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Hermela @ Industrial Park

Posted: 22 Jan 2022, 02:08
by Horus

Re: Hermela @ Industrial Park

Posted: 22 Jan 2022, 02:25
by Axumezana
Did she know the industry bark is the brain child of TPLF/EPRDF?

Re: Hermela @ Industrial Park

Posted: 22 Jan 2022, 02:35
by Horus
Axumezana wrote:
22 Jan 2022, 02:25
Did she know the industry bark is the brain child of TPLF/EPRDF?
Accept that you have no brain in your skull! Hermela knows you very well and you need to lift your hands off the people of Tigray! You are exposed and she will expose you more. Tigray does not feed itself let alone industrialize! Look at yourself, fake and phony! All day long you beg for expired America wheat and you have the audacity to talk about industry! You first learn to stop looting, stealing, raping and killing - you are the shame of humanity ! የሚሉሽ ባልሰማሽ ገበያ ባልወጣሽ!!!

Re: Hermela @ Industrial Park

Posted: 22 Jan 2022, 05:11
by Digital Weyane
ኡኛ አገር ወዳድ ተጋሩ ሄርሜላ ያደረገችውን ጉብኝት ስናይ አውነ አረጋዊ ፀሓይ ከሃያ ሰባት አመታት ስደት በኋላ ዎደ ሚወዳት አገሩ በሰላም ኡንደገባ አድርገን ነው የምንቆጥረው። :roll: :roll:

Re: Hermela @ Industrial Park

Posted: 22 Jan 2022, 08:31
by Selam/
The clueless TPLF that was reduced from state terror to bandits? :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Axumezana wrote:
22 Jan 2022, 02:25
Did she know the industry bark is the brain child of TPLF/EPRDF?

Re: Hermela @ Industrial Park

Posted: 22 Jan 2022, 09:18
by sarcasm
Axumezana wrote:
22 Jan 2022, 02:25
Did she know the industry bark is the brain child of TPLF/EPRDF?
Let alone the enterprise of industrial parks in every corner of the country, the Neguse Negest system that lasted for 1500 years is also the brainchild of the Tigrayans.

Re: Hermela @ Industrial Park

Posted: 22 Jan 2022, 10:08
by Cigar
Axmum-amenzra, you need to respect your filthy agame lady. She is working hard to save your funfunat agame tribe.

Re: Hermela @ Industrial Park

Posted: 22 Jan 2022, 10:08
by Cigar
Axum-amenzra, you need to respect your filthy agame lady. She is working hard to save your funfunat agame tribe.

Re: Hermela @ Industrial Park

Posted: 22 Jan 2022, 11:52
by Halay Anseba
እቶ ሆረስ (ፈረስ/ኣጋስስ)
የጉራጌ ሃቀኛ አንዲሁም ቄስና ጀግና የለውም የሚባለው ለካ አውነት ነው። አንተ [deleted] ልክ አንደ ኣለቃህ ኣድርባዩና ፈሪ ቅዘናሙ ሱሪው ላይ በፍርሃት የቀዘነው ብርሃኑ (ብርኣምጡ) ነጋ ኣንጎልህ ከበታችነት ስሜት ብሚመነጭ ጥላቻ የታወረ ስለሆነ የትግራይን ህዝብ ብትዘልፍ ኣይገርመኝም። የትግራይ ህዝብ ተራራ ቆፍሮ በረሃ ነክ መሬትን ወደ ኣረንጓዴነት የሚቀይር ታታሪና ጀግና ህዝብ ነው። ለዚህም ከጥቂት ኣመታት በፊት ከኣለም የተለያዩ ኣገሮች የተፈጥሮ ኣካባቢን በመቀየር በሚል ተወዳድረው ትግራይ ኣንደኛ በመውጣት ተሸልማለጭ። የትግራይ ህዝብ አንዳንተ ዘመዶች በባርነት ለክፍለ ዘመናት ሲሽጥ የኖረና ባርነትን ኣሜን ብሎ የሚቀበል ህዝብ ኣይደለም። የመስራት ነጻነት ሲያገኝ ምን መስራት አንደሚችል ለኣለም ህዝብ ኣሳይቷል በሃያ ሰባት ኣመታት የኢሃዲግ ዘመን። ኣገዛዞች በፈጠሩት ማነቆ ሆን ብሎ በረሃብ አንዲያልቅ ኣሁንም ጭምር አየተሰራ አንደሆነ ግን ኣይካድም።የትግራይ ህዝብ በአንዳንተ ኣይነቱ በማንነት ቀውስ የሚሰቃይና በጌታው ብልት የሚፎክር ስልብ ጃንደረባ የሚነሳ ኣይደለም።
Horus wrote:
22 Jan 2022, 02:35
Axumezana wrote:
22 Jan 2022, 02:25
Did she know the industry bark is the brain child of TPLF/EPRDF?
Accept that you have no brain in your skull! Hermela knows you very well and you need to lift your hands off the people of Tigray! You are exposed and she will expose you more. Tigray does not feed itself let alone industrialize! Look at yourself, fake and phony! All day long you beg for expired America wheat and you have the audacity to talk about industry! You first learn to stop looting, stealing, raping and killing - you are the shame of humanity ! የሚሉሽ ባልሰማሽ ገበያ ባልወጣሽ!!!

Re: Hermela @ Industrial Park

Posted: 22 Jan 2022, 14:11
by Selam/
I don’t dispute the greatness of Tigray. But you little skunks, called TPLFites reduced the region to the most famine-stricken & food-aid dependent place on earth filled with a bunch faithless, cruel, vengeful & murderous people. Prove me wrong. KIFU!
sarcasm wrote:
22 Jan 2022, 09:18
Axumezana wrote:
22 Jan 2022, 02:25
Did she know the industry bark is the brain child of TPLF/EPRDF?
Let alone the enterprise of industrial parks in every corner of the country, the Neguse Negest system that lasted for 1500 years is also the brainchild of the Tigrayans.

Re: Hermela @ Industrial Park

Posted: 23 Jan 2022, 01:09
by Horus
Halay Anseba wrote:
22 Jan 2022, 11:52
እቶ ሆረስ (ፈረስ/ኣጋስስ)
የጉራጌ ሃቀኛ አንዲሁም ቄስና ጀግና የለውም የሚባለው ለካ አውነት ነው። አንተ [deleted] ልክ አንደ ኣለቃህ ኣድርባዩና ፈሪ ቅዘናሙ ሱሪው ላይ በፍርሃት የቀዘነው ብርሃኑ (ብርኣምጡ) ነጋ ኣንጎልህ ከበታችነት ስሜት ብሚመነጭ ጥላቻ የታወረ ስለሆነ የትግራይን ህዝብ ብትዘልፍ ኣይገርመኝም። የትግራይ ህዝብ ተራራ ቆፍሮ በረሃ ነክ መሬትን ወደ ኣረንጓዴነት የሚቀይር ታታሪና ጀግና ህዝብ ነው። ለዚህም ከጥቂት ኣመታት በፊት ከኣለም የተለያዩ ኣገሮች የተፈጥሮ ኣካባቢን በመቀየር በሚል ተወዳድረው ትግራይ ኣንደኛ በመውጣት ተሸልማለጭ። የትግራይ ህዝብ አንዳንተ ዘመዶች በባርነት ለክፍለ ዘመናት ሲሽጥ የኖረና ባርነትን ኣሜን ብሎ የሚl
Accept that you have no brain in your skull! Hermela knows you very well and you need to lift your hands off the people of Tigray! You are exposed and she will expose you more. Tigray does not feed itself let alone industrialize! Look at yourself, fake and phony! All day long you beg for expired America wheat and you have the audacity to talk about industry! You first learn to stop looting, stealing, raping and killing - you are the shame of humanity ! የሚሉሽ ባልሰማሽ ገበያ ባልወጣሽ!!!

Halay Anseba,

አንተ ቆርፋዳ ለቁማጽ በየቀኑ የምትሰራው ባህሪ ከቆሻሻ አፍህ የተሻለ ምስክር ነው ። አንተ የኢትዮጵያ ካንሰር፣ መነኩሴ ደፋሪ፣ የወተት ላም በብረት ተኩሰው የምትገድል አራዊት አኒማል ! የትግሬ ደሃን ተወው፣ አንተ እግዚአብሄርን ሳይሆን የትግሬ ባንዳን እንደ ታቦት የምታመልክ ታሪክህ ሁሉ በአመጽና በርሃብ የተጻፈ ሂድና ለማያውቁህ ታጠን!!! ሰርተህ የምትበላ ከሆነ ለምንድን ነው የአለም ቅኝ ገኞች ቂጥ እየላስክ ለሰበሰ ስንዴ የምታጎበድደው ? ለማኝ ሽፍታ ያልኩ እኔ አይደለሁም! አለቃህ ሀርማን ኮሀን ምን እንዳለ ተጋተው!!! የሚሉሽ ባልሰማሽ ገበያ ባልወጣሽ!!!