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Joined: 18 Jul 2019, 20:52

ሳያቃጥል በቅጠል - ትኩረት በራያ ግንባር በኩል ይደረግ። የመንግሥት ቸልተኛነት ሂሳብ ያስከፍላል።የራያፋኖ ግንባርን በአስቸኳይ በከባድ መሳርያ ይታገዝ።

Post by Abere » 06 Dec 2021, 12:07

ሳያቃጥል በቅጠል - ትኩረት በራያ ግንባር በኩል ይደረግ። የመንግሥት ቸልተኛነት ሂሳብ ያስከፍላል።የራያፋኖ ግንባርን በአስቸኳይ በከባድ መሳርያ ይታገዝ።
TPLF is making fortifying there after having kicked out from the remaining parts of Amhara and Afar. The indifference not taking immediate action will give TPLF time to take base there and cause its usual destruction. The governments should not be ignoring the people of Raya and let them to be battle ground of TPLF.