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Re: The Brewing Amara Uprising Needs A Clear Objective & A Central Slogan

Post by Right » 23 May 2022, 09:48

Tigrai is omitted deliberately.
There isn’t much talk about the TPLF. Maybe it is now an ally. I don’t think you realized where the trap is. I told you so, politics is a chess game. The Oromos will never get it. They are in Ethiopia for 500 years and still didn’t sink in.

The 7th just can’t hold it together.
He misplaced his priority and resorted into kidnapping and killing citizens. He is after Meskerm Abera and Tamrat Negra.

Do you know where your focus should be? Learn a chess game and you will know the answer.

What a clown show!!

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Re: The Brewing Amara Uprising Needs A Clear Objective & A Central Slogan

Post by DefendTheTruth » 23 May 2022, 10:22

Another additional feature and even more importantly so distinguishing Qeerroo uprising that have dismantled the established and deep entrenched suppressive regime of TPLF was a peaceful resistance, which earned it sympathy and international accolades to some degree, while the current disturbance making elements in the Amara region are well armed and firing on the national state apparatus, openly recruiting and training more and more fighters, an armed gang in effect.

There is no comparison between the two in the world of simple logic, which is increasingly ignored more and more these days, for whatever reason.

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Re: The Brewing Amara Uprising Needs A Clear Objective & A Central Slogan

Post by Right » 23 May 2022, 10:26

I don’t think you will ever get it.

Ask Horus to break it down for you. Make sure to have a stack of money and a gun. Money as incentive and gun to force him tell the truth.

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Re: The Brewing Amara Uprising Needs A Clear Objective & A Central Slogan

Post by Tiago » 23 May 2022, 10:50


Stop telling lies .FANO is not about toppling the fact,FANO fought off TPLF that was planning to oust Abiy Ahmed.
FANO is protecting the amhara from TPLF invasion.FANO is not hunting down oromos or other ethnic groups.
the AFFAR people are also armed to defend themselves,but GALLA ABIY is showing his true color by targeting the amharas
your qeeros on the other hand are now well armed to terrorize ethiopians just like woyanes.

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Re: The Brewing Amara Uprising Needs A Clear Objective & A Central Slogan

Post by Right » 23 May 2022, 12:07

DDT has a problem with the truth.

Sam Ebalalehu
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Re: The Brewing Amara Uprising Needs A Clear Objective & A Central Slogan

Post by Sam Ebalalehu » 27 May 2022, 14:54

I question is there an Amhara uprising. We keep falling to the same flawed belief : the activists of every ethnic group speak the demands of the people they claim to represent. That is not true. TPLF had not spelled out the demands of Tigreans. OLF has not spelled out the demands of the Oromos. The Amhara activists couldn’t be different.

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Re: The Brewing Amara Uprising Needs A Clear Objective & A Central Slogan

Post by Horus » 27 May 2022, 15:05

Sam Ebalalehu wrote:
27 May 2022, 14:54
I question is there an Amhara uprising. We keep falling to the same flawed belief : the activists of every ethnic group speak the demands of the people they claim to represent. That is not true. TPLF had not spelled out the demands of Tigreans. OLF has not spelled out the demands of the Oromos. The Amhara activists couldn’t be different.
በጣም ጥሩ ጥያቄ ነው! እኔ እራሳቸው ያማራ አክቲቪስቶች አምጸናል፣ ሃዝቡ እያመጸ ነው ሲሉ የአማራ ጥያቄ ምንድን ነው ብዬ ጠየቁኝ። ልዩ ልዩ የታጠቁ ያማራ ቡድኖች ካላቸው የውስጥ ውዝግብ የተለየ መሰረታዊ የፖለቲካ ጥያቄ! የመንግስት ጥያቄ! የስርዓት ጥያቄ ማየት ስላልቻልኩ ነው ሃረጉን የከፈትኩት ።

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Re: The Brewing Amara Uprising Needs A Clear Objective & A Central Slogan

Post by Abere » 27 May 2022, 15:28

የአማራ ህዝብ ጥያቄ እስከ አሁን ያልገባው ሰው ካለ የእራሱን ስም ማስታወስ ወይም ማወቅ የማይችል ሰው ይመሰላል። ግልጽ እና ጉልህ የሆነውን ጉዳይ በአስልች ሁኔታ ሲጠይቁ መኖር ሆድ ሲያውቅ ዶሮ ማታ ወይም እራስ መትቶ እግር ማሻሸት ነው። ጥያቄ አልገባኝም ባዮች እነ ዐጼ ኃይለስላሴ አብዮት ሽንት ቤት ቀብሯቸዋል፤ እነ መንግስቱ ሃይለማርያምን፤ ዚምባቡዌ አንከሳክሷቸዋል፤ እነ ስዩም መስፍን እና መሰሏቻቸውን አሰቃቂ ዋጋ አስከፍሏቸዋል፤ እነ አይሰማንም ኦሮሙማዎችን እና ውታፍ ነቃዮቻቸውን ደግሞ ዕጣ ፈንታቸው ተርታ ጽዋቸው እንድሁ እንጦረጦስ እንደሚሆን አንጠራጠርም። ማለባበስ ይቅር ይሚለውን ሙዚቃ በኦሮሙማ ኤች አይቪ ለተያዙ መጋበዝ ሳይሻል አይቀርም።

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Re: The Brewing Amara Uprising Needs A Clear Objective & A Central Slogan

Post by DefendTheTruth » 27 May 2022, 15:33

Sam Ebalalehu wrote:
27 May 2022, 14:54
I question is there an Amhara uprising. We keep falling to the same flawed belief : the activists of every ethnic group speak the demands of the people they claim to represent. That is not true. TPLF had not spelled out the demands of Tigreans. OLF has not spelled out the demands of the Oromos. The Amhara activists couldn’t be different.

I listened to this interview before days but onething remained stuck to my mind: I simply couldn't forget it since then.

TPLF heroes, like those for any of its contemporaries, were delusional youth, people at their very young age picked from their school chair and made "Hero" artificially.

Prof. Haregeweyin pointed out one critical point of the flaws you are talking about, I think.

She said something like: Meles was a very brilliant young student who could have achieved anything in the world (he could have made himself the best Doctor, the best Engineer, the best academician of any field, if he just simply pursued his education and focused on that). But he was made to drop out of the school and sent to the front with a great fanfare of the elders themselves, as just a 20 years old boy, she said. As such he was a victim himself. This can be multiplied in terms of hundreds and thousands of others and the fate of too many youth in our country ended the same way, in her own words.

The fate of Ethiopia fell in the hands of those ቀጫጫዎች . I don't think anyone could have made himself a political guru at that age, let alone in Ethiopia of such a deep and rich history, even in the relatively young and new nations around the world.

The problem started there. The same is true for other sections of the country. The guys of the OLF were relatively better educated than the TPLF guys, I think. I am now wondering if that could be the reason why the Oromo region was relatively spared better from the devastating rounds of wars that has befallen the Tigray region as we stand today.

There is a saying: don't look at where you fell, look at where it got slippery.

Those of us of today have the chance to draw a lesson, in my view.

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