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Two major mistakes eplf-shabia did in it's decision.

Posted: 04 Jul 2022, 20:52
by JudgementDay1234
A. Eplf-shabia makelay merihinet should have not given full power to shifta tplf only when they put them in addis abeba
B- Eplf-shabia should have not trusted bipolar abiy knowing that he was raised by shifta tplf.

Re: Two major mistakes eplf-shabia did in it's decision.

Posted: 04 Jul 2022, 21:42
by Axumezana
I do not agree with your points , Isaias's strategic mistake was he failed uniting the two Tigrayans that were divided by the conspiracy of Minilik and Italy. He was the only person who could have done that. I expect Isaias to regret that.What a missed opportunity!