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House of Federation gives green light (5 objections) for a referendum to create a new State/Kilil in South Kilil

Posted: 18 Aug 2022, 09:53
by temari
I can imagine the objection came from Wolayita who just like Gurage want to establish their own state.
I think the government should stop forcing Gurage and Wolayita to be part of the upcoming new states.

Re: House of Federation gives green light (5 objections) for a referendum to create a new State/Kilil in South Kilil

Posted: 18 Aug 2022, 14:17
by gearhead
50 አመት የወጋውን የኦሮሞን ክልልነት በሽንፈቱ ማግስት በቅጽበት ክልላዊ መሆን የሚፈልገው የጦርነት ሰባቂ ታሪከኛ ጉራጌ ለማን የውጊያ ኘላትፎርም ለመሆን አቅዶ እንደሆነ የቤት ጋሎቻቸውን ያደናብር እንጂ ለሌላው ''ገለባ'' ለተባለው ፌደራላዊ ህዝብ (ወላይታን ጨምሮ) ግልጽና ግልጽ ነው!!