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Nice to see Ethiopian YouTubers exploring the world

Posted: 24 Apr 2022, 15:20
by temari
Refreshing to see Ethiopian YouTubers visit other countries other than Dubai. Everybody was going to Dubai which made Dubai videos somehow boring.

Re: Nice to see Ethiopian YouTubers exploring the world

Posted: 24 Apr 2022, 15:29
by temari
Mama Africa.

Re: Nice to see Ethiopian YouTubers exploring the world

Posted: 24 Apr 2022, 18:35
by temari
የፖላንድ ክትፎ (Steak tartare) :lol:

German bureaucracy pisses her off :lol:

Re: Nice to see Ethiopian YouTubers exploring the world

Posted: 24 May 2022, 15:52
by temari

Re: Nice to see Ethiopian YouTubers exploring the world

Posted: 25 May 2022, 20:10
by Ethoash
ይህ አቤል በጣም ነው የምወደው ብቻውን የሚስራው ቪዲዬ ። እኔ ያ ሐደሬ ነቢል የሚሉት ጉድ ምኑም አያምረኝም ግን ብዙ ወጣቶች ይወዱታል። ስለዚህ ነቢል የራሱን ቪድዬ እራሱ ይስራ ይህ አቤል የሚሉት ግን በዚህ በወጣትነቱ ረጋ ያለ ነገር ነው። ደግሞ ሀብቱ ሁሉ ነገሩ ያምርበታል።

እኔ ይህ ልጅ የራሱ ተቪ ተስጥቶት በኢትዬዽያ ቲቪ ቢታይ ስለአፍሪካ አገር ብዙ ያስተምራል ባይ ነኝ። የፈለገው ስው ይቅና የራሱ ፋንታ እኔ ወይም ብዙዎቻችን ያማናስበውን ቦታ ነው የሚያሳየን ። ለምሳሌ ከወደድኩለት ቦታ አፍሪካን ያሳየን ናይጄሪያን፣ ታንዛኒያንን፣ ከአገር ውስጥ ደግሞ ዳሎልን። እንደው በእንግሊዘኛ ቢሆን በጣም ጥሩ ነበር አንድ ሴት እንግሊዘኛ የምትችል ደግሞ ጥሩ የመናገር ችሎታ ያላትን ይዞ ቢጎዝ ጥሩ ነው። ባይ ነኝ በተረፈ ። ይህ ልጅ በዚህ ስራው ሲቆይ በጣም ጥራት ያለው ስራ እንደሚስራ እተማመናለሁ። አሁን የሚያሳያቸው ቦታዎች ሁሉ ለመዝናኛ የሚመቹ ቦታዎች ናቸው ግን ወደፊት እድሜዎ ሲገፋ ለቢዝነስ የሚመቹ ቦታዎችን ማሳየት ይጀምራል።

ለምሳሌ ማይ የሚባለው ዩቱበር ስለ ኢትዬዽያ ኤርላይንስ ስለ አየር መንገዱ ሆቴል እና ብዙ የጋና ቢዝነስ ስዎችን ያስተዋውቃል ።። ለምሳሌ አንድ ባለሀብታም ከፕላስቲክ ቤት ስራሁ ያለ አለ እሱን ሄዶ አሳይቶዋል ። እነዚህ ያሉ ቢዝነሶች በጣም ቀላል ይመስላሉ ግን ኢትዬዽያ ማደግ ከፈለገች ይህንን አይነት ቢዝነስ በየቦታው እየሄድን መጎበኘትና መየት አለብን።

መችም ሁላችንም መሄድ አንችልም ስለዚህ አንዳችንን ልከን በቪድዬ አገር እንዲያስተዋወቅን ማረግ አለብን አሜሪካኖችም የሚያረጉት ይህንን ነው ጥቂት ስዎችን ልከው ስለአለም ያስተምሩዋቸዋል የጂኦግራፊን ቻናልን ብናይ ለምሳሌ ሁለ ስለ ታንዛን ያ እና ኬን ያ አንበሶችና እንስ ሶች ያሳያሉ ግን አንድና ሁለት አሜሪካኖች ናቸው የሚቀርፁት ግን በሶስት ሚሊዬን ሕዝብ ያያል ። እነዚህ ፎቶግራፎ አንሺዎችንም ሚሊየኖሮች ያረጋል።

እኔ ለምሳሌ ሁለ እንዴት ነው ሽኮላት የማንስራው ስለ ኮካ የሚበቅለው አፍሪካ ውስጥ ነው። ስለዚህ አንድ ስው ሄዶ ስለኮካዎ ቢዘግብ፣ ሌላው ደግሞ ፓልም ትክል ነው አፍሪካ ውስጥ ነው መጀመሪያ የበቀለው ግን ። ኢስት ኤሽያኖች ትክሉን ወስደው አባዙት ። ግን ትክሉ ወንድና ሴት ስለነበረው በመቶ ሺህ ስዎች ነበር የሚያራቡት ። ይህም ፓልም ዘይትን በጣም ወድ ያረገው ነበር። ታድያ እንደገና እነዚህ ኤሽያኖች Indonesia went back to Africa to study the palm tree and find out there is insect that insect pollinate the palm tree .so they took back this insect and they don't need 100,000 employees to pollinate the palm tree hence the palm tree oil become so cheap they flooded the market ... so ask yourself why not we plant our own palm tree if it is originated from Africa so to study this we have to send this guy or guy like him to head hunt for business opportunity

Re: Nice to see Ethiopian YouTubers exploring the world

Posted: 26 May 2022, 15:59
by ethiopianunity
The fools Ethiopians, Turkish is there to spy. There is already sleeping cell in Ethiopia, Egypt,cTurkis allowed to roam in Ethiopia as they wish while Wellait is being threatened, Wellait as the 3rdvclasd citizen in Ethiopia. He asked the Turkish guy name, how does he know he is not Egyptian? Anyway he lied and told his name Mohammed, but when the Set guy asked his name he told him Mohammed. On his Facebook, it is another name.

Re: Nice to see Ethiopian YouTubers exploring the world

Posted: 29 May 2022, 16:50
by temari

Re: Nice to see Ethiopian YouTubers exploring the world

Posted: 01 Aug 2022, 12:13
by temari

Re: Nice to see Ethiopian YouTubers exploring the world

Posted: 08 Aug 2022, 14:41
by temari

Re: Nice to see Ethiopian YouTubers exploring the world

Posted: 08 Aug 2022, 15:49
by Ethoash
when i see those young YouTubers and young entrepreneur i say thanks to TPLF government , because for the last 30 Amhara colonization the golden never started war hence the young had a breathing room to be anything they want .. under Derg the youth have only one oppournity to run to Sudan, Somalia and Kenya to be refugee and sent to America to slave away their life as taxi drivers and parking lot attendance only 1% make it out of all Ethiopian diaspora ...

now when it come to Dr. Abiy to make me cry when i see those young people brainwashed to join the army instead of building their personal wealth ..
under TPLF u organized the village to do public work such as planting tree and grass to protect the land from erosion, today under the good doctor the kids sacrifice their life to die for his power

anyhow in nature everything govern by time

for example women have limited by the child bearing age... yes u can have child from 12 years up to 51 years old but those age are not your peak if u have child at older age u will have problem child , i am not saying 100% but the chance of having problematic child is increased if u r too young u might harm yourself to hence the peak age is 25 up to 35 years old

man also have his peak end at age 45 or 55 years old after 40 you r too late to have children

the same way to work and to achieve u have limited time at your peak u must start working at age 19 years old and your working age end when u r 55 years old yea there are always exceptional but majority of us after 55 years we start slowing down hence ... all health problem started at 55 years old etc hence if we have to take risk we have to do it while we r young so when i say youth at age of 23 years and 35 years doing something i really make me happy because i know Ethiopia is in the right track when i see our youth succeed especially take a risk and take action not only talk but take action

Re: Nice to see Ethiopian YouTubers exploring the world

Posted: 25 Oct 2022, 15:59
by temari

Re: Nice to see Ethiopian YouTubers exploring the world

Posted: 15 Nov 2022, 15:51
by temari

Re: Nice to see Ethiopian YouTubers exploring the world

Posted: 24 Nov 2022, 17:47
by temari

Re: Nice to see Ethiopian YouTubers exploring the world

Posted: 13 Jan 2023, 11:15
by temari
I like especially those who explore Africa.