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Digital Weyane
Posts: 8473
Joined: 19 Jun 2019, 21:45

ሩሲያ ጁንታ ዎንድማችን Meleketን ጨምሮ 963 አሜሪካዊያን ወደ ሀገሯ ኡንዳይገቡ አገደች

Post by Digital Weyane » 22 May 2022, 21:26

ኡዝጎ ኡዝጎ ኡዝጎ ! :cry: :cry: :cry:

ታላቁ ጁንታው ዎንድማችን Meleketን በጉዳዩ ላይ ምላሽ ኡንዲሰጡን በተደጋጋሚ ስልክ ደውለን ባለማንሳታቸው ሐሳባቸውን ማካተት አልቻልንም። :roll: :roll:

Russia bans 963 Americans from country

Actors and filmmakers Morgan Freeman and Rob Reiner were included on a list of 963 Americans banned from entering Russia released by the country’s foreign ministry on Saturday.

The list also includes President Biden, Vice President Harris and other members of the Biden administration, as well as all the members of the House and an assortment of business executives, think tank leaders, former lawmakers and officials and others.

Reiner’s and Freeman’s entries on the list appear to make reference to their work together in support of The Committee to Investigate Russia, a nonprofit focused on fighting Russian interference in U.S. elections.

Reiner is on the advisory board of the group, which launched in 2017, while Freeman voiced over a video it released.

“We have been attacked,” Freeman said in the video, referring to Russia’s interference in the 2016 presidential election. “We are at war.”

Freeman called on then-President Trump to “use every resource available to conduct a thorough investigation to determine exactly how this happened.”

The Committee to Investigate Russia said in 2017 that its aim was to “help Americans recognize and understand the gravity of Russia’s continuing attacks on our democracy.”

In a statement accompanying the release of the list on Saturday, the Russian foreign ministry said that the sanctions were a response to those imposed against the country over its invasion of Ukraine.

“In the context of response to the constantly imposed anti-Russian sanctions by the United States and in connection with incoming requests about the personal composition of our national ‘stop list’, the Russian Foreign Ministry publishes a list of American citizens who are permanently banned from entering the Russian Federation,” the ministry said.

Posts: 3057
Joined: 16 Feb 2018, 05:08

Re: ሩሲያ ጁንታ ዎንድማችን Meleketን ጨምሮ 963 አሜሪካዊያን ወደ ሀገሯ ኡንዳይገቡ አገደች

Post by Meleket » 23 May 2022, 04:02

አሁን ገና ጨዋታ ጨመርክ ወዳጃችን Digital Weyane።

እውነት ነው፡ እኛ ኤርትራዉያን የመሃልና የመስመር ዳኞችን፡ ፈልገህ ደውለህ ይሆናል፡ ቢሆንም ኣላገኘህንም። ለምን መሰለህ? :mrgreen:

የኤርትራ ህዝብ መራር ትግል ፍሬ የሆነውን የ31ኛ ዓመት የነጻነት በዓልን ምክንያት በማድረግ፡ ጀግናው ዘለንስኪ፡ “ለሰፊው የኤርትራ ህዝብ፡ እንኳን ደስ ኣለን” የሚል ይዘት ያለውን ሰፊ ደብዳቤ ልኮልን ስናነብ ስለነበረ ነው። :mrgreen: ቤነገራችን ላይ ጀግናው ብረዚደንት ዘለንስኪ፡ ወፈፌውን ብረዚደንት ፑቲን በመመከት ያሳየው ጀግንነት፡ የኤርትራ ህዝብ ካደረገው ገድል ጋር ተመሳሳይ መሆኑንም አጢኗል። በደብዳቤው ለመላው ለኤርትራ ህዝብ ሰላምና ጤና መመኘቱን ገልጿል። ብለን እናስቅህ ኣይደል የኛ ተራ ካድሬ!

እስቲ ቀጥል ተንጨርጨር፡ ወፈፌው ፑቲንን ከነ የውጭ ጉዳዩ፡ ለኤርትራ ያለውን አጋርነት ለማሳዬት የኤርትራን ነጻነት ለማክበር በኣካል ሊገኙ ነው ኣይደል፡ እንደፈረደብህ እያጨበጨብክ ተቀበላቸው፡ ተራ ካድሬ ማጨብጨብ ነው ስራዉ ኣይደል? ብለን እንሳለቅብህ እንጂ!
Digital Weyane wrote:
22 May 2022, 21:26
ሩሲያ ጁንታ ዎንድማችን Meleketን ጨምሮ 963 አሜሪካዊያን ወደ ሀገሯ ኡንዳይገቡ አገደች

ኡዝጎ ኡዝጎ ኡዝጎ ! :cry: :cry: :cry:

ታላቁ ጁንታው ዎንድማችን Meleketን በጉዳዩ ላይ ምላሽ ኡንዲሰጡን በተደጋጋሚ ስልክ ደውለን ባለማንሳታቸው ሐሳባቸውን ማካተት አልቻልንም። :roll: :roll:

Russia bans 963 Americans from country

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