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Abiy Ahmed's regime's mothers day gift to Ethiopians: benzene is increasing by 16% & diesel by 22.4%

Post by sarcasm » 09 May 2022, 05:20

TPLF had reserve mechanism to protect Ethiopian oil prices from the international fluctuation of petrol prices. PM Abiy wasted the billions of funds in the reserve to buy drones and explosives from Turkey. Therefore the internal oil prices are exposed to international fluctuation.

Prices for benzene and diesel will go up beginning tomorrow, May 8, 2022.

A litre of benzene is set at 36.87 Br, increasing by 16pc. It is an increase of a little over five Birr from what gas stations have been charging since the last time price changes were introduced in December 2021.

A litre of diesel has gone up by 22.4pc to 35. 43 Br. ... ions-jump/
Last edited by sarcasm on 09 May 2022, 07:24, edited 1 time in total.

Sam Ebalalehu
Posts: 3639
Joined: 23 Jun 2018, 21:29

Re: Abiy Ahmed's regime's mothers day gift to Ethiopians: benzene is increasing by 16% & diesel by 22.4%

Post by Sam Ebalalehu » 09 May 2022, 06:56

The country comes first , Eden. Buying drones and explosives could not be characterized as wasting money. People use “ benzene” when they have country.

Posts: 9905
Joined: 08 Mar 2014, 16:32

Re: Abiy Ahmed's regime's mothers day gift to Ethiopians: benzene is increasing by 16% & diesel by 22.4%

Post by DefendTheTruth » 09 May 2022, 09:04

sarcasm wrote:
09 May 2022, 05:20
TPLF had reserve mechanism to protect Ethiopian oil prices from the international fluctuation of petrol prices. PM Abiy wasted the billions of funds in the reserve to buy drones and explosives from Turkey. Therefore the internal oil prices are exposed to international fluctuation.

Prices for benzene and diesel will go up beginning tomorrow, May 8, 2022.

A litre of benzene is set at 36.87 Br, increasing by 16pc. It is an increase of a little over five Birr from what gas stations have been charging since the last time price changes were introduced in December 2021.

A litre of diesel has gone up by 22.4pc to 35. 43 Br. ... ions-jump/
What about your propaganda that has also run out of fuel as well?

Do you think the use of "mother's day" will do any sort of compensation for the obvious scarcity and total drying up of the fuel for the remanent propganda machine?

If you have to then lose in grace!

Posts: 2012
Joined: 03 Jun 2021, 00:14

Re: Abiy Ahmed's regime's mothers day gift to Ethiopians: benzene is increasing by 16% & diesel by 22.4%

Post by Educator » 09 May 2022, 09:10

And who was taking away your country? Do you still have it, I mean, have you saved it?
Sam Ebalalehu wrote:
09 May 2022, 06:56
The country comes first , Eden. Buying drones and explosives could not be characterized as wasting money. People use “ benzene” when they have country.

Posts: 9905
Joined: 08 Mar 2014, 16:32

Re: Abiy Ahmed's regime's mothers day gift to Ethiopians: benzene is increasing by 16% & diesel by 22.4%

Post by DefendTheTruth » 09 May 2022, 09:39

Educator wrote:
09 May 2022, 09:10
And who was taking away your country? Do you still have it, I mean, have you saved it?
Sam Ebalalehu wrote:
09 May 2022, 06:56
The country comes first , Eden. Buying drones and explosives could not be characterized as wasting money. People use “ benzene” when they have country.

አንድ አባበል ት ዝ አለኝ፣ ኣወኩ ኣወኩ በላ መፅሃፍ ኣጠበች፣ ይላል አባበሉ።
ኢትዮጵያ ማን እጅ እንደሆነችም ጠፋብህ?

ሰዎቹ ደብረ ብርሃን ደርሶ እኮ ነዉ የተመለሱት፣ እንዴት ይሄ ይጠፋሃል?

Digital Weyane
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Joined: 19 Jun 2019, 21:45

Re: Abiy Ahmed's regime's mothers day gift to Ethiopians: benzene is increasing by 16% & diesel by 22.4%

Post by Digital Weyane » 09 May 2022, 10:16

ባንዳ ወገኖቼ ከተባበሩት መንግሥታት ለጦርነት የሚሰጣቸው ነዳጅ በሺዎች የሚቆጠሩ የተጋሩ ወጣቶችና ህፃናት ታጣቂዎችን ደም ከፍለው ስለሚያገኙት በነፃ ነው የሚያገኙት ማለት አይቻልም። በትግራይ ለአንድ ሊተር ነዳጅ ሃምሳ የሰው ህይወት ኡየከፈልን ነው። ዋይ ዋይ ዋይ ዋይ ዋይ :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

Sam Ebalalehu
Posts: 3639
Joined: 23 Jun 2018, 21:29

Re: Abiy Ahmed's regime's mothers day gift to Ethiopians: benzene is increasing by 16% & diesel by 22.4%

Post by Sam Ebalalehu » 09 May 2022, 10:43

As long as TPLF and OLF are alive, Ethiopians do not feel their country is safe from danger.

Posts: 2012
Joined: 03 Jun 2021, 00:14

Re: Abiy Ahmed's regime's mothers day gift to Ethiopians: benzene is increasing by 16% & diesel by 22.4%

Post by Educator » 09 May 2022, 15:22

If you're talking about Woyanes, then let me remind you that they were invited to Debrebirhan so that they could give a hand to the oromuma in weakening the Amharas. If you disagree with that idea, then at least buy the ድፊት , horus' theory, that the woyanes were purposely led all the way to Debrebirhan with the Gurage theory of ድፊት implemented by the modern day heroic Minilik who you worship and idolize, Mamo Killo.

Not accepting the above two theories is automatically admitting the childish and satanic idol of yours has no brain to lead a great country like Ethiopia.

Anyways, I was assuming foreign powers took Ethiopia away from Sam Ebalalehu that he championed the increase in gas price in order to have his country returned to him..😁
DefendTheTruth wrote:
09 May 2022, 09:39
Educator wrote:
09 May 2022, 09:10
And who was taking away your country? Do you still have it, I mean, have you saved it?
Sam Ebalalehu wrote:
09 May 2022, 06:56
The country comes first , Eden. Buying drones and explosives could not be characterized as wasting money. People use “ benzene” when they have country.

አንድ አባበል ት ዝ አለኝ፣ ኣወኩ ኣወኩ በላ መፅሃፍ ኣጠበች፣ ይላል አባበሉ።
ኢትዮጵያ ማን እጅ እንደሆነችም ጠፋብህ?

ሰዎቹ ደብረ ብርሃን ደርሶ እኮ ነዉ የተመለሱት፣ እንዴት ይሄ ይጠፋሃል?

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Posts: 10186
Joined: 23 Feb 2013, 20:08

Re: Abiy Ahmed's regime's mothers day gift to Ethiopians: benzene is increasing by 16% & diesel by 22.4%

Post by sarcasm » 26 May 2022, 12:28

sarcasm wrote:
09 May 2022, 05:20
TPLF had reserve mechanism to protect Ethiopian oil prices from the international fluctuation of petrol prices. PM Abiy wasted the billions of funds in the reserve to buy drones and explosives from Turkey. Therefore the internal oil prices are exposed to international fluctuation.
PM Abiy's childish reckless refusal to negotiate with Tigray from the beginning of the War in November 2020 until they reach Debre Berhan has costed the country immensely. He wasted billions of reserve mechanism funds on the war. Now he is saying he lost 22% of the country's annual budget on stabilizing petrol price. Imagine if he had negotiated say in November, December or even January, billions of dollars would have been saved and used in productive activities.

የነዳጅ ዋጋን ለማረጋጋት በተደረገው ጥረት መንግስት 124 ቢሊየን ብር ኪሳራ እንደደረሰበት አስታወቀ። 22% of annual national budget of 561 Billion Birr!!

መንግስት የነዳጅ ዋጋን ለማረጋጋት 124 ቢሊየን ብር ኪሳራ እንደደረሰበት አስታወቀ

አዲስ አበባ፣ ግንቦት 18፣ 2014 (ኤፍ ቢ ሲ) የነዳጅ ዋጋን ለማረጋጋት በተደረገው ጥረት በአሁኑ ወቅት መንግስት 124 ቢሊየን ብር ኪሳራ እንደደረሰበት የንግድና ቀጠናዊ ትስስር ሚኒስቴር አስታወቀ።

የንግድና ቀጠናዊ ትስስር ሚኒስቴር ያዘጋጀው የነዳጅ ግብይት ሪፎርም ትግበራ ማስተዋወቂያ መድረክ በሐዋሳ ከተማ በመካሄድ ላይ ነው፡፡
በመድረኩ የንግድ እና ቀጠናዊ ትስስር ሚኒስትር አቶ ገብረመስቀል ጫላ፣ የደቡብ ክልል ርዕሰ መስተዳድር አቶ እርስቱ ይርዳ እንዲሁም የክልሉ ከፍተኛ አመራሮች ተገኝተዋል፡፡

በመድረኩ የንግድና ቀጠናዊ ትስስር ሚኒስቴር በነዳጅ አቅርቦትና ስርጭት ላይ ያሉ ፈተናዎችን የሚዳስስ ሰነድ አቅርቦ ችግሮችን መፍታት በሚቻልባቸው ጉዳዮች ላይ ውይይት እየተደረገ ነው፡፡

የንግድና ቀጠናዊ ትስስር ሚኒስትር አቶ ገብረመስቀል ጫላ በመድረኩ ላይ እንደገለጹት÷ ሪፎርሙ በዘርፉ ያሉ ማነቆዎችን በዘላቂነት ለመፍታት ወሳኝነት አለው።
በተለይ የትግበራ ሂደቱ እንዲሳካና ፍሬያማ እንዲሆን የፖለቲካ አመራሩን ቁርጠኝነት እንደሚጠይቅ ገልጸው፥ ዘርፉ ከሀገሪቱ አጠቃላይ የውጭ ምንዛሪ ግኝት ረገድ ትልቅ ድርሻ እንዳለው ተናግረዋል፡፡

በመሆኑም የግብይት ሥርዓቱን ማዘመን ወቅቱ የሚጠይቀው አንገብጋቢ ጉዳይ እንደሆነም አንስተዋል፡፡
በሚኒስቴሩ የተነደፈው ሪፎርም የግብይት ሥርዓቱን ወደ ዓለም አቀፍ የግብይት ሥርዓት ለመቀየር ታስቦ መዘጋጀቱም ነው የተገለጸው።
መረጃው የደቡብ ሬዲዮና ቴሌቪዥን ድርጅትና የኢዜአ ነው

Ethiopian parliament approves annual budget for 2021/2022 fiscal year

Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-06 01:35:06|Editor: huaxia

ADDIS ABABA, July 5 (Xinhua) -- The Ethiopian parliament on Monday approved a budget of 561.67 billion Ethiopian birr (about 12.9 billion U.S. dollars) for the country's 2021/2022 fiscal year that starts on July 8.

The Ethiopian House of People's Representatives (HoPR), the lower house of the Ethiopian parliament, approved the draft budget that was tabled by the Ethiopian Council of Ministers last month.

Out of the total proposed 561.67 billion Ethiopian birr annual budget, 203.95 billion birr is assigned for regional states' budget, 183.5 billion birr for capital expenditure, 162 billion birr for government spending, while the remaining 12 billion birr is allocated for implementation of sustainable development goals, according to the draft motion presented to the HoPR.

Meanwhile, the Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed on Monday told members of the HoPR that the East African country's export volume registered an 18 percent increase during the just-concluded 2020/2021 Ethiopian fiscal year.

According to Ahmed, resettling thousands of displaced persons, strengthening the country's COVID-19 response efforts, finishing mega development projects, as well as rehabilitating migrant returnees are major current priorities for the Ethiopian government. Enditem ... 044510.htm

Posts: 9905
Joined: 08 Mar 2014, 16:32

Re: Abiy Ahmed's regime's mothers day gift to Ethiopians: benzene is increasing by 16% & diesel by 22.4%

Post by DefendTheTruth » 27 May 2022, 04:59

sarcasm wrote:
26 May 2022, 12:28
sarcasm wrote:
09 May 2022, 05:20
TPLF had reserve mechanism to protect Ethiopian oil prices from the international fluctuation of petrol prices. PM Abiy wasted the billions of funds in the reserve to buy drones and explosives from Turkey. Therefore the internal oil prices are exposed to international fluctuation.
PM Abiy's childish reckless refusal to negotiate with Tigray from the beginning of the War in November 2020 until they reach Debre Berhan has costed the country immensely. He wasted billions of reserve mechanism funds on the war. Now he is saying he lost 22% of the country's annual budget on stabilizing petrol price. Imagine if he had negotiated say in November, December or even January, billions of dollars would have been saved and used in productive activities.

የነዳጅ ዋጋን ለማረጋጋት በተደረገው ጥረት መንግስት 124 ቢሊየን ብር ኪሳራ እንደደረሰበት አስታወቀ። 22% of annual national budget of 561 Billion Birr!!

መንግስት የነዳጅ ዋጋን ለማረጋጋት 124 ቢሊየን ብር ኪሳራ እንደደረሰበት አስታወቀ

አዲስ አበባ፣ ግንቦት 18፣ 2014 (ኤፍ ቢ ሲ) የነዳጅ ዋጋን ለማረጋጋት በተደረገው ጥረት በአሁኑ ወቅት መንግስት 124 ቢሊየን ብር ኪሳራ እንደደረሰበት የንግድና ቀጠናዊ ትስስር ሚኒስቴር አስታወቀ።

የንግድና ቀጠናዊ ትስስር ሚኒስቴር ያዘጋጀው የነዳጅ ግብይት ሪፎርም ትግበራ ማስተዋወቂያ መድረክ በሐዋሳ ከተማ በመካሄድ ላይ ነው፡፡
በመድረኩ የንግድ እና ቀጠናዊ ትስስር ሚኒስትር አቶ ገብረመስቀል ጫላ፣ የደቡብ ክልል ርዕሰ መስተዳድር አቶ እርስቱ ይርዳ እንዲሁም የክልሉ ከፍተኛ አመራሮች ተገኝተዋል፡፡

በመድረኩ የንግድና ቀጠናዊ ትስስር ሚኒስቴር በነዳጅ አቅርቦትና ስርጭት ላይ ያሉ ፈተናዎችን የሚዳስስ ሰነድ አቅርቦ ችግሮችን መፍታት በሚቻልባቸው ጉዳዮች ላይ ውይይት እየተደረገ ነው፡፡

የንግድና ቀጠናዊ ትስስር ሚኒስትር አቶ ገብረመስቀል ጫላ በመድረኩ ላይ እንደገለጹት÷ ሪፎርሙ በዘርፉ ያሉ ማነቆዎችን በዘላቂነት ለመፍታት ወሳኝነት አለው።
በተለይ የትግበራ ሂደቱ እንዲሳካና ፍሬያማ እንዲሆን የፖለቲካ አመራሩን ቁርጠኝነት እንደሚጠይቅ ገልጸው፥ ዘርፉ ከሀገሪቱ አጠቃላይ የውጭ ምንዛሪ ግኝት ረገድ ትልቅ ድርሻ እንዳለው ተናግረዋል፡፡

በመሆኑም የግብይት ሥርዓቱን ማዘመን ወቅቱ የሚጠይቀው አንገብጋቢ ጉዳይ እንደሆነም አንስተዋል፡፡
በሚኒስቴሩ የተነደፈው ሪፎርም የግብይት ሥርዓቱን ወደ ዓለም አቀፍ የግብይት ሥርዓት ለመቀየር ታስቦ መዘጋጀቱም ነው የተገለጸው።
መረጃው የደቡብ ሬዲዮና ቴሌቪዥን ድርጅትና የኢዜአ ነው

Ethiopian parliament approves annual budget for 2021/2022 fiscal year

Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-06 01:35:06|Editor: huaxia

ADDIS ABABA, July 5 (Xinhua) -- The Ethiopian parliament on Monday approved a budget of 561.67 billion Ethiopian birr (about 12.9 billion U.S. dollars) for the country's 2021/2022 fiscal year that starts on July 8.

The Ethiopian House of People's Representatives (HoPR), the lower house of the Ethiopian parliament, approved the draft budget that was tabled by the Ethiopian Council of Ministers last month.

Out of the total proposed 561.67 billion Ethiopian birr annual budget, 203.95 billion birr is assigned for regional states' budget, 183.5 billion birr for capital expenditure, 162 billion birr for government spending, while the remaining 12 billion birr is allocated for implementation of sustainable development goals, according to the draft motion presented to the HoPR.

Meanwhile, the Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed on Monday told members of the HoPR that the East African country's export volume registered an 18 percent increase during the just-concluded 2020/2021 Ethiopian fiscal year.

According to Ahmed, resettling thousands of displaced persons, strengthening the country's COVID-19 response efforts, finishing mega development projects, as well as rehabilitating migrant returnees are major current priorities for the Ethiopian government. Enditem ... 044510.htm
Everything has got a price to pay for. Teaching the nukeheads unforgettable lesson is not an exception.

The ragtags were ranting about their invincibility and their unequaled level of sophistication in the whole of the HoA region before they started the war to dismantle Ethiopia by first attacking the core of the natioanl defense force of the nation, which was built over decades.

Hitting back and make themselves aware of their true size would't have been achieved without incurring the costs we paid for that.

Proof: TPLF will never claim about attacking Ethiopia and its institutions any time soon. Compare this attitude with that of the pre-war ranting of its actors.

How is that supposed to be achieved without any price?

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Re: Abiy Ahmed's regime's mothers day gift to Ethiopians: benzene is increasing by 16% & diesel by 22.4%

Post by sarcasm » 27 May 2022, 08:27

DefendTheTruth wrote:
27 May 2022, 04:59
their invincibility and their unequaled level of sophistication in the whole of the HoA region
If anything, the war has proved the invisibility of Tigray, but that is not the point of this posting. Western countries' pressure to halt TDF's advance to Addis to avoid 'phantom bloodbath', Abiy's agreement to resolve the conflict through negotiations, and Turkey's and UAE's military involvement were the major factors that allowed Abiy's government to stay in Addis. Checkout the comparison in the below video.

The point of this thread is that there was no need to waste billions and billions on military prowess had Abiy agreed to resolve the political conflict politically. He refused to to resolve the problem politically and wasted billions in trying to resolve it militarily. He then failed to resolve it militarily. After wasting billions and billions scare funds, and 100s thousands human life, he is now trying to resolve the conflict through negotiations. That is real crux of the matter .

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Re: Abiy Ahmed's regime's mothers day gift to Ethiopians: benzene is increasing by 16% & diesel by 22.4%

Post by DefendTheTruth » 27 May 2022, 14:07

sarcasm wrote:
27 May 2022, 08:27
DefendTheTruth wrote:
27 May 2022, 04:59
their invincibility and their unequaled level of sophistication in the whole of the HoA region
If anything, the war has proved the invisibility of Tigray, but that is not the point of this posting. Western countries' pressure to halt TDF's advance to Addis to avoid 'phantom bloodbath', Abiy's agreement to resolve the conflict through negotiations, and Turkey's and UAE's military involvement were the major factors that allowed Abiy's government to stay in Addis. Checkout the comparison in the below video.

The point of this thread is that there was no need to waste billions and billions on military prowess had Abiy agreed to resolve the political conflict politically. He refused to to resolve the problem politically and wasted billions in trying to resolve it militarily. He then failed to resolve it militarily. After wasting billions and billions scare funds, and 100s thousands human life, he is now trying to resolve the conflict through negotiations. That is real crux of the matter .

I hate to waste my time replying to somebody openly refusing to admit the simple fact.

Abiy didn't start the war, TPLF did. You can keep claiming otherwise.

Abiy then left Tigray (after subduing the revolt) and offered the Tigreans to go after their businesses and try to uplift their daily lives, TPLF intransigently refused to accept the offer and declared another round of war to advance to the nation's capital and publicly said they will be there in couple of weeks, to topple the government one more time forcefully.

They were just around 200 or so kms away from the capital, they arranged a transitional and provisional government already before hand.

All that remained a thin dust in air and Tigreans are still begging the "international community" to reach for their aid.

Still for you Abiy is the one who sumbitted to the demands of TPLF, ዱቄት!

If Abiy bought war machine from elsewhere, did your TPLF produced its own in their rugged terrain of Tigray?

Where did they get the rocket they fired to the Amhara region and to Eritrea few days after the start of the law-enforcement operation of the ENDF?

ዱቄት ምን ግዜም ዱቄት ሆኖ ይቀራል።

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Re: Abiy Ahmed's regime's mothers day gift to Ethiopians: benzene is increasing by 16% & diesel by 22.4%

Post by Ethoash » 27 May 2022, 16:24

i look this as opportunity Ethiopian must move on to electric car, and biogas car and public transport..

1. electric rickshaw, convert those diesel guzzling rickshaw to electric . they can be done locally.

2. build more city electric train only one line is not going to solve transport and traffic problem

look the video how Hong Kong solve public transportation problem , IN America public transportation only get 10% to 20% income from fair the rest come from the government it is just welfare system but HK make 185% Income from their public transportation how they did it...

let say they have ten stop in one line .. the government allowed them to buy land in every station around 1km will be bought by the public transport authority and develop it ... watch it yourself

3. looooooooooooooooook this taxi queue

why not hire big private taxi bus to pick up people for now and expalined the city train line to solve the problem because train use hydro power instead of imported oil..

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Re: Abiy Ahmed's regime's mothers day gift to Ethiopians: benzene is increasing by 16% & diesel by 22.4%

Post by sarcasm » 28 May 2022, 08:20

DefendTheTruth wrote:
27 May 2022, 14:07

Abiy then left Tigray (after subduing the revolt)
That is not how the Chief of Staff ኤታማጆር understands what happened.

የሶስት መካናዚድ ሰው የት አለ?
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Re: Abiy Ahmed's regime's mothers day gift to Ethiopians: benzene is increasing by 16% & diesel by 22.4%

Post by DefendTheTruth » 28 May 2022, 18:35

sarcasm wrote:
28 May 2022, 08:20
DefendTheTruth wrote:
27 May 2022, 14:07

Abiy then left Tigray (after subduing the revolt)
That is not how the Chief of Staff ኤታማጆር understands what happened.

የሶስት መካናዚድ ሰው የት አለ?
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Keep twisting facts, it may help to keep your defeated spirit afloat for a while.

ከለሸነፋ ታዲያ እነ አባይ ጸሃዬ፣ እነ ስዩም መስፍን፣ and many many more ዬት ቆሞ ኖዉ ማሸነፋቸዉን የምመለከቱት በአሁኑ ሰአት?

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Re: Abiy Ahmed's regime's mothers day gift to Ethiopians: benzene is increasing by 16% & diesel by 22.4%

Post by sarcasm » 28 May 2022, 20:28

DefendTheTruth wrote:
28 May 2022, 18:35
sarcasm wrote:
28 May 2022, 08:20
DefendTheTruth wrote:
27 May 2022, 14:07

Abiy then left Tigray (after subduing the revolt)
That is not how the Chief of Staff ኤታማጆር understands what happened.

የሶስት መካናዚድ ሰው የት አለ?
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Keep twisting facts, it may help to keep your defeated spirit afloat for a while.

ከለሸነፋ ታዲያ እነ አባይ ጸሃዬ፣ እነ ስዩም መስፍን፣ and many many more ዬት ቆሞ ኖዉ ማሸነፋቸዉን የምመለከቱት በአሁኑ ሰአት?
Nobody is twisting anything. You were taking directly. I was quoting you directly. And the general was talking directly. ማሸነፍና መሸነፍ (winning and losing) is looking at the bottom line figure. It is not comparing each and every line. Please google any company's Profit and Loss Statement and look at the bottom line. It will tell you after each and every line is considered, whether the assessment of the company's performance over the year resulted in a profit or a loss.ማሸነፍና መሸነፍ is the bottom line of a Profit and Loss Statement. The general has told you what the bottom line of the Profit and Loss Statement looked like. No one in the whole wide world (including you ) disagrees with him.

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