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Fano Abysinnia

Posted: 20 May 2022, 20:15
by Noble Amhara
Fano is a mystery to outsiders

Here are some facts about Fano

1) Fano is a modern day revival of the old Arbegna Culture

2) Fano is both Amhara & Agew. any Amhara&Agew can join Fano to defend their woreda/zone/kilil.

3) Fano is both Christian and Muslim. Any Muslim and Christian can take up arm to defend their freedom in Amhara

4) Anyone in Abysinnia can be Fano. This includes those who are from Amhara Region and joined Meklaklya and Liyu as long as they defend Amhara Region they are a part of Fano’s Legacy

5) Fanos aided and supported the ENDF and Liyus. Fano Volunteers and even Farmer Militias went with ENDF to fight TPLF out of Amhara Region

6) Fano does not seek to overthrow the Government. Fano should be respected it is Ethiopian and purely Hizbawi

8) Fano represents 98% of Amhara Region people

9) Fano is in good relations with Eritrea and Afar Kilil and has no desire to take the Red Sea. Fano = Hizbawi.

10) Fano exists because TPLf and Onegoch demonically seek to eliminate Amhara People from the Earth. There was no Fano in Amhara until weyane and opdo arrived to hurt our people

Re: Fano is now more popular then ENDF

Posted: 21 May 2022, 06:51
by Wedi
የአማራ ህዝብ እና ፋኖ የትግል መዝሙር ለህዝብ ተለቀቀ!!!!

Re: Fano is now more popular then ENDF

Posted: 21 May 2022, 13:23
by Noble Amhara

የአገው ፋኖ

የአማራ ፋኖ

Re: Fano

Posted: 21 May 2022, 15:55
by Noble Amhara

Re: Fano is now more popular then ENDF

Posted: 21 May 2022, 16:01
by union
Thank you brother Wedi,
Great song!
Wedi wrote:
21 May 2022, 06:51
የአማራ ህዝብ እና ፋኖ የትግል መዝሙር ለህዝብ ተለቀቀ!!!!

Re: Fano

Posted: 21 May 2022, 16:09
by union

Re: Fano

Posted: 21 May 2022, 16:37
by Noble Amhara

Re: Fano

Posted: 22 May 2022, 14:15
by Noble Amhara
Shiritam Fano

Re: Fano

Posted: 23 May 2022, 04:54
by Noble Amhara

Re: Fano

Posted: 24 May 2022, 02:56
by Noble Amhara
Fano cannot be eliminated!

Weyane learned it the hard way and gave up by running from Shewa back to Maychew in 2 weeks !!

Re: Fano

Posted: 24 May 2022, 04:18
by Axumezana
Noble Amhara የገለፅው፥ ፋኖ፥ የኢሳያስና፥ የአብይ፥ ቅጥረኛ፥ የሆነዉን፥ ፋኖ፥ ነው። በዚህ፥ መልኩ፥ የተደራጀ፥ ፋኖ፥ ተላላኪ፥ ከመሆን፥ አልፎ፥ ለአማራ፥ ህዝብ፥ ትግል፥ የሚበጅ፥ አይደለም።

ፋኖ የአማራ፥ህዝብ፥ትግል፥ የወለደው፥ ንቅናቄ፥ ሲሆን፥ በትክክል፥ ከተመራ፥ አማራን፥ብቻ፥ ሳይሆን፥ ኢትዮጵያን፥ ከመበታተን፥ለማዳንና፥የወደፊት፥እድገትና፥ህልውና፥ ላይ፥ ወሳኝ፥ ሚና፥ ሊጫወት፥ ይችላል ።፥

ፋኖ፥ በአሁኑ፥ ሰአት፥ አሳ፥ አጥማጅ፥ የያዛቸውን፥ ሁሉም፤ነገሮች(ከመመረጣቸው፥ በፊት፥ማለት፥ ነው) እንደያዘ፥ መረብ፥ ይመስላል።

- ለህዝብ፥ ራሳቸውን፥ አሳልፈው፥ የሰጡ፤/የሚሰጡ
- አላማቸውን፥ ያወቁ
- የተደራጁ
- አላማቸውን፥ ያላወቁ
- ያልተደራጁ
- የታጠቁ፥ ሌቦች፥ነፍስ፥ ገዳይ፥ሽፍቶች
- ስራ፥ ፈቶች
- የኤርትራ፥ ባንዴራ፥ ተሸካሚዎችና፥ ቅጥረኞች፥
- የአብይ፥ ቅጥረኛች

ፋኖ፥ አንድ፥ ወጥ፥ አደረጃጀት፥አዲስ፥መጠርያ፥ ስም( branding)፥ ሕዝባዊ፥የፓለቲካ፥ ፕሮግራም፥ ያለው፥ ከዉጭ፥ ሀይሎች፥ ( ከኤርትራ)ነፃ፥የሆነ፤ ከአብይ፥ መንግስት፥ ነፃ፥ የሆነ፥ራሱን፥ የማጥራትና፥ ለአላማውና፥ለትግሉ፥ማንኛው፥ መስዋትነት፥ ለመክፈል፥ ዝግጁ፥መሆን፥ እንዲችል፥ሆኖ፥ መደራጀት፥ አለበት። የመታገያ፥ ነፃ፥ መሬት፥ ያስፈልገዋል። ከትግራይና፥ ከኦሮሞ፥ ትግል፥ መማርና፥ ከእነርሱም፥ ጋር፥ሰላማዊ፥ ግንኙነት፥ ማድረግ፥ይጠበቅበታል። ራያና፥ ወልቃይት፥ ሌሎችም፥ የድንበር፥ ጉዳዬች በሰላማዊ፥ መንገድ፥ በጊዜው፥ የሚፈቱ፥ ሲሆኑ፥ ቅድሚያ፥ የሚሰጣቸው፥ የአገር፥ ጉዳዮች፥ ማለትም፤

- ኢትዮጵያን፥ከመፍረስ፥ መታደግ
- በኢትዮጵያ፥ ዲሞክራሲን፥ መገንባት
- የባህር፥ በር፥ጉዳይ፤ #Bring Back Our Access to Red Sea!
- ህዳሴ፥ ግድቡን፥ ማጠናቀቅ

ላይ፥ ፋኖ፥ ቅድሚያ፥ ቢሰጥ፥ አማራንም፥ኢትዮጵያንም፥በዘሌቄታዊ፥ መንገድ ይጠቅማል። በአማራ፥ ህዝብ፥ ዉስጥ፥ ያለው፥ እምቅ፥ አገርን፥ የማስተዳደር፥ ጥበብ፥ አገርን፥ መውደድ፥የመቻቻልና፥ የመረዳዳት፥ ባህል፥ህግ፥ አክባሪነትና፥ ፈሪሀ፥ እግዚአብሔርነት፥ ፋኖ፥ በቀላሉ፥ ተጠቅሞ፥ራሱን፥ አደራጅቶ፥ ሊጎለብትባቸው፥ የሚችልባቸው፥ እሴቶች፥ ናቸው።

Noble Amhara የገለፅው፥ ፋኖ፥ የኢሳያስና፥ የአብይ፥ ቅጥረኛ፥ የሆነዉን፥ ፋኖ፥ ነው። በዚህ፥ መልኩ፥ የተደራጀ፥ ፋኖ፥ ተላላኪ፥ ከመሆን፥ አልፎ፥ ለአማራ፥ ህዝብ፥ የሚበጅ፥ አይደለም።

Re: Fano

Posted: 24 May 2022, 17:23
by Noble Amhara

Re: Fano Abysinnia

Posted: 24 May 2022, 17:42
by DefendTheTruth
Noble Amhara wrote:
20 May 2022, 20:15

9) Fano is in good relations with Eritrea and Afar Kilil and has no desire to take the Red Sea. Fano = Hizbawi.
That means Fano doesn't accept the federalism arrangement in the country as well?

If it did, then it couldn't maintain a relationship with a foreign country on its own, that is in the competency of the federal government, if I remember well.

Re: Fano Abysinnia

Posted: 27 May 2022, 15:20
by Noble Amhara
Fano is practicing Federal Constitution Fano walks on Amhara soil and is defending Amhara Kilil selflessly so what is your problem?

DefendTheTruth wrote:
24 May 2022, 17:42
Noble Amhara wrote:
20 May 2022, 20:15

9) Fano is in good relations with Eritrea and Afar Kilil and has no desire to take the Red Sea. Fano = Hizbawi.
That means Fano doesn't accept the federalism arrangement in the country as well?

If it did, then it couldn't maintain a relationship with a foreign country on its own, that is in the competency of the federal government, if I remember well.