አቶ D የኦሮሞ ተወላጅ ስለሆነና ዶር አብይ ምንም ይበሉ/ይስሩ ስማቸው ብቻ በክፉ ስለተነሳ ያዙኝ ልቀቁኝ የሚል ከሆነ ፤ በአንፃሩ ደግሞ እነዚህ ግለሰቦች ሰማቸው በጥሩ ሲነሳ በእጅና በእግሩ የሚያጨበጭብ ህብረተሰብ በቅርቡ የማንላቅ ከሆነ በመዋለ-ንዋይ እራሳችንን ለመቻል የምናረገውን መፍጨርጨር ያለምንም ጥርጥር ወደ ዜሮ ያወርደዋል:: ይሔን ለመገንዘብ ምንም አይነት ያዕምሮ ምጥቀት ወይም እውቀት አይጠይቅም፣ ኢትዮጵያ ባለፋት 4 አመታት እያወደመች ያለቺ ው ሀብትና ራስን ለመቻል የምታደርገው መፍጨርጨር ን ማየት እንደኔ ከበቂ በላይ ነው:: ይሄ ሁሉ ፈጣን እንቅስቃሴ ያለጦርነትና ሌሎች ተገዳሮቶች ቢሆን ብላቹ አስባቹ ታቃላቹ? ባጠቃላይ ምን ለማለት ነዉ ዶር ዳኛቸውንም ዶር ብርሀኑንም ሆነ ዶር አብይን ዘራቸውን ወደ ጎን ትተን በውቀታቸው ብቻም ሳይሆን ለህብረተሰባቸው በሚያበረክቱ የሚታይ የሚዳሰስ አስተዋፅዖ (በሚሰሩት ስራ ) ብቻ ሚዛን ላይ ማስቀመጥ የሚያሰችለ ፣ እንደ አንድ ሀገር ህዝቦች፣ የአስተሳሰብ ለውጥ ካላመጣን እውነት እውነት እላችኋለሁ ወሀ ቢወቅጡት እንቦጭ ህብረተሰብ ነው የምንሆነው-እስካሁን ነን ወደፊትም በዚሁ እንዳንቀጥል ነው ሀሳቡ::

ተው ተው ኢትዮጵያኖች እራሳችን ላይ ያስተሳሰብ ለውጥ እናድርግ:: ለምሳሌ ከላይ አንዳዶቻቹ 'apple and orange' ስታነፃፅሩ አያለሁ - That is not going to take us anywhere but disaster after disaster ....we've seen it!

what did አቶ D የኦሮሞ ተወላጅ ስለሆነ say about አቶ J, who is also የኦሮሞ ተወላጅ and as such share the same ethnicity with አቶ D?

A country is more than the count of how our genes are composed, in the views of አቶ D የኦሮሞ ተወላጅ.

አቶ D did call for reasoned allegation, on all sides. That will, in አቶ D የኦሮሞ ተወላጅ's view, fortify the wish of establishing a prospereous and peaceful country, which could promise a better tomorrow. Unreasoned support or criticism is not a way forward.

Posts: 9914
Joined: 08 Mar 2014, 16:32

Re: ይቺ ነገር ከ Fake News-ነት ካመለጠች ምን ማለት ነች??

Post by DefendTheTruth » 21 Sep 2022, 11:25

Y3n3g3s3w wrote:
20 Sep 2022, 17:13
DenfendTheTruth ,

I know what you are thinking, but that Y,H and D are not real characters , they are hypothetical ones. In that my messege was if i am an Amhara and observe Dr Dagnachew , which i believe is also an an Amhara, velifying and throwing undeserving critism at Dr Birhanu, which i heard is a Gurage, i should not sit and see or even worse support Dr Dagnachew's unwarranted criticism simply because he is from my Ethnic group and Dr Birhanu is not. We have to strive to reach that culture of thinking if we really want to co-exist as pepole of one country.
Thanks yenegesew for clarifying.

Yes, sometimes we are overreacting, which may not help a fruitfull discussion.

I think that the issue of co-existence is not a matter of choice for us, it is our fate.

We either co-exist or opt out not to exist, we can't get that easily separated and get on as usual, if at all.

I was thinking recently about the so called the 60's generation and what about putting them on trial?

They deserved to be tried for all the mess the country faced ever since, starting with the cold-blooded murder of the royal family and the perishing of thousands of Ethiopian youth in many rounds of wars since then.

If that may not happen, then they deserved to be called "The Generation On Trial".

Thanks God that Dr. Abiy is not from that generation and he is trying to pull out the nation from the lumpy bumpy sitation our country has been in.

Take care!

Posts: 531
Joined: 22 Dec 2017, 00:56

Re: ይቺ ነገር ከ Fake News-ነት ካመለጠች ምን ማለት ነች??

Post by Y3n3g3s3w » 21 Sep 2022, 17:14

In my honest and closest to fair opinion, If the generation 60’s were wrong, then it is our generation’s duty to prove them wrong /show them that they were wrong by doing better things. For example they started , in the name of “የብሄር ብሄረሰቦች እኩልነት"-the poisonous ethnic poletics. which was then amplified by none other than 'እርጉም' ወያኔና ረዳቶቹ' for their own evil goal of dividing Ethiopia in to piece of land to be owned by neocolonialists. That evil plan, thanks to the brave Ethiopians, had evaporated in to thin air. But make no mistake , this doesn’t mean it is not going show up at some point in another generation of Ethiopians if we go back to our usual antagonizing, among ourselves, way of life. So let’s not dwell on the past instead learn from it and move forward because otherwise we will lose the future like we did the past several decades This is a critical time in Ethiopia’s entire existence for if our enemies succeed they will never make another mistake. By another mistake I mean when the Dr Abiy government snatched power from Weyanie , they thought the new government will adjust itself with the west and be under the west’s sphere of influence. With that premises Dr Abiy’s government was showered with praises after praises including noble peace prize. That pre-emptive assumption turn upside down and the Dr Abiy government consolidated power and formed PP , that was when the west attempted resurrect weyanie and poured in all kind of support: military, materials, diplomatic e.t.c . But for most Ethiopians that was equivalent to taking back/swallowing what one spit out.

DefendTheTruth wrote:
21 Sep 2022, 11:25
Y3n3g3s3w wrote:
20 Sep 2022, 17:13
DenfendTheTruth ,

I know what you are thinking, but that Y,H and D are not real characters , they are hypothetical ones. In that my messege was if i am an Amhara and observe Dr Dagnachew , which i believe is also an an Amhara, velifying and throwing undeserving critism at Dr Birhanu, which i heard is a Gurage, i should not sit and see or even worse support Dr Dagnachew's unwarranted criticism simply because he is from my Ethnic group and Dr Birhanu is not. We have to strive to reach that culture of thinking if we really want to co-exist as pepole of one country.
Thanks yenegesew for clarifying.

Yes, sometimes we are overreacting, which may not help a fruitfull discussion.

I think that the issue of co-existence is not a matter of choice for us, it is our fate.

We either co-exist or opt out not to exist, we can't get that easily separated and get on as usual, if at all.

I was thinking recently about the so called the 60's generation and what about putting them on trial?

They deserved to be tried for all the mess the country faced ever since, starting with the cold-blooded murder of the royal family and the perishing of thousands of Ethiopian youth in many rounds of wars since then.

If that may not happen, then they deserved to be called "The Generation On Trial".

Thanks God that Dr. Abiy is not from that generation and he is trying to pull out the nation from the lumpy bumpy sitation our country has been in.

Take care!

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Re: ይቺ ነገር ከ Fake News-ነት ካመለጠች ምን ማለት ነች??

Post by ethiopianunity » 22 Sep 2022, 12:53

These Eritreans who pretend to be from Wello, is proof ethiopia still have issues because there are sleeping cells. Look the so called alcoholic loser Dr Dagnachew was the fake opposition of Tplf. What did his sister Gennet Minister of Education did? Killed the entire generation by killing true Education in Ethiopia starting 10th grade ending high school Tplf program, they filled the entire university and schools with the so called Khat addicted and alcoholic Eritrean Prof Endrias who killed education filling the education with ethnicity in Ethiopia for the last 30 years. Dr Berhanu must be given chance to proof first he has to reverse the damage from Dr Dagnachew, Endrias, Genet all Eritreans designed to kill the education system in Ethiopia. They are not from Wello, they are Eritreans born/raised in Wello. Look if such people still come out given podium, we are in huge danger too. There is either Tplf #2 is being resurrected just like Sebhat Nega who is from Eritrea taking orders from Isayas. The same thing is happening in Ethiopia now we don't know from where Aby hailed from too.

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Re: ይቺ ነገር ከ Fake News-ነት ካመለጠች ምን ማለት ነች??

Post by ethiopianunity » 22 Sep 2022, 12:57

Where are the so called Ethiopians opposing this alcoholic Dr Dagnachew? His education is nothing but filled with alcohol drinking. How come there are no Ethiopians exposing this guy who killed the education in Ethiopia? Under his own sister, Gennet Zewde? Ethiopians are dumbs, they have no idea who their enemy is because they lack knowledge. Their interest is filled with snot of ethnicity instead of finding out who is who and bringing back what Ethiopia was prior to Derg.

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Re: ይቺ ነገር ከ Fake News-ነት ካመለጠች ምን ማለት ነች??

Post by ethiopianunity » 22 Sep 2022, 13:03

The so called Dr Dagnachew, Genet, etc might pretend they like the old ways under H. Selassie so if that is so he is a dceiver, isn't he the one who organized Eprp against H/Selassie? The so called Eritreans Endrias, Genet (his sister, the killer of Ethiopian education?, Dagnachew?

The country must be under the control of real Ethiopians not those obsessed with ethnicity, region or religion. Because these Eritreans still have power in Ethiopia. Dagnachew is hiding his Eritrean roots and protecting his sister Genet the failed Education she implemented. Today under this government they are given podium to spit hate and stilll in the country given privilege while Ethiopians are suffering

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Re: ይቺ ነገር ከ Fake News-ነት ካመለጠች ምን ማለት ነች??

Post by Y3n3g3s3w » 23 Sep 2022, 14:38

You seem to be very resourseful person, BTW
I was told Weyanie's have started opening schools for immigrants special from ዩክሬን giving lessons on how to effectivly መንደባለል in EU and Americas cities, did you hear that? :lol: :evil:

ethiopianunity wrote:
22 Sep 2022, 12:57
Where are the so called Ethiopians opposing this alcoholic Dr Dagnachew? His education is nothing but filled with alcohol drinking. How come there are no Ethiopians exposing this guy who killed the education in Ethiopia? Under his own sister, Gennet Zewde? Ethiopians are dumbs, they have no idea who their enemy is because they lack knowledge. Their interest is filled with snot of ethnicity instead of finding out who is who and bringing back what Ethiopia was prior to Derg.

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Re: ይቺ ነገር ከ Fake News-ነት ካመለጠች ምን ማለት ነች??

Post by Right » 23 Sep 2022, 18:11

I am well aware of the drinking habits of Dr Birr. Dr D and Dr Birr are pretty much the same, a die hard opportunists.
Educated in America, both have a PHD in soft courses to brag about in Ethiopia. D in philosophy and Birr in Economics. They have never worked in a real job in their long life. Birr came in America in the early 90s and D followed later. Birr didn’t get the scrap he was looking for from Zenawi the scorpion. But with the help of Issias Afeworki he got a big chunk from Abiye Ahmed. And D is very jealous of that.

Long story short Dr D is not a well known guy until recently (4yrs). He attracted a big audience where ever he goes. He frequented Bahir Dar, Gonder, Wello and Debre Berhan. He is a witty guy. But don’t make a mistake, he is the puppet of Abiye Ahmed. He deliberately knifed Birr with an instruction from PP. Since the jab, the Guraghies have quite down and PP also released the Guraghie prisoners. It is a well calculated move and it worked.

The Ethiopian people know Birr very well. They see him as a con man. Who would forget that VOA interview right after the TPLF massacred 199 Kinjit supporters in 2005? Birr threw CUD supporters under the bus and killed the momentum of the uprise. When Ethiopians learned that he went to Eritrea to start an armed struggle they simply waved their hands in disgust. They know it was a con job.
The duo doctors are con artists. They are no good.

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