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PM Abiy should introduce a presidential system, become a president and appoint this lady to be prime minister

Post by temari » 22 May 2022, 17:27

PM Abiy should introduce a presidential system in Ethiopia and should become the president. The president can be the chief of staff of the army and the head of the security but things like the economy should be left to the prime minister. The president should have the power to appoint a prime minister and the prime minister should be allowed to assemble his/her own cabinet members (ministers) and do the job. If the PM fails to deliver, the president can easily replace him without waiting for the next election.

Currently, we are stuck with PM Abiy for everything and we can't change him until the next election. That is too long. Even then we are not sure if the inept opposition can become mature by then and if not we are stuck for yet another five years with the same PM. Hence the current system makes it very hard to introduce change of the PM from inside. The presidential system on the contrary helps the ruling party to react quickly and replace low performing prime ministers without waiting until a push comes from either the opposition or the people.

PM Abiy is good in some areas like ICT, rebuilding the military and security, focus on agriculture, having vision etc. but he is greatly lacking in many practical economic areas which is resulting in an increasingly frustrated population. As the Americans say, it is the economy stupid! If a government fails on the economic sector then it is surly doomed!

I suggest PM Abiy should introduce a presidential system, become the president, appoint a competent PM and focus on what he is good at. I suggest he should appoint the CEO of Ethio Telecom Frehiwot Tamiru to be the prime minister.

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Re: PM Abiy should introduce a presidential system, become a president and appoint this lady to be prime minister

Post by Horus » 22 May 2022, 17:45

የኢትዮጵያ ሕዝብ ለ27 አመት የጎሳ አገዛዝ እንዲፈርስ ሲጠይቅ ኖሮ አቢይ መጣና እለውጠዋለሁ ብሎ የህዝብ ድጋፍ ሰበሰበ፤ ከዚያም አይ ለውጡ ኢህአደጋዊ ነው ብሎ ባፈ ጮሌነት ያን ያክል በደገፈው ሕዝብ ላይ ተሳለቀ። እመነኝ ኢትዮጵያዊያን ሌላ 27 አመት በጎሳ ሰርዓት አይገዙም ። አንተ ያነሳሃው ሃሳብ መባል ያለበት አቢይና የሱ ፓርላማ ባስቸኳይ የሕገ መንግስትና ሌሎች ለውጦች ለሕዝባዊ መፍትሄ ማቅረብ አለበት ። ሰው የመረጠው የወያኔ ትግሬን ስርዓት እንዲለውጥ ነበር ። እሱ ግን አንዴ ስለተመረጥኩኝ ሌላ 4 አመት ምንም ማድረግ አትችሉም የሚል እብሪት ጀምሯል ። ይህ እጅግ አደገኛና ግዜ የማይሰጥ አቲቲዩድ ነው ። አሁን የቀረው ይህ ባማራ ያለው ምሬት ወደ መሃል አገርና ደቡብ ማድረስ ብቻ ነው ። ሰርዓቱ በራሱ ዝተት እየወደቀ ነው።

አቢይ መመለስ ያልቻለው ጥያቄኮ ! ለውጡ የት ገባ? የሚለው ነው ።

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Re: PM Abiy should introduce a presidential system, become a president and appoint this lady to be prime minister

Post by kibramlak » 23 May 2022, 00:25

የጎሳ ህገመንግስት ካልተስተካከለ አሁንም በተመሳሳይ የትኛው ሚኒስተር ለየትኛው ጎሳ እና ክልል መባባሉ ይቀጥላል፣ ፣ አብይ ፀረ ኢትዮጵያ እና ፀረ አማራ መሆኑን በብዙ መልኩ ተጋልጧል፣፣ እያንዳንዱ የስልጣን ጊዜ ለህዝብ ሰቆቃ እና ችግር እየወለደ ነው የሄደው፣፣ አሁን ያለበት ሁኔታ በጣም አደገኛ ነው፣፣ ምክንያቱም የአማራውን ህዝብ ለመምታት እንደገና ከትህነግ ጋት የመተባበር አዝማሚያ ስለሚታይ፣፣ ይህ ደግሞ ለመላው የኢትዮጵያ ህዝብ አደገኛ ነው፣ በእስር በረት ሲታጎር የነበረው ተራው ኦሮሞም እጣ ፋንታው ተመልሶ ሰቆቃ ነው፣፣ አብይ ያከበረውን እና የደገገፈውን የናቀ፣ ከዛም አልፎ ከስልጣን ያቆየውን ሊያጠፋ የተነሳ ወራዳ ክብር ቢስ እና ከሀዲ ነው፣፣

ፕረዚዳንትም በለው ሌላ፣ አብይ በህዝብ የመጣ እርግማን ስለሆነ ምንም ፋይዳ እይኖረውም፣፣

ልክ ነው እንደ ፍሬህይወት አይነት የኮርፖሬት ቢዝነስ የገባቸው ለሀገር ትልቅ እሴት ናቸው ግን በአሁኑ የጎሳ ፖለቲካ አቀማመጥ በጣም ትቸገራለች ፣፣ ጓጉንቸር የጎሳ ደዌዎች በተጠራቀሙበት

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Re: PM Abiy should introduce a presidential system, become a president and appoint this lady to be prime minister

Post by temari » 23 May 2022, 15:23

Horus wrote:
22 May 2022, 17:45
kibramlak wrote:
23 May 2022, 00:25
Horus and kibramlak, I fully understand your concern but I think it is not realistic to expect and wait for a significant constitutional amendment. In fact and in my view PM Abiy himself is a product of the EPRDF system and mindset and don't want to modify the constitution to the point of removing the ethnic component.

So, even though I believe that in our current ethnic based system it is impossible to build a fair system for all and a one ethnic domination coupled with reactions to that is inevitable, I am also realistic and don't expect PM Abiy and PP willing to go as far as dismantling and modifying the constitution in a significant manner.

My take is that we can have a serious, meaningful and honest conversation about our political system including the constitution when a significant number of our population is out of poverty and have achieved a higher IQ and become more "civilized". Currently, I really don't think we can achieve any meaningful political change as long as poverty and low IQ dominate our lives and politics.

So, my focus is to try and achieve some economic progress within the current system (even though it is very challenging) and then start a meaningful political dialogue. I'm suggesting an UNELECTED prime minister that is competent and that can be removed anytime since he/she is not elected. This could also give the president a relief from being responsible for everything and from getting all the blame when things go wrong. Hopping PM Abiy and also PP, that is full of EPRDF cadres with ethnic political mindset, to amend the constitution significantly doesn't seem realistic to me.

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Re: PM Abiy should introduce a presidential system, become a president and appoint this lady to be prime minister

Post by Horus » 23 May 2022, 16:12

Yours seems the classic Meles's developmental state model which has partly worked in societies with significant internal harmony (or absence of ethnic polarization). Loan and state driven capitalist growth where the state dominated by one ethnic group is a classic prescription for disaster. The problem with Ethiopian political system is not that it is parliamentary or not presidential; rather it is founded on a defective organizing principle called tribalism.

What is the principle of any political system? What is the principle of Ethiopian political order? what do you call the Ethiopian politics? In fact why did the Tigray dominated 27 year old order collapse? It collapsed for exactly the same reasons you described. The notion you are proposing - ethnic state capitalism - is precisely PP itself has called a kleptocracy, a rule of thieves. I generously call it Ethnocracy - rule by an ethnic group.

No, if what you are suggesting is the true belief of the Abiy circle, expect a devastating national disruption and systemic collapse. Economic growth as a precondition for democratization partly worked for a united and nationalist nation with strong widely accepted national leader. It is a fact now that Abiy is fast losing that national stature and becoming entangled in the ethnic web similar to the fate of Tigrean ethnocratic Meles.

Ergo: the necessity and inevitability of reform! What shape and depth that reform will be is what we can't predict. It will be driven by two essential forces - the strength of citizen based politics and the ethnic balance of force in the national dynamics. Economic growth without politics is unthinkable in a highly politicized society such as Ethiopia.

Let me give you one example. PP is building all sorts of industrial parks in all sorts of killils. Investors and capitalists are not coming or leaving because of bad politics - that is ethnic politics. Observe closely, you have very little movement of non-ethnic investors going into a particular ethnic killil. Capitalism constrained by tribal divisions and tribal boundaries is the exact anti-thesis of capitalism.

The effect of these anti-capitalist tribalism is seen in the current inflationary and chaotic economics of the Ethiopian ethnocracy!

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Re: PM Abiy should introduce a presidential system, become a president and appoint this lady to be prime minister

Post by temari » 23 May 2022, 16:53

Horus wrote:
23 May 2022, 16:12
Yours seems the classic Meles's developmental state model which has partly worked in societies with significant internal harmony (or absence of ethnic polarization). Loan and state driven capitalist growth where the state dominated by one ethnic group is a classic prescription for disaster. The problem with Ethiopian political system is not that it is parliamentary or not presidential; rather it is founded on a defective organizing principle called tribalism.

What is the principle of any political system? What is the principle of Ethiopian political order? what do you call the Ethiopian politics? In fact why did the Tigray dominated 27 year old order collapse? It collapsed for exactly the same reasons you described. The notion you are proposing - ethnic state capitalism - is precisely PP itself has called a kleptocracy, a rule of thieves. I generously call it Ethnocracy - rule by an ethnic group.

No, if what you are suggesting is the true belief of the Abiy circle, expect a devastating national disruption and systemic collapse. Economic growth as a precondition for democratization partly worked for a united and nationalist nation with strong widely accepted national leader. It is a fact now that Abiy is fast losing that national stature and becoming entangled in the ethnic web similar to the fate of Tigrean ethnocratic Meles.

Ergo: the necessity and inevitability of reform! What shape and depth that reform will be is what we can't predict. It will be driven by two essential forces - the strength of citizen based politics and the ethnic balance of force in the national dynamics. Economic growth without politics is unthinkable in a highly politicized society such as Ethiopia.

Let me give you one example. PP is building all sorts of industrial parks in all sorts of killils. Investors and capitalists are not coming or leaving because of bad politics - that is ethnic politics. Observe closely, you have very little movement of non-ethnic investors going into a particular ethnic killil. Capitalism constrained by tribal divisions and tribal boundaries is the exact anti-thesis of capitalism.

The effect of these anti-capitalist tribalism is seen in the current inflationary and chaotic economics of the Ethiopian ethnocracy!
I'm fully with you that this ethnic based system is anti-capitalist and anti free market system. I also agree that it will crumble and end up very bad. And exactly because of this very fact that I'm trying to have a soft landing for lack of any realistic alternative. Popular uprising without coordinated and strategic leadership will do more harm than benefit. I fear if we continue with the current system which always brings forth a one ethnic dominated system, the system and the state inevitably will collapse and that is my biggest fear.

You are expecting PM Abiy to drop the ethnic based system and move to citizen based system but I am almost sure that he will never do that. I have zero hope on that because I believe he himself is a victim and a product of that EPRDF system and will never grow out of it except giving a lip service. We also don't have a strong opposition that could take over in an event of a state collapse. In fact all opposition forces without exception that have a military wing and a fighting force are all ethnic based. So even though I wish it badly, realistically I see zero chance that we can achieve to move to a citizen based system in a foreseeable future.

What is the alternative? We don't have any other than a collapse of the state. Until then I want to try to help the economy grow to benefit as many citizens as possible so we have a substantial amount of citizens who thinks with their brains than their ethnic instincts. That is my hope. Only when we have a mature and civilized society, only then we can truly start objectively discuss the shortcomings of the current system and collectively try to replace it.

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