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LiVE - Ethio 360 "የኢዜማ ሽኩቻና የጦርነቱ ዝግጅት" --- ኢዜማ 4 ከፍተኛ አመራሮቹን አገደ!!

Posted: 13 May 2022, 12:56
by Wedi
LiVE - Ethio 360 "የኢዜማ ሽኩቻና የጦርነቱ ዝግጅት"
ኢዜማ 4 ከፍተኛ አመራሮቹን አገደ

"...የመጨረሻ ውሳኔ እንዲሰጥበት ለፓርቲው ህገ ደንብ ትርጉምና ዲሲፕሊን ኮሚቴ ተመርቷል ተብሏል..." ( ሸገር ራዲዮ)

• የኢዜማ የድርጅት ጉዳይ መምሪያ ሀላፊው አቶ ዋሲሁን ተስፋዬ
• የፋይናንስ መምሪያ ሀላፊው አቶ አንድነት ሽፈራሁ
• የፓርቲው ምክትል ሊቀመንበር ዶ/ር ጫኔ ከበደና
• አባል የሆኑት አቶ ኢዮብ መሳፍንት ከሀላፊነታቸው ለጊዜው እንዲታገዱ ወስኗል።


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Re: LiVE - Ethio 360 "የኢዜማ ሽኩቻና የጦርነቱ ዝግጅት"

Posted: 13 May 2022, 17:31
by Horus
ወሬ አመላላሽ ቦዘኔዎች! በአለም ላይ ያሉ እውነተኛ የፖለቲካ ፓርቲዎች ሁሉ በየቀኑ በአይዲዮሎጂና ፖሊሲ እየተጨቃጨቁ ነው ስራቸውን የሚሰሩት ። አንድ ነባርዊ ሁኔት በተለወጠ ቁጥር ፓርቲዎች ቢከፋፈሉ ቢነታረኩ ያ ጸባያቸው ስለሆነ ነው ።

የማይከፋፈል፣ የማይነታረክ እንደ ኢትዮ360 ያሉ የዩ ቱብ ሳንቶም በመለመን ወሬ ሲያመላልሱ፣ እከሌ ፈሳ፣ እከሌ ተኛ፣ እከሌ ተነሳ እያሉ እድሚያቸው የሚያባክኑ ቦዘኔዎች ናቸው ። ብልጽግ ና፣ ኢዜማ፣ ኦፌኮ፣ አብን ሌሎሽም ሁሉም በሃሳብ እና ፖሊሲ ተከፋፍለው እየተፋጩ ነው! ለምን? ስለሚሰሩ! ለምን? ከግዜው ጋራ እየተጓዙ፣ ኢተሬቲቭ ግምገማ እያደረጉ በሚያገኙት ፊድ ባክ መታረም ያለበትን እያረሙ እምቢ ያለው እያባረሩ ወደ ፊት ለመሄድ!!

ማነው የማይሳሳት? ማነው የማሹዋከት የዩ ቱብ ቦዘኔ ዲሲ ቁጭ ብሎ የቡና ቤት ወሬ የሚያቦካ ፋይዳ ቢስ ቡድን! ኢሬለቫንት ወረኞች!!

Re: LiVE - Ethio 360 "የኢዜማ ሽኩቻና የጦርነቱ ዝግጅት"

Posted: 13 May 2022, 17:41
by Sam Ebalalehu
Horus it is better to ignore the guys who want to make a living by selling something the TPLF crowd wants to hear. Recently, there is a concerted effort by TPLF cadres and sleeper cells to make them relatable. Just read the headline and move on. Time is precious my friend and shouldn’t be wasted while gluing to listen their current “alubaleta.”

Re: LiVE - Ethio 360 "የኢዜማ ሽኩቻና የጦርነቱ ዝግጅት"

Posted: 13 May 2022, 17:50
by Horus
Sam Ebalalehu wrote:
13 May 2022, 17:41
Horus it is better to ignore the guys who want to make a living by selling something the TPLF crowd wants to hear. Recently, there is a concerted effort by TPLF cadres and sleeper cells to make them relatable. Just read the headline and move on. Time is precious my friend and shouldn’t be wasted while gluing to listen their current “alubaleta.”
ትክክል! በጣም አናደውኝ ነው

Re: LiVE - Ethio 360 "የኢዜማ ሽኩቻና የጦርነቱ ዝግጅት"

Posted: 13 May 2022, 23:08
by Right
Oh Mr Mini dictator Ezema and PP are not subject to criticism. Mr goon all has to cheer to Dr Birr & Dr Clown.

And you have spent more than half of your life in the US but you are thinking below the level of your uncle in welkitie.
Even if you are a member of Ezema, you have to defend or accept the criticism and move on. Or cease your political activity in the name of the Ethiopian people.

Good job Ethio360 - please expose this trash head thieves. #1. Back it up with evidence. Mostly your work is evidence based.
#2. Always give the platform for the criticized to defend themselves.

Ethiopia has no body to defend her. Please upgrade program to a daily satellite.

Re: LiVE - Ethio 360 "የኢዜማ ሽኩቻና የጦርነቱ ዝግጅት"

Posted: 13 May 2022, 23:55
by Right
One thing though- Ethio360 has to reach out to EZEMA and allow them to defend or respond to any accusations. The likes of Yeshewas and Epherem Mandebo are more than capable of to defend and explain their positions. Once you are a public organization you are subject to criticism but what we are asking is that it has to be done with integrity.

Re: LiVE - Ethio 360 "የኢዜማ ሽኩቻና የጦርነቱ ዝግጅት"

Posted: 14 May 2022, 06:24
by Wedi
ኢዜማ 4 ከፍተኛ አመራሮቹን አገደ

"...የመጨረሻ ውሳኔ እንዲሰጥበት ለፓርቲው ህገ ደንብ ትርጉምና ዲሲፕሊን ኮሚቴ ተመርቷል ተብሏል..." ( ሸገር ራዲዮ)

• የኢዜማ የድርጅት ጉዳይ መምሪያ ሀላፊው አቶ ዋሲሁን ተስፋዬ
• የፋይናንስ መምሪያ ሀላፊው አቶ አንድነት ሽፈራሁ
• የፓርቲው ምክትል ሊቀመንበር ዶ/ር ጫኔ ከበደና
• አባል የሆኑት አቶ ኢዮብ መሳፍንት ከሀላፊነታቸው ለጊዜው እንዲታገዱ ወስኗል።


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