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Ezama re-elected Dr. Berhanu Nega to be the leader of the party

Posted: 04 Jul 2022, 02:26
by temari

Re: Ezama re-elected Dr. Berhanu Nega to be the leader of the party

Posted: 04 Jul 2022, 02:38
by temari

Re: Ezama re-elected Dr. Berhanu Nega to be the leader of the party

Posted: 04 Jul 2022, 02:51
by Horus

የብርሃኑ ደጋፊዎች ይህን ስሜት የተሰማቸው በእኔ ግምት እነ አንዱአለም አላስፈላጊ ዘለፋና አንጃዊ መሰል የምርጫ ዘመቻ ስላደረጉ ይመስለኛል። ብርሃኑ ከአቢይ ጋራ አብሮ እንዲሰራ የወሰነው ምልዓተ ፓርቲው ሆኖ ሳለ እነአንዷለም ግን በብርሃኑ አግባብ የሌለው ፕርሶናል ፖለቲክስ ከፈተበጥ ያ ይመስለኛል የዚህ ስሜት መሰረቱ !

Re: Ezama re-elected Dr. Berhanu Nega to be the leader of the party

Posted: 04 Jul 2022, 02:58
by Axumezana
ይሕ፥ ሁሉ፥ ፈንጠዝያ፥ ንፁሀን፥ እያለቁ፥ ባሉበት፥ ግዜ፥ ምክንያቱ፥ አልገባኝም! የምርጫውን፥ ዲሞክራስያዊ፥ ፍክክር ፥ግን ፥ ወድጀዋሎሁ። አብይ፥ ራሱን፥ በራሱ፥ ካስመረጠበት፥ የጨረባ፥ ምርጫ፥ ፈጽሞ፥ የተለየ፥ ነው።
ቢሆንም፥ በእነኢሳያስ፥ ሽባ፥ የተደረገው ፥ ብርሃኑ፥ ነጋ፥ ቁምነገር፥ ይሰራል፥ ብዬ፥ አላምንም።

Re: Ezama re-elected Dr. Berhanu Nega to be the leader of the party

Posted: 04 Jul 2022, 03:13
326 ድምጽ ማጦቱ ብርሀኑ እስክሁን የሄደበት መንገድ ብዙ እንደማያኬደው ግልጽ ምልክት ነው፡ የማስተካከያ እርምጃ ይወስዳል ወይን 200+ ድምጽ ማሸነፉን እስካሁን የሰራውን ስራ ትልቅ ተቀባይነት ያለው ብሎ ያስብና ባአሁኑ መንገድ ይቀጥላል አብረን የምናየው ይሆናል ፡አንቂ ደውሉ ግን ተደውሏል ፡፡

Re: Ezama re-elected Dr. Berhanu Nega to be the leader of the party

Posted: 04 Jul 2022, 06:52
by Sam Ebalalehu
the election was not held in former USSR Duma. This is a lopsided victory.

Re: Ezama re-elected Dr. Berhanu Nega to be the leader of the party

Posted: 04 Jul 2022, 09:32
Sam Ebalalehu wrote:
04 Jul 2022, 06:52
the election was not held in former USSR Duma. This is a lopsided victory.
Understood,had that happened in former USSR,324 would have ended in Gulag not in an election hall.If the assumption is a year old party leader losing the support of more than half of the party "s leadership is a lopsided victory and no cause for concern ,we will see how far EZEMA can go tailing the tribal wagon ,belsigna.

Re: Ezama re-elected Dr. Berhanu Nega to be the leader of the party

Posted: 04 Jul 2022, 09:55
by union

FANO ገና ብዙዎችን በደስታ ያስጨፍራል! ገና ስንቱን ያጀግናል። ገና ስንቱን ያኮራል!!

የእምዬ ኢትዮጵያ የቁርጥ ቀን ልጅ ፋኖ

ጎንደር ጎንደር የካሳ ሀገር!!

But we know birhanu will not come to Amara unless he apologizes to Amara. We will watch snakes who dance with Tedi's songs today and do the opposite the following day. We are watching you!!


Re: Ezama re-elected Dr. Berhanu Nega to be the leader of the party

Posted: 04 Jul 2022, 10:41
by Sam Ebalalehu
In fact, I would truly be depressed if everyone voted to Birhanu. That means a cult of personality is in the making. That is worrisome. Having different approach to a given politics within a party is healthy.

Re: Ezama re-elected Dr. Berhanu Nega to be the leader of the party

Posted: 04 Jul 2022, 12:27
by euroland
Axumezana wrote:
04 Jul 2022, 02:58
ይሕ፥ ሁሉ፥ ፈንጠዝያ፥ ንፁሀን፥ እያለቁ፥ ባሉበት፥ ግዜ፥ ምክንያቱ፥ አልገባኝም! የምርጫውን፥ ዲሞክራስያዊ፥ ፍክክር ፥ግን ፥ ወድጀዋሎሁ። አብይ፥ ራሱን፥ በራሱ፥ ካስመረጠበት፥ የጨረባ፥ ምርጫ፥ ፈጽሞ፥ የተለየ፥ ነው።
ቢሆንም፥ በእነኢሳያስ፥ ሽባ፥ የተደረገው ፥ ብርሃኑ፥ ነጋ፥ ቁምነገር፥ ይሰራል፥ ብዬ፥ አላምንም።
This comes from certified Weyane cader :lol: :lol:

Mr. Delusional
Your opinion doesn't matter.

Glad Berhanu Nega, the true friend of Eritrean people has won the leadership contest. Now, he is in a strong position to take over the Minilek Palace.

Re: Ezama re-elected Dr. Berhanu Nega to be the leader of the party

Posted: 04 Jul 2022, 12:34
by euroland
ሽሽሽሽ በላይነሽ

እስቲ እንደ እርጎ ዝምብ አትሁኚ ኢትዮጵያውያኑ discuss ያደረጉበት : አጋሜን አይመለከተውም።

union wrote:
04 Jul 2022, 09:55

FANO ገና ብዙዎችን በደስታ ያስጨፍራል! ገና ስንቱን ያጀግናል። ገና ስንቱን ያኮራል!!

የእምዬ ኢትዮጵያ የቁርጥ ቀን ልጅ ፋኖ

ጎንደር ጎንደር የካሳ ሀገር!!

But we know birhanu will not come to Amara unless he apologizes to Amara. We will watch snakes who dance with Tedi's songs today and do the opposite the following day. We are watching you!!