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Afro-Sweden Real Estate

Posted: 24 May 2022, 15:59
by temari

Re: Afro-Sweden Real Estate

Posted: 25 May 2022, 19:35
by Ethoash
i want to start my blog by saying Thanks the golden leader Meles ለዚህ ላበቃን

እኔን የገረመኝ እንዴት ሁለት ቤት በበረንዳ ተደርጎ እንዴት ያዋጠዋጣቸዋል አያ ሰዎች ብቻ በአስር ፎቅ ላይ ተቀምጠው የሚል ጥያቄ ብቻ ነው ያለኝ ግን ቤት ከመግዛት ከረከስ ወጣቶች ልጆች በብዛት ከሌላቸው እንግዲህ መልካም ይመስለኛል። እንደው ኤርትራዊ ጎረቤት ብቻ አያጋጥምህ።

i was commenting while i see the video ,,, i see gas stove this mመጠባበቅያust be stopped we must move to electric stove . if electric supply problem then get solar power... and small gas stove

የስዊዲን አክያ ቤት ዞሮ መጣ ። እኔ ሁሌ የማስበው የባኞ ቤት እቃዎቹን የእጅ መታጠብያ ሁሉ አገራችን ቢስሩ ዋጋው ቢቀንስ ብዬ ሁሌ አስባለሁኝ።

i am commenting while i am seeing the video so the host said laundry and store but i didn't see the laundry room. when i see house the first thing i see is the toilet and the laundry room. what kind of laundry machine they have this is very important when it come to cleaning ...

when he talk about how he accrued the land,,, he amazed me because instead of buying the land he work with the land owner ..

in the end the lady if she is not pregnant she have to exercise... beside that i wish they pay her million dollar .. those she show their video they must pay her 1% of the new business she manage to bring in.. this way everyone benefited ... i hope she read and demand cut from the new business she bringing in by now she would have got her own house after introducing so many house no body give her royalty ...that is why she have no money for exercise or time to keep up with the john's

Re: Afro-Sweden Real Estate

Posted: 26 May 2022, 13:05
by Ethoash
i remember something local Ethiopian invented door opener using ur phone . hence all those good is not necessary... we give our Ethiopian inventors no credit otherwise if someone support them we would be better off us nation .. even exporting our product instead of importing