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How to create your own kilil and country

Post by Tiago » 09 Aug 2022, 13:33

”” Make up your own flag, find someplace where no one is around, stick you flag in the ground, loudly proclaim “I hereby claim this land in the name of (your name here, or the name of your country) and intend to misuse it as many other countries have misused theirs”, and then snap your fingers three times (this is the hard part for me - I can’t snap my fingers for [deleted] else I’d own a LOT of countries by now), and voila! You got yourself another country!

Oh… and you have to send $29.58 (U.S.) to the “country name register place” - I believe it’s in Scotland, with the country’s name, your name, the time you claimed it, what the boundaries look like, and if you need a receipt for that””.

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Re: How to create your own kilil and country

Post by Ethoash » 09 Aug 2022, 13:46

Ato Mango

to create nation u need two thing one u need army to protect yourself as of now the golden have army world standard that stopped 120 million army vs 50,000 army... second u need currency only Golden have their own currency that is 3000 years old ,

now the question is does the Amhara have their own currency or army ? does buda Amhara have vision to survive as a nation? the Amhara have no history of nation building so watch what u r saying those idiot get an idea and demand to break away and suffer untold suffering

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Re: How to create your own kilil and country

Post by Tiago » 09 Aug 2022, 14:23

If Amharas create their own country, the golden people will be locked out and suffer permanently. FANO will be on guard to clip your ears if you ever try to sneak your skinny self.
The golden started this “independence” mantra and guess what ,you are still begging to be fed everyday.the golden can exist only as a parasite and even that existence is fast approaching to a screeching stop.
Chigarri (not Calgary) can exist only as a fictional country where the golden people….. :lol: :lol: :lol: add whatever you like.

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Re: How to create your own kilil and country

Post by Ethoash » 09 Aug 2022, 14:40

አይተሀል ቡዳነትህን የአማራ ተገንጥሎ ማደግ አይደለም አንተን ያሳሰበህ። እንዴት አርገን ትግሬዎችን እናፍናለን የሚለው ነው።

ለምሳሌ ደቡብ ሱዳን ከስሜን ሱዳን ተገነጠለች ግን ስሜን ሱዳኖች አንድም ቀን ደቡብ ሱዳኖችን እናፍናለን የሚሉበት ግዜ የለም ደቡብ ሱዳኖች የስሜን ሱዳኖችን ወደብ ይጠቀማሉ Uganda, Rwanda Burundi , Zambia, and Malawi በሞዛንቢክ፣ በኬን ያ ፣ ታንዛኒያ የተከበቡ ናቸው ግን አንድም ግዜ የተከበቡትን አገሮች ሊያንቁ ፈልገው አያውቁም ፣ በሚገርም ነገር ደግሞ አሟራ ራሱዋ ተከባለች ግን ስለስው ታወራለች

yes, the golden want break away from Amhara state this doesn't mean from the rest of Ethiopia the coming discussion will make it clear so no rush their

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