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Are oromos (Hutu) inherently savage??

Post by Tiago » 23 Jun 2022, 20:37

The Wollega massacre must give us a very clear insight into what the invading oromos(Hutu) might have done to the indigenous Ethiopians back in 16th century.

Animals kill, but it's not “murder”; animals can be aggressively driven to mate, but can't commit “rape” or “incest” - Humans occupy a special place in the Animal World, as we have both an undeniable animal nature (as primates, mammals, etc), as well as a far more complex mind capable of things other animals show almost none of; namely, a complex imagination, capable of analyzing the past, conceptualizing the future, and making choices that have consequence for themselves and others.

The savagery being witnessed in wollega and other locations are a compelling evidence to suggest oromos have not evolved that far from their savage forefathers.
Void of humanity and inherently capable of savage acts.

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Re: Are oromos (Hutu) inherently savage??

Post by union » 23 Jun 2022, 21:43

Absolutlly, it is glimpse of the 16th century massacre of over 20 ethincs of Ethiopia following the invasion of Giragn Ahimed.

Sadacha Macca
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Re: Are oromos (Hutu) inherently savage??

Post by Sadacha Macca » 23 Jun 2022, 22:10

If we were, Oromia wouldn't be more diverse than the entire northern part of Ethiopia, and if we were, the agames living in oromia during the tplf and even now, wouldn't be there living safely. If we were, we wouldn't have been known as being open communities, as opposed to the closed-off societies in the north. ... ES&f=false

That alone could refute and destroy your silly insulting question about the Great Oromo nation.

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Re: Are oromos (Hutu) inherently savage??

Post by Tiago » 26 Sep 2022, 02:47

Why are the oromos not voicing their disgust of the continuing massacre of innocent amharas??

"" The Boran are one of the Oromo (Galla) peoples who acquired, in the sixteenth
century, a reputation as fierce and successfu1 warriors with "a readiness to kill people"
[BAHREy 1954: 111], which has persisted until today. Boran, like some other Oromo,
are notorious through the Horn of Africa for taking the severed genitals of their
enemies as trophies. Bartels' siuccinct comment on the Macha Oromo could be
applied equally to the Boran and, I suspect, to all Oromo:
"The honour of a man was bound up in having killed either enemies or big
game; that of a woman, in giving life...She braved...the troubles of married
life and childbirth-in the same way that a hunter, for the sake of honor, defied the perils of the wilderness and a warrior the perils of battle. In addition,
killing on the part of men ensured fiertility for the women." [BARTELs 1969 : 408]
Killing has a symbolic content and is more than just a neat and sure way of removing
enemles"" .

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Re: Are oromos (Hutu) inherently savage??

Post by Wedi » 26 Sep 2022, 04:13

Tiago wrote:
23 Jun 2022, 20:37

Are oromos (Hutu) inherently savage??

The Wollega massacre must give us a very clear insight into what the invading oromos(Hutu) might have done to the indigenous Ethiopians back in 16th century.

Animals kill, but it's not “murder”; animals can be aggressively driven to mate, but can't commit “rape” or “incest” - Humans occupy a special place in the Animal World, as we have both an undeniable animal nature (as primates, mammals, etc), as well as a far more complex mind capable of things other animals show almost none of; namely, a complex imagination, capable of analyzing the past, conceptualizing the future, and making choices that have consequence for themselves and others.

The savagery being witnessed in wollega and other locations are a compelling evidence to suggest oromos have not evolved that far from their savage forefathers.
Void of humanity and inherently capable of savage acts.

Tiago savageness of Gallas is inherited deep in their DNA. Read this testimony and see how Savage were the gallas in the 16th century. Their savagenes desnot change now even in the 21st century. Mind you, this is a testimony of a white man who has seen the savagenes of Gallas.

" I have elsewhere .... indicated that whereas the merit of killing was honored among other Ethiopian people as a man's personal merit, among the the Oromo it is was merely regarded as fulfillment of the natural order of things. What counted for them was not the heroic achievement - the killing of an enemy warrior or a dangerous wild beast - but simply killing as such. It is true that the sacrificial victim had to be a human being or an animal of particular kinds. But within this range it did not matter whether it was a young elephant, a delicate youth or an old man"

"በሌላ ቦታ እንዳመለከትኩት ግድያ በሌሎች ኢትዮጵያውያን ሕዝቦች ዘንድ የሚያስከብር እነደ ወንድነት መለኪያ የሚታይ ቢሆንም በኦሮሞዎች ዘንድ ግን ተራ የተፈጥሮ ሕግ ተደርጎ ይቆጠራል፡፡ ለእነርሱ እንደ ቁምነገር የሚቆጠረው የጠላት ወታደር ወይም አደገኛ የዱር አውሬ መግደል የጀኝነት ሥራ መፈጸም አይደለም፡፡ ነገር ግን ግድያ መፈጸሙ ራሱ ቁም ነገር ነው፡፡ በእርግጥ የሚገደለው ተጎጅ ሰው ወይም የተወሰነ አይነት እንስሳ መሆን አለበት፡፡ ነገር ግን በዚህ ክልል ውስጥ [የሚገደለው] ግልገል ዝሆን ይሁን ትልቅ ዝሆን፣ ያልጠና ህጻን ይሁን አዛውንት ምንም ችግር የለውም፡፡"

ከበረራ - ቀዳሚት አዲስ አበባ ከ1400 - 1887 ዓ.ም ከሚለው መጽሃፍ ገጽ 322 የተወሰደ

Original source: Haberland, Galla Sud-Athiopiens, 777

Sadacha Macca
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Re: Are oromos (Hutu) inherently savage??

Post by Sadacha Macca » 27 Sep 2022, 17:22

If Oromo's were savages, as you two foolish agame cyber trolls, there wouldn't be millions of amara's, and many agames too for the record, in Oromia.
If Oromo were savages, our region wouldn't be more diverse than the north. I can go on and on as to why you two trolls are more than wrong. Alas, those who wish to base their beliefs on deep-seated hate and fear, will go to great lengths to deceive themselves, into believing false things. It's as if they live in an alternate reality.

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