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Noble Amhara
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Joined: 02 Feb 2020, 13:00
Location: Abysinnia Highlands

Amhara Greatest Inside Enemy

Post by Noble Amhara » 20 Jan 2022, 09:40


First they constantly advocate for amharas to live in hellhole terrorist bound geday midir welega they always justify Amhara civilians living in devil land.

Any time there is a porposal for amhara civilians to leave hellhole welega these dedeb Ethiopianists start complaining

Ethiopianists never want amhara genocide to end!!

They keep begging and acting as IF Galla Shiemeles Abdisa can ever stop terrorism!! Galla Shimeles Abdisa is Shane! And if Amhara Ethiopianists arw dumb enough to help blood suckkng shane how much dangerous are Oromo Ethiopianists!!!

Ethiopianists are as dangerous as Oneg Shane both of them don’t care about innocent Amhara Peoples Blood Falling!! They always endanger as many Amharas as possible!

Ethiopianists must be destroyed!

Amharas must be seperated from Bloody Oromia!