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Time to get back our sea ports and Midri Bahri!

Posted: 02 Dec 2021, 11:21
by Axumezana
Isaias made Ethiopia land locked 30 years ago, time to bring it back. Ascari slaves have already demonstrated to us that they cannot survive with out Ethiopia!

Re: Time to get back our sea ports and Midri Bahri!

Posted: 02 Dec 2021, 11:33
by lil kogne
Axume-Amenzra, Why now all of a sudden you are more Ethiopian than anyone else, More catholic than the pope himself ? It seems that you are accepting your fate of becoming second class citizen. Wey Nay Agame neger. I can not wait the next 2 to 3 weeks what your stinking Agame As'ses will be singing. Wedi Chigray cursed land qomal Agame. You have no say in what Midri bahri, Ethiopia and sea ports. You are going back to square 1 starting as house maids, shoe shiners, cart pushers , prostitutes and beggars but, this time no one , i said no one will trust your Resahat Aliet forever !!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: Time to get back our sea ports and Midri Bahri!

Posted: 02 Dec 2021, 11:34
by Fiyameta

Re: Time to get back our sea ports and Midri Bahri!

Posted: 02 Dec 2021, 11:42
by tarik

:lol: :mrgreen:

Re: Time to get back our sea ports and Midri Bahri!

Posted: 02 Dec 2021, 11:52
by Axumezana
I was born as Ethiopian, have lived as Ethiopian and die as Ethiopian!
Ascari mercinary slaves are opprtunist and never to be trusted except to be used for the money that are paid for!

Re: Time to get back our sea ports and Midri Bahri!

Posted: 03 Dec 2021, 09:31
by Meleket
ኢትዮጵያዊነት ሌላ “የእንግዴ ልጅነት ኢትዮጵያዊነት” ሌላ፡ :lol:

ድፍን ያማራ ክልልን የጠላት ክልል ብለህ ፈርጀህ፣ ጄግና ከትግራይ ብቻ ነው የሚበቅል ብለህ በማሰብ እጅግ ጠበህ፣ ታላቋንና ኣዲሲቱን ‘ዘመናዊት’ ኢትዮጵያን ኣዅሱም ላይ ሆነህ ለማስተዳደር እጅግ እየቋመጥክ፡ ኣማራንና ኣሮሞን ሌሎች ብሄረሰቦችንም እርስበርስ ለማናቆር ተንኮል እያለምክም “ኢትዮጵያዊ” ነኝ ስትል ትንሽ ኤርትራዉያን ጐረቤቶቸ ይታዘቡኛል ኣትልም?! :mrgreen:

ያንተ ኢትዮጵያዊነት “የእንግዴ ልጅነት ኢትዮጵያዊነት” እንደሚባል ነግረንህ ነበር፡በላቦራቶሪ የምርምር ውጤታችንም ይህን እንደሚመስል viewtopic.php?f=2&t=280257&p=1247057#p1247057 ነግረንህ ነበር እንደ ነፈዞቹ ምጣድ አትሰማም እንጂ እዚህ ላይም viewtopic.php?f=2&t=280152&p=1247294#p1247294 መክረንህ ነበር።
Axumezana wrote:
02 Dec 2021, 11:52
I was born as Ethiopian, have lived as Ethiopian and die as Ethiopian! . . .