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የኢትዮጵያ ፖለቲካ ካንሰር የጎሳ ክልሎች ናቸው! ክልሎች እስካልፈረሱ ድረስ ይህ ቀውስ ሁሉ ፋይዳቢስ ድራማ ነው!

Post by Horus » 06 Jul 2022, 15:06

ትግሬ የኢትዮጵያ ካንሰር የሆነው የትግሬ ክልል ከመጣ በኋላ ነው!

ኦሮሚያ የኢትዮጵያ ካንሰር የሆነው የኦሮሞ ክልል ከመጣ በኋላ ነው!

አማራ ክልል ከሆነ በኋላ ባማራ ላይ መከራ በዛ፣ አማራ ጎጥ ተከፋፈለ እንጂ አንድ ያመጣው ፋይዳ የለም!

የቀሩትም ክልሎችና ዞኖች ነገ የሚጠብቃቸው ተመሳሳይ እልቂትና የዘር መጥፋት ነው!

ይህ እንዳይሆን ክልሎች ይፍረሱ፣ ይህ ፋይዳቢስ የጎሳ ፓርላማ ይፍረስ!

ኢትዮጵያውያን አስቸኳይ የስርዓት ሪፎርም ንቅናቄና እምቢተኘንት ካልጀመሩ ይህ ሁሉ ባዶ ጫጫታ ነው!

Posts: 2817
Joined: 09 Jan 2022, 13:05

Re: የኢትዮጵያ ፖለቲካ ካንሰር የጎሳ ክልሎች ናቸው! ክልሎች እስካልፈረሱ ድረስ ይህ ቀውስ ሁሉ ፋይዳቢስ ድራማ ነው!

Post by Right » 06 Jul 2022, 15:34

The ball is in Abiye Ahmed’s court.

many people has died under his watch. Since 1450 this kind of massacre has never happened in Ethiopia except a brief period of Italian occupation in the 1930s.

-He couldn’t finish the Tigrains war decisively and as I write this comment the nation is preparing for the 2nd round match with rag tag TPLF. No matter how you put it is a very bad war management.

-He invited the OLF to come into the country with full combat gear and lost control of the group.

-Still, he is governing with the same ideology and the same constitution of the TPLF. Exposing unprincipled opportunists.

Abiye has to go. For the sake of the country he has to exit peacefully. by allowing a transitional government take over peacefully.

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Re: የኢትዮጵያ ፖለቲካ ካንሰር የጎሳ ክልሎች ናቸው! ክልሎች እስካልፈረሱ ድረስ ይህ ቀውስ ሁሉ ፋይዳቢስ ድራማ ነው!

Post by Abere » 06 Jul 2022, 15:47

አዎን! ኳሱ በዐብይ አህመድ እጅ ነው። ግን በጣም ስለዘገዬ ብቻ ሳይሆን ስለማይፈልግ ጭምር ሲንጠረዘዝ በእራሱ ግብ ላይ ያስቆጥራል። እርግጠኛ ነኝ። በመሰረቱ የጎሳ ክልል የአክራሪ ትግሬ እና አክራሪ ኦሮሞ በሽታ ነው። ፍርስርሱ እየወጣ ያለ ጉዳይ ነው - እንድሁ ሳያምረብት በስብሶ በሰዎች ላይ ወድቆ እየተደፋ ነው ያለው። አንዳንድ ቁራ ወያኔዎች እና ቁራ ኦነጎች ፎረም ላይ እየወጡ ስለሞነጫጨሩ ያለ እንዳይመስላችሁ።

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Re: የኢትዮጵያ ፖለቲካ ካንሰር የጎሳ ክልሎች ናቸው! ክልሎች እስካልፈረሱ ድረስ ይህ ቀውስ ሁሉ ፋይዳቢስ ድራማ ነው!

Post by Horus » 06 Jul 2022, 19:51

አንጋሳ አህመድ ኢብራሂም ጭርሶታል ። የኢትዮጵያ ችግር ያለው ኦሮሞ ውስጥ ነው ብሏል ! እጅግ በትክክል! ኦሮሞና ትግሬ ወስጥ ነው የኢትዮጵያ ካንሰር ያለው! መፍትሄው አንድና አንድ ነው ፣ ክልሎችን ማፍረስና ሌላ ሲስተም ማምጣት ። ግን ይህ ሊሆን የሚችለው ሁሉም ኢትዮጵያዊ የራሱን ለቅሶ ማልቀስ ትቶ ክልል ይፍፍረስ፣ ይህ ፋይዳቢስ ፓርላማ ይበተን ፣ አዲስ አይነት ፌዴሬሽን ይቀረጽ ብሎ ሲጮህ እንጂ አቢይም ሆነ ጌታቸው ረዳ ክልሎችን አያፈርሱልንም!! 4 አመት አየነውኮ !

Sam Ebalalehu
Posts: 3639
Joined: 23 Jun 2018, 21:29

Re: የኢትዮጵያ ፖለቲካ ካንሰር የጎሳ ክልሎች ናቸው! ክልሎች እስካልፈረሱ ድረስ ይህ ቀውስ ሁሉ ፋይዳቢስ ድራማ ነው!

Post by Sam Ebalalehu » 06 Jul 2022, 20:06

It is true the problem is in Tigray and Oromia. But caution is warranted when we say Oromia. The only place Shene is comfortable operating is Wellega. Oromia comprises Bale, Illbabour, Kefa, Harrar, and Showa besides Wellega.
Wellega is a fertile ground for ethnic conflict because the German Protestants who came with bible in hands paved the ground for it.

Posts: 6372
Joined: 14 Feb 2021, 15:24

Re: የኢትዮጵያ ፖለቲካ ካንሰር የጎሳ ክልሎች ናቸው! ክልሎች እስካልፈረሱ ድረስ ይህ ቀውስ ሁሉ ፋይዳቢስ ድራማ ነው!

Post by union » 06 Jul 2022, 20:24

አዎ። የብሄር ፌዴራሊዝም ካልተናደ በስተቀር መከራው ይሰፍል አይቀሬም ነው። ማንም ሊቆጣጠረው ወደማይችልበት የሱማሌ አይነት ግጭት የብሄር ፌዴራልስዝም አያመጣብን መሆኑን ያልተገነዘበ ካለ ጅል እና ሌባ ብቻ ነው።

Sadacha Macca
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Re: የኢትዮጵያ ፖለቲካ ካንሰር የጎሳ ክልሎች ናቸው! ክልሎች እስካልፈረሱ ድረስ ይህ ቀውስ ሁሉ ፋይዳቢስ ድራማ ነው!

Post by Sadacha Macca » 06 Jul 2022, 21:04

Sam Ebalalehu wrote:
06 Jul 2022, 20:06
It is true the problem is in Tigray and Oromia. But caution is warranted when we say Oromia. The only place Shene is comfortable operating is Wellega. Oromia comprises Bale, Illbabour, Kefa, Harrar, and Showa besides Wellega.
Wellega is a fertile ground for ethnic conflict because the German Protestants who came with bible in hands paved the ground for it.
No. OLA is also very active in Guji AND Borana as well. It has support all over Oromia, in fact, but the fact is, OPDO, like TPLF, depends on brute force and external aid from European powers, to maintain their power. it's very creation by tplf and with help from shabia, was to suppress any genuine and independent Oromo nationalists, and to have slave oromo's in power who would sell the entire country, including oromia, for the sake of money and power.
As far as Wallaga goes, the OLA gained more momentum there, after the irrecha massacre by tplf, it gained more recruits, who disarmed the local opdo militias, and used them to defend themselves.
OLA there under Marroo, established local militias and local governments, because the OPDO, as it is now, and then, failed their people.
So, the people were forced to take matters into their own hands.

Posts: 9324
Joined: 15 Sep 2013, 16:00

Re: የኢትዮጵያ ፖለቲካ ካንሰር የጎሳ ክልሎች ናቸው! ክልሎች እስካልፈረሱ ድረስ ይህ ቀውስ ሁሉ ፋይዳቢስ ድራማ ነው!

Post by sun » 06 Jul 2022, 21:37

Right wrote:
06 Jul 2022, 15:34
The ball is in Abiye Ahmed’s court.

many people has died under his watch. Since 1450 this kind of massacre has never happened in Ethiopia except a brief period of Italian occupation in the 1930s.

-He couldn’t finish the Tigrains war decisively and as I write this comment the nation is preparing for the 2nd round match with rag tag TPLF. No matter how you put it is a very bad war management.

-He invited the OLF to come into the country with full combat gear and lost control of the group.

-Still, he is governing with the same ideology and the same constitution of the TPLF. Exposing unprincipled opportunists.

Abiye has to go. For the sake of the country he has to exit peacefully. by allowing a transitional government take over peacefully.
Did many people die under Abiy's watch more than Under Menelik, Haile Selassie, Mengistu and Meles Zenawi!? And the constitution is not the constitution of the tplf however they might boast about it because the constitution adapted under the direct guidance and leadership of an Amhara Prime minister, named Tamirat Laine. Fanddiyya wushetam wishy-washy shallow wushetawooch! :lol: :lol:

Besides Abiy and his government got elected to power through the democratic, fair, free and transparent election process. All of the previous governments mentioned were never elected but only imposed by force. And that forceful impositions ignited anti establishment rebellion. PM Abiy and his government has the mandate from the Ethiopian people and in that sense only the Ethiopian nations and nationalities can decide during democratic election processes.

There should never be any illegal and unlawfully imposed fake government. Our magic swords are sharpening and glittering in an anticipation in defense of the democratic law of the land and the democratic government of the day. All the online and offline ranting outlaws need to lay down their primitive rusty medieval weapons and go to take up honorable productive jobs.

If not, all of us Ethiopians are ready to fight against such vagabonds trying to come back through the backdoor after being ejected through the front door.Some of you people are just freaking blind pathological master liars having no shame, to say the least

Last edited by sun on 06 Jul 2022, 22:10, edited 4 times in total.

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Re: የኢትዮጵያ ፖለቲካ ካንሰር የጎሳ ክልሎች ናቸው! ክልሎች እስካልፈረሱ ድረስ ይህ ቀውስ ሁሉ ፋይዳቢስ ድራማ ነው!

Post by Selam/ » 06 Jul 2022, 21:55

Tamrat Layne? :lol:

That mfkr was illiterate when he was a PM. If that was not the case, he wouldn’t have been thrown into jail on trumped-up sugar theft accusations.

sun wrote:
06 Jul 2022, 21:37
Right wrote:
06 Jul 2022, 15:34
The ball is in Abiye Ahmed’s court.

many people has died under his watch. Since 1450 this kind of massacre has never happened in Ethiopia except a brief period of Italian occupation in the 1930s.

-He couldn’t finish the Tigrains war decisively and as I write this comment the nation is preparing for the 2nd round match with rag tag TPLF. No matter how you put it is a very bad war management.

-He invited the OLF to come into the country with full combat gear and lost control of the group.

-Still, he is governing with the same ideology and the same constitution of the TPLF. Exposing unprincipled opportunists.

Abiye has to go. For the sake of the country he has to exit peacefully. by allowing a transitional government take over peacefully.
Did many people die under Abiy's watch more than Under Menelik, Haile Selassie, Mengistu and Meles Zenawi!? And the constitution is not the constitution of the tplf however they might boast about it because the constitution adapted under the direct guidance and leadership of an Amhara Prime minister, named Tamirat Laine.

Besides Abiy and his government got elected to power through the democratic, fair, free and transparent election process. All of the previous government mentioned were never elected but only imposed by force. PM Abiy and his government has the mandate from the Ethiopian people and in that sense only the Ethiopian nations and nationalities can decide during democratic election processes. There should never be any illegal and unlawfully imposed fake government. Our magic swords are sharpening and glittering in an anticipation to defense of the democratic law of the land and the democratic government of the day. All the online and offline ranting outlaws need to lay down their primitive rusty medieval weapons and go to take up honorable productive jobs.

If not, all of us Ethiopians are ready to fight against such vagabonds trying to come back through the backdoor after being ejected through the front door.Some of you people are just freaking blind pathological master liars having no shame, to say the least

Posts: 9324
Joined: 15 Sep 2013, 16:00

Re: የኢትዮጵያ ፖለቲካ ካንሰር የጎሳ ክልሎች ናቸው! ክልሎች እስካልፈረሱ ድረስ ይህ ቀውስ ሁሉ ፋይዳቢስ ድራማ ነው!

Post by sun » 06 Jul 2022, 22:03

Please don't make him unhappy now again on top of what he has gone through. It is even better to make that drooling ar$$ useless baboon calling himself ato horus to become unhappy hornless and ball less lame goat. :P :P
Selam/ wrote:
06 Jul 2022, 21:55
Tamrat Layne? :lol:

That mfkr was illiterate when he was a PM. If that was not the case, he wouldn’t have been thrown into jail on trumped-up sugar theft accusations.

sun wrote:
06 Jul 2022, 21:37
Right wrote:
06 Jul 2022, 15:34
The ball is in Abiye Ahmed’s court.

many people has died under his watch. Since 1450 this kind of massacre has never happened in Ethiopia except a brief period of Italian occupation in the 1930s.

-He couldn’t finish the Tigrains war decisively and as I write this comment the nation is preparing for the 2nd round match with rag tag TPLF. No matter how you put it is a very bad war management.

-He invited the OLF to come into the country with full combat gear and lost control of the group.

-Still, he is governing with the same ideology and the same constitution of the TPLF. Exposing unprincipled opportunists.

Abiye has to go. For the sake of the country he has to exit peacefully. by allowing a transitional government take over peacefully.
Did many people die under Abiy's watch more than Under Menelik, Haile Selassie, Mengistu and Meles Zenawi!? And the constitution is not the constitution of the tplf however they might boast about it because the constitution adapted under the direct guidance and leadership of an Amhara Prime minister, named Tamirat Laine.

Besides Abiy and his government got elected to power through the democratic, fair, free and transparent election process. All of the previous government mentioned were never elected but only imposed by force. PM Abiy and his government has the mandate from the Ethiopian people and in that sense only the Ethiopian nations and nationalities can decide during democratic election processes. There should never be any illegal and unlawfully imposed fake government. Our magic swords are sharpening and glittering in an anticipation to defense of the democratic law of the land and the democratic government of the day. All the online and offline ranting outlaws need to lay down their primitive rusty medieval weapons and go to take up honorable productive jobs.

If not, all of us Ethiopians are ready to fight against such vagabonds trying to come back through the backdoor after being ejected through the front door.Some of you people are just freaking blind pathological master liars having no shame, to say the least

Senior Member+
Posts: 30898
Joined: 19 Oct 2013, 19:34

Re: የኢትዮጵያ ፖለቲካ ካንሰር የጎሳ ክልሎች ናቸው! ክልሎች እስካልፈረሱ ድረስ ይህ ቀውስ ሁሉ ፋይዳቢስ ድራማ ነው!

Post by Horus » 06 Jul 2022, 23:31

ላይ ላዩን ስትታይ የኦሮሞ ብሄረተኛ ትመስላለህ፣ ግን በመሰረቱ የኦሮሞ ህዝብ ጠላት ነህ ። ትግሬን ተመልከት ኢትዮጵያን 30 አመት ከገዙ በኋላ ጥቂት የትግሬ ሌባ ከበርቴዎች እንደ ሰማይ ከብረው የትግሬን ህዝብ አሁን ባለው ቁሻሻ መቀመቅ ያለም መሳለቂያ ለማኝ አደርጉት ።

እኔ ልንገርህ የኦሮሞ ህዝብ ነጻነት፣ ሰላምና እድገት እንጂ ክልል አይፈልግም፣ አይጠቅመውም። ክልል ከመጣ በኋላ ኦሮሞ እርስበርሱ ተከፋፍሏል፣ ከቀሩት የኢትዮጵያ ሕዝቦች ጋራ ተራ በተራ ጦርነት ውስጥ እየገባ ነው ። አሁን ኦሮሚያ የሚባል ክልል የአመጽ፣ የጦርነት፣ የሁከት፣ የብጥብጥ ማዕከል ቱሪስት አይሄድበት፣ ያለም ኢንቬስተሮች አይገቡትም ። አቢይና ሺመልስት እርሻ እርሻ ይላሉ እንጂ እርሻም ብሄራዊ ሰላምን እና ሰላማዊ ሕዝብ ይፈልጋል ።

በአንድ ቃል የነፍቃዱ ተደሰና ሺመልስ አብዲሳ አይነት ናዕት ሳይቦካ ሳይጠፈጠፍ የተጋገረው የኦሮሙማ ቂጣ አይደለም የኦሮሞን ሕዝብ ሊያጠግብ መላ ክልሉን ይዞት ገደል እየገባ ነው ።

ኢትዮጵያዊያና አለም በሙሉ ስለ ኦሮሞ ሳይኮሎጂና ካልቸር ያለው ግንዛቤ ወዴት እየሄደ እንደ ሆነ በትንሹ ማየት የቻለው አንጋሳ ነው። አክራሪ ሆኖ ሁሉን አይቶታልና። ትግሬ ስርዓት መፍጠርና በሰላም የመኖር ካልቸር መፍጠር ባለመቻሉ አሁን ያለበት አዘቅጥ ውስጥ ገብቷል። ትግሬ ከለፈው 30 አመታት የተሻለ ግዜ ወደፊት በፍጹም አያገኝም፣ በቃ!

ኦሮሞች ልከ እደ ትግሬ ስርዓት አልባ የአመጻ ካልቸር አሁን እንደ ያዙት ከቀጠሉ እመነኝ ከትግሬ የባሰ አዘቅጥ ውስጥ ነው የሚገቡት፣ በተለያ በሃይማኖት፣ በሳይኮሎጂ፣ በአካባቢና በታሪክ የተለያዩ ኮምፖዚት ሕዝብ ስለሆኑ! እና ከብዙ ከ30 ልዩ ልዩ ጎሳ ጋር ድምበርተኛ ስለሆኑ ።

በአንድ ቃል አንድ በጭንቅላቱ ውስጥ አንጎል ያለው ኦሮሞ መሪ ካለ ማድረግ ያለበት የኦሮሞን ክልል አፍርሶ የኦሮሞ ሕዝብ ዘላቂ ሰላማን እንድገት የሚያገኝበት ሲስተም መቅረጽ ይኖርበታል ።

ይህን ሃሳቤ ሌላ ግዜ በሰፌው እለጥፈዋለሁ ! አቢይ አህመድ ሺመልስን ከስልጣን ማንሳት አለበት ያልኩት የዛሬ 2 አመት ነው። ያኔ ያን አድርጎ ቢሆን ዛሬ አቢይ በዚህ መቀመቅ ውስጥ አሆንም ነበር።

አይን የራሱን ጉድፍ አያይም። አንድ ሰው ፊህ ላይ ጉድፍ አለ ሲልህ ያን ጉድፍ የማስወገድ ብልህነትና ትህትና ያስፈልግሃል ። ያቢይ ውድቀት ያ ነው!!

Naga Tuma
Posts: 5536
Joined: 24 Apr 2007, 00:27

Re: የኢትዮጵያ ፖለቲካ ካንሰር የጎሳ ክልሎች ናቸው! ክልሎች እስካልፈረሱ ድረስ ይህ ቀውስ ሁሉ ፋይዳቢስ ድራማ ነው!

Post by Naga Tuma » 07 Jul 2022, 16:39

Horus wrote:
06 Jul 2022, 15:06
ትግሬ የኢትዮጵያ ካንሰር የሆነው የትግሬ ክልል ከመጣ በኋላ ነው!

ኦሮሚያ የኢትዮጵያ ካንሰር የሆነው የኦሮሞ ክልል ከመጣ በኋላ ነው!

አማራ ክልል ከሆነ በኋላ ባማራ ላይ መከራ በዛ፣ አማራ ጎጥ ተከፋፈለ እንጂ አንድ ያመጣው ፋይዳ የለም!

የቀሩትም ክልሎችና ዞኖች ነገ የሚጠብቃቸው ተመሳሳይ እልቂትና የዘር መጥፋት ነው!

ይህ እንዳይሆን ክልሎች ይፍረሱ፣ ይህ ፋይዳቢስ የጎሳ ፓርላማ ይፍረስ!

ኢትዮጵያውያን አስቸኳይ የስርዓት ሪፎርም ንቅናቄና እምቢተኘንት ካልጀመሩ ይህ ሁሉ ባዶ ጫጫታ ነው!


ክልል ወደ ኣስተዳደር ይሻሻል ወይም ይለወጥ ከሚሉት ግለሰቦች ኣንዱ ነኝ። ሁለታችን የሚታዪንን ኣስተዳደሮች ጎን ለጎን አድርገን ብናያቸዉ ምን ያህል ሊቀራረቡ ወይም ሊራራቁ ይችላሉ የሚለዉን ጥያቄ መመለስ ኣልችልም። የኣንተ ለእኔ ግልጽ ስላልሆነ። የሚታየኝን ካካፈልኩ ሰንብቻለሁ።

ምድራችን ከተፈጠረች ጊዜ ጀምሮ ኣንድ መሬት ወደ ሌላ ቦታ ኣልሄደም። ለምሳሌ የወለጋ መሬት ሀረርጌ ኣልሄደም። የቦረና መሬት ጎንደር ኣልሄደም። ኣስተዳደሮች ተፈራርቀዉባቸዋል። ከሆነ ማሻሻል ወይም ማስተካከል ኣስተዳደርን ነዉ ብዬ ኣስባለሁ።

ኣሁን ያለኝ ጥያቄ የቃላት ትርጉሞች ናቸዉ። በዕለታዊ የማህበራዊ ቋንቋ ይሻሻል ሲባል ልማትን እሰማለሁ። ለዉጥ ሲባል ኣዲስን እሰማለሁ። ይፍረስ ሲባል ጥፋትን እሰማለሁ። ይፍረስ የፖለቲካ ቋንቋ ከሆነ ኣላዉቅም። በሚገባኝ የዕለታዊ ማህበራዊ ቋንቋ ከጥፋት ይልቅ ልማት የበለጠ ተቀባይነት ያለዉ ይመስለኛል። ከሆነ ከይፍረስ ይልቅ ይሻሻል ለዕለታዊ ማህበራዊ ዉይይት የበለጠ ዉጤት ያመጣ ይሆን?

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