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ገቡ! ገቡ! መቀሌ ገቡ!! ማን ይሆን ለትግራይ ክፍለ ሀገር አስተዳዳሪ ሁኖ የሚሾመው? እባካችሁ ገለልተኛ ሰው ወይም ወታደራ መሪ ይሾም።

Post by Abere » 01 Dec 2021, 10:26

ገቡ! ገቡ! መቀሌ ገቡ!! ማን ይሆን ለትግራይ ክፍለ ሀገር አስተዳዳሪ ሁኖ የሚሾመው? እባካችሁ ገለልተኛ ሰው ወይም ወታደራ መሪ ይሾም።

Please do not make the interim-Tigray administrator from ብልጥግና or any party so that people will not be taken hostages to party allegiance in the crucial time of reconstruction and rehabilitation. Moving forward, the entire country has to come out with something Crucial after this war - that its, ethnic based parties are not the way forward. These kind of tribe based party will take the country more back to stone age , additional loss of lives of our brothers and sisters in the future, because tribal party is not a political philosophy or ideology with a common denominator of all humanity. The future needs us sober analysis and calmness of undoing all the mess TPLF has left behind. Two of the country's important provinces of Tigray and Wollo , including Afar are totally ravaged, after this war we should seize the victory momentum to rebuild and raise from the ashes.

Posts: 9899
Joined: 08 Mar 2014, 16:32

Re: ገቡ! ገቡ! መቀሌ ገቡ!! ማን ይሆን ለትግራይ ክፍለ ሀገር አስተዳዳሪ ሁኖ የሚሾመው? እባካችሁ ገለልተኛ ሰው ወይም ወታደራ መሪ ይሾም።

Post by DefendTheTruth » 01 Dec 2021, 11:16

Abere wrote:
01 Dec 2021, 10:26
ገቡ! ገቡ! መቀሌ ገቡ!! ማን ይሆን ለትግራይ ክፍለ ሀገር አስተዳዳሪ ሁኖ የሚሾመው? እባካችሁ ገለልተኛ ሰው ወይም ወታደራ መሪ ይሾም።

Please do not make the interim-Tigray administrator from ብልጥግና or any party so that people will not be taken hostages to party allegiance in the crucial time of reconstruction and rehabilitation. Moving forward, the entire country has to come out with something Crucial after this war - that its, ethnic based parties are not the way forward. These kind of tribe based party will take the country more back to stone age , additional loss of lives of our brothers and sisters in the future, because tribal party is not a political philosophy or ideology with a common denominator of all humanity. The future needs us sober analysis and calmness of undoing all the mess TPLF has left behind. Two of the country's important provinces of Tigray and Wollo , including Afar are totally ravaged, after this war we should seize the victory momentum to rebuild and raise from the ashes.
Well, this victory and all the recent developments in the country towards a better future, in many different sectors, including the diplomatic breakthrough at the UNSC Meeting over GERD, the revolutionization of the Ethiopian Agriculture, this second round of routing out TPLF from the face of the earth and many more, were all achieved under the leadership and tenure of the same "tribe based party", isn't it?

Your own party, which you didn't make any secret on this former about your allegiance to it, is also a "tribe based party" isn't it?

Cool down, there are many other more pressing issues that the country needs to tackle before taking on (assuming it will take on) the problem of "tribe based party".

Posts: 7935
Joined: 08 Jun 2018, 12:42

Re: ገቡ! ገቡ! መቀሌ ገቡ!! ማን ይሆን ለትግራይ ክፍለ ሀገር አስተዳዳሪ ሁኖ የሚሾመው? እባካችሁ ገለልተኛ ሰው ወይም ወታደራ መሪ ይሾም።

Post by euroland » 01 Dec 2021, 12:12

I would recommend these two:

1. Zemene Kasse, the leader of Fano
2. Shaleqa Mesafint, another Fano leader in Goder

These two are perfect future administrators of Chigray!

Abere wrote:
01 Dec 2021, 10:26
ገቡ! ገቡ! መቀሌ ገቡ!! ማን ይሆን ለትግራይ ክፍለ ሀገር አስተዳዳሪ ሁኖ የሚሾመው? እባካችሁ ገለልተኛ ሰው ወይም ወታደራ መሪ ይሾም።

Please do not make the interim-Tigray administrator from ብልጥግና or any party so that people will not be taken hostages to party allegiance in the crucial time of reconstruction and rehabilitation. Moving forward, the entire country has to come out with something Crucial after this war - that its, ethnic based parties are not the way forward. These kind of tribe based party will take the country more back to stone age , additional loss of lives of our brothers and sisters in the future, because tribal party is not a political philosophy or ideology with a common denominator of all humanity. The future needs us sober analysis and calmness of undoing all the mess TPLF has left behind. Two of the country's important provinces of Tigray and Wollo , including Afar are totally ravaged, after this war we should seize the victory momentum to rebuild and raise from the ashes.

Posts: 7274
Joined: 07 Jun 2012, 05:03

Re: ገቡ! ገቡ! መቀሌ ገቡ!! ማን ይሆን ለትግራይ ክፍለ ሀገር አስተዳዳሪ ሁኖ የሚሾመው? እባካችሁ ገለልተኛ ሰው ወይም ወታደራ መሪ ይሾም።

Post by Hawzen » 01 Dec 2021, 19:36

euroland wrote:
01 Dec 2021, 12:12
I would recommend these two:

1. Zemene Kasse, the leader of Fano
2. Shaleqa Mesafint, another Fano leader in Goder

These two are perfect future administrators of Chigray!
Outstanding idea indeed!!!!

Dedebit is always dedeb
R.I.P Abay Tigray and TPLF terrorist group

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Posts: 11100
Joined: 18 Jul 2019, 20:52

Re: ገቡ! ገቡ! መቀሌ ገቡ!! ማን ይሆን ለትግራይ ክፍለ ሀገር አስተዳዳሪ ሁኖ የሚሾመው? እባካችሁ ገለልተኛ ሰው ወይም ወታደራ መሪ ይሾም።

Post by Abere » 02 Dec 2021, 09:59

The reason why ገለልተኛ ሰው ወይም ወታደራ መሪ ይሾም ለትግራይ ያልኩበት:-

በትግራይ ህዝብ እና ፓርቲ አንድ ሁነው ለ30 ዓመታት ኑረዋል። የትግራይ ህዝብ እንደ ህዝብ ሳይሆን እንደ ፓርቲ ነው ብዙዎችችን የምናውቀው። የሚያሳዝነው ደግሞ የርዕዮተ-ዓለም ፓርቲ ሳይሆን የጎሳ ፓርቲ ነበር። ርዕዮተ-ዓለም ይሻሻላል፣ ይቀየራል - በአመለካከት ኣድማስ ስፋት። የጎሳ ፓርቲ ሲሞት ግን ጎሳውም አብሮ የሙጥኝ ብሎ ይሞታል - በዐይናችን የሞተውን የትግራይ ወጣት ብዛት አይተናል። ወያኔ ማለት ትግሬ ነው : ትግሬ ማለት ወያኔ ነው የሚለውን አይተናል። ስለዚህ በአገራችን በሁሉም ክፍል ህዝብ እንደ ህዝብ ግለሰብም እንደ ግለሰብ ካልታዬ ህዝብ እና የጎሳ ፓርቲ አንድ ከሆኑ ዛሬ በትግራይ ያየነው ነገ በሌሎች ላይ ይደርሳል። አንዳንድ ዋልታ ረገጥ እና ከጎሳ በረት ያልወጡ ጭንቀታቸው የሞተው ወያኔ በሰራላቸው ወጥመድ ተጠምደው ህዝብ ፈተና ላይ መጣል ገና ይፈልጋሉ። ኣሁን ከወያኔ ወድቀት መማር አለብን። የትግራይ ህዝብም ሆነ የድፍን ኢትዮዽያ የወደፊት አቅጣጫ ኢ-መደበኛ በሆነ የጎሳ የፓለቲካ አስተሳሰብ መመራት የለበትም። Ethnic based political system is a weapon of exploitations and destruction of the wellbeing of a country. It is bizarre and anomalous to the governance of human society. Thus, we should open ourselves to embrace positive changes moving forward. We should be better than TPLF.

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