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Noble Amhara
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Oromo Inflation Party not Oromo Prosperity Party. There is no Prosperity in Ethiopia

Post by Noble Amhara » 23 Jun 2022, 03:52

All Great Nations are built by Laws, Constitutions, Legal Systems, Peace, Security, Unity, Equality, Justice, Democracy, Industrialization, Tolerance, Individualism

Not Prosperity

Prosperity is the byproduct of following the Godly Laws of Advanced Civilization. Prosperity is the last thing that happens to a civilization

Inflation Party will not see any Economic Prosperity by cheating it the easy way while doing Genocide on its very own Citizens.

Gada System has yet to prove itself to be real and true. Gada System is a mythical and delusional lie made by Opdo to convince and confuse Ethiopians about their easy way to cheat a false economic Prosperity which is built on OBN FANA ETV Amhara Mass Media to enhance their false prosperity through propaganda. Gada System remains bankrupt and non existent in Ethiopia other then those Fake Aba Gadas hired by Meles Regime there is no Egalitarian system in Gada to be verified. Let alone in Oromia there is no verifiable evidence of a Efficient Gada system other then EPRDF payed Aba Gadas pretending to be true Aba Gada

In fact the Weyanes were closer to Prosperity then PeePee. The EPRDF only lacked individualism and removing ethnocracy and ethnic discrimination while PeePee has violated every law of civilization beating all former regimes by a mark PeePee has forwarded Qey Shibir to Ethiopia after lying to its people about achieving final peace .