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Re: Unless the government changes its economic policies and shifts its paradigm ASAP, a popular protest may be inevitabl

Post by Ethoash » 24 May 2022, 11:28

temari wrote:
24 May 2022, 10:44
i give the same solution to this startup problem many time over ... i also give very simple example

let say u have very good song , or u r song writer ,, all u have to do is go to one of music produce and sale your idea or music to one of the music produce and they will spend money on the video clip and other cost and they pay u x amount of money ,, if the music is good they pay you extra this business model was practiced even under Amhara rule. all our biggest artist pass thru this business model..

now what we need is just like music produce we need investors who invest on those idea.. it is very simple u go to the inverter u pitch business idea... if the investor like your idea they invest on you that simple and they get the benefit..

now unlike the music this investment help Ethiopian economy and save foreign currency hence the Ethiopian government must involved and give this investor tax break.. land free. and all kind of incentive including soft loan .. including loan forgiveness...

now what is the next step is business incubator ..... just like industrial park we build shade for our local entrepreneur.... the rent would be free for six month to years until the business pick and run... second the business share other business service ... this means one business doesnt need to own everything for example if they need Metal Laser Cutters not all business should have it if one business have it the other can rent or get the service this way many big machine can be shared between business

for example not everyone have to have this machine ... they get service by paying this way the startup capital will low and the business once grow to support it self then they can buy their own and that is how u start business from zero.

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Re: Unless the government changes its economic policies and shifts its paradigm ASAP, a popular protest may be inevitabl

Post by Abere » 24 May 2022, 12:12

Do not put the cart before the horse. The country need government before, talking of economic development policies. One can't imagine economy without a government unless the talk is about a rudimentary primitive chieftain hunter and gathers society. We are living now in 21st global corporate world where the existence of sustainable government and favorable business environment is essential. It is ridiculous to talk of economic policy and beg it to operate on an Orommuma hardware of the 15th century Kegna kegna concept and lazy sprit of hard work, but under incessant of violence.

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Re: Unless the government changes its economic policies and shifts its paradigm ASAP, a popular protest may be inevitabl

Post by Ethoash » 24 May 2022, 12:25

አቶ አቡዋሯ

ማን ከለከለህ ወልቅ ብለህ ከአንድነቱ መውጣት ትችላለህ። እናንተ እስክምትበስሉ እኛ አረርን እኮ። ከአሁን በኋላ ሁሉም ክልል ለራሱ ነው። አማራ ጦርነት ከፈለገ ጦርነት ያርግ። ሌላው ክልል ግን ወድ ኢኮኖሚው ይመለሳል። አሼ ገዳሜ አማራ አሼ ገዳሜ በሉ እኛ ለዘራፍ ዘራፍ ግዜ የለንም። ዶቦ ሳይኖረን ፣ ፖለቲካ በጥብጠን ልንጠጣው ነው ወይ።

u remind me we don't want foda we want furdom (we don't need food we need freedom translated .. )

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Re: Unless the government changes its economic policies and shifts its paradigm ASAP, a popular protest may be inevitabl

Post by Abere » 24 May 2022, 12:36

የዐመድ ነገር አሳበ- ነገረ ስራህ ዐመድ። :lol:
እንደት ነው አማራ ከሌለ አገር መሆን የምትችለው? ለመሆኑ አንድ ሰው ጭንቅላቱ ጠፍቶ ወይም ልቡ ጠፍቶ በህይወት መኖር ይችላል? አማራ ከሌለ ክልልም አገርም አይኖርም።
Ethoash wrote:
24 May 2022, 12:25
አቶ አቡዋሯ

ማን ከለከለህ ወልቅ ብለህ ከአንድነቱ መውጣት ትችላለህ። እናንተ እስክምትበስሉ እኛ አረርን እኮ። ከአሁን በኋላ ሁሉም ክልል ለራሱ ነው። አማራ ጦርነት ከፈለገ ጦርነት ያርግ። ሌላው ክልል ግን ወድ ኢኮኖሚው ይመለሳል። አሼ ገዳሜ አማራ አሼ ገዳሜ በሉ እኛ ለዘራፍ ዘራፍ ግዜ የለንም። ዶቦ ሳይኖረን ፣ ፖለቲካ በጥብጠን ልንጠጣው ነው ወይ።

u remind me we don't want foda we want furdom (we don't need food we need freedom translated .. )

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Posts: 26144
Joined: 20 Apr 2013, 20:24

Re: Unless the government changes its economic policies and shifts its paradigm ASAP, a popular protest may be inevitabl

Post by Ethoash » 24 May 2022, 12:49

Abere wrote:
24 May 2022, 12:36
የዐመድ ነገር አሳበ- ነገረ ስራህ ዐመድ። :lol:
እንደት ነው አማራ ከሌለ አገር መሆን የምትችለው? ለመሆኑ አንድ ሰው ጭንቅላቱ ጠፍቶ ወይም ልቡ ጠፍቶ በህይወት መኖር ይችላል? አማራ ከሌለ ክልልም አገርም አይኖርም።

አማራ ለኢትዬዽያ ምላስ ነው። ምላሱን ከቆረጥነው እሽ
ጭንቅላትማ ትግሬዎች ናቸው
ጉልበት ደግሞ ኦሮሞ ነው።
ልባሞቹ አደሬዎቹ ናቸው
እጃቻችን ጉራጌ ናቸው
እግራችን (ዘላን) ሱማሌዎች ናቸው
መልካችን ጉምዝና ጋምቤላዎች ናቸው ፕዩር ጥቁር
መሪያችን አብይ ነው
ተከታይ ዶርዜዎች ናቸው

በእወነት ነው የምልህ አንተ እንደምትለው አማራ ጭንቅላትና ልባችን ከሆነ ለምን አገሩን አያሳድግም ምን አገባው ስለኦሮሞና ስለትግሬዎች ለምን ይበጠብጡናል አፋቸውን ዘግተው አገራቸውን ያሳድጉና በተጨባጭባጭ ስናይ በተግባር የዛን ግዜ አፍህን ከፍተን እንድታወራ ይፈቀድልሀል። እስከዚያ ግን ወይ ምላሰህ መቁረጥ ወይ አፍህን በፕላስተር ማሽግ አለብን ። ለፍልፈህ ጦርነት ታስነሳለህ እኮ። ያንን የኔታን ለፍላፊ ቶሽመን ተመልከት እስቲ አንድ ስራተኛ አማራ አለን ወይ ።

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