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Moron Abiy, why took you so long: The Amhara mouth closer is “Asseb”, take it now while Issayas is peeing???

Posted: 25 Jun 2022, 10:50
by Halafi Mengedi
If Abiy wants to be called "Abichi" by Amhara again then nothing else can do it except to go to Asseb and take over, there is no power in Eritrea to stop you even they will not attempt to fight you. The Amhara case they will rally with you all over their villages and cities and close the case. This is how you destroy the man who is sleepless to kill you by his security agents and Amharu and still they are hunting you but you can hunt Issayas just by taking over Asseb now, his forces are right at Tigray border and if they move towards Asseb then TDF will be in Massawa next morning and Issayas will be in UAE at his refugee home with his families.

Re: Moron Abiy why took you so long: The Amhara mouth closer is “Asseb”, take it now while Issayas is peeing???

Posted: 25 Jun 2022, 11:16
by Halafi Mengedi
Asseb is the worlds' doctors ordered to cure your political sickness. Hulum Wede Asseb Kitet must be the new slogan.

Re: Moron Abiy, why took you so long: The Amhara mouth closer is “Asseb”, take it now while Issayas is peeing???

Posted: 26 Jun 2022, 06:09
by ethioscience
አንተ ነፈዝ አጋሜ!! አብይ እንዲወደደ ከፈለገ ጦርነቱን ወደ መቀሌ ያድርገው የተቀሩትን ውዳቂ አጋ!ሜዎች እንደዚህ ሸር!ሙጣ ነኝ ደደ!ብ ነኝ እንዲሉ እናደርጋቸው ነበር::

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Re: Moron Abiy, why took you so long: The Amhara mouth closer is “Asseb”, take it now while Issayas is peeing???

Posted: 26 Jun 2022, 08:23
by Right
Dedeb, you have been saying the opposite for 27 years. We told you then what goes around will come around. The darkest days for Tigrai is ahead of you and it will last for generations. We warned you. Enjoy the fruits of your labour.