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My Eritrean bros, April fools came more than a month late. Haha

Posted: 26 May 2022, 06:54
by Zmeselo

On the Occasion of the State of Eritrea’s National Day

PRESS STATEMENT ... ional-day/


MAY 24, 2022

On behalf of the United States of America, I congratulate all Eritreans – in Eritrea, in the United States, and around the world – on the 31st anniversary of Eritrea’s independence. The United States continues to support the Eritrean people and their aspirations for a free, democratic, and prosperous future.


Re: My Eritrean bros, April fools came more than a month late. Haha

Posted: 26 May 2022, 10:50
by Zmeselo

መራሕቲ ኩባ፡ ፈረንሳ፡ ስጳኛን ኣልጀርያን፡ ብምኽንያት ጽንብል መበል 31 ዓመት ናጽነት፡ ናብ ህዝብን መንግስትን ኤርትራ ናይ ዮሃና መልእኽቲ ሰዲዶም። ... f530717ba3

MAY 26, 2022

ፕረዚደንት ሪፓብሊክ ኩባ ሚግዌል ዲያዝ-ካኔል፣ ፕረዚደንት ሪፓብሊክ ፈረንሳ ኤማንዌል ማክሮን፣ ንጉስ ስጳኛ – ፊሊፕ ሻድሻይ፣ ከምኡ’ውን ፕረዚደንት ሪፓብሊክ ኣልጀርያ ዓብደልመጂድ ተቡን ኣብ ዝሰደድዎ መልእኽቲ፡ ንፕረዚደንት ኢሳይያስ ኣፈወርቂ ምሉእ ጥዕናን ናይ ስራሕ ኣሳልጦን፣ ንኤርትራን ህዝባን ድማ ራህዋን ምዕባለን ተመንዮም።

ፕረዚደንት ኤማንዌል ማክሮን ኣብ መልእኽቱ፡ ፈረንሳ ምስ ኤርትራ ሃናጺ ጽምዶ ክትምስርት ድሌት ከምዘለዋ ገሊጹ።

ፕረዚደንት ሪፓብሊክ ኣልጀርያ ዓብደልመጂድ ተቡን ብወገኑ፡ ንኤርትራን ኣልጀርያን ዝጠምር ሕውነታዊ ዝምድናን ምትሕግጋዝን ንምምዕባል ብሽርክነት ንምስራሕ፣ ከምኡ’ውን ሓባራዊ ኣገዳስነት ኣብ ዘለዎም ዞባዊ ጉዳያት ፖለቲካዊ ምምኽኻር ንምምዕባል ብወገን ሃገሩ ንዘሎ ድሌትን ቅሩብነትን ኣረጋጊጹ።


Congratulations, on the successful completion of the online seminar on Infrastructure Development and Planning at the Chinese Embassy! Thanks to Ambassador Negassi, for coordinating and to the trainees for their active participation!
Chinese Embassy in Eritrea: @ChinaEmbEritrea

Re: My Eritrean bros, April fools came more than a month late. Haha

Posted: 26 May 2022, 11:00
by Zmeselo

📸 @merkeb90634556

ሰራዊትና፡ ዋሕስ ህላዌና! ✨ ክብርን መጎስን ነቲ ሓላው ሪሙ፡ EDF (ኣርዓዶም)!

Re: My Eritrean bros, April fools came more than a month late. Haha

Posted: 26 May 2022, 11:13
by Zmeselo

📸 @asmaragraphy


27 May 1991, the Liberation of Assab by the EPLF. ሎሚ መዓልቲ፡ ሓርነት ወደባዊት ከተማና ዓሰብዩ። ከተማ ዓሰብ፡ እታ ናይ መወዳእታ ሓራ ዝኾነትውን እያ። መበገስን መዛዘምን፡ ዕምሪ መግዛእቲ! ዮሃና፡ መርሃዊ ጸበባ ህዝባዊ ሰራዊት! ዮሃና፡ ንመላእ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ!
📸 @GhideonMusa

Re: My Eritrean bros, April fools came more than a month late. Haha

Posted: 26 May 2022, 11:33
by Zmeselo
"The Free Press"! :lol:

Re: My Eritrean bros, April fools came more than a month late. Haha

Posted: 26 May 2022, 13:09
by Jaegol
The Biden regime will pay dearly on the next election for their support of a terrorist organization Tplf….Most Eritreans that I know voted for Trump on the last election and most Ethiopians voted for Biden… now things have changed that overwhelmingly majority of Ethiopia-Eritrea Americans will vote against democrats in the next election.
Vote them out
These bunch are not good for the USA or the world…wars, inflation, chaos is what the liberals brought…

Re: My Eritrean bros, April fools came more than a month late. Haha

Posted: 26 May 2022, 15:32
by quindibu
I would have preferred the Agames way of crude 'congratulatory message' :lol:

Just let's remove PIA from the throne and our 'arawit serawit' from guarding the nation, and we live happily ever after with the Agames...... :roll:

Well....both the US and the Agames are wishing the same thing, albeit their differences in their word choices!

Re: My Eritrean bros, April fools came more than a month late. Haha

Posted: 26 May 2022, 16:44
by Zmeselo

ወዲ ኣይተ - ከዛርቡና'ዮም ደልዮም / WEDI AYTE - KEZARBUNA'YOM DELYOM ብ ኣወል ስዒድ / BY AWEL SAID, PART 5&6

Re: My Eritrean bros, April fools came more than a month late. Haha

Posted: 27 May 2022, 04:07
by Meleket
ዓሰብ በየናዪ መለክዒ ኢያ መበገሲ መግዛእቲ ተባሂላ? :mrgreen:

ቱርኪ ግብጺ መሳፍንቲ ጦብያ ካብ ኣምሓራ እኒ ውቤ፡ ካብ ትግራይ እኒ ዮሃንስ’ከ ብዓሰብ ዲዮም ጀሚሮም ወይ ተበጊሶም? :mrgreen:

ሄሄሄ ወዲ መምህር ሙሳ ኣሮን እንተበሉናስ ታሪኽ ብግቡእ የመሓላልፍ ቢልና ሓሲብና ነቢርና’ሞ ትሕዝቶ እንተረኣናስ ኣይግድን! ኣርሞ ኢኻ ቖልዑት ኣይተጋጊ በልዎ፡ ነዙይ ሓዉና። ግሩም ሰኣላዪ ድማ በሉልና ልቕብ ኣቢልኩም።
Zmeselo wrote:
26 May 2022, 11:13
27 May 1991, the Liberation of Assab by the EPLF. ሎሚ መዓልቲ፡ ሓርነት ወደባዊት ከተማና ዓሰብዩ። ከተማ ዓሰብ፡ እታ ናይ መወዳእታ ሓራ ዝኾነትውን እያ። መበገስን መዛዘምን፡ ዕምሪ መግዛእቲ! ዮሃና፡ መርሃዊ ጸበባ ህዝባዊ ሰራዊት! ዮሃና፡ ንመላእ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ!
📸 @GhideonMusa
Meleket wrote:
02 Sep 2019, 05:14
ንደንደን ወሊዱ ካብ ተባህለ አዳል፣
አዳል’ከ ንርእሱ ፍረመን ይበሃል፧

ታሪኽ እምቢታና ኩሉ እንተዝግንጸል፣
አቦ ደንደን አዳል አይዀነን እቲ አወል፣
ድሙቕ ታሪኽ ኣሎ ከቶ ዘይኽወል።

ንቱርኪ መኸተ ንምስሪ መኸተ፣
ንትግራይ መኸተ ንጥልያን መኸተ፣
ንእንግሊዝ መኸተ ንጦቢያ መኸተ፣
ኣብዚ’ዩ ዚጥርነፍ አዳል ምስ ዓዋተ!!!

ኣይበቖለን አዳል ትም ኢሉ ብርእሱ፣
‘ንደንደን ኪወልድ’ ታሪኽ ተተርኢሱ፣
ታሪኽ ሮብሮብያ፣ ሓዝሓዝ ተወከሱ፣
ታሪኽ ናይ እምብለይ ናይ ሓላይ ሰልሱ።

ንሓቂ ምስ ገለጽና ንሓሶት ነሸቍርራ፣
ንጸላኢ ጥምረትና መሬት ነንገርግራ፣
ፍለጡና በሉ ንሕና ኢና ኤርትራ ራ ራ ራ!
ንዝያዳ ሓበሬታ ኣብዡዪ ተወከሱ ንብል ንሕና ኤርትራዉያን ደያኑ ማእከልን መስመርን ብኤርትራዊ ጭዉነትን ሃበንን :mrgreen: ... B1#p959088

Re: My Eritrean bros, April fools came more than a month late. Haha

Posted: 27 May 2022, 04:42
by Zmeselo

Italian Eritrea (Italian: Colonia Eritrea, "Colony of Eritrea") was a colony of the Kingdom of Italy in the territory of present-day Eritrea. The first Italian establishment in the area was the purchase of Assab by the Rubattino Shipping Company in 1869, which came under government control in 1882. Occupation of Massawa in 1885 and the subsequent expansion of territory would gradually engulf the region and in 1889 borders with the Ethiopian Empire were defined in the Treaty of Wuchale. In 1890 the Colony of Eritrea (Italian: Colonia Eritrea) was officially founded.

Meleket wrote:
27 May 2022, 04:07
ዓሰብ በየናዪ መለክዒ ኢያ መበገሲ መግዛእቲ ተባሂላ? :mrgreen:

ቱርኪ ግብጺ መሳፍንቲ ጦብያ ካብ ኣምሓራ እኒ ውቤ፡ ካብ ትግራይ እኒ ዮሃንስ’ከ ብዓሰብ ዲዮም ጀሚሮም ወይ ተበጊሶም? :mrgreen:

ሄሄሄ ወዲ መምህር ሙሳ ኣሮን እንተበሉናስ ታሪኽ ብግቡእ የመሓላልፍ ቢልና ሓሲብና ነቢርና’ሞ ትሕዝቶ እንተረኣናስ ኣይግድን! ኣርሞ ኢኻ ቖልዑት ኣይተጋጊ በልዎ፡ ነዙይ ሓዉና። ግሩም ሰኣላዪ ድማ በሉልና ልቕብ ኣቢልኩም።
Zmeselo wrote:
26 May 2022, 11:13
27 May 1991, the Liberation of Assab by the EPLF. ሎሚ መዓልቲ፡ ሓርነት ወደባዊት ከተማና ዓሰብዩ። ከተማ ዓሰብ፡ እታ ናይ መወዳእታ ሓራ ዝኾነትውን እያ። መበገስን መዛዘምን፡ ዕምሪ መግዛእቲ! ዮሃና፡ መርሃዊ ጸበባ ህዝባዊ ሰራዊት! ዮሃና፡ ንመላእ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ!
📸 @GhideonMusa
Meleket wrote:
02 Sep 2019, 05:14
ንደንደን ወሊዱ ካብ ተባህለ አዳል፣
አዳል’ከ ንርእሱ ፍረመን ይበሃል፧

ታሪኽ እምቢታና ኩሉ እንተዝግንጸል፣
አቦ ደንደን አዳል አይዀነን እቲ አወል፣
ድሙቕ ታሪኽ ኣሎ ከቶ ዘይኽወል።

ንቱርኪ መኸተ ንምስሪ መኸተ፣
ንትግራይ መኸተ ንጥልያን መኸተ፣
ንእንግሊዝ መኸተ ንጦቢያ መኸተ፣
ኣብዚ’ዩ ዚጥርነፍ አዳል ምስ ዓዋተ!!!

ኣይበቖለን አዳል ትም ኢሉ ብርእሱ፣
‘ንደንደን ኪወልድ’ ታሪኽ ተተርኢሱ፣
ታሪኽ ሮብሮብያ፣ ሓዝሓዝ ተወከሱ፣
ታሪኽ ናይ እምብለይ ናይ ሓላይ ሰልሱ።

ንሓቂ ምስ ገለጽና ንሓሶት ነሸቍርራ፣
ንጸላኢ ጥምረትና መሬት ነንገርግራ፣
ፍለጡና በሉ ንሕና ኢና ኤርትራ ራ ራ ራ!
ንዝያዳ ሓበሬታ ኣብዡዪ ተወከሱ ንብል ንሕና ኤርትራዉያን ደያኑ ማእከልን መስመርን ብኤርትራዊ ጭዉነትን ሃበንን :mrgreen: ... B1#p959088

Re: My Eritrean bros, April fools came more than a month late. Haha

Posted: 27 May 2022, 10:49
by Meleket
ዛዕባና “መግዛእቲ” ኢዩ። መግዛእቲ ኣብ ኤርትራና ብጥልያንን ብወገን ዓሰብን ኣይጀመረን። ቅድሚኡ ህዝብና ተገዚኡ ኢዩ። :mrgreen:

ሕዝቢ ኤርትራ ብፖርቱጋል፡ ብቱርኪ፡ ብምስሪ፡ ብመሳፍንቲ ትግራይ፡ ብመሳፍንቲ ኣምሓራ ተዳሒኹ ኢዩ። ጥልያን ድሕሪ እዚ ኢዮም ብዓሰብ ዝመጹ። ንሕና ኤርትራዉያን ደያኑ ማእከልን መስመርን ካብ wikipedia ዝያዳ ንህዝብና ኢና ንውከስን ንኣምንን። ህዝብና ምረት መግዛእቲ ኪገልጽ እንከሎ፡ “ግዝኣት ቱርኪ” ቢሉ’ኳ ይምስል። በዙይ ኮነ በቱይ :mrgreen: ፡ ታሪኽ ብግቡእ ኪዝንቶ ኣለዎ። ጌጋ እናረኣና ድማ ትም ክንብል ኅሊናና ኣይፈቕድን። ወዲ መምህር ሙሳ ኣሮን እዉን ኪጽሕፍ እንከሎ ኪጥንቀቅ ይግባእ። ነፍሱ ይምሓሮ ነፍሲኄር ደራሲ ተስፋዬ ገብረአብ ከምዡይ ቢሉ ነቢሩ።

“መቸም ታሪክ ሲተረክ ሚዛናዊ አለመሆን የአካባቢያችን ታሪክ ጸሃፊዎች ዋና ችግር ሆኖ ዘልቋል። ለአብነት ታትመው ለንባብ የበቁ የቅርብና የሩቅ የአካባቢያችን ታሪኮች በአብዛኛው ማለት ይቻላል ፖለቲካዊ ፍላጎት የቀላቀሉ መሆናቸው በግልጽ ይታያል። የተጣመመ፣ የተዘለለና የጠለሸ ነገር አያጣቸውም። በመሆኑም የአካባቢያችን ታሪክ የሚጽፉ የመጪው ዘመን ተራኪዎች የማቃናት፣ የማጽዳትና የመሙላት ፈታኝ ስራ ይጠብቃቸዋል።” [ቀይ ዘመን ገጽ 5-6 ተስፋዬ ገብረኣብ]

Zmeselo wrote:
27 May 2022, 04:42

Italian Eritrea (Italian: Colonia Eritrea, "Colony of Eritrea") was a colony of the Kingdom of Italy in the territory of present-day Eritrea. The first Italian establishment in the area was the purchase of Assab by the Rubattino Shipping Company in 1869, which came under government control in 1882. Occupation of Massawa in 1885 and the subsequent expansion of territory would gradually engulf the region and in 1889 borders with the Ethiopian Empire were defined in the Treaty of Wuchale. In 1890 the Colony of Eritrea (Italian: Colonia Eritrea) was officially founded.

Meleket wrote:
27 May 2022, 04:07
ዓሰብ በየናዪ መለክዒ ኢያ መበገሲ መግዛእቲ ተባሂላ? :mrgreen:

ቱርኪ ግብጺ መሳፍንቲ ጦብያ ካብ ኣምሓራ እኒ ውቤ፡ ካብ ትግራይ እኒ ዮሃንስ’ከ ብዓሰብ ዲዮም ጀሚሮም ወይ ተበጊሶም? :mrgreen:

ሄሄሄ ወዲ መምህር ሙሳ ኣሮን እንተበሉናስ ታሪኽ ብግቡእ የመሓላልፍ ቢልና ሓሲብና ነቢርና’ሞ ትሕዝቶ እንተረኣናስ ኣይግድን! ኣርሞ ኢኻ ቖልዑት ኣይተጋጊ በልዎ፡ ነዙይ ሓዉና። ግሩም ሰኣላዪ ድማ በሉልና ልቕብ ኣቢልኩም።
Zmeselo wrote:
26 May 2022, 11:13
27 May 1991, the Liberation of Assab by the EPLF. ሎሚ መዓልቲ፡ ሓርነት ወደባዊት ከተማና ዓሰብዩ። ከተማ ዓሰብ፡ እታ ናይ መወዳእታ ሓራ ዝኾነትውን እያ። መበገስን መዛዘምን፡ ዕምሪ መግዛእቲ! ዮሃና፡ መርሃዊ ጸበባ ህዝባዊ ሰራዊት! ዮሃና፡ ንመላእ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ!
📸 @GhideonMusa
Meleket wrote:
02 Sep 2019, 05:14
ንደንደን ወሊዱ ካብ ተባህለ አዳል፣
አዳል’ከ ንርእሱ ፍረመን ይበሃል፧

ታሪኽ እምቢታና ኩሉ እንተዝግንጸል፣
አቦ ደንደን አዳል አይዀነን እቲ አወል፣
ድሙቕ ታሪኽ ኣሎ ከቶ ዘይኽወል።

ንቱርኪ መኸተ ንምስሪ መኸተ፣
ንትግራይ መኸተ ንጥልያን መኸተ፣
ንእንግሊዝ መኸተ ንጦቢያ መኸተ፣
ኣብዚ’ዩ ዚጥርነፍ አዳል ምስ ዓዋተ!!!

ኣይበቖለን አዳል ትም ኢሉ ብርእሱ፣
‘ንደንደን ኪወልድ’ ታሪኽ ተተርኢሱ፣
ታሪኽ ሮብሮብያ፣ ሓዝሓዝ ተወከሱ፣
ታሪኽ ናይ እምብለይ ናይ ሓላይ ሰልሱ።

ንሓቂ ምስ ገለጽና ንሓሶት ነሸቍርራ፣
ንጸላኢ ጥምረትና መሬት ነንገርግራ፣
ፍለጡና በሉ ንሕና ኢና ኤርትራ ራ ራ ራ!
ንዝያዳ ሓበሬታ ኣብዡዪ ተወከሱ ንብል ንሕና ኤርትራዉያን ደያኑ ማእከልን መስመርን ብኤርትራዊ ጭዉነትን ሃበንን :mrgreen: ... B1#p959088

Re: My Eritrean bros, April fools came more than a month late. Haha

Posted: 27 May 2022, 13:13
by Zmeselo
Parts of Eritrea being under occupation by some power or another & Italian colonialism that created the Eritrea known to the world today, are 2 vastly different concepts.

Even the latest Hague demarcation decision, is based on Italian-Ethiopian border agreements.

Re: My Eritrean bros, April fools came more than a month late. Haha

Posted: 27 May 2022, 13:21
by quindibu
Zmeselo wrote:
27 May 2022, 13:13
Parts of Eritrea being under occupation by some power or another & Italian colonialism that created the Eritrea known to the world today, are 2 vastly different concepts.

Even the latest Hague demarcation decision, is based on Italian-Ethiopian border agreements.
:lol: :lol:

Don't expect this ደብተራ to understand the concept of modern nation-states.....

Re: My Eritrean bros, April fools came more than a month late. Haha

Posted: 27 May 2022, 14:04
Tell that [deleted] swine to take his congratulations and shove it up his wide [deleted] 8)
Zmeselo wrote:
26 May 2022, 06:54

On the Occasion of the State of Eritrea’s National Day

PRESS STATEMENT ... ional-day/


MAY 24, 2022

On behalf of the United States of America, I congratulate all Eritreans – in Eritrea, in the United States, and around the world – on the 31st anniversary of Eritrea’s independence. The United States continues to support the Eritrean people and their aspirations for a free, democratic, and prosperous future.


Re: My Eritrean bros, April fools came more than a month late. Haha

Posted: 27 May 2022, 14:19
by Right
Enjoy it while it lasts.

The Republic of Afar - beside Ethiopia the only historical government on the RedI Sea will soon be a reality.

What goes around will come around.
Mother Nature has its own way of delivering justice.
Don’t go far just look at the Weyannies. When you treat good people badly the way the TPLF &EPLF did to mother Ethiopia soon et or later you will get what you deserve.

And please don’t come to Ethiopia. Go away.

Re: My Eritrean bros, April fools came more than a month late. Haha

Posted: 27 May 2022, 16:40
by Temt wrote:
27 May 2022, 14:04
Tell that [deleted] swine to take his congratulations and shove it up his wide [deleted] 8)
Zmeselo wrote:
26 May 2022, 06:54

On the Occasion of the State of Eritrea’s National Day

PRESS STATEMENT ... ional-day/


MAY 24, 2022

On behalf of the United States of America, I congratulate all Eritreans – in Eritrea, in the United States, and around the world – on the 31st anniversary of Eritrea’s independence. The United States continues to support the Eritrean people and their aspirations for a free, democratic, and prosperous future.


The US Eritrean Independence Day Congratulatory Message!

Once again, the customary half-hearted and phony State Department message on Eritrea's Independence Day was given by Secretary of State, Anthony J. Blinken. The statement appears to have been composed, not so much that the US administration cares about the most important holiday of the Eritrean people, but apparently was meant to compete with other powers that have shown some keen interest in working with the Eritrean government in the fields of security, economic and developmental projects.
Unlike the standard and internationally accepted protocol, the disingenuous statement by the State Department congratulates only the Eritrean people and not their government, as if the Eritrean government is alien to Eritrea. Further, the statement adds: "The United States continues to support the Eritrean people and their aspirations for a free, democratic, and prosperous future". Really? If that was the case, it sure has a weird way of expressing such lofty ideals! That statement begs the question of why on earth would the State Department even bother with such a silly, nonsensical, and arrogant statement when it seems hell-bent on slandering Eritrea and demonizing its leadership?
For the record, the US government has been doing what it could to see to it that the Eritrean people would never see the daylight of their lifelong ambition for the right to political independence. It has been doing this with various lame-duck excuses since back in the early 1940s. The ulterior motive of the US and its shadow states, like the UK, picked up some steam when Eritrea's fate was placed in the hands of the UN (League of Nations) for political disposition after the British defeated the Italian colonizers in the Second World War.
To begin with, in the 1950s, the then US Secretary of State, John Foster Dulles stated: “From the point of view of justice, the opinion of the Eritrean people must receive consideration. Nevertheless, the strategic interests of the United States in the Red Sea Basin and world peace make it necessary that the country be linked with our ally Ethiopia.” Mind you, not for the Eritrean people's interest, but because of US interest, Eritrea was made a sacrificial lamb. Because of such irresponsible and selfish US "interests", Eritrea was not only denied its rightful place among the newly independent African states, which were handed out their independence by their respective ex colonizers in a silver platter, but it was forced to carry out a long-protracted war of independence against a better armed and foreign supported Ethiopia.
Even after the courageous but woefully outnumbered and outgunned Eritrean freedom fighters were able to achieve the liberation of Eritrea from Ethiopia in 1991, the US was somewhat hesitant to accept the fait accompli right away. In fact, as a continuation of its ill-advised policy towards Eritrea, the US sided with the Tigray Peoples Liberation Front (TPLF)-when it launched its premeditated aggression against unsuspecting Eritrea during the 1998-2000 war. That war ended with TPLF's demise, which forced it to finally "agree" to a peace deal to which the US was one of five witnesses and guarantors of the Algiers Peace Agreement.
An international tribune was set up at the Hague to arbiter the feuding parties by creating an Eritrea Ethiopia Boundary Commission (EEBC) to delimit and demarcate the borders between the two countries and whose outcome would be "Final and binding" and to which the parties agreed by placing their own signatures.
The Commission handed out its "Final and Binding" decision in April 2002. While Eritrea had some reservations about the verdict, it nonetheless accepted the decision with no ifs, and buts, while the dishonest TPLF regime, true to its color, kept on dragging its feet not to accept the ruling without what it terms “dialogue”. And what did the US do to correct the situation? Nothing, except some meaningless lip service by pretending that it was concerned about the stalemate and, sadly, "encouraged both parties to abide by the ruling" when it was, in fact, only the TPLF that was creating hindrances to a peaceful resolution of the conflict!
After the overthrow of the TPLF regime by the Ethiopian people, the new government of Ethiopia, under Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed, signed a peace and understanding deal with President Isaias Afwerki of Eritrea, and tried to set the sluggish peace process in motion, but could not move it forward with the TPLF local government standing on its way.
After some 18 years of what has been termed as a "No war, no peace" situation, and getting encouragement by the support the US and its allies promised it, on November 3, 2020, the TPLF launched a night attack against the Ethiopian government forces that were stationed near the border with Eritrea, ironically, standing guard against Eritrean forces. Not only that, the TPLF forces launched several rocket attacks aimed at Asmara, the Eritrean capital.
The Eritrean government was left with no option but to defend its people and territories. So, what does the 'Eritrean caring' US do after that? Well, to its credit, while the Trump Administration rightfully condemned the TPLF for attacking Eritrea and commended Eritrea for restraining itself, the Biden administration was quick to demand the Eritrean forces "out of Tigray" (not Ethiopia) as if Tigray was an internationally recognized sovereign state!
By the way, last time I checked, Ethiopia has the only sovereign right to ask or (indeed demand) Eritrea (or any other country) to withdraw its armed forces from its territories, not the Blinken-led State Department. It goes without saying that the US has no business to ask Eritrea to withdraw its forces from another sovereign country. The cowboy mentality of the US that "might is right" or “my way or the highway” does not bode well in Eritrea.
And of course, who would forget the illegal sanctions that the US keeps on imposing on innocent countries like Eritrea for no justifiable reason except that it could! In other words, ladies, and gentlemen, with friends like the US, who needs enemies?
Berhane Alazar

Re: My Eritrean bros, April fools came more than a month late. Haha

Posted: 27 May 2022, 20:03
by Jaegol
What a week 👍👏🏼🇪🇷👏🏼👍

Re: My Eritrean bros, April fools came more than a month late. Haha

Posted: 28 May 2022, 05:02
by Meleket
ብላታ quindibu ዝተወከስዎ "the concept of modern nation-states" ከምዡይ ዲዩ ዚብል፧ "ኤርትራ ብ1890 ኢያ “officially” ተገዚኣ። ቅድሚኡ ኤርትራ “officially” ኣይተገዝኣትን። . . . ግርም "ዘመናዊ" ስነ ሃሳብ ሃገረ መንግሥቲ፡ ግርምቢጥ ስነመጐት ክዉንነት! :mrgreen:

ንሕና ኤርትራዉያን ደያኑ ማእከልን መስመርን ንብል ዛሎና ሕዝብና መግዛእቲ ምስ ኣስኻሕኽሖ "ግዝኣት ቱርኪ" ቢሉ፤ "ዘመን ውቤ ዝጸመመስ . . " ቢሉ መሲሉ። እዡኣቶም ገዛእቲ ቅድሚ ጥልያን ኢዮም ናብ ሃገርና ኣትዮም፡ ብዓሰብ ድማ ኣይኮነን መበገሲኦም። ወዲ መምህር ሙሳ ኣሮን ተጋግዩ ኣሎ፡ ይተኣረም፡ ኣብ መጻኢዉን ጥንቓቐ ይግበር። "ትንፈር እምበር ጤል ኢያ" ዝዓይነቱ ስነመጐት ኣብ ኤርትራና ኣይሰርሕን'ኡ!

quindibu wrote:
27 May 2022, 13:21
Don't expect this ደብተራ to understand the concept of modern nation-states.....
Meleket wrote:
27 May 2022, 10:49
ዛዕባና “መግዛእቲ” ኢዩ። መግዛእቲ ኣብ ኤርትራና ብጥልያንን ብወገን ዓሰብን ኣይጀመረን። ቅድሚኡ ህዝብና ተገዚኡ ኢዩ። :mrgreen:

ሕዝቢ ኤርትራ ብፖርቱጋል፡ ብቱርኪ፡ ብምስሪ፡ ብመሳፍንቲ ትግራይ፡ ብመሳፍንቲ ኣምሓራ ተዳሒኹ ኢዩ። ጥልያን ድሕሪ እዚ ኢዮም ብዓሰብ ዝመጹ። ንሕና ኤርትራዉያን ደያኑ ማእከልን መስመርን ካብ wikipedia ዝያዳ ንህዝብና ኢና ንውከስን ንኣምንን። ህዝብና ምረት መግዛእቲ ኪገልጽ እንከሎ፡ “ግዝኣት ቱርኪ” ቢሉ’ኳ ይምስል። በዙይ ኮነ በቱይ :mrgreen: ፡ ታሪኽ ብግቡእ ኪዝንቶ ኣለዎ። ጌጋ እናረኣና ድማ ትም ክንብል ኅሊናና ኣይፈቕድን። ወዲ መምህር ሙሳ ኣሮን እዉን ኪጽሕፍ እንከሎ ኪጥንቀቅ ይግባእ። ነፍሱ ይምሓሮ ነፍሲኄር ደራሲ ተስፋዬ ገብረአብ ከምዡይ ቢሉ ነቢሩ።

“መቸም ታሪክ ሲተረክ ሚዛናዊ አለመሆን የአካባቢያችን ታሪክ ጸሃፊዎች ዋና ችግር ሆኖ ዘልቋል። ለአብነት ታትመው ለንባብ የበቁ የቅርብና የሩቅ የአካባቢያችን ታሪኮች በአብዛኛው ማለት ይቻላል ፖለቲካዊ ፍላጎት የቀላቀሉ መሆናቸው በግልጽ ይታያል። የተጣመመ፣ የተዘለለና የጠለሸ ነገር አያጣቸውም። በመሆኑም የአካባቢያችን ታሪክ የሚጽፉ የመጪው ዘመን ተራኪዎች የማቃናት፣ የማጽዳትና የመሙላት ፈታኝ ስራ ይጠብቃቸዋል።” [ቀይ ዘመን ገጽ 5-6 ተስፋዬ ገብረኣብ]

Zmeselo wrote:
27 May 2022, 04:42

Italian Eritrea (Italian: Colonia Eritrea, "Colony of Eritrea") was a colony of the Kingdom of Italy in the territory of present-day Eritrea. The first Italian establishment in the area was the purchase of Assab by the Rubattino Shipping Company in 1869, which came under government control in 1882. Occupation of Massawa in 1885 and the subsequent expansion of territory would gradually engulf the region and in 1889 borders with the Ethiopian Empire were defined in the Treaty of Wuchale. In 1890 the Colony of Eritrea (Italian: Colonia Eritrea) was officially founded.

Meleket wrote:
27 May 2022, 04:07
ዓሰብ በየናዪ መለክዒ ኢያ መበገሲ መግዛእቲ ተባሂላ? :mrgreen:

ቱርኪ ግብጺ መሳፍንቲ ጦብያ ካብ ኣምሓራ እኒ ውቤ፡ ካብ ትግራይ እኒ ዮሃንስ’ከ ብዓሰብ ዲዮም ጀሚሮም ወይ ተበጊሶም? :mrgreen:

ሄሄሄ ወዲ መምህር ሙሳ ኣሮን እንተበሉናስ ታሪኽ ብግቡእ የመሓላልፍ ቢልና ሓሲብና ነቢርና’ሞ ትሕዝቶ እንተረኣናስ ኣይግድን! ኣርሞ ኢኻ ቖልዑት ኣይተጋጊ በልዎ፡ ነዙይ ሓዉና። ግሩም ሰኣላዪ ድማ በሉልና ልቕብ ኣቢልኩም።
Zmeselo wrote:
26 May 2022, 11:13
27 May 1991, the Liberation of Assab by the EPLF. ሎሚ መዓልቲ፡ ሓርነት ወደባዊት ከተማና ዓሰብዩ። ከተማ ዓሰብ፡ እታ ናይ መወዳእታ ሓራ ዝኾነትውን እያ። መበገስን መዛዘምን፡ ዕምሪ መግዛእቲ! ዮሃና፡ መርሃዊ ጸበባ ህዝባዊ ሰራዊት! ዮሃና፡ ንመላእ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ!
📸 @GhideonMusa
Meleket wrote:
02 Sep 2019, 05:14
ንደንደን ወሊዱ ካብ ተባህለ አዳል፣
አዳል’ከ ንርእሱ ፍረመን ይበሃል፧

ታሪኽ እምቢታና ኩሉ እንተዝግንጸል፣
አቦ ደንደን አዳል አይዀነን እቲ አወል፣
ድሙቕ ታሪኽ ኣሎ ከቶ ዘይኽወል።

ንቱርኪ መኸተ ንምስሪ መኸተ፣
ንትግራይ መኸተ ንጥልያን መኸተ፣
ንእንግሊዝ መኸተ ንጦቢያ መኸተ፣
ኣብዚ’ዩ ዚጥርነፍ አዳል ምስ ዓዋተ!!!

ኣይበቖለን አዳል ትም ኢሉ ብርእሱ፣
‘ንደንደን ኪወልድ’ ታሪኽ ተተርኢሱ፣
ታሪኽ ሮብሮብያ፣ ሓዝሓዝ ተወከሱ፣
ታሪኽ ናይ እምብለይ ናይ ሓላይ ሰልሱ።

ንሓቂ ምስ ገለጽና ንሓሶት ነሸቍርራ፣
ንጸላኢ ጥምረትና መሬት ነንገርግራ፣
ፍለጡና በሉ ንሕና ኢና ኤርትራ ራ ራ ራ!
ንዝያዳ ሓበሬታ ኣብዡዪ ተወከሱ ንብል ንሕና ኤርትራዉያን ደያኑ ማእከልን መስመርን ብኤርትራዊ ጭዉነትን ሃበንን :mrgreen: ... B1#p959088

Re: My Eritrean bros, April fools came more than a month late. Haha

Posted: 28 May 2022, 05:17
by Meleket
ኣዬ ቦተሊካ! ነዡይ ናይ ፎስተር ዳላስ ኣገላልጻ፡ ምስዚ ሕጂ ዓለምና ዘላቶ ኵነት እንተርኢናዮ፡ ኣብ ዓይኒ ብጻይና ዛሎ ገፈል ኣብ ክንዲ ነድህብ ኣብ ዓዒንትና ዛሎ እንተተዓዘብና
"ሽሕ እኳ ብዓይኒ ፍትሒን ፍትሓዉነትን ክርኤ እንከሎ፡ ልዑላዊ መሰል ሕዝቢን መንግሥቲን ኡክሬን ኪኽበር ዚግባእ እንተዀነ፡ ምስ ስትራቴጂካዊ ረብሃ ሃገርናን ዓለምናን ብምዝማድ ሩስያ ኣብ ልዕሊ ልዑላዊት ሃገር ሃገረ ኡክሬን እትገብሮ ምትእትታውን ወተሃደራዊ ዕንደራን ክንኩንኖ ኣይግባእን እኳ ደኣ ክንድግፎ ይግባእ . . ."
ከም ማለት'ዶ ኣይዀነን፡ ፍረድ ንነፍስኻ ኢዩ እቲ ጕዳዩ ንብል ንሕና ኤርትራዉያን ደያኑ ማእከልን መስመርን ብኤርትራዊ ጭዉነትን ሃበንን! :mrgreen:
Temt wrote:
27 May 2022, 16:40

. . .
To begin with, in the 1950s, the then US Secretary of State, John Foster Dulles stated: “From the point of view of justice, the opinion of the Eritrean people must receive consideration. Nevertheless, the strategic interests of the United States in the Red Sea Basin and world peace make it necessary that the country be linked with our ally Ethiopia.” . . . [/b]
Berhane Alazar

Re: My Eritrean bros, April fools came more than a month late. Haha

Posted: 30 May 2022, 09:24
by Meleket
ሓዉና Berhane Alazar ነዡይ ከም ፀሓይ ዝደመቐ ሓቂ እንተዘንብቦ፡ እንታይ ዓይነት መልሲ ምሃበሉ ነቢሩ፧ እንድዒ! :mrgreen:
Meleket wrote:
28 May 2022, 05:17
ኣዬ ቦተሊካ! ነዡይ ናይ ፎስተር ዳላስ ኣገላልጻ፡ ምስዚ ሕጂ ዓለምና ዘላቶ ኵነት እንተርኢናዮ፡ ኣብ ዓይኒ ብጻይና ዛሎ ገፈል ኣብ ክንዲ ነድህብ ኣብ ዓዒንትና ዛሎ እንተተዓዘብና
"ሽሕ እኳ ብዓይኒ ፍትሒን ፍትሓዉነትን ክርኤ እንከሎ፡ ልዑላዊ መሰል ሕዝቢን መንግሥቲን ኡክሬን ኪኽበር ዚግባእ እንተዀነ፡ ምስ ስትራቴጂካዊ ረብሃ ሃገርናን ዓለምናን ብምዝማድ ሩስያ ኣብ ልዕሊ ልዑላዊት ሃገር ሃገረ ኡክሬን እትገብሮ ምትእትታውን ወተሃደራዊ ዕንደራን ክንኩንኖ ኣይግባእን እኳ ደኣ ክንድግፎ ይግባእ . . ."
ከም ማለት'ዶ ኣይዀነን፡ ፍረድ ንነፍስኻ ኢዩ እቲ ጕዳዩ ንብል ንሕና ኤርትራዉያን ደያኑ ማእከልን መስመርን ብኤርትራዊ ጭዉነትን ሃበንን! :mrgreen:
Temt wrote:
27 May 2022, 16:40

. . .
To begin with, in the 1950s, the then US Secretary of State, John Foster Dulles stated: “From the point of view of justice, the opinion of the Eritrean people must receive consideration. Nevertheless, the strategic interests of the United States in the Red Sea Basin and world peace make it necessary that the country be linked with our ally Ethiopia.” . . .
Berhane Alazar