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Did (Some) Ethiopians misunderstood Dr. Abiy Ahmed ? When it comes to Dr. Abiy’s government critics one can roughly ..

Post by Y3n3g3s3w » 01 Jul 2022, 09:30

Did (Some) Ethiopians misunderstood Dr. Abiy Ahmed ?
When it comes to Dr. Abiy’s government critics one can roughly categorize them in to four groups .

1. In the first category are those that oppose the government because opposing is a livelihood. In other words they get paid for doing so from other interest groups be it from foreign agents or local opposition groups which in turn could possibly be paid by foreign powers. These groups don’t have any moral campus. Their only driving force is money. These could be in the form of YouTube rants or hired and get paid by other forces directly to misguide the public on different social media. It could also be in the form of organizing rallies, twitter and Facebook campaigns. These “career opposition” groups are having their field days the last couple weeks due to the massacres that happened in welega . This is their rare perfect opportunity to rally especially the Amhara people against the government. Most of the people behind organizers of these rallies in the western cities don’t give a sh*t about the victims. Their ultimate target is to lay the blame on Abiy’s government.
2. The 2nd group is composed of people who completely misunderstood the Abiy’s government intentions and visions he carry for the country . Ethiopia’s or HOA’s politics is so messed up that even a well rounded and knowledgeable people can easily get it wrong. Westerns are so much involved for so long (for longer than most of our age here) if some one didn’t invest time and dig deep in the HOA affairs one can easily buys the the westerner’s narratives . The reasons for misunderstanding might have roots in the way we conducted ‘businesses’ over the twenty something deceitful years of Weyane , from those treacherous political thinking, from mistrust of government authorities of all levels. The Abiy government has hard time convincing some citizens of his vision for the country, despite visible and sizeable changes especially in economic front in the middle of pandemic and an all out war against his government mainly by westerners utilizing Ethiopian citizens and political groups both in and out side Ethiopia. To make matters worse the government has embraced individuals who have connections to remnants of TPLF criminal groups and sympathizers in its desperate attempt to be an all inclusive government. However as there ‘are people with “career oppositions”, there are also people with “career criminals” -wherever you place them or whatever much trust you place on them they are always gravitated to crime. They just can’t have a good sleep without spilling innocent life’s blood. That is an uphill battle for Abiy’s government as these people are in the PP party and in different communities as well.
3. The third and, in my view , the most legitimate of all the critics of Abiy’s government are the frustrated and victims of the criminal elements with in the government itself. These groups are victims due to corruption of these criminal elements in the government .They may as well be survivors of the massacres orchestrated by these criminal elements in the government. For the victims and other innocent unsuspecting citizens these criminal elements within the government are synonymous with the government itself yet in reality they are fighting the government from within to topple it. The bigger burden for the government is , how to convince these victims that it is in fact fighting an enemy within itself to protect its’ citizens. It is not unheard of but it is a tough task!
4. The last group is TPLF . This doesn’t need any more explanation except to say that TPLF appear to be sympathetic to all the above opposition groups as it’s irrelevance in Ethiopia’s affairs is getting more prevalent by the day. They pretend/mask themselves mainly as Amharas and Oromos and other ethnic groups when they feel that doing so will put pressure on the Abiy’s government mainly on social medias.
Dr Abiy’s government inherited a fifty or so years of government malpractices that had frustrated Ethiopians reaching its climax during TPLF years. In my opinion changing these government malpractices that have spread deep in to the Ethiopian society , past the government apparatus, is not an easy undertaking. It needs citizens to be resilience, far sightedness, patience , having the full picture of the situation the country is in rather than throwing stone and fire guns against each other and above all unity is paramount to defeat the challeges we are facing now and in the future


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Re: Did (Some) Ethiopians misunderstood Dr. Abiy Ahmed ? When it comes to Dr. Abiy’s government critics one can roughl

Post by Abere » 01 Jul 2022, 09:59

የዕለቱ የብልጽግና-ኦነግ ርዕሰ አንቀጽ:: በሳቅ አለቅን እኮ -ወይ ጉዲ! :mrgreen:

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Re: Did (Some) Ethiopians misunderstood Dr. Abiy Ahmed ? When it comes to Dr. Abiy’s government critics one can roughl

Post by Y3n3g3s3w » 01 Jul 2022, 10:50

አበረ ደነበረ are Category Number 1 and possibly number 4 but for Ethiopians IT doesn' matter,they are all the same.
Abere wrote:
01 Jul 2022, 09:59
የዕለቱ የብልጽግና-ኦነግ ርዕሰ አንቀጽ:: በሳቅ አለቅን እኮ -ወይ ጉዲ! :mrgreen:

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Re: Did (Some) Ethiopians misunderstood Dr. Abiy Ahmed ? When it comes to Dr. Abiy’s government critics one can roughl

Post by Tiago » 01 Jul 2022, 11:34

You are insulting the intelligence of the Ethiopian people who stood behind the Shifty Abiy Ahmed.
As a leader,he failed miserably. no excuses necessary,he must resign.

While you are at it ,
Can you tell us why the PM failed to express condolences to the families of the wollega massacre which took place within 24hrs after his “ ኦሮሞ ጠል“ speech???

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Re: Did (Some) Ethiopians misunderstood Dr. Abiy Ahmed ? When it comes to Dr. Abiy’s government critics one can roughl

Post by TGAA » 01 Jul 2022, 12:11

Your brazen dishonesty is not known only to yourself. Your angel Abiy is the puritan without wings. While the country is close to full-fledged civil war you scapegoat everybody but Abiy. While the economy is in a tailspin, you are talking about economic development, and while women and children are being massacred daily by OLF that barely existed four years ago, you still blame TPLF. Look at the war with TPLF, after all the destruction and sacrifice instead of closing the deal with complete victory.... Abiy was able to pull defeat out of the jaw of victory, what is more, ridiculous is he still blames TPLF for wellega massacre. If one characterizes are either a belly marcher, who see his comfort, as the comfort of suffering Ethiopians, or you are one of those Abiy's protestant followers " they don't know your crowd " or you are one of those gullible individuals who think Abiy is going to hold the country together despite evidence to contrary.
Last edited by TGAA on 01 Jul 2022, 14:28, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Did (Some) Ethiopians misunderstood Dr. Abiy Ahmed ? When it comes to Dr. Abiy’s government critics one can roughl

Post by Horus » 01 Jul 2022, 13:11

የነገ ሰው እርግጥ የኢትዮጵያን ፖለቲካ አሰላለፍ በመሰለው ሊመድብ መብት አለው፣ ግን ትክክል ለመሆን ትክክለኛ ፍልስፍና፣ ወይም ቲኦሪ ወይም ዘዴ (ሜትዶሎጂ) መጠቀም አለብሕ ያ ካልሆነ ሃሳብህ ካለው ሪያሊቲ ጋር የማይሄድ ግምት ሆኖ ይቀራል ።

እያንዳንዱ ሰው አለምን ለማየት መቆሚያ ቦታ ይፈልጋል ። ፖይንት ኦፍ ቪው ይባላል። አንድ ቦታ ሳይቆም ምንም ነገር ማየት የሚችል ፍጡር የለም ። ያንተ 4 ተመልካቾች መቆሚያ የላቸውም። ስለዚህ አዩት የምትለው ነገር ምን ላይ ቆመው? ቢባል መልስ የለውም ።


ዛሬ በኢትዮጵያ ውስጥ ያሉት ሁለት ግዙፍ መቆሚያ ቦታዎች ኢትዮጵያን እንደ ጎሳ ወይም እንደ ዜጋ ሰርዓት መመልከቻ ቦታዎች ናቸው ። ስለዚህ በሚሊዮኖች የሚቆጠሩት የአቢይን የጎሳ ክልልና ፌዴራሽን። የጎሳ ሕግ መንግስት የሚቃወሙት ዜግነት የሚባለው ቦታ ላይ ቆመው ኢትዮጵያን የሚያዩትና የአቢይን ኤትኖክራቲክ ፖይንት ኦፍ ቪው የሚቃወሙት ባንተ ምደባ ውስጥ የሉም! እጅግ ያስገርማል! ይህ የዜጋ ሃይል የኢትዮጵያ ማጆሪቲ ነው !!!

እነዚህ የዜጋ ሃይሎች ችግራቸው የአቢይን አላማ ወይም ቪዥን አለመገንዘብ አይደለም! የአቢይ የጎሳ ፖለቲካ ቪዥን ስለሚቃወሙ ነው ።

ስለዚህ የኔ ወንድም መጀመሪያ የኢትዮጵያ ፖለቲካ በዜግ ነት ፍልስፍናና በጎሰኛነት ፍልስፍና ለይተህ ካላስቀመትክ የፖለቲካ ትንተና ማድረግ አትጀምር!


ትህነግ፣ ኦነግ፣ ብልጽግና ፣ አቢይ ሌላውም የጎሳ ፖለቲካ አማኝ መሃል ለምንድን ነው ይህን ሁሉ ድራማና ቅራኔ ያለው ? ብለህ ጠይቀህ ለዚያ መልስ አልሰጠህም! ለምንድን ነው ትህነኛ ኦፒዲኦ የሚታገሉት? ይህን ለመመለስ የፖለቲካ መሪነት ለመያዝ የሚፍጨረጨሩ ሰዎችና ቡድኖች ገፊ ሞቲቬሽን ምንድን ነው የሚለውን የፖለቲካ ሳይንስ መያዝ አለብህ!

ፖለቲከኞች የሚታገሉት ለስልጣን፣ ለሃብት/ገንዘብ/ለኢኮኖሚ፣ ለዝና እና ለክብር/ ማንነት ነው ። ትግሪዎችና ኦሮሞች በጎሳ ፖለቲካ ላይ ጠብ የላቸውም። ጠባቸው ስልጣን፣ ሃብት፣ የማነንት ክብርና ዝና (ታዋቂነት) ላይ ነው ። ስለዚህ አንድ የዜጋ ፖለቲከኛ አቢይን ሲቃወምና አንድ የጎሳ ፖለቲከኛ አቢይን ሲቃወም መለየት ካልቻልክ ትንተና አትጀምር።

ለምሳሌ አንተ መቃወም እንደ ሙያ የያዙ ያልካቸው ሰዎች መጀምሪያ ምን እንደ ሚፈልጉ፣ የቆሙበት ቦታ ካላሳየህ በቀር አንተ አቢይን ስለ ወደድክ ብቻ የነሱ ተቃዋሚነት ዝቅ አያደርገውም። ባኢትዮጵያ ዴሞክራሲ ኖሮ አያውቅም፤ ለዴሞክርሲ የቆሙ ለመቶ አመት አቋማቸው ያው ነው። እነሱን እንደ ሙያ ተቃዋሚ አይሰደቡም። ትክክለኛ አላማቸው ዴሞክራሲ እስኪመጣ መታገል ስለሆነ!

ሌላው አንተ የሳትከው መሰረታዊ ነገር በፖለቲካና ኢኮኖሚ፣ በብልጽኛና በዴክክራሲ፣ በነጻነትና በመብላት መሃል ባለው የፍልስፍናና አመለካከት ልዩነት የቆመው ግዙፍ የፖለቲካ ቅራኔ ነው። ልማታዊ መንግስት የሚባለው ያቢይ ፍልስፍና ዞሮ ዞር ልማትም ዴሞክራሲም ነጻነትም ፍትህም አያመጣም የሚለው እጅግ ግዙፍ የሰው ልጆች ህሳቤ እንዲያ በቀላሉ አለባንሰሀው መሄድ አትችልም ።

ስልጣኔን የፈጠሩ፣ ግዙፍ ያለም ኢኮኖሚ እድገት፣ የቴክኖሎጂ ምጥቀት ያመጡ ፈጣሪ ሕዝቦች ነጻና ዴሞክራሳዊ የሆኑ ዜጎች፣ ግለሰቦች ናቸው እንጂ በጎሳና ሌላ ኋላ ቀር ስብስብ የተደራጁ ሰዎች አይደሉም ። አው አቢይ መንገድና ፎቆች ይሰራል ገንዘብ እየተበደረ! ያገሬው ህዝብ የማሰብና የስብዕና ደረጃ ግ ን ቁልቁል እይሄደ ህዝቡ ሌባ፣ ወንጀለኛ፣ ዘር አጥፊ፣ መንጋዊና አረመኔያዊ ሳይኮሎጂ እየተላበሰ ነው ! ያ ማለት በስመነጋ ኢኮኖሚ ምሳደግ ሎሬት ተዲ አፍሮ እንዳለው ዳሱ ቢያብረቀርቅ ማንም ገብቶ አይታደምበትም!

የሰው ልጅ ሆድ ሞላ ማለት ያ ሰው ሰለጠነ ማለት አይደልም! ትቁር ሰው እንደ ዕቃ የተሸጠው የሚበላው እየተሰጠው ነበር!

ስለዚህ አቢይ ፓርክ እየሰራ ስንዴ እየዘራ ለምን ይቃወሙታል? ያልከው ሌላው የትንተና ስህተት ነው ። አቢይ ተሳስተው የሚቃወሙት ሰዎች የሉም። ለምን እንደ ሚቃወሙት ማወቅ ያለበት እሱ አቢይ ነው ። አንተም ተምሳሳይ ማድረግ አለብህ! ኬር

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Re: Did (Some) Ethiopians misunderstood Dr. Abiy Ahmed ? When it comes to Dr. Abiy’s government critics one can roughl

Post by Axumezana » 01 Jul 2022, 15:16

አብይን፥ የፈለከው፥ ማስዋብያ፥ ብታደርግለት፥ ገዢ፥ አታገኝም። እርሱ፥ ንስሃ፥ገብቶ፥ በተአምር፥ ተለውጦ፥ የኢትዮጵያን፥ ህዝብ፥ ማረኝ፥ ብሎ፥ ካልተስተካከለ፥ ድንጋይ፥ ነህ፥ ተብሎ፥ መጣሉ፥ የማይቀር፥ ነው።

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Re: Did (Some) Ethiopians misunderstood Dr. Abiy Ahmed ? When it comes to Dr. Abiy’s government critics one can roughl

Post by DefendTheTruth » 01 Jul 2022, 16:22

Y3n3g3s3w wrote:
01 Jul 2022, 09:30
Did (Some) Ethiopians misunderstood Dr. Abiy Ahmed ?
When it comes to Dr. Abiy’s government critics one can roughly categorize them in to four groups .

1. In the first category are those that oppose the government because opposing is a livelihood. In other words they get paid for doing so from other interest groups be it from foreign agents or local opposition groups which in turn could possibly be paid by foreign powers. These groups don’t have any moral campus. Their only driving force is money. These could be in the form of YouTube rants or hired and get paid by other forces directly to misguide the public on different social media. It could also be in the form of organizing rallies, twitter and Facebook campaigns. These “career opposition” groups are having their field days the last couple weeks due to the massacres that happened in welega . This is their rare perfect opportunity to rally especially the Amhara people against the government. Most of the people behind organizers of these rallies in the western cities don’t give a sh*t about the victims. Their ultimate target is to lay the blame on Abiy’s government.
2. The 2nd group is composed of people who completely misunderstood the Abiy’s government intentions and visions he carry for the country . Ethiopia’s or HOA’s politics is so messed up that even a well rounded and knowledgeable people can easily get it wrong. Westerns are so much involved for so long (for longer than most of our age here) if some one didn’t invest time and dig deep in the HOA affairs one can easily buys the the westerner’s narratives . The reasons for misunderstanding might have roots in the way we conducted ‘businesses’ over the twenty something deceitful years of Weyane , from those treacherous political thinking, from mistrust of government authorities of all levels. The Abiy government has hard time convincing some citizens of his vision for the country, despite visible and sizeable changes especially in economic front in the middle of pandemic and an all out war against his government mainly by westerners utilizing Ethiopian citizens and political groups both in and out side Ethiopia. To make matters worse the government has embraced individuals who have connections to remnants of TPLF criminal groups and sympathizers in its desperate attempt to be an all inclusive government. However as there ‘are people with “career oppositions”, there are also people with “career criminals” -wherever you place them or whatever much trust you place on them they are always gravitated to crime. They just can’t have a good sleep without spilling innocent life’s blood. That is an uphill battle for Abiy’s government as these people are in the PP party and in different communities as well.
3. The third and, in my view , the most legitimate of all the critics of Abiy’s government are the frustrated and victims of the criminal elements with in the government itself. These groups are victims due to corruption of these criminal elements in the government .They may as well be survivors of the massacres orchestrated by these criminal elements in the government. For the victims and other innocent unsuspecting citizens these criminal elements within the government are synonymous with the government itself yet in reality they are fighting the government from within to topple it. The bigger burden for the government is , how to convince these victims that it is in fact fighting an enemy within itself to protect its’ citizens. It is not unheard of but it is a tough task!
4. The last group is TPLF . This doesn’t need any more explanation except to say that TPLF appear to be sympathetic to all the above opposition groups as it’s irrelevance in Ethiopia’s affairs is getting more prevalent by the day. They pretend/mask themselves mainly as Amharas and Oromos and other ethnic groups when they feel that doing so will put pressure on the Abiy’s government mainly on social medias.
Dr Abiy’s government inherited a fifty or so years of government malpractices that had frustrated Ethiopians reaching its climax during TPLF years. In my opinion changing these government malpractices that have spread deep in to the Ethiopian society , past the government apparatus, is not an easy undertaking. It needs citizens to be resilience, far sightedness, patience , having the full picture of the situation the country is in rather than throwing stone and fire guns against each other and above all unity is paramount to defeat the challeges we are facing now and in the future

The 5th group could also possibly be the "sodomized class", which is begging to get back to the same business one more time again. It seems this group can't live without that practice. They are calling out "we were sodomized under TPLF, und we should get back to the same business again".

This group can include many people but most prominent of them all are the likes of Bekele Gerba and Eskinder Nega .

If you have never heard of the word, then don't worry, me too I didn't know either before TPLF was toppled and people started to talk about their crimes in publi.

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Joined: 22 Dec 2017, 00:56

Re: Did (Some) Ethiopians misunderstood Dr. Abiy Ahmed ? When it comes to Dr. Abiy’s government critics one can roughl

Post by Y3n3g3s3w » 01 Jul 2022, 19:04

እስቲ ይሄ የዜግነት ፖለቲካ ለግዜው ቢቆየንስ?

ሀሳብህን ሙሉ በሙሉ አልቃወመውም ፣ ምክንያቱም ያንተ ሀሳብ የኢትዮጵያ የረዥም ጊዜ ጎል ነው ብዬ ስለማምን ነው ፣ ነገር ግን ኣእስቲ እነዚህን ጥያቄዎች ልጠይቅህ :
በርግጥ የአብይ መንግስት በአሁኑ ጊዜ ብሄርተኝነትን እንዲዋጋ ነው ያንተ ፍላጎት? ፣ እውነት የአብይ መንግስት ሀይሉን ተጠቅሞ ህገመንግስቱን አሁኑኑ እንዲቀይረው ትፈልጋለህ?፣ በርግጥ ፌድራሊዝሙን አሁኑኑ እንዲያፈራርሰው ትሻለህ?
ሱዳን በዛ ካልወረርኩ እያለች ትጋበዛለች፣ ግብፅም ያው በሱዳን ላይ ተንጠላጥዬ ካልወጣልን እያለች ነው ፣ አሜሪካ አሻንጉሊት ህወሀትን ለማስገባት መረጃዎች እንደሚያሳዩት ከሆነ ከኬንያ በዩጋንዳ አድርጋ እስከ ሩዋንዳ ከዚያም እዚሁ ሶማሊያ ሽር ጉድ እያለች ነው ፣ እና በዚህ ላይ ነው እንግዲህ የአብይ መንግስት በህገመንግሥቱ ፣ ፣ ለሰላሳ አመታት በደረጁ ፌደራሊስቶችና በጎሰኞች ላይ ተጨማሪ በመሰረቱ ሌላ የትግል (በኢትዮጰያ አውድ ካየሀኀው ደሞ ጦርነት) ግምባር መክፈት ያለበት??
Horus, ሌላ አንድ ጥያቄ ልድገምክ: በአንተ አመለካከት ( መቼም እምነቴ ነው አንተ እዚህ ፎረም ላይ ከማያቸው እኔን ጨምሮ ማለት ነው ሁሉ የተሻለ የፖለቲካ ግንዛቤ አለህ) "ዛሬ" ኢትዮጵያ ውስጥ መንግሰት "ያለዕቅድ" ቢቀየር ምን ይፈጠራል??
ተው ግዴለህም ይሄ የዜግነት ፓለቲካ ተንሽ ይዘግየን:: ቢያንስ ለመቃወም ሰበብ እየጠበቁ ላሉ ጎጠኞች መንግስት ላይ የሚያሳርፉትን ዱላ ማቀበል እንዳይሆን, ....ቢያንስ!

Horus wrote:
01 Jul 2022, 13:11
የነገ ሰው እርግጥ የኢትዮጵያን ፖለቲካ አሰላለፍ በመሰለው ሊመድብ መብት አለው፣ ግን ትክክል ለመሆን ትክክለኛ ፍልስፍና፣ ወይም ቲኦሪ ወይም ዘዴ (ሜትዶሎጂ) መጠቀም አለብሕ ያ ካልሆነ ሃሳብህ ካለው ሪያሊቲ ጋር የማይሄድ ግምት ሆኖ ይቀራል ።

እያንዳንዱ ሰው አለምን ለማየት መቆሚያ ቦታ ይፈልጋል ። ፖይንት ኦፍ ቪው ይባላል። አንድ ቦታ ሳይቆም ምንም ነገር ማየት የሚችል ፍጡር የለም ። ያንተ 4 ተመልካቾች መቆሚያ የላቸውም። ስለዚህ አዩት የምትለው ነገር ምን ላይ ቆመው? ቢባል መልስ የለውም ።


ዛሬ በኢትዮጵያ ውስጥ ያሉት ሁለት ግዙፍ መቆሚያ ቦታዎች ኢትዮጵያን እንደ ጎሳ ወይም እንደ ዜጋ ሰርዓት መመልከቻ ቦታዎች ናቸው ። ስለዚህ በሚሊዮኖች የሚቆጠሩት የአቢይን የጎሳ ክልልና ፌዴራሽን። የጎሳ ሕግ መንግስት የሚቃወሙት ዜግነት የሚባለው ቦታ ላይ ቆመው ኢትዮጵያን የሚያዩትና የአቢይን ኤትኖክራቲክ ፖይንት ኦፍ ቪው የሚቃወሙት ባንተ ምደባ ውስጥ የሉም! እጅግ ያስገርማል! ይህ የዜጋ ሃይል የኢትዮጵያ ማጆሪቲ ነው !!!

እነዚህ የዜጋ ሃይሎች ችግራቸው የአቢይን አላማ ወይም ቪዥን አለመገንዘብ አይደለም! የአቢይ የጎሳ ፖለቲካ ቪዥን ስለሚቃወሙ ነው ።

ስለዚህ የኔ ወንድም መጀመሪያ የኢትዮጵያ ፖለቲካ በዜግ ነት ፍልስፍናና በጎሰኛነት ፍልስፍና ለይተህ ካላስቀመትክ የፖለቲካ ትንተና ማድረግ አትጀምር!


ትህነግ፣ ኦነግ፣ ብልጽግና ፣ አቢይ ሌላውም የጎሳ ፖለቲካ አማኝ መሃል ለምንድን ነው ይህን ሁሉ ድራማና ቅራኔ ያለው ? ብለህ ጠይቀህ ለዚያ መልስ አልሰጠህም! ለምንድን ነው ትህነኛ ኦፒዲኦ የሚታገሉት? ይህን ለመመለስ የፖለቲካ መሪነት ለመያዝ የሚፍጨረጨሩ ሰዎችና ቡድኖች ገፊ ሞቲቬሽን ምንድን ነው የሚለውን የፖለቲካ ሳይንስ መያዝ አለብህ!

ፖለቲከኞች የሚታገሉት ለስልጣን፣ ለሃብት/ገንዘብ/ለኢኮኖሚ፣ ለዝና እና ለክብር/ ማንነት ነው ። ትግሪዎችና ኦሮሞች በጎሳ ፖለቲካ ላይ ጠብ የላቸውም። ጠባቸው ስልጣን፣ ሃብት፣ የማነንት ክብርና ዝና (ታዋቂነት) ላይ ነው ። ስለዚህ አንድ የዜጋ ፖለቲከኛ አቢይን ሲቃወምና አንድ የጎሳ ፖለቲከኛ አቢይን ሲቃወም መለየት ካልቻልክ ትንተና አትጀምር።

ለምሳሌ አንተ መቃወም እንደ ሙያ የያዙ ያልካቸው ሰዎች መጀምሪያ ምን እንደ ሚፈልጉ፣ የቆሙበት ቦታ ካላሳየህ በቀር አንተ አቢይን ስለ ወደድክ ብቻ የነሱ ተቃዋሚነት ዝቅ አያደርገውም። ባኢትዮጵያ ዴሞክራሲ ኖሮ አያውቅም፤ ለዴሞክርሲ የቆሙ ለመቶ አመት አቋማቸው ያው ነው። እነሱን እንደ ሙያ ተቃዋሚ አይሰደቡም። ትክክለኛ አላማቸው ዴሞክራሲ እስኪመጣ መታገል ስለሆነ!

ሌላው አንተ የሳትከው መሰረታዊ ነገር በፖለቲካና ኢኮኖሚ፣ በብልጽኛና በዴክክራሲ፣ በነጻነትና በመብላት መሃል ባለው የፍልስፍናና አመለካከት ልዩነት የቆመው ግዙፍ የፖለቲካ ቅራኔ ነው። ልማታዊ መንግስት የሚባለው ያቢይ ፍልስፍና ዞሮ ዞር ልማትም ዴሞክራሲም ነጻነትም ፍትህም አያመጣም የሚለው እጅግ ግዙፍ የሰው ልጆች ህሳቤ እንዲያ በቀላሉ አለባንሰሀው መሄድ አትችልም ።

ስልጣኔን የፈጠሩ፣ ግዙፍ ያለም ኢኮኖሚ እድገት፣ የቴክኖሎጂ ምጥቀት ያመጡ ፈጣሪ ሕዝቦች ነጻና ዴሞክራሳዊ የሆኑ ዜጎች፣ ግለሰቦች ናቸው እንጂ በጎሳና ሌላ ኋላ ቀር ስብስብ የተደራጁ ሰዎች አይደሉም ። አው አቢይ መንገድና ፎቆች ይሰራል ገንዘብ እየተበደረ! ያገሬው ህዝብ የማሰብና የስብዕና ደረጃ ግ ን ቁልቁል እይሄደ ህዝቡ ሌባ፣ ወንጀለኛ፣ ዘር አጥፊ፣ መንጋዊና አረመኔያዊ ሳይኮሎጂ እየተላበሰ ነው ! ያ ማለት በስመነጋ ኢኮኖሚ ምሳደግ ሎሬት ተዲ አፍሮ እንዳለው ዳሱ ቢያብረቀርቅ ማንም ገብቶ አይታደምበትም!

የሰው ልጅ ሆድ ሞላ ማለት ያ ሰው ሰለጠነ ማለት አይደልም! ትቁር ሰው እንደ ዕቃ የተሸጠው የሚበላው እየተሰጠው ነበር!

ስለዚህ አቢይ ፓርክ እየሰራ ስንዴ እየዘራ ለምን ይቃወሙታል? ያልከው ሌላው የትንተና ስህተት ነው ። አቢይ ተሳስተው የሚቃወሙት ሰዎች የሉም። ለምን እንደ ሚቃወሙት ማወቅ ያለበት እሱ አቢይ ነው ። አንተም ተምሳሳይ ማድረግ አለብህ! ኬር

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Re: Did (Some) Ethiopians misunderstood Dr. Abiy Ahmed ? When it comes to Dr. Abiy’s government critics one can roughl

Post by Right » 01 Jul 2022, 19:12

You are spitting garbage by saying “sodomized class”, yet you are going around deleting posts.

Dr Death will not get away from responsibility for all these gruesome massacres happening in Ethiopia.
Mark my word he will be hanged by his testicles.

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Joined: 22 Dec 2017, 00:56

Re: Did (Some) Ethiopians misunderstood Dr. Abiy Ahmed ? When it comes to Dr. Abiy’s government critics one can roughl

Post by Y3n3g3s3w » 01 Jul 2022, 19:36

That sounds funny but, no kidding, I absolutely agree with you. Again as I said it is arough categorization so these ones can fall in one of the four categories. That's kind of bizzre though right? That why I said Ethiopian politics is so mesed up that even ......

Who had ever, even in his widest dream thought that Bekele Gerba would go behind TPLF's skirt? who had in his/her wildest dream thought of Habtamu Ayalew talking to weyane's ? and Ermias Legese.........

DefendTheTruth wrote:
01 Jul 2022, 16:22
Y3n3g3s3w wrote:
01 Jul 2022, 09:30
Did (Some) Ethiopians misunderstood Dr. Abiy Ahmed ?
When it comes to Dr. Abiy’s government critics one can roughly categorize them in to four groups .

1. In the first category are those that oppose the government because opposing is a livelihood. In other words they get paid for doing so from other interest groups be it from foreign agents or local opposition groups which in turn could possibly be paid by foreign powers. These groups don’t have any moral campus. Their only driving force is money. These could be in the form of YouTube rants or hired and get paid by other forces directly to misguide the public on different social media. It could also be in the form of organizing rallies, twitter and Facebook campaigns. These “career opposition” groups are having their field days the last couple weeks due to the massacres that happened in welega . This is their rare perfect opportunity to rally especially the Amhara people against the government. Most of the people behind organizers of these rallies in the western cities don’t give a sh*t about the victims. Their ultimate target is to lay the blame on Abiy’s government.
2. The 2nd group is composed of people who completely misunderstood the Abiy’s government intentions and visions he carry for the country . Ethiopia’s or HOA’s politics is so messed up that even a well rounded and knowledgeable people can easily get it wrong. Westerns are so much involved for so long (for longer than most of our age here) if some one didn’t invest time and dig deep in the HOA affairs one can easily buys the the westerner’s narratives . The reasons for misunderstanding might have roots in the way we conducted ‘businesses’ over the twenty something deceitful years of Weyane , from those treacherous political thinking, from mistrust of government authorities of all levels. The Abiy government has hard time convincing some citizens of his vision for the country, despite visible and sizeable changes especially in economic front in the middle of pandemic and an all out war against his government mainly by westerners utilizing Ethiopian citizens and political groups both in and out side Ethiopia. To make matters worse the government has embraced individuals who have connections to remnants of TPLF criminal groups and sympathizers in its desperate attempt to be an all inclusive government. However as there ‘are people with “career oppositions”, there are also people with “career criminals” -wherever you place them or whatever much trust you place on them they are always gravitated to crime. They just can’t have a good sleep without spilling innocent life’s blood. That is an uphill battle for Abiy’s government as these people are in the PP party and in different communities as well.
3. The third and, in my view , the most legitimate of all the critics of Abiy’s government are the frustrated and victims of the criminal elements with in the government itself. These groups are victims due to corruption of these criminal elements in the government .They may as well be survivors of the massacres orchestrated by these criminal elements in the government. For the victims and other innocent unsuspecting citizens these criminal elements within the government are synonymous with the government itself yet in reality they are fighting the government from within to topple it. The bigger burden for the government is , how to convince these victims that it is in fact fighting an enemy within itself to protect its’ citizens. It is not unheard of but it is a tough task!
4. The last group is TPLF . This doesn’t need any more explanation except to say that TPLF appear to be sympathetic to all the above opposition groups as it’s irrelevance in Ethiopia’s affairs is getting more prevalent by the day. They pretend/mask themselves mainly as Amharas and Oromos and other ethnic groups when they feel that doing so will put pressure on the Abiy’s government mainly on social medias.
Dr Abiy’s government inherited a fifty or so years of government malpractices that had frustrated Ethiopians reaching its climax during TPLF years. In my opinion changing these government malpractices that have spread deep in to the Ethiopian society , past the government apparatus, is not an easy undertaking. It needs citizens to be resilience, far sightedness, patience , having the full picture of the situation the country is in rather than throwing stone and fire guns against each other and above all unity is paramount to defeat the challeges we are facing now and in the future

The 5th group could also possibly be the "sodomized class", which is begging to get back to the same business one more time again. It seems this group can't live without that practice. They are calling out "we were sodomized under TPLF, und we should get back to the same business again".

This group can include many people but most prominent of them all are the likes of Bekele Gerba and Eskinder Nega .

If you have never heard of the word, then don't worry, me too I didn't know either before TPLF was toppled and people started to talk about their crimes in publi.

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Re: Did (Some) Ethiopians misunderstood Dr. Abiy Ahmed ? When it comes to Dr. Abiy’s government critics one can roughl

Post by Horus » 01 Jul 2022, 20:56

የነገ ሰው፤
ሁለት ድንቅ ጥያቄዎች አንስተህ በመሰረቱ አንተው መልሰሃቸዋል ። ጥያቄ አንድ አቢይ የውጭ ጠላት ስላለበት የዜጋ ፖለቲካ አንዲነሳበት አያስፈልግም። ጥያቄ ሁለት፣ አሁን አቢይ በውስጥ ጉዳይ (ዶሜስቲክ ፖለቲካ) ለውጥ ቢሞክር ውጤቱ ሁከት ስለሆነ ለውጥ መሞከር የለበትም። በቃ ይህ በትክክል ዛሬ ስልጣን ላይ ያለ ማንኛውን ሪጂም የሚሰጠው ሰበብ ነው ። አል ቡህራን የሚለው በትክክል ይህ ነው ። አል ሲሲም ለተቃዋሚዎች የሚለው ይህ ነው።

አንተው ራስህ መልሰሀዋል ያልኩት በመከተለው ምክንያት ነው ። የአቢይ መንግስት ብቸኛ ድክመት፣ ስህተትና ውድቀቶች በትክክል ያልካቸው ነገሮች ናቸው ። ለምን በል? ማንኛውም መንግስት ወይ መሪ በውስጥ ጉዳይ (ባገሩ ፖለቲካ) ደካማ ከሆነ ምንግዜም በውጭ ጠላት ይጠቃል፣ ብሎም ይሸነፋል ። ካላመንከኝ ባለም ላይ አባዛኞቹ መንግስቶች በውጭ ሃይል የፈረሱት ባገራቸው ደካማ በሆኑበት ወቅት ነው ። ሪሰርች አድረገው! ስለዚህ አሜሪካ፣ ግብጽ፣ ሱዳን፣ ደቡብ ሱዳን፣ ኬኒያ፣ ዩጋንዳ ሌላም አገር ኢትዮጵያን የሚያጠቃውና ለማጥቃት የሚዘጋጀው፣ የሚያሰላው በአቢይ መንግስት ድክመት፣ ስህተት እና ውድቀት ላይ ስሌት አድርጎ ነው።

አቢይ አህመድ ኢትዮጵያን አሁን በያዘው ቅጥ አምባሩ በጠፋ የጎሳ ቦግ ድርግም ፖለቲካ እንደ ዉሃ ላይ ኩበት እስካናወጣት ድረስ አቢይም ኢትዮጵያም ይበልጥ ለዘረዘርካቸው ጠላቶች መጋለጥ አይደለም በነዚያ ጠላቶች መወረራችን የግዜ ጉዳይ እንጂ አይቀሬ ነው ።

የነገሰው፣ አሜሪካ፣ ግብጽ፣ ሱዳን፣ ኬኒያ ለዘላለም ከኛ ጋር የሚኖሩ ጠላቶች ናቸው ። አንዳቸውም የትም አይሄውዱም። አቢይ መቶ አመት ቢሰጠው እንኳ ይህን ሃቅ አይለውጥም ። የሚለወጠው የኢትዮጵያ ሁኔታ፣ የኢትዮጵያ ሃይል ብቻ ነው ። አቢይ የኢትዮጵያን ሃይል እስካለወጠ ድረስ እሱም እንደ መለስ ኖሮ ይሞታል እንጂ የኢትዮፕያን ጠላቶች የመለወጥ ሃይል የለውም ።

ስለዚህ ያንተን ሎጂክ እኔ በጭንቅላቱ አቁሜ ነው የማየው። አቢይ የጎሳ ፖለቲካን በማስወገድ ኢትዮጵያን አንድ አድርጎ ጠምካራ አገርና መንግስት፣ የተባብረ ህዝብና ብሄራዊ አላማ ፈጣሪ መሪ እስካልሆነ ድረስ ላልካቸው የውጭ ጠላቶች ተዘዋሪ ሆኖ ኖሮ ያልፋል። ኢትዮጵያ ደካማ አገር የሆነቸው ፣ የቀውስና የማንም መጫወቻ የሆነው በጎሳ ተከፋፍላ ፋይዳ ቢስ አገርና መንግስት ስለሆነች ነው።

ስለዚህ አቢይን መምከር ከቻክ ዛሬ ነገ ሳይል የኢትዮጵያ ህዝቦች ከጎሳ እንቅልፍና ባዶ ህልም ነቅተው እንደ አንድ ህዝብና አገር ፋይዳዊ ማበረሰብ ለመሆን ሕዝቡን ምራ በለው።

ሁለተኛ ጥያቄህ በመሰረቱ ተመሳሳይ ሎጂክ ላይ የቆመ ነው። 'ያልታቀደ ለውጥ' የሚባለው አግባብ ያለው አነጋገር አይደለም ። አቢይ የለውጥ መሪ ሆኖ ከዘፈንንለትኮ 4 አመታት አለፉ ። ዛሬ እንዲያም ስለ ፖለቲካና መንግስት ለውጥ ማውራትም ቆሞዋል ። ስለዚህ አቢይ የለውጥ መሪ አይደለም! የለውጥ መሪ ከሆነ እንዴት በ4 አመት ውስጥ የለውጥ እቅድ ማቀድ አቃተው?

ስለዚህ አለእቅድ ለውጥ የሚባለው ተራ የገዢ መደብ ስንክል ምክኛት ነው ። ዛሬ አቢይ ወጥቶ የለውት እቅድ የሚሰሩ ሰዎች ሊያቆም ይችላል። የምምክር ውይይት የሚባለው መደመር የሚባለው ጥንቆላን ተግባርዊ ለማድረግ የሚሞከር መንገድም መድርሻም የሌለው ጉዙ ነው ። ዝም ብለህ ጠብቅ! በዚሁ ተረስቶ ይቀራል።

ዛሬ ኢትዮጵያ ከዳር እስከ ዳር የጎሳው ህገ መንግስት እንዴት ይለወጥ? የጎሳው ፓርላማ እንዴ ፈርሶ በዜጋ ፓርላማ ይተካ? የጎሳ ክልል ድምበር ፈርሶ ኢጎሳዊ የሆነ ፌዴራል እቴቶች እንዴት የቀረጹ የሚል እጅግ ቀላል፣ እጅግ ግልጽ ጥያቄዎች ባሉበት አገር አቢይ የትም በማይደርስ የጎሳ ጥንቆላና ባዶ ኢትዮጵያዊ ሽንገላ ወርቃማ ግዜውን ጨርሶ ከታሪክ መድረክ ሊወርድ ነው ።

በፍጹም ተሳስተሃል! ነገ በኢትዮጵያ ለውጥ ቢጀመር የህዝብ አንድነት፣ ያገር አንድነት፣ ሰላም፣ መተማመን፣ መከባበር እንደ አሸን ፈልቶ ከላይ የተረዘርካቸው ጥላቶች ጭራቸው ይሰበስቡ ነበር ።

አቢይ ከሕዝብ በራቀ ቁጥር፣ መንግስት በህዝብ በተጠላ ቁጥር የኢትዮጵያ ጠላቶች ሃይል ያድጋል ይመነደጋል ። ያ ነው ሳይንሳዊው ሎጂክ! ስለዚህ ሃሳብክን ተመልሰው አስተካክለው! ማለትም የውጭ ጠላቶችን ለመቋቋም ያገር ውስጥ የህዝብ ጥያቄዎችን ሳትውል ሳታድር መመለስ አለብህ!!
Last edited by Horus on 01 Jul 2022, 21:17, edited 1 time in total.

Sam Ebalalehu
Posts: 3639
Joined: 23 Jun 2018, 21:29

Re: Did (Some) Ethiopians misunderstood Dr. Abiy Ahmed ? When it comes to Dr. Abiy’s government critics one can roughl

Post by Sam Ebalalehu » 01 Jul 2022, 21:13

Does Abiy have the power to change the constitution ? No, he does not. One could argue that Abiy might have important influence on his party members to go along if he decides. I very much doubt. The ethnic politics doctrine has been baked in for a long time, there are considerable number of his own party members who are eager to sabotage him if he dares to do that.
Finally, the ethnic politics doctrine will wither away. But changing the country for that eventuality should come first.

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Joined: 22 Dec 2017, 00:56

Re: Did (Some) Ethiopians misunderstood Dr. Abiy Ahmed ? When it comes to Dr. Abiy’s government critics one can roughl

Post by Y3n3g3s3w » 02 Jul 2022, 08:00

በቅርብ ጊዜ ታሪካችን ለመጀመሪያ አንድ ነገር የገባው መሪ በመገኘቱና አጋጣሚውንም ሰላገኘና ተጠቅሞ ነጮቹን በልጯቸው እያሸነፋቸው ስላለ እነሱ ተሸብረዋል :: ለዛም የቻሉትንና ያገኙትን ሁሉ ተጠቅመው ሊጥሉት እየተፍጨረጨሩ ባለበት ሁኔታ የሚገርመው እንዳነተ አይነቱ የገደል ማሚቱ በየማህበራዊ ገፁ እየወጣ ያለምንም መረጃ ወይም ሀላፊነት ሰሜት መበጥረቅን ሆቢህ አድርገህዋል:: ወሬማ ርካሽና ቀላል ነው ሀገሪትም ወሬኛና ወሸታም ባለፉት 20 ምናምን አመታት እንደአሸን ነው የፈለፈለችው .-ያለምንም የሚረባ የመፍትሄ ሀሳብ ዝም ብሎ መተቸት ጉራ ብቻ

TGAA wrote:
01 Jul 2022, 12:11
Your brazen dishonesty is not known only to yourself. Your angel Abiy is the puritan without wings. While the country is close to full-fledged civil war you scapegoat everybody but Abiy. While the economy is in a tailspin, you are talking about economic development, and while women and children are being massacred daily by OLF that barely existed four years ago, you still blame TPLF. Look at the war with TPLF, after all the destruction and sacrifice instead of closing the deal with complete victory.... Abiy was able to pull defeat out of the jaw of victory, what is more, ridiculous is he still blames TPLF for wellega massacre. If one characterizes are either a belly marcher, who see his comfort, as the comfort of suffering Ethiopians, or you are one of those Abiy's protestant followers " they don't know your crowd " or you are one of those gullible individuals who think Abiy is going to hold the country together despite evidence to contrary.

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Re: Did (Some) Ethiopians misunderstood Dr. Abiy Ahmed ? When it comes to Dr. Abiy’s government critics one can roughl

Post by Selam/ » 02 Jul 2022, 09:02

Spot on!
I will also add this: those of us who despise the current ethnic politics should first look into the mirror and engage ourselves in self-evaluation before pointing fingers at others. In a time when faith is wearing an ethnicity cloak, friendship & love relationship is limited to close circles from the same place of origin, and our comments & responses are based on the last name of our opponent, we have to first change ourselves before blaming the politicians. Woyane’s ethnic poison pill has infected us all to various degrees whether we like it or not.

Sam Ebalalehu wrote:
01 Jul 2022, 21:13
Does Abiy have the power to change the constitution ? No, he does not. One could argue that Abiy might have important influence on his party members to go along if he decides. I very much doubt. The ethnic politics doctrine has been baked in for a long time, there are considerable number of his own party members who are eager to sabotage him if he dares to do that.
Finally, the ethnic politics doctrine will wither away. But changing the country for that eventuality should come first.

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Joined: 08 Mar 2014, 16:32

Re: Did (Some) Ethiopians misunderstood Dr. Abiy Ahmed ? When it comes to Dr. Abiy’s government critics one can roughl

Post by DefendTheTruth » 02 Jul 2022, 09:44

Selam/ wrote:
02 Jul 2022, 09:02
Spot on!
I will also add this: those of us who despise the current ethnic politics should first look into the mirror and engage ourselves in self-evaluation before pointing fingers at others. In a time when faith is wearing an ethnicity cloak, friendship & love relationship is limited to close circles from the same place of origin, and our comments & responses are based on the last name of our opponent, we have to first change ourselves before blaming the politicians. Woyane’s ethnic poison pill has infected us all to various degrees whether we like it or not.

Sam Ebalalehu wrote:
01 Jul 2022, 21:13
Does Abiy have the power to change the constitution ? No, he does not. One could argue that Abiy might have important influence on his party members to go along if he decides. I very much doubt. The ethnic politics doctrine has been baked in for a long time, there are considerable number of his own party members who are eager to sabotage him if he dares to do that.
Finally, the ethnic politics doctrine will wither away. But changing the country for that eventuality should come first.
I may also add one point: Abiy Ahmed is the Ethiopian version of DR of the Congo (formerly Zaire) Patrice Lumumba, a yonung nationalist and leader of its independence, who was finally savagely assassinated by the rogue elements of his own country's citizens, who put the sectarian interest of their own narrow cliques before that of the country. That was a big lose of the country, which is still exploited and left behind, despite the richness of the country. That country plunged into a lasting phase of chaos, from which it has never recovered so far fully.

The assasination of that visionary leader left a lasting scar on the nation and Ethiopia's case will not be any different. Abiy Ahmed could lack some qualities but the important factor for his being so despised and turned into sustained propganda is his indisputable stand for the Ethiopian nationalism.

If Ethiopia lost Abiy Ahmed through a violent usurpation of power or otherwise, then the country will plunge into a long lasting era of chaotic situation, that much I can predict already today.

In my view it is not about defending Abiy Ahmed but defending the future course of the great country. Don't let your fate slide out of your own hands!

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Re: Did (Some) Ethiopians misunderstood Dr. Abiy Ahmed ? When it comes to Dr. Abiy’s government critics one can roughl

Post by Selam/ » 02 Jul 2022, 10:20

Easier said than done. As Sam noted above, the country should change first for Abiy to lead the transformation and capitalize on people’s desire & appetite. Do we have that on the ground now? No, see ER for example, including your own posts and my posts. Subtly intoxicated with ethnic politics, we all have slowly descended into ethnic bias one or the other way and it’s pure hypocrisy to expect Abiy to change the country without first changing ourselves.
Horus wrote:
01 Jul 2022, 20:56
የነገ ሰው፤
ሁለት ድንቅ ጥያቄዎች አንስተህ በመሰረቱ አንተው መልሰሃቸዋል ። ጥያቄ አንድ አቢይ የውጭ ጠላት ስላለበት የዜጋ ፖለቲካ አንዲነሳበት አያስፈልግም። ጥያቄ ሁለት፣ አሁን አቢይ በውስጥ ጉዳይ (ዶሜስቲክ ፖለቲካ) ለውጥ ቢሞክር ውጤቱ ሁከት ስለሆነ ለውጥ መሞከር የለበትም። በቃ ይህ በትክክል ዛሬ ስልጣን ላይ ያለ ማንኛውን ሪጂም የሚሰጠው ሰበብ ነው ። አል ቡህራን የሚለው በትክክል ይህ ነው ። አል ሲሲም ለተቃዋሚዎች የሚለው ይህ ነው።

አንተው ራስህ መልሰሀዋል ያልኩት በመከተለው ምክንያት ነው ። የአቢይ መንግስት ብቸኛ ድክመት፣ ስህተትና ውድቀቶች በትክክል ያልካቸው ነገሮች ናቸው ። ለምን በል? ማንኛውም መንግስት ወይ መሪ በውስጥ ጉዳይ (ባገሩ ፖለቲካ) ደካማ ከሆነ ምንግዜም በውጭ ጠላት ይጠቃል፣ ብሎም ይሸነፋል ። ካላመንከኝ ባለም ላይ አባዛኞቹ መንግስቶች በውጭ ሃይል የፈረሱት ባገራቸው ደካማ በሆኑበት ወቅት ነው ። ሪሰርች አድረገው! ስለዚህ አሜሪካ፣ ግብጽ፣ ሱዳን፣ ደቡብ ሱዳን፣ ኬኒያ፣ ዩጋንዳ ሌላም አገር ኢትዮጵያን የሚያጠቃውና ለማጥቃት የሚዘጋጀው፣ የሚያሰላው በአቢይ መንግስት ድክመት፣ ስህተት እና ውድቀት ላይ ስሌት አድርጎ ነው።

አቢይ አህመድ ኢትዮጵያን አሁን በያዘው ቅጥ አምባሩ በጠፋ የጎሳ ቦግ ድርግም ፖለቲካ እንደ ዉሃ ላይ ኩበት እስካናወጣት ድረስ አቢይም ኢትዮጵያም ይበልጥ ለዘረዘርካቸው ጠላቶች መጋለጥ አይደለም በነዚያ ጠላቶች መወረራችን የግዜ ጉዳይ እንጂ አይቀሬ ነው ።

የነገሰው፣ አሜሪካ፣ ግብጽ፣ ሱዳን፣ ኬኒያ ለዘላለም ከኛ ጋር የሚኖሩ ጠላቶች ናቸው ። አንዳቸውም የትም አይሄውዱም። አቢይ መቶ አመት ቢሰጠው እንኳ ይህን ሃቅ አይለውጥም ። የሚለወጠው የኢትዮጵያ ሁኔታ፣ የኢትዮጵያ ሃይል ብቻ ነው ። አቢይ የኢትዮጵያን ሃይል እስካለወጠ ድረስ እሱም እንደ መለስ ኖሮ ይሞታል እንጂ የኢትዮፕያን ጠላቶች የመለወጥ ሃይል የለውም ።

ስለዚህ ያንተን ሎጂክ እኔ በጭንቅላቱ አቁሜ ነው የማየው። አቢይ የጎሳ ፖለቲካን በማስወገድ ኢትዮጵያን አንድ አድርጎ ጠምካራ አገርና መንግስት፣ የተባብረ ህዝብና ብሄራዊ አላማ ፈጣሪ መሪ እስካልሆነ ድረስ ላልካቸው የውጭ ጠላቶች ተዘዋሪ ሆኖ ኖሮ ያልፋል። ኢትዮጵያ ደካማ አገር የሆነቸው ፣ የቀውስና የማንም መጫወቻ የሆነው በጎሳ ተከፋፍላ ፋይዳ ቢስ አገርና መንግስት ስለሆነች ነው።

ስለዚህ አቢይን መምከር ከቻክ ዛሬ ነገ ሳይል የኢትዮጵያ ህዝቦች ከጎሳ እንቅልፍና ባዶ ህልም ነቅተው እንደ አንድ ህዝብና አገር ፋይዳዊ ማበረሰብ ለመሆን ሕዝቡን ምራ በለው።

ሁለተኛ ጥያቄህ በመሰረቱ ተመሳሳይ ሎጂክ ላይ የቆመ ነው። 'ያልታቀደ ለውጥ' የሚባለው አግባብ ያለው አነጋገር አይደለም ። አቢይ የለውጥ መሪ ሆኖ ከዘፈንንለትኮ 4 አመታት አለፉ ። ዛሬ እንዲያም ስለ ፖለቲካና መንግስት ለውጥ ማውራትም ቆሞዋል ። ስለዚህ አቢይ የለውጥ መሪ አይደለም! የለውጥ መሪ ከሆነ እንዴት በ4 አመት ውስጥ የለውጥ እቅድ ማቀድ አቃተው?

ስለዚህ አለእቅድ ለውጥ የሚባለው ተራ የገዢ መደብ ስንክል ምክኛት ነው ። ዛሬ አቢይ ወጥቶ የለውት እቅድ የሚሰሩ ሰዎች ሊያቆም ይችላል። የምምክር ውይይት የሚባለው መደመር የሚባለው ጥንቆላን ተግባርዊ ለማድረግ የሚሞከር መንገድም መድርሻም የሌለው ጉዙ ነው ። ዝም ብለህ ጠብቅ! በዚሁ ተረስቶ ይቀራል።

ዛሬ ኢትዮጵያ ከዳር እስከ ዳር የጎሳው ህገ መንግስት እንዴት ይለወጥ? የጎሳው ፓርላማ እንዴ ፈርሶ በዜጋ ፓርላማ ይተካ? የጎሳ ክልል ድምበር ፈርሶ ኢጎሳዊ የሆነ ፌዴራል እቴቶች እንዴት የቀረጹ የሚል እጅግ ቀላል፣ እጅግ ግልጽ ጥያቄዎች ባሉበት አገር አቢይ የትም በማይደርስ የጎሳ ጥንቆላና ባዶ ኢትዮጵያዊ ሽንገላ ወርቃማ ግዜውን ጨርሶ ከታሪክ መድረክ ሊወርድ ነው ።

በፍጹም ተሳስተሃል! ነገ በኢትዮጵያ ለውጥ ቢጀመር የህዝብ አንድነት፣ ያገር አንድነት፣ ሰላም፣ መተማመን፣ መከባበር እንደ አሸን ፈልቶ ከላይ የተረዘርካቸው ጥላቶች ጭራቸው ይሰበስቡ ነበር ።

አቢይ ከሕዝብ በራቀ ቁጥር፣ መንግስት በህዝብ በተጠላ ቁጥር የኢትዮጵያ ጠላቶች ሃይል ያድጋል ይመነደጋል ። ያ ነው ሳይንሳዊው ሎጂክ! ስለዚህ ሃሳብክን ተመልሰው አስተካክለው! ማለትም የውጭ ጠላቶችን ለመቋቋም ያገር ውስጥ የህዝብ ጥያቄዎችን ሳትውል ሳታድር መመለስ አለብህ!!

Sam Ebalalehu
Posts: 3639
Joined: 23 Jun 2018, 21:29

Re: Did (Some) Ethiopians misunderstood Dr. Abiy Ahmed ? When it comes to Dr. Abiy’s government critics one can roughl

Post by Sam Ebalalehu » 02 Jul 2022, 11:00

Selam has the high ground on this discussion. Devoid of emotion he or she spelled out the obvious : “ it is pure hypocrisy to expect Abiy to change the country without first changing ourselves.” That is a true statement.
Let us just evaluate the comments which are written on ER on daily basis. How many percent of them have been written without having ethnic influence stamp on them ? Very few.
In fact, I could argue the ER regulars are more tribal in their political outlook than the Addis residents. However we are expecting Abiy to do his magic and wipeout the ethnic politics doctrine that was handed down by a government for nearly three
Will ethnic politics gradually fade away when the country is developing economically or will it be repelled from Ethiopia by a decree of a “courageous leader ?” I believe the former to be true.

Posts: 5623
Joined: 07 Apr 2019, 20:34

Re: Did (Some) Ethiopians misunderstood Dr. Abiy Ahmed ? When it comes to Dr. Abiy’s government critics one can roughl

Post by TGAA » 02 Jul 2022, 11:59

The fallacy of all excuse makers. We all are contaminated with ethnic politics thus, there could be no an independent reality we can talk about?! Or even Abiy wants to he can't change the constitution so what is happening can't have remady?! There comes another one look at ourselves we are immersed in ethnic politics,so we have to change ourselves first before we point 👉 our fingers on Abiy. There are others who consider it is part of Western conspiracy if one stands and say an Ethiopian life particularly, Amharas life is sacrosanct .and shouldn't be part of political expediency.

Enforce the damn constitution as it is and 90 % the killing.
will stop.

Posts: 5623
Joined: 07 Apr 2019, 20:34

Re: Did (Some) Ethiopians misunderstood Dr. Abiy Ahmed ? When it comes to Dr. Abiy’s government critics one can roughl

Post by TGAA » 02 Jul 2022, 11:59

The fallacy of all excuse makers. We all are contaminated with ethnic politics thus, there could be no an independent reality we can talk about?! Or even Abiy wants to he can't change the constitution so what is happening can't have remady?! There comes another one look at ourselves we are immersed in ethnic politics,so we have to change ourselves first before we point 👉 our fingers on Abiy. There are others who consider it is part of Western conspiracy if one stands and say an Ethiopian life particularly, Amharas life is sacrosanct .and shouldn't be part of political expediency.

Enforce the damn constitution as it is and 90 % the killing.
will stop.

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